Like Amnesty Reagan?
In 1986 3 million illegals got amnesty

today estimates run as high as 30 million illegals roaming the US

And the washington establishment led by bleeding heart liberals dies not want to deport any of them

you think your scheme of denying them jobs is the answer

but what will you do if they refuse to leave?

liberals will scream that we are starving little children

I know we cant deport them all

but if we dont remove at least 75% and build a wall America will be swamped in future years by 10s of millions more

Reagan gave the green light to illegals.

At the turn of the page into 1990 give or take a coup,e of years, we got our very first Guatemalan Illegals in Brewster, NY.

Now Brewster, NY is about 70% Guatemalan.

Reagan simply gave the wrong message, and got the Illegal Alien ball rolling.
Reagan signed the compromise presented to him by congress

but he was not around afterward to ensure that the amnesty crowd fulfill their promise to the American people to end the alien invasion

So, HW Bush fulfilled the promise of Reagan to flood America with Illegal Latinos?
Do you prefer to live in the past or the present

HW Bush is dead

Reagan both sucked & blew.

In 1986 3 million illegals got amnesty

today estimates run as high as 30 million illegals roaming the US

And the washington establishment led by bleeding heart liberals dies not want to deport any of them

you think your scheme of denying them jobs is the answer

but what will you do if they refuse to leave?

liberals will scream that we are starving little children

I know we cant deport them all

but if we dont remove at least 75% and build a wall America will be swamped in future years by 10s of millions more

Reagan gave the green light to illegals.

At the turn of the page into 1990 give or take a coup,e of years, we got our very first Guatemalan Illegals in Brewster, NY.

Now Brewster, NY is about 70% Guatemalan.

Reagan simply gave the wrong message, and got the Illegal Alien ball rolling.
Reagan signed the compromise presented to him by congress

but he was not around afterward to ensure that the amnesty crowd fulfill their promise to the American people to end the alien invasion

So, HW Bush fulfilled the promise of Reagan to flood America with Illegal Latinos?
Do you prefer to live in the past or the present

HW Bush is dead

Reagan both sucked & blew.

I am trying to have a civil conversation with you about current events

but you seem fixated on the past
I think a bounty on the heads of any illegal would work, and give a grand prize to anyone who brings the most illegals to ICE.....Maybe even promote the person to head the FBI since it was so tarnished by the asshole liberal James(Dickhead) Comey.

Is the bounty higher for them dead or alive?
That depends, if they are illegals that have committed serious crimes like murder, rape or child molestation, dead is okay for me.
Walls are walls. People still got out, people will still get in.

Invalid argument.
The Berlin wall was built to keep people INSIDE it's boundaries and was strictly enforced with threat of death. Have you no education?
FEW got out of the Berlin wall. Same with North Korea.
NO ONE was or is invading either of those places seeking asylum (or more truthfully, an easy life) as they are by the millions flocking TO America.
So your first point is moot, ill advised and based on ignorance of history.

They still got out. Walls are not the way to go.

In the meantime communities are cut off, trade is disrupted, natural migrations cut off.

SMALL price to pay to defend ones nation against an invasion. STOP the invasion (and stop your party from encouraging it), and no wall would be needed. SIMPLE.

It doesn't work. Walls don't work. Don't you get that yet? They are expensive, disruptive, and ultimately don't do the job. They are a "feel good" solution for you xenophobics. We have high tech solutions that are more cost effective, don't require the seizing of private land, disrupt legitimate border trade and towns, and don't disrupt animal migrations.

Unlike you, I'm proud of America and her accomplishments.

That is a debatable opinion.

There are areas where a fence or wall is affective. There are areas where it is not. Meanwhile private property is being seized.

It's "effective"....not "affective". The building of the wall is not an emotional response. Claiming it's bad IS.
Again, you have no issue with government strong arming The People if it supports your Statist agendas, but are vehemently opposed when it protects the nation. Interesting.

A wall absolutely is an emotional response given the wide range of more effective tools we have at our means. It's a feel good sop to your xenophobic fears.
The President needs to use his Emergency Powers & Declare a National Emergency and Declare an Imminent Threat to our Elections and Democracy and do a Mass Deportation of about 20 Million Illegals in the next 6 Months.

He just got another $1.4 Billion for The Wall, but a Wall is not enough. It’s time to move all illegals out of this great nation!

Sanctuary Cities are Illegal, so we can lawfully go after them, Subpoena motor voter registrations and Welfare and Public Assistance Records, & Employer Payroll Tax Records and use that plus data from The Census to locate everyone and boot them out.

A 1 Million man strong deportation force could get the job done in about 6 months! Get this done Mr. President!


Million man army to round up illegals eh? Could work. He might sell the idea if he includes private enterprise, letting out contracts for bid on enforcement laabor to private contractors, like government has done for prisons. Everybody loves private prisons, right? Just think. If they over reach or were overly brutal in rounding them up, he could disavow responsibility with a wink and check. He might sell it to the Democrats, by some reverse discrimination, favoring hiring legal Hispanic people to round up the illegal Hispanic people for money. Don't worry it would not effect their immigration status, just like his administration has deported alien veterans of our military service who fought in his our wars. Hey, they hire legal aliens for enforcement and over reach occurs, he could void their papers and frogmarch the enforcers to the border and then re-reimburse the contracting companies for the HR costs of replacing the employees. Wish we could have has some re-reimbursement for all the people hire and fire by his administration so far. Tree, buddy, write it up and send it in and win another one for your side. :)
I think a bounty on the heads of any illegal would work, and give a grand prize to anyone who brings the most illegals to ICE.....Maybe even promote the person to head the FBI since it was so tarnished by the asshole liberal James(Dickhead) Comey.

once again conservatives give us evidence of how much they want to kill people.

besides other conservatives are there any groups of people you do NOT want to kill?
Walls to keep people out can also be used down the road to keep people in.

I promise we won't keep your stupid ass in. Please, by all means, get the fuck out moron

LOL, The plans to deport 20 million illegals & build a wall, could be turned around 180, and be used to terrorize American culture.

Of course, the Capitalist pigs don't want you to know, we could actually jail a small percentage of them for hiring illegals, setting an example,

Without income illegals will simply self deport.
The left does not want to deport illegals and will not do so even without work for them to do

Business does not want illegals deported. That is why they are not. "The left" does not control the justice department and it's their call. I would say that you are being lied to but you know what is what. It's not about deporting illegals.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Walls to keep people out can also be used down the road to keep people in.

I promise we won't keep your stupid ass in. Please, by all means, get the fuck out moron

LOL, The plans to deport 20 million illegals & build a wall, could be turned around 180, and be used to terrorize American culture.

Of course, the Capitalist pigs don't want you to know, we could actually jail a small percentage of them for hiring illegals, setting an example,

Without income illegals will simply self deport.
The left does not want to deport illegals and will not do so even without work for them to do

Those crops aren't going to pick themselves.

Mollie Tibbets isn’t going to murder herself.
All those young little girls aren’t going to rape themselves.
Construction workers aren’t going to hold their own wage down to 1980’s scale.
Emergency rooms aren’t going to pack themselves full with 8 hour wait times.
Our public schools aren’t going to pack themselves full of thirdworlder anchor babies and ruin themselves.
Walmarts won’t leave shitty diapers in their own parking lots.
Our roadways aren’t going to pack themselves full of uninsured drunk drivers.

You starting to get it yet wetback lover?
I like the idea of deporting those that are a drain on the tax payer, but wouldn't have an issue with giving a limited number of those that actually want to and do contribute a chance to do it legally. I would also like to see local law enforcement doing their job and handing over illegal criminals to ICE for immediate deportation or prison depending on the crime.

I'm not so sure about the million deportation force thing sounds a little to brown shirty to me.
Those crops aren't going to pick themselves.

Mollie Tibbets isn’t going to murder herself.
All those young little girls aren’t going to rape themselves.
Construction workers aren’t going to hold their own wage down to 1980’s scale.
Emergency rooms aren’t going to pack themselves full with 8 hour wait times.
Our public schools aren’t going to pack themselves full of thirdworlder anchor babies and ruin themselves.
Walmarts won’t leave shitty diapers in their own parking lots.
Our roadways aren’t going to pack themselves full of uninsured drunk drivers.

You starting to get it yet wetback lover?

Like I said, those crops aren't going to pick themselves.

Make Mr Businessman stop hiring them, and they'll stop coming.
Deport all illegals. 1 million deportation force could do it.

Illegals voted in 2016, they will do it again. 13 states GIVE illegals driver licenses, just line up and get one. Think these 13 states don't know they will all cheat and vote dem? Baby jesus told them to in 2016, "voting makes you a citizen"
They still got out. Walls are not the way to go.

You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard say the Berlin wall and North Korean Walls Don't keep the extreme mass majority in is just stupid.

It doesn't work. Walls don't work. Don't you get that yet? They are expensive, disruptive, and ultimately don't do the job. They are a "feel good" solution for you xenophobics. We have high tech solutions that are more cost effective, don't require the seizing of private land, disrupt legitimate border trade and towns, and don't disrupt animal migrations.

You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard strokes......See BERLIN WALL....NORTH KOREA BORDER DEFENSES.
In your narrow opinoon it doesn't work because you approve of the invasion and resent efforts to stop it.

That is a debatable opinion.

You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard strokes......that is not an opinion.

A wall absolutely is an emotional response given the wide range of more effective tools we have at our means. It's a feel good sop to your xenophobic fears.

What tools and means? Open borders and more taxpayer funded subsidies? grows on trees and resources are unlimited.....I forgot :rolleyes:
You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard strokes......When CARAVANS of thousands of people at a time are rushing your border, your suggestion is to do nothing, other than lay down a welcome mat and provide sanctuary and demand US Taxpayers foot the bill is exactly what's expected of a snowflake that hates America.

You are an idiot. It's THAT simple.
And you realize that the overwhelming number of people involved in Human Trafficking, and child prostitution are gangs like MS 13, The Mexican Drug Cartels that Holder armed & a whole host of other South American Cartels and just run of the mill illegal aliens.

There is also a dynamic where US Gangs like Bloods & Crypts have what you could call trade Agreements where they engage in Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking again, correct?

You understand that all that money for drugs and trafficked humans flows right back to South America, Correct?

And you do understand that there are Islamic Terrorists working with Drug Cartels in South America in Opium Production in South America, and this combined with Opium & Heroin from South & Central America, & Heroin imported from places like Afghanistan and other Opium producing nations are combined in shipments that are smuggled North in to The United States....

You know that, right?

You also realize correct, that Fentanyl is imported from China by Chinese Gangs and also Heroin in to both South America and The United States is mixed with Heroin and is killing more and more people in The United States Every Year?

You get that, right?

And Lastly, you do realize that ISIS, Al Queda, Al Nusra, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, The PLO, and Islamic Nation have a stated “War Strategy” to poison America with Heroin and other drugs so they can weaken us morally, weaken our resolve to resist changes to our laws and rights, and weaken our resolve to resist Islam, and The Dar Al Islam, correct?

And you also realize that a large percentage of trafficked women in The US and South America end up in illegal brothels as sex slaves, forcefully hooked on Opiates, and that many of these sex slaves especially American ones, end up back in The Middle East until their carcass is used up and they are disposed like garbage?

You are “Woke” about all that, RIGHT?

Woke about illegal immigration like I am?


Illegal immigration is both a crime and fraud against The American People Our Elections and our Republic, of these Unites

None of those people you listed were illegal aliens.

Immigration Law is not Racist. The United States allows Immigration from
150 Differemt Countries.

The United States also swears in more Citizens at Citizenship Ceremonies made up of more diverse peoples
than any country on the planet.

We also are the most generous
Country on the planet giving not just the most Foreign Aid to most countries in The World, but Christian Charities in The US give more Charity to the most countries in The World.

Tell you what Nazis were about. Making up their own rules, trampling on their own citizen’s rights, committing violence against people and ideas they disagree with, disarming their citizens and trying to silence dissent, being warmongers, labeling, slandering and hurling false accusations at their political enemies, false accusations and false prosecutions of their own people and leaders, and defiling and dishonoring their country’s flag and Constitution, so they can replace it with one of their own making.

So if you want to talk about Nazis, I have to ask you WTF have you been watching in The Last Decade when you’ve been watching The Democrat Party operate?

Where are you going to hide when The Deportation Force comes For you?

Didn’t you tell us that you loved illegals so much that you’d hide them in your home?

How Naziesque.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I would rather the emphasis in law enforcement be placed on crimes that really affect our society. Deport the violent immigrants, convicted of violent crimes promptly. Focus on other violent crimes - murder, rape, assault, we have had a rise in white nationalist violence that needs to be addressed. Put our resources where it is most needed. In the meantime use some of that money to hire more judges for the immigration courts so these things can be processed speedily and fairly.

Of course I don't expect that to go over well with your side.

I'm more concerned with rape and murder.
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I promise we won't keep your stupid ass in. Please, by all means, get the fuck out moron

LOL, The plans to deport 20 million illegals & build a wall, could be turned around 180, and be used to terrorize American culture.

Of course, the Capitalist pigs don't want you to know, we could actually jail a small percentage of them for hiring illegals, setting an example,

Without income illegals will simply self deport.
The left does not want to deport illegals and will not do so even without work for them to do

Business does not want illegals deported. That is why they are not. "The left" does not control the justice department and it's their call. I would say that you are being lied to but you know what is what. It's not about deporting illegals.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress
Walls to keep people out can also be used down the road to keep people in.

I promise we won't keep your stupid ass in. Please, by all means, get the fuck out moron

LOL, The plans to deport 20 million illegals & build a wall, could be turned around 180, and be used to terrorize American culture.

Of course, the Capitalist pigs don't want you to know, we could actually jail a small percentage of them for hiring illegals, setting an example,

Without income illegals will simply self deport.
The left does not want to deport illegals and will not do so even without work for them to do

Its very true

the left is supporting illegal aliens who are here and those who want to come here
If you have a garden and the deer are getting in your garden putting a wall just along the rear of your property is not going to keep the deer out.

Wow. You must have graduated the 6th grade to come up with that brilliance.

You go where the traffic is highest you moron. Airports and ship ports already have choke points to screen entrants. The border has to many wide open spaces.
the left is supporting illegal aliens who are here and those who want to come here

Federal Law actually addresses people who encourage others to come here illegally and give them safe harbor. Those are crimes too. Every Democrat could rightfully be in jail right now

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
This is for that group that helped organize that giant migration recently:
(d)Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud
Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.

8 U.S. Code § 1327 - Aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter
This is for Democrats
Any person who knowingly aids or assists any alien inadmissible under section 1182(a)(2) (insofar as an alien inadmissible under such section has been convicted of an aggravated felony) or 1182(a)(3) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) of this title to enter the United States, or who connives or conspires with any person or persons to allow, procure, or permit any such alien to enter the United States, shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
This is for the illegals themselves:

8 U.S. Code § 1325.Improper entry by alien
Walls are walls. People still got out, people will still get in.

Invalid argument.
The Berlin wall was built to keep people INSIDE it's boundaries and was strictly enforced with threat of death. Have you no education?
FEW got out of the Berlin wall. Same with North Korea.
NO ONE was or is invading either of those places seeking asylum (or more truthfully, an easy life) as they are by the millions flocking TO America.
So your first point is moot, ill advised and based on ignorance of history.

They still got out. Walls are not the way to go.

In the meantime communities are cut off, trade is disrupted, natural migrations cut off.

SMALL price to pay to defend ones nation against an invasion. STOP the invasion (and stop your party from encouraging it), and no wall would be needed. SIMPLE.

It doesn't work. Walls don't work. Don't you get that yet? They are expensive, disruptive, and ultimately don't do the job. They are a "feel good" solution for you xenophobics. We have high tech solutions that are more cost effective, don't require the seizing of private land, disrupt legitimate border trade and towns, and don't disrupt animal migrations.

Unlike you, I'm proud of America and her accomplishments.

That is a debatable opinion.

There are areas where a fence or wall is affective. There are areas where it is not. Meanwhile private property is being seized.

It's "effective"....not "affective". The building of the wall is not an emotional response. Claiming it's bad IS.
Again, you have no issue with government strong arming The People if it supports your Statist agendas, but are vehemently opposed when it protects the nation. Interesting.

A wall absolutely is an emotional response given the wide range of more effective tools we have at our means. It's a feel good sop to your xenophobic fears.
The anti wall crowd is always talking about better ideas

But just talk is all they ever have