1 in 5 women are raped at college

The exception being Bill Clinton.

Abuse of women is comparable to racism against blacks.

The Left, hence the media as well, are only concerned with it when it comes to scoring political points for the DNC

Case in point is Bill Clinton. He abused a women who was under him on the job, and he as been accused of rape as well prior to that. He even perjured himself for it which is a crime, yet he won reelection anyway as the media demanded that it was just sex so who cares? Who cares? Apparently not the Left unless Trump is in office.

Another is Harvey Weinstein. Here is a man who was a well known sexual abuser of women. They even joked about it for years on camera at the Oscars for all to see.

He was also a big Hillary supporter. As a result, Michelle Obama held and the like sang his praises as they had luncheons to honor him with the whose who of Hollywood their to support him. However, something odd happened. Hillary lost the election. Then they seemed to turn on him overnight. Then all of a sudden they were all concerned about his abuse of women.

Then it created the metoomovement and on to take out Trump.

As for racism, Trump was praised by such people as Jesse Jackson and even Obama himself, as he wrote college papers saying how he wanted to be like him along with his kids, however, once Trump runs for office he transforms into a racist overnight.

But that is the Left. No morals, just hypocrisy in its purest of forms.
In any objective intelligent mind what happened between Lewinsky and Clinton was not abuse it was consensual.

Unless of course one is not Clinton in which case the left would call it rape.

That is the problem with the standards used to cite an absurd claim of rape culture
Like another subject you know nothing about, clearly you are unaware of Bubba’s multiple victims.

You have to understand, the Left has no moral compass.

When Bill was doing those things people derided his critics as religious idiots who were all concerned about sex, something that just comes natural.

Then when he perjured himself over it, he was set up by the religious right.

Then when he was accused of rape, it became a vast right religious wing conspiracy to destroy him, etc., etc.
I can agree with much of that but it does not make his behavior with Lewinsky abuse.

And continuing to say that it is not abuse does not make it so.

Now if it had been Trump.........................
The exception being Bill Clinton.

Abuse of women is comparable to racism against blacks.

The Left, hence the media as well, are only concerned with it when it comes to scoring political points for the DNC

Case in point is Bill Clinton. He abused a women who was under him on the job, and he as been accused of rape as well prior to that. He even perjured himself for it which is a crime, yet he won reelection anyway as the media demanded that it was just sex so who cares? Who cares? Apparently not the Left unless Trump is in office.

Another is Harvey Weinstein. Here is a man who was a well known sexual abuser of women. They even joked about it for years on camera at the Oscars for all to see.

He was also a big Hillary supporter. As a result, Michelle Obama held and the like sang his praises as they had luncheons to honor him with the whose who of Hollywood their to support him. However, something odd happened. Hillary lost the election. Then they seemed to turn on him overnight. Then all of a sudden they were all concerned about his abuse of women.

Then it created the metoomovement and on to take out Trump.

As for racism, Trump was praised by such people as Jesse Jackson and even Obama himself, as he wrote college papers saying how he wanted to be like him along with his kids, however, once Trump runs for office he transforms into a racist overnight.

But that is the Left. No morals, just hypocrisy in its purest of forms.
In any objective intelligent mind what happened between Lewinsky and Clinton was not abuse it was consensual.

Unless of course one is not Clinton in which case the left would call it rape.

That is the problem with the standards used to cite an absurd claim of rape culture

What a stupid thing to post.

Bill was her superior on the job.

This is not ethical in any situation.

As for the rape accusation, let me guess, I bet you question the veracity of the accuser, don't you.
It was accurate not stupid which is why you failed to address it much less refute it.

I can agree that it was unethical but unethical does not equate to ABUSE nor does it erase the consensual nature of the affair.

I do not question the veracity of an accuser but the accused has every right to do so. That is part of due process which is not a straw man.

Rape accusers should be treated with empathy but also carefully and objectively investigated to protect people from false accusations.

Unethical does not equate abuse? Do you ever listen to yourself talk?

So if your employer made advances towards you, with the notion that if you don't comply you will get fired, that is not abuse?

Do tell.

As for your ilk who supported the Clintons, Hillary did nothing but attack the veracity of the women who came after Bill, including Lewinsky.

Hillary Clinton’s Long History of Targeting Women - Washington Free Beacon

Face it, you and the Left have been exposed as having zero morals and drowning in hypocrisy.

Your credibility is shot.,
Um yes unethical does not equal abuse.

My credibility is not shot yours is

Your analogy is a fail. If my boss made such advances and I accepted because I wanted to sleep with her we would both be doing something unethical but it would not be abuse.

Abuse by definition is criminal behavior which harms another.

Ethics are something else which you clearly need to educate yourself on.

I was clearly in partial agreement with some of what you said but your statement of Clinton abusing Lewinsky is FALSE.

It was consensual and therefore not abuse and the ethics of it does not change that fact.
Last edited:
Abuse of women is comparable to racism against blacks.

The Left, hence the media as well, are only concerned with it when it comes to scoring political points for the DNC

Case in point is Bill Clinton. He abused a women who was under him on the job, and he as been accused of rape as well prior to that. He even perjured himself for it which is a crime, yet he won reelection anyway as the media demanded that it was just sex so who cares? Who cares? Apparently not the Left unless Trump is in office.

Another is Harvey Weinstein. Here is a man who was a well known sexual abuser of women. They even joked about it for years on camera at the Oscars for all to see.

He was also a big Hillary supporter. As a result, Michelle Obama held and the like sang his praises as they had luncheons to honor him with the whose who of Hollywood their to support him. However, something odd happened. Hillary lost the election. Then they seemed to turn on him overnight. Then all of a sudden they were all concerned about his abuse of women.

Then it created the metoomovement and on to take out Trump.

As for racism, Trump was praised by such people as Jesse Jackson and even Obama himself, as he wrote college papers saying how he wanted to be like him along with his kids, however, once Trump runs for office he transforms into a racist overnight.

But that is the Left. No morals, just hypocrisy in its purest of forms.
In any objective intelligent mind what happened between Lewinsky and Clinton was not abuse it was consensual.

Unless of course one is not Clinton in which case the left would call it rape.

That is the problem with the standards used to cite an absurd claim of rape culture
Like another subject you know nothing about, clearly you are unaware of Bubba’s multiple victims.

You have to understand, the Left has no moral compass.

When Bill was doing those things people derided his critics as religious idiots who were all concerned about sex, something that just comes natural.

Then when he perjured himself over it, he was set up by the religious right.

Then when he was accused of rape, it became a vast right religious wing conspiracy to destroy him, etc., etc.
I can agree with much of that but it does not make his behavior with Lewinsky abuse.

And continuing to say that it is not abuse does not make it so.

Now if it had been Trump.........................
You are correct.

The facts prove it was not abuse. Not my recognition of said facts
Justice Department: 1 in 5 Women Sexually Assaulted in College | Inside Higher Ed

According to the DOJ, about 1 in 5 women on college campus' around the US are sexually assaulted.

So tell me, why are liberals so gung ho about a college education since they have become the #1 enemy of the Metoomovement?

The problem is simple:
  • Women outnumber men in college.
  • They dress and act like sluts.
  • The act provocatively as sex objects.
  • They tease guys because they get off on being desired.
  • Colleges condone drunkenness and bad behavior.
Then when a guy gets the wrong signal and takes it all as an invitation and interest in sex, they slam his penis in a car door, call it assault, and try to end his career.

Your bullet points is exactly why the rape culture will contain. Victim blaming.

What a woman wears isn't the problem. Ive gotten harassed while wearing sweats and no make up before. Men are not wild cats where they have to force themselves on a woman.

Even if a woman is in the nude, a man has no right to force himself on her.
I do not defend what he said but there is no rape culture in the us.

In some eastern nation's sure but not here.

No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape. Or blaming a woman for not fighting back enough. Or blaming a woman for being too drunk.

This is all rape culture.
so is a lack of Equality regarding sex.
Justice Department: 1 in 5 Women Sexually Assaulted in College | Inside Higher Ed

According to the DOJ, about 1 in 5 women on college campus' around the US are sexually assaulted.

So tell me, why are liberals so gung ho about a college education since they have become the #1 enemy of the Metoomovement?

The problem is simple:
  • Women outnumber men in college.
  • They dress and act like sluts.
  • The act provocatively as sex objects.
  • They tease guys because they get off on being desired.
  • Colleges condone drunkenness and bad behavior.
Then when a guy gets the wrong signal and takes it all as an invitation and interest in sex, they slam his penis in a car door, call it assault, and try to end his career.

Your bullet points is exactly why the rape culture will contain. Victim blaming.

What a woman wears isn't the problem. Ive gotten harassed while wearing sweats and no make up before. Men are not wild cats where they have to force themselves on a woman.

Even if a woman is in the nude, a man has no right to force himself on her.
I do not defend what he said but there is no rape culture in the us.

In some eastern nation's sure but not here.

No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape. Or blaming a woman for not fighting back enough. Or blaming a woman for being too drunk.

This is all rape culture.
What if, all women who have been raped, were required to become black belts in a martial art?
Justice Department: 1 in 5 Women Sexually Assaulted in College | Inside Higher Ed

According to the DOJ, about 1 in 5 women on college campus' around the US are sexually assaulted.

So tell me, why are liberals so gung ho about a college education since they have become the #1 enemy of the Metoomovement?

Betsy Devos wants to roll back protections women have on campus under Title IX. So who's the enemy here?

What protections ?

Sounds like nobody is protecting anything.
No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape.

It astounds me how some people defend their right to walk around half naked practically showing everything, make up, perfume, etc., sending out massive sexual attraction signals, then act surprised when they actually attract sexual interest, and some of those attracted aren't even the nicest people!
Justice Department: 1 in 5 Women Sexually Assaulted in College | Inside Higher Ed

According to the DOJ, about 1 in 5 women on college campus' around the US are sexually assaulted.

So tell me, why are liberals so gung ho about a college education since they have become the #1 enemy of the Metoomovement?

The problem is simple:
  • Women outnumber men in college.
  • They dress and act like sluts.
  • The act provocatively as sex objects.
  • They tease guys because they get off on being desired.
  • Colleges condone drunkenness and bad behavior.
Then when a guy gets the wrong signal and takes it all as an invitation and interest in sex, they slam his penis in a car door, call it assault, and try to end his career.

Your bullet points is exactly why the rape culture will contain. Victim blaming.

What a woman wears isn't the problem. Ive gotten harassed while wearing sweats and no make up before. Men are not wild cats where they have to force themselves on a woman.

Even if a woman is in the nude, a man has no right to force himself on her.
I do not defend what he said but there is no rape culture in the us.

In some eastern nation's sure but not here.

No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape. Or blaming a woman for not fighting back enough. Or blaming a woman for being too drunk.

This is all rape culture.
These are entitled whites who don’t think their white sons lives should be ruined just for one mistake drunk one night with a drunk joe.

Why else are they defending the rapists?
1 in 5 women in college are NOT raped.

Of course, a lying thread like this is considered "free speech". It helps that Republicans think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America

Now, if I started a thread "Republicans send money to people who shoot unarmed black children", it would probably end up in the Badlands.

I don't know, I'm just guessing.

Donations pour in to Trayvon Martin's killer
I don't know how Republicans can talk out of both sides of their mouths. They're always telling people who don't make enough money that in order to make more they have to go to college or start their own business. Now they are anti college?

I think they say this stuff to cater to the white trash uneducated voters who support them. But these people need to know that Republicans don't value hard physical labor. Anyone can do those jobs. This is the truth. So Republicans can bash colleges all they want but the majority of the haves in this country went to colleges and they are engineers, salespeople, vice presidents of fortune 500 companies.

Do you think all the Vice Presidents who work for fortune 500 companies making a million dollars a year think college was a good investment? I remember making fun of my brother for getting his masters at MSU. Today he makes $1 million dollars a year.

There is some truth to what Republicans are saying but there is always a sliver of truth in what they say. That's how their stupid ideas catch on with the deplorables.

Just look at how many actual TRUE statements Trump has made.

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter

Hillary is a liar? Not compared to Trump
Betsy Devos wants to roll back protections women have on campus under Title IX. So who's the enemy here?

Betsy Devos?

So if Title lX are not keeping women safe what good is it?
And what good are laws against rape if they don’t deter rape. Or murder

They allow us to punish those who do
So then so does title IX
No it does not.

There is no establishment of truth with title ix and it is a witch hunt based solely on accusation.

It strictly and exclusively punishes the accused.
Last fall, Ms. DeVos rescinded a 2011 letter prepared by the Obama administration that outlined the responsibilities of schools and colleges that receive federal funding to address episodes of sexual misconduct. Victims rights groups praised the Obama-era guidelines for aggressively holding schools accountable for complaints of sexual harassment, assault and rape that they said had often been played down or ignored. But critics contended that too often they trampled due-process rights for accused students.

In announcing the rescission of the letter, Ms. DeVos assailed the guidelines as federal overreach that coerced schools into setting up quasi-judicial systems fraught with inconsistencies.

Advocates of victims rights condemned the proposals.

They are “a tacit endorsement of making campuses a safer place to commit sexual assault, rather than a safer place to learn free from violence,” said Jess Davidson, the executive director of End Rape on Campus.
Betsy Devos?

So if Title lX are not keeping women safe what good is it?
And what good are laws against rape if they don’t deter rape. Or murder

They allow us to punish those who do
So then so does title IX
No it does not.

There is no establishment of truth with title ix and it is a witch hunt based solely on accusation.

It strictly and exclusively punishes the accused.
Last fall, Ms. DeVos rescinded a 2011 letter prepared by the Obama administration that outlined the responsibilities of schools and colleges that receive federal funding to address episodes of sexual misconduct. Victims rights groups praised the Obama-era guidelines for aggressively holding schools accountable for complaints of sexual harassment, assault and rape that they said had often been played down or ignored. But critics contended that too often they trampled due-process rights for accused students.

In announcing the rescission of the letter, Ms. DeVos assailed the guidelines as federal overreach that coerced schools into setting up quasi-judicial systems fraught with inconsistencies.

Advocates of victims rights condemned the proposals.

They are “a tacit endorsement of making campuses a safer place to commit sexual assault, rather than a safer place to learn free from violence,” said Jess Davidson, the executive director of End Rape on Campus.
The critics were correct.

The letter was a gross violation of due process.

As such it failed to remove any known predators therefore doing nothing to protect victims or prevent crimes.

The letter essentially removed investigation of sex crimes from the police and courts and placed it in the hands of untrained and biaed administrators.
No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape.

It astounds me how some people defend their right to walk around half naked practically showing everything, make up, perfume, etc., sending out massive sexual attraction signals, then act surprised when they actually attract sexual interest, and some of those attracted aren't even the nicest people!

So women are supposed to go out the house bland. No make up, no perfume, wear rags etc?

Your mentality is the same of people who think women should wear bukha.

And how a woman is dressed doesn't stop perverts. I've been hit on multiple times while wearing raggy sweats and no make up. Maybe I incited them with my brand of soap?
No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape.

It astounds me how some people defend their right to walk around half naked practically showing everything, make up, perfume, etc., sending out massive sexual attraction signals, then act surprised when they actually attract sexual interest, and some of those attracted aren't even the nicest people!

So women are supposed to go out the house bland. No make up, no perfume, wear rags etc?

Your mentality is the same of people who think women should wear bukha.

And how a woman is dressed doesn't stop perverts. I've been hit on multiple times while wearing raggy sweats and no make up. Maybe I incited them with my brand of soap?
Well if that is really your pic I can see why. You're stunning.

Just remember how many women showed up to vote for Donald Trump and Betsy Devos. If women don't like the GOP's policies then they shouldn't vote Republican or they shouldn't stay home.

Here is the sad truth. Do you know who usually lets a rapist walk because "she was asking for it"? Typically white middle age conservative women.

Women can't even get a woman elected. They are not a unified group. Do you know who hates women the most? Other women!!!
Maybe they like to be raped.

How can liberals be so outraged by someone like Trump being a man whore but ignore the very institutions that they are in charge of like this?

None of them would send their daughters to be Trump's intern but they will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send them to universities around the country so they can get raped.

At least Trump does not sexually assault women.
Yes he does sexually assault women. Having a guy shove his finger in their pussy are the kinds of things these 1 in 5 women experience. Trump admits to doing it and women have told how trump has forcefully less moonvees them.

Even trumps ex said he raped her.

You guys know he’s not a good man.
He never admitted to doing that.
So? Are you dumb? Naive? Gullible? Stupid? Or are you such a republican you’ll deny the obvious?

Unlike you I have reading comprehension skills and he admitted to know such thing.

Hell, even the guy Trump is trying to appoint to the supreme court has sexually assaulted women. If women vote GOP in November, I'll be surprised.

Pressure Mounts On Republicans To Postpone Brett Kavanaugh Vote | HuffPost

The fresh calls on Monday followed similar statements over the weekend from key Republicans like Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Jeff Flake of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee, exerting more pressure on Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) to delay the proceedings.

Grassley said in a statement on Monday that he is “working diligently to get to the bottom of these claims” as well as to find a way to hear from Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, in “an appropriate, precedented and respectful manner.”

Ford identified herself in a Washington Post interview published Sunday as the author of a confidential letter, sent in late July to two members of Congress, in which she accuses Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her in high school in the 1980s. She is willing to tell her story publicly, her lawyer, Debra Katz, said Monday on NBC’s “Today” show.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) appeared to agree that a closer examination is needed, tweeting on Monday, “Professor Ford and Judge Kavanaugh should both testify under oath before the Judiciary Committee.”
How can liberals be so outraged by someone like Trump being a man whore but ignore the very institutions that they are in charge of like this?

None of them would send their daughters to be Trump's intern but they will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send them to universities around the country so they can get raped.

At least Trump does not sexually assault women.
Yes he does sexually assault women. Having a guy shove his finger in their pussy are the kinds of things these 1 in 5 women experience. Trump admits to doing it and women have told how trump has forcefully less moonvees them.

Even trumps ex said he raped her.

You guys know he’s not a good man.
He never admitted to doing that.
So? Are you dumb? Naive? Gullible? Stupid? Or are you such a republican you’ll deny the obvious?

Unlike you I have reading comprehension skills and he admitted to know such thing.

Hell, even the guy Trump is trying to appoint to the supreme court has sexually assaulted women. If women vote GOP in November, I'll be surprised.

Pressure Mounts On Republicans To Postpone Brett Kavanaugh Vote | HuffPost

The fresh calls on Monday followed similar statements over the weekend from key Republicans like Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Jeff Flake of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee, exerting more pressure on Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) to delay the proceedings.

Grassley said in a statement on Monday that he is “working diligently to get to the bottom of these claims” as well as to find a way to hear from Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, in “an appropriate, precedented and respectful manner.”

Ford identified herself in a Washington Post interview published Sunday as the author of a confidential letter, sent in late July to two members of Congress, in which she accuses Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her in high school in the 1980s. She is willing to tell her story publicly, her lawyer, Debra Katz, said Monday on NBC’s “Today” show.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) appeared to agree that a closer examination is needed, tweeting on Monday, “Professor Ford and Judge Kavanaugh should both testify under oath before the Judiciary Committee.”
No he is accused by one woman of assault there is a difference
No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape.

It astounds me how some people defend their right to walk around half naked practically showing everything, make up, perfume, etc., sending out massive sexual attraction signals, then act surprised when they actually attract sexual interest, and some of those attracted aren't even the nicest people!

So women are supposed to go out the house bland. No make up, no perfume, wear rags etc?

Your mentality is the same of people who think women should wear bukha.

And how a woman is dressed doesn't stop perverts. I've been hit on multiple times while wearing raggy sweats and no make up. Maybe I incited them with my brand of soap?
Well if that is really your pic I can see why. You're stunning.

Just remember how many women showed up to vote for Donald Trump and Betsy Devos. If women don't like the GOP's policies then they shouldn't vote Republican or they shouldn't stay home.

Here is the sad truth. Do you know who usually lets a rapist walk because "she was asking for it"? Typically white middle age conservative women.

Women can't even get a woman elected. They are not a unified group. Do you know who hates women the most? Other women!!!
No one let's a rapist walk because she was asking for it. Such legal defense is not used
No rape culture in the US? Are you kidding. There are still men ( and unfortunately women) questioning what a woman was wearing at the time of rape.

It astounds me how some people defend their right to walk around half naked practically showing everything, make up, perfume, etc., sending out massive sexual attraction signals, then act surprised when they actually attract sexual interest, and some of those attracted aren't even the nicest people!

So women are supposed to go out the house bland. No make up, no perfume, wear rags etc?

Your mentality is the same of people who think women should wear bukha.

And how a woman is dressed doesn't stop perverts. I've been hit on multiple times while wearing raggy sweats and no make up. Maybe I incited them with my brand of soap?
Well if that is really your pic I can see why. You're stunning.

Just remember how many women showed up to vote for Donald Trump and Betsy Devos. If women don't like the GOP's policies then they shouldn't vote Republican or they shouldn't stay home.

Here is the sad truth. Do you know who usually lets a rapist walk because "she was asking for it"? Typically white middle age conservative women.

Women can't even get a woman elected. They are not a unified group. Do you know who hates women the most? Other women!!!
No one let's a rapist walk because she was asking for it. Such legal defense is not used

Are you serious? You have the ability to look into every jurors mind and tell us what they are thinking? Amazing!!!
Justice Department: 1 in 5 Women Sexually Assaulted in College | Inside Higher Ed

According to the DOJ, about 1 in 5 women on college campus' around the US are sexually assaulted.

So tell me, why are liberals so gung ho about a college education since they have become the #1 enemy of the Metoomovement?

Wait a second. Do you believe 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted? Since when did you guys flip flop on this one?

Conservative Women Argue Sexual Assault Numbers Are Overblown - The Atlantic

In 2014 you guys didn't believe these numbers. Now you do?
Maybe they like to be raped.

How can liberals be so outraged by someone like Trump being a man whore but ignore the very institutions that they are in charge of like this?

None of them would send their daughters to be Trump's intern but they will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send them to universities around the country so they can get raped.

At least Trump does not sexually assault women.
Yes he does sexually assault women. Having a guy shove his finger in their pussy are the kinds of things these 1 in 5 women experience. Trump admits to doing it and women have told how trump has forcefully less moonvees them.

Even trumps ex said he raped her.

You guys know he’s not a good man.
Boy I must not be reading very close. I don't remember reading anything about that, you speak of. I remember IKE, Kennedy and Clinton doing bad stuff. Sorry Poster but you are out of luck here.

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