09 Prophecy


Apr 15, 2008
Here is the 09 Prophecy from Aurora North. Big changes are predicted for this year. It is important to look at what it says and watch as it unfolds throught the year.

Prophecy for 2009

This is the year of balance, sovereignty, independence and universal correction.

People will break from those who create dependency. All agencies and institutions which create this will be affected and will loose their power and hold on people. Spiritual institutions which have created dependency instead of spiritual independence and freedom will collapse.

Religions will unravel. Icons of these will be having hard times.

The flow of energy that’s gone out in one direction will be balanced. Those who have sought to gain by deception and coercion will be put down and those who have stayed steady and done constructive things will be reaping the flow of the universal correction. People will no longer be put under the hypnosis and will not buy the illusion before them. They will seek truth. People will not buy the illusion of 40 year plan, education fallacy, welfare and big government. Elitist plan of enslavement- the cover of the illusion will be lifted. People won’t believe any more and will seek their own truth. They won’t buy the religious illusion any more or the entertainment illusion.

Societal evolution and revolution will start this year and a new era of enlightenment will start. Last year was the paradigm shift- the shake up. People will start to discern and will come awake through confusion and will wake up to them and realize the institutions and systems which have betrayed them and their freedom and spiritual advancement. They will discern who the enemies of freedom are and will identify their illusions, systems and schemes.

They will seek to find out the true purpose of why they are here and seek a higher purpose of where they can benefit personally and societally how they can contribute not from false help but the real help.

Spiritual masters will be sought out and people will be ready for the truth. People will become bored of the tired game of materialism and false spirituality. The old system of rules , religion and government will become passé and a thing of the past.

People will be reaching for a higher evolutionary change and will open their minds up to new perspectives and ideals and new priorities. They will not be satisfied with old things, rules, etc.

Their desire for a better life for themselves, family, friends and society will outstrip the efforts and fear of what they must do to achieve this. They are sick of being sick and tired. People are looking for something. People will be interested in health. People want a better life and will be willing to go through spiritual challenges (dark forces) which will try to throw back people to the previous level and try to prevent them from advancing.

Severe weather patterns will continue to occur around the planet. Global cooling will hit the planet. Seasons will be shifting and seem backwards. Sink holes will appear around the world as the Earth plates shift beneath. There will be volcanoes by September.
Severe weather patterns will continue to occur around the planet. Global cooling will hit the planet. Seasons will be shifting and seem backward


where is summer....lol

I dont know how many of you noticed, but these have been right on target.
Hi Uknow:

Here is the 09 Prophecy from Aurora North. Big changes are predicted for this year. It is important to look at what it says and watch as it unfolds throughout the year.

All of that looks like nonsense. Here are the real predictions:

1. The Mexican Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon Virus (my Topic) will mutate around July 21, 2009 (calculations made here and Post#133) to coincide with the FEMA Bio-warfare Terrorism Exercises (FEMA Paper) slated to begin on July 27, 2009 (my warning post).

2. Obama will declare "Martial Law" (my Topic) in conjunction with the Virus Mutation that will kill millions and millions of people over the course of four months. The "third wave" (pic) will kill millions more beginning December 1st to around the end of January or early February 2010.

3. China and Russia and most everyone denominating commodities and securities in worthless U.S. Dollars will dump the American currency (USA Crushed! = my Topic) for something more stable that is actually worth something.

4. Americans will be forced into Survival Mode (my Topic) with the Collapse of the U.S. Economy where hyperinflation kicks in and people starve to death in the streets amid chaos and Obama's promise for "Change."

5. The USA is reduced to a third-world nation begging for handouts from China and the rest of the world . . .


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ok terral.

I understand you have little time, what you need to do is find common ground with some people like me instead of disregard...

More then one thing can occur at one time and if the things I mentioned are happening simataniously as what you are saying they must go hand in hand.

Your a Bible Thumper ... get the picture already, help comes from everywhere and you will get your life boat just dont turn it down when it sails by.
:popcorn: Wooo Hooo, a conspiracy theory showdown~! :popcorn:

Which one of you posted at this time last year their predictions about earthquakes all over the world and destroying California and whatnot? :eusa_whistle:
Hi Uknow:

ok terral.

I understand you have little time, what you need to do is find common ground with some people like me instead of disregard...

The OP Prophecy predictions are a joke based upon generalizations that mean nothing using no third-party links to support anything. “People will break from those who create dependency.” Baaaaaaaaaa Bullony! “Religions will unravel.” Baaaaaaaaaa Bullony! However, my prediction that the Mexican Swine Flu Virus will mutate on July 21, 2009 is a precise date using an overlay of the 1918 Swine Flu Timeline that ‘does’ have a basis in reality. More than a million Foreign Troops will mobilize on July 27, 2009 to play wargames just in case the USA has a Bio-warfare Terror Catastrophic Event. The Mexican Swine Flu just happens to be laced with the 1918 Spanish Flu DNA ‘and’ Avian (bird) Flu DNA ‘and’ two strains of Human Flu DNA that is anticipated to cause a Bio-warfare Terror Catastrophe!

More then one thing can occur at one time and if the things I mentioned are happening simultaneously as what you are saying they must go hand in hand.

Stop being ridiculous! Your nonsense above can be interpreted many different ways and does not even mention any ‘virus’ or any ‘mutation’ or ‘FEMA Exercises’ or ‘Foreign Troops’ or ‘Martial Law.’ You have ‘spiritual institutions’ collapsing rather than the U.S. Economy and the U.S. Dollar.

Your a Bible Thumper ... get the picture already, help comes from everywhere and you will get your life boat just dont turn it down when it sails by.

This is nothing but condescending drivel and nonsense. My “Prophecy 09” predictions are very specific and supported by links to data that everyone can verify whether you agree with the resident bible thumper or not. :0) You say, “The flow of energy that’s gone out in one direction will be balanced.” I say, “Baaaaaaaa Bullony!” When the Bio-Weapon Virus mutates, then head for the cotton-picking hills, because every major metropolitan area in CanAmeriMexico will be sealed off by a United Nations Quarantine Perimeter that resembles a “Roach Motel.” Yes, people can get in, but nobody gets out like in the movie “Outbreak.”

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj9SUJdpJS4"]This Outbreak Will Be Very Real![/ame]

And there will be no monkey host carrying around any antibodies, because the human hosts carrying the 24 killer strains (2 or 3 super strains) will display NO SYMPTOMS at all. Emergency Room personnel will begin dropping like flies with some victims convulsing blood from every orifice. And guess what? FEMA just happens to have more than 1 million Foreign Troops in place to seal off U.S. Cities and place We The People under Martial Law!!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAqB1jDPFEE"]The Coming Red Dawn Reality[/ame]

Foreign Troops stand ready to place We The People under Martial Law, because U.S. Troops will not push Americans into Halliburton-built FEMA Death Camps!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zIqfZCbY0Q]Listen To Police Officer Jack McLamb[/ame]

This Conspiracy is so MONSTROUS that people do not want to believe it. So sit there with your head in the sand and hope like hell that nothing happens . . . because somebody is about to get screwed . . . royally . . .watch and see . . .


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So you two are fighting on whose conspiracy theory is right?

This is priceless! Where is eots? :confused:
Hi Echo:

So you two are fighting on whose conspiracy theory is right?

This is priceless! Where is eots? :confused:

That is what happens at the USMB "Conspiracy Theories" Forum every day of the week and sometimes twice on Sundays. What is your theory? :0)


I am no where close to argueing about anything.

I am very open to the possibility of what Terral is saying as an outcome to the madness in the world.

Now if its on the schedule he says then it would be something wouldn't it?

Basic answer would be he has contacts or decided to break away from them and spill his guts in an attempt to forgive his sins and please his Christian God.

I don't know either way but I would question a little more why he was placed here on USMB. MAybe its your warning or maybe he is just fucking with people to see them screm and play off their paranoia.

Maybe he's a lucky guesser or being fed.

Maybe nothing happens and everyone loses faith in him and the conspiracy section on this forum dies.

Or he maybe someone we will see on the news one day for something he said or did that aligned with his message and him being called a terrorist.

At this time we do not know, if he is sure of his predictions I guess he will not show up here anymore and go fort up somewhere here real soon.


The issue here is we do not know, with such a manipulated and faulty information system that we rely on is pitiful and a terrible tool of mind destruction knows and we do not.

So it's back to that same Q&A?

What are you going to do about it?
Hi Know:

I am no where close to arguing about anything.

I am very open to the possibility of what Terral is saying as an outcome to the madness in the world.

Now if its on the schedule he says then it would be something wouldn't it?

Yes it would . . . The idea is for everyone to give his or her point of view from the evidence and everyone else can decide (1Cor. 11:19). Too simple . . .

Basic answer would be he has contacts or decided to break away from them and spill his guts in an attempt to forgive his sins and please his Christian God.

Not even close. I became weary of ChristianForums.com deleting my work and the DoD-run Boards like LooseChange, PilotsForTruth and LetsRoll decided to throw me under the 9/11 Bus, so you guys inherited me by default. There is definitely such a thing as 'too much' 911Truth for many people. The bad guys kicked off their 'second' 911-like attack with this Lab-created Bio-Weapon Virus, so I switched gears and started writing on the Economic Collapse, Martial Law and Survival Topics. The majority here is happy to believe Loyal Bushie/Obama LIES, so you rarely see me write on the 9/11 topics; because the coming Holocaust is exactly what this once-great country deserves.

I don't know either way but I would question a little more why he was placed here on USMB. MAybe its your warning or maybe he is just fucking with people to see them scream and play off their paranoia.

No. I research all the facts and support what I see using ‘the evidence,’ so the unbiased third-party reader can at least have the opportunity to draw educated conclusions. If somebody presents something to change my mind, then out with the old and in with what matches ‘the evidence.’ Period. This is been a very long journey that is nearing an end right here on the USMB Board. You are all witnessing the last days of the American Empire about to crumble under pestilence, disease, destruction and a literal mountain of DEBT, poverty and homelessness.

Maybe he's a lucky guesser or being fed.

Maybe nothing happens and everyone loses faith in him and the conspiracy section on this forum dies.

Nobody has faith in much of anything I say, so let’s stop with the nonsense. I show these people pictures of an empty hole . . .


. . . and they stand before all of God’s Mighty Angels and with Senor Bushie and Obama and agree 100 percent that we are looking at the picture of a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0) I show them pictures of a standing E-ring Pentagon Wall . . .


. . . and they stand with Senor Bushie and Karl Rove and claim that the Official Cover Story is the Gospel. Fine. Have things your way . . .

Or he maybe someone we will see on the news one day for something he said or did that aligned with his message and him being called a terrorist.

You guys are deluded by the out-of-control Bushie/Obama Administrations that the FBI or CIA or DoD ‘calling someone a terrorist’ is the same as being convicted in a Court Of Law by a jury of our peers. Right? You sit there and think in your heart of hearts that Senor Bushie should be able to round up anybody on earth and send them to his Gitmo Detention Center forever and ever, without being charged and without seeing a Judge and without any conviction over ANYTHING, because somebody in the out-of-control Bushie Administration ‘called them a terrorist.’ Right? Fine. Have things your way, because more than 800 Halliburton-built FEMA Death Camps have been prepared to receive you – too . . .

At this time we do not know, if he is sure of his predictions I guess he will not show up here anymore and go fort up somewhere here real soon.

This Bio-Weapon Virus is definitely going to MUTATE into something terrible, because the same people who murdered JFK and the same people who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks and the same people who are orchestrating the U.S./Global Economic Implosion are using this Biological Warfare Weapon to come after you. The FEMA Bio-warfare/Terror Exercises using more than a million Foreign Troops will begin on July 27, 2009 (start here and mark that date on your calender), so we will see very soon if something happens.


The orginal prophecy is from spiritual insight and the exactness is never matched to the T. You get a vauge description of the future if you can read far enough up the chord.

The important thing to understand is that the future hasn't happened in this reality and can change. It is only one possibility....

The easiest way to advoid shit like this from happening is to steer clear of the events and that lead up to that future.

Like nostradamus said their would be nuclear war in the future or what ever he said about it....

This means don't make nukes basically...but no one steered away from the nuclear weapon events now it is very close to reality. Stupid people made nukes.

It is that simple to change the future. But we can't change the world until we change oursleves first.

Go with some of the Bible prophecies that lead up to the end times.... Why do we stay on the course then and not move off? It is that simple.
my prediction is that people will continue to be greedy and foolish and blame others for their problems and look to others to solve their problems.

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