Youth football coach banned for life after striking a player

Are all men in Florida man bun wearing femboys?? If a coach did this here the stands would have emptied as fathers and mothers alike would have been on top of this piece of shit instantly.

Yeah, it would've been best to have a dozen or so Dads jump onto the field and start a melee.

I'm not dismissing what the piece of shit negro coach did, but the proper response would not be to start a riot.


I've been hired to shoot this football tournament in the past. I passed this year because of prior obligations. I know almost all of the photographers down there, and I would be shocked if some of them didn't get shots of this. Any time the teams are gathering around the coaches it's a good opportunity to get what we call "Mom shots"; those photos that mothers will buy. Kid/Coach interaction shots are big sellers.

And, for the record, the coach was from Georgia, which means the team is from Georgia, which means the kid's father was from Georgia. This tournament gets teams from as far away as New York, Michigan and Texas. In fact, there have been years when no Florida-based team has competed.

It's not a "Florida" thing...
To white folks you mean.
To everyone including white folks

but since black people are more violent they will go to the gallows more

How is that when the majority of violent crime is committed by whites.

There it is, another liberal who fails to understand what "per capita" means.

Jackasses like you only want to use per capita if you think it puts black folks in the negative.

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