Youth football coach banned for life after striking a player

Because the guy raised his hand to the boy more than once, to me, he should've been hauled out of there in handcuffs. How rough he decided to be the second time is what sealed the deal in my opinion. I get why the boy's mom has no intention of pressing charges, but at the end of the day, why should his freedom status matter more compared to the safety of everyone else when he has made it as clear as crystal glass that he has no self control?

God bless you and the boy always!!!

Because the guy raised his hand to the boy more than once, to me, he should've been hauled out of there in handcuffs. How rough he decided to be the second time is what sealed the deal in my opinion. I get why the boy's mom has no intention of pressing charges, but at the end of the day, why should his freedom status matter more compared to the safety of everyone else when he has made it as clear as crystal glass that he has no self control?

God bless you and the boy always!!!


Yep the coach needed dealt with.
At some point we need to start really condemning this rampant black violence. Of course, saying that means i am going to be called a racist, which is why black violence is allowed to continue unchecked.

This isn't a question of race, white coaches have been doing this for decades too.
Ive never seen it. Got a video of it?
At some point we need to start really condemning this rampant black violence. Of course, saying that means i am going to be called a racist, which is why black violence is allowed to continue unchecked.
Gotta argue with you there.
Since the majority in this clip are black, in fact I don't think anyone was white... this would point the opposite.
If blacks are more violent, then why did no one attack this piece of shit?
Like I say, white or black, if this would have happened here... I pity what would happen to this guy. He would have been
They didnt stop him because hitting people is far more acceptable in the black community.
At some point we need to start really condemning this rampant black violence. Of course, saying that means i am going to be called a racist, which is why black violence is allowed to continue unchecked.

This isn't a question of race, white coaches have been doing this for decades too.
Ive never seen it. Got a video of it?

Nope. But if you think that black coaches in any sport are the only ones that hit or abuse their players then you are a racist fool. Do you really think that domestic violence against women and children is exclusively a black problem? If so, then I doubt a video is going to change your mind.

I will add this after some consideration: a person who is under the age of 40 probably hasn't seen it, but in the old days it was actually quite common. Parents, especially fathers, condoned it. In todays world of political correctness and pussification of men, you don't see any more. Lawsuits.
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That's the only reason a thread was started on it.
Thats just more embarrassment for you to make excuses for

in this case the player was a child much smaller than the coach

and the attack was pretty brutal

almost as bad as the black guy who clocked an innocent 70 year old man on another thread
That's the only reason a thread was started on it.
Thats just more embarrassment for you to make excuses for

in this case the player was a child much smaller than the coach

and the attack was pretty brutal

almost as bad as the black guy who clocked an innocent 70 year old man on another thread

.........but not as bad as the white guy who murdered his 15yr old daughter. Violence is only BAD when it is committed by someone black in your racist mind.
.........but not as bad as the white guy who murdered his 15yr old daughter.
absolutely as bad

murders should be executed

But libs dont believe in capital punishment because it removes too many black people from society
That this has turned into a race thing reduces the real victim here. The young boy.
This isn't over for him. Not even close.
Other boys are probably going to target him. Sounds like the coach was well liked. So there will be those people who see the kid as the bad guy here. Then there is his fucked up parents. Morons. This kid saw his parents all too quickly forgive what this grown ass man did to him.... TWICE! And instead of seeing his parents outraged and angry for his sake... he may very well think they support the coach more than him. There is a good change this kid will be forever changed by this.
It happens.

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