You pious Dems "non-racists";Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat!

is in fact a Democrat, according to campaign-contribution records.
Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers
Records show Sterling has donated just $6,000, with no activity since the early 1990s.
He supported Gray Davis early in his career, as well as Bill Bradley.
At the American Power blog, Donald Douglas has an extended discussion of Sterling’s donations to liberal causes
and the left-leaning commentators who have lauded him in the past.
At the time TMZ released its recording, Sterling was scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat | National Review Online're really up to date aintcha?

Hell. Even that idiot Katzndogz beat you out.
They are all over the country. Many are trying to downplay it by saying it's just free speech. The rest are trying to somehow twist it into being about Democrats? :dunno:

He is a democrat! he's getting an award from NAACP!

You're lying.

No, carbie. YOU are the proven liar in here. YOU are the known, proven liar.

For you to call anyone else a liar is akin to Stalin calling someone a murderer.

The award has not yet been OFFICIALLY cancelled. Only verbally. Paperwork has to be filed before it's official.


And quibbling bitch. Nothing even changes. No matter where you go, no matter what Message Board you join, no matter the venue.....

dimocraps lie.

dimocraps are quibbling bitches
How much did he give to the Democrats during Clinton's two terms? How much did he give to Democrats during Bushes two terms? How much has he given to the Democrats during Obama's two terms?

But the marching order are that the Chambermaids try and kick the Dems in the nuts.
I read on Drudge he's not getting the award so it's gotta be true!
Guy seems pretty fucked up, not going to get any defense from me or anyone that is studiously not racist. Who's defending this scumbag? They can be righteously criticized but democrats in general are not like that and all of you attack junkies know it.

The rightwing propaganda machine has decided as its myth-of-the-day that Democrats aren't condemning this guy because supposedly he's a Democrat.

You know the 'nuts' playbook.
Who cares what his party affiliation is?

He's an asshole.
Unless hes a Republican. Then ALL republicans are racists.....right?

You people and your gets to wearing thin.

Who's hypocritical? Name the Democrats who are defending this guy because he's supposedly a Democrat.

Give us a short list, preferably with some names we might all recognize.
So, you have never seen democrats label all Republicans as racist because one person is stupid enough to believe in the whole 'inferior people' bullshit.....and now decide to play innocent when its another asshole who happens to support some of the liberals agenda.

Got it.

The guy is an asshole. So is anyone who makes such comments. However, neither side is guiltless when it come to trying to make the other side look like racists based upon past politics of these assholes.

I maintain that liberals are racists, but not because of this guy, but because of how liberals think about minorities. Their very position that minorities cannot care for themselves without government intervention is in, and of itself, racist thought.

Fuck this guy and those who want to now poo-poo his not being what a democrat is all about while supporting the notion that one idiot who votes Republican and is racist makes all Republicans racists.
Guy seems pretty fucked up, not going to get any defense from me or anyone that is studiously not racist. Who's defending this scumbag? They can be righteously criticized but democrats in general are not like that and all of you attack junkies know it.

The rightwing propaganda machine has decided as its myth-of-the-day that Democrats aren't condemning this guy because supposedly he's a Democrat.

You know the 'nuts' playbook.
You need to find some credibility.
He is a democrat! he's getting an award from NAACP!

You're lying.

No, carbie. YOU are the proven liar in here. YOU are the known, proven liar.

For you to call anyone else a liar is akin to Stalin calling someone a murderer.

The award has not yet been OFFICIALLY cancelled. Only verbally. Paperwork has to be filed before it's official.


And quibbling bitch. Nothing even changes. No matter where you go, no matter what Message Board you join, no matter the venue.....

dimocraps lie.

dimocraps are quibbling bitches

lol, you admit that the NAACP has said he's not getting the award, and yet you still insist he's getting the reward.
Unless hes a Republican. Then ALL republicans are racists.....right?

You people and your gets to wearing thin.

Who's hypocritical? Name the Democrats who are defending this guy because he's supposedly a Democrat.

Give us a short list, preferably with some names we might all recognize.
So, you have never seen democrats label all Republicans as racist because one person is stupid enough to believe in the whole 'inferior people' bullshit.....and now decide to play innocent when its another asshole who happens to support some of the liberals agenda.

Got it.

The guy is an asshole. So is anyone who makes such comments. However, neither side is guiltless when it come to trying to make the other side look like racists based upon past politics of these assholes.

I maintain that liberals are racists, but not because of this guy, but because of how liberals think about minorities. Their very position that minorities cannot care for themselves without government intervention is in, and of itself, racist thought.

Fuck this guy and those who want to now poo-poo his not being what a democrat is all about while supporting the notion that one idiot who votes Republican and is racist makes all Republicans racists.

Still waiting for that list of Democrats who are defending Sterling.
He's a liberal democrat who just got mugged. It's only amusing to see democrats eating their own. More of his "racist" statements were released in which he talks about how much money he gives to black people. He feeds them, clothes them, gives them jobs, gives them positions where he gives them millions of dollars. He he he. Well, Buddy, here's your payback. The team is so devastated by what they heard 4th hand, that they just can't play any more.

Retire, Mr. Sterling. Sell the team, dissolve the team, do whatever to the team and stop giving your money to these causes. Cut off the democrat gravy train and the black gravy train too. Did you honestly think that black people appreciated what you did for them and what you did to get that lifetime achievement award? Zip the wallet and enjoy your ride on the democrat railroad.
Why are you too stupid to know the difference between free speech and defending hate speech?

Do you want me to repeat the question?
And continue to prove how stupid you are?

By all means, go ahead....and I want you to repeat the question every 10 minutes until I say stop.

If you want to deny that most conservatives defended Phil Robertson's and Cliven Bundy's remarks, go ahead,

and prove it.
He's a liberal democrat who just got mugged. It's only amusing to see democrats eating their own. More of his "racist" statements were released in which he talks about how much money he gives to black people. He feeds them, clothes them, gives them jobs, gives them positions where he gives them millions of dollars. He he he. Well, Buddy, here's your payback. The team is so devastated by what they heard 4th hand, that they just can't play any more.

Retire, Mr. Sterling. Sell the team, dissolve the team, do whatever to the team and stop giving your money to these causes. Cut off the democrat gravy train and the black gravy train too. Did you honestly think that black people appreciated what you did for them and what you did to get that lifetime achievement award? Zip the wallet and enjoy your ride on the democrat railroad.

So your new position is that private charity is a bad thing?

Once again, Conservatives struggle with equivalencies

In their pathetic attempt to say.....See? You guys do it too, so we are even

In this case, you have to go back 20 years to find where Sterling contributed to a Democratic candidate

Why isn't it equivalent?
- Democrats have never embraced the guy
- Nobody ever proclaimed him to be a national hero and patriot
- The media was never standing up for him
- Nobody on the left is defending him
Once again, Conservatives struggle with equivalencies

In their pathetic attempt to say.....See? You guys do it too, so we are even

In this case, you have to go back 20 years to find where Sterling contributed to a Democratic candidate

Why isn't it equivalent?
- Democrats have never embraced the guy
- Nobody ever proclaimed him to be a national hero and patriot
- The media was never standing up for him
- Nobody on the left is defending him
Didn't he get a NAACP award?
He's a liberal democrat who just got mugged. It's only amusing to see democrats eating their own. More of his "racist" statements were released in which he talks about how much money he gives to black people. He feeds them, clothes them, gives them jobs, gives them positions where he gives them millions of dollars. He he he. Well, Buddy, here's your payback. The team is so devastated by what they heard 4th hand, that they just can't play any more.

Retire, Mr. Sterling. Sell the team, dissolve the team, do whatever to the team and stop giving your money to these causes. Cut off the democrat gravy train and the black gravy train too. Did you honestly think that black people appreciated what you did for them and what you did to get that lifetime achievement award? Zip the wallet and enjoy your ride on the democrat railroad.

So your new position is that private charity is a bad thing?


He he he. My position is that no one can do enough for democrats and/or black people. There is no amount of charity or good works to fill the open maw. It's also pointing out how quickly and willingly and stupidly the liberals are to overreact. You don't see this kind of outrage when a black baby is killed in his crib by another black. Nope. that's reserved for the worst crime of all, the unpopular opinion.

I love it! Donald Sterling deserves absolutely everything that's happening to his liberal ass.
He's a liberal democrat who just got mugged. It's only amusing to see democrats eating their own. More of his "racist" statements were released in which he talks about how much money he gives to black people. He feeds them, clothes them, gives them jobs, gives them positions where he gives them millions of dollars. He he he. Well, Buddy, here's your payback. The team is so devastated by what they heard 4th hand, that they just can't play any more.

Retire, Mr. Sterling. Sell the team, dissolve the team, do whatever to the team and stop giving your money to these causes. Cut off the democrat gravy train and the black gravy train too. Did you honestly think that black people appreciated what you did for them and what you did to get that lifetime achievement award? Zip the wallet and enjoy your ride on the democrat railroad.

So your new position is that private charity is a bad thing?


He he he. My position is that no one can do enough for democrats and/or black people. There is no amount of charity or good works to fill the open maw. It's also pointing out how quickly and willingly and stupidly the liberals are to overreact. You don't see this kind of outrage when a black baby is killed in his crib by another black. Nope. that's reserved for the worst crime of all, the unpopular opinion.

I love it! Donald Sterling deserves absolutely everything that's happening to his liberal ass.

So in a thread that was started to attack Democrats for not condemning Sterling enough,

you're here to attack Democrats for condemning him too much.

You should write comedy sketches for the Daily Show.
Guy seems pretty fucked up, not going to get any defense from me or anyone that is studiously not racist. Who's defending this scumbag? They can be righteously criticized but democrats in general are not like that and all of you attack junkies know it.

ALL dimocraps are racists. Always have been, always will be.

For 150 years you were anti-black, now you're anti-white. Mostly.

Some of your kind didn't get the message that your racism has changed.

But you're ALL racists. Every last one of you.

Cliven Bundy? He's just inartfully stupid and unsophisticated.

You people? You're racists. The whole dimocrap party is racist. Top to bottom.

Complete and utter idiocy. It's the Conservative south that's primarily racist and the Conservative south is primarily Republican.
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It seems obvious that the democrat's attack on republicans who questioned the size of government force against Bundy are equating this with defending Bundy. I haven't heard any Republican say that Bundy wasn't wrong for skirting taxes. However, they believed that sending over government snipers was a disproportionate reaction. The democrats will of course conflate these two topics in the most untruthful politically convenient way possible. Paul Begala tweeted that Sean Hannity and others should be very careful of making a hero out of Sterling the way they made a hero of Bundy. Why would Hannity make a hero out of a democrat? Of course, it seems obvious that Begala had no idea that Sterling was a democrat who was scheduled to get an award from the NAACP. In this toxic political atmosphere it seems more than appropriate to point out that Sterling is a democrat. After all, MSNBC had erroneously labeled Bull Conner as a Republican not that long ago. If the left is going to lie, conflate, misreport and generally practice knee jerk reactionary race baiting then it is certainly fair to point out that Sterling is a democrat.
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