Donald Sterling...liberal, who just received NAACP lifetime achievement award...LOL!

No shock here "Dude" .My parents marched in the Civil Rights movement in the south and took me with them there in the 60's, probably before you were born.

As far as "who" votes for which party, that is irrelevant and I did not comment on that.

All that I implied is that you need to learn the differences between The Southern and Northern factions of both parties during that era, because you are clueless.

Democrats were not unanimously AGAINST the Civil Rights Bill and Republicans sure as hell were not unanimously FOR IT.

Although I was a kid at the time, I vividly recall the elders discussing who was for and against the passage of it. And public sentiment was widely against it in the southern region.

And the fact is that "southern culture" as it was known, died a slow agonizing death over the passage of it.

Furthermore, I was referring to the Senate and House votes which passed the legislation to bring the Civil Rights Act to fruition.


Didn't you get the memo?

Probably not. I'm a baby boomer, and my wife was born during the Great Depression.

Btw, you can't really take credit for what your parents did unless you did it on your own. You were basically along for the ride. It's like saying you stormed the black sands of Iwo Jima.

Fyi, who you vote for is suppose to identify which party you support. It doesn't matter if you're a racist, you still voted Democrat. Racism, contrary to Political Correctness, is not exclusive to any particular party.

You totally missed my point. Of course, I do not "take and credit" for my parents marching in the civil rights movement, i used it as a point of reference to make you aware that I do have memories of that era because unlike you, I was physically there.

Furthermore, I already understand that racism is not specific to any political party. Good to see that you are getting it.

Your problem is your assumptions are based on false stereotypes. I got it when you were still wearing short pants.

My family is very diverse and was at one time outcast because of our Native American family members. But being part of that, be it NA, Korean, Hispanic, or Black, which all belong to my family tree now, it only opened my eyes to the truth. And the truth is so called minorities haven't moved on. They're still as prejudice as a majority of whites were 50 years ago. And people like Obama feed off of that. They use it to manipulate their base. They breed resentment intentionally. It's part if their party platform, right next to Jew bashing and attacking people with their guns and their religion.....
Fox reaction to Bundy...400 mentions a day until "the incident" then no mention, complete silence.

How is that comparable to this exactly?

That's not true. They were reporting it for several days.

They never watch Fox News and they claim they know what Fox News was reporting and how many times.

Does BSNBC ever talk about what Sharpton owes in taxes?

They are so full of shit.
I can't believe CNN is taking a break from the missing plane to cover this story.

I believe they will go back to missing plane as soon they realize Sterling is liberal.
What squirming?

I believe the Clippers and the fans are roundly showing their disapproval of Sterling's rant.

Sure, but from what I can tell, complete and utter silence from the left. You just had your Cliven Bundy moment.

Not my Cliven Bundy moment..nor is it anyone I know of..

Sterling didn't break the law.

And when he said this shit? No one is showing any support of it.

Isn't discrimination against the law? Please tell me you aren't that dense.
Probably not. I'm a baby boomer, and my wife was born during the Great Depression.

Btw, you can't really take credit for what your parents did unless you did it on your own. You were basically along for the ride. It's like saying you stormed the black sands of Iwo Jima.

Fyi, who you vote for is suppose to identify which party you support. It doesn't matter if you're a racist, you still voted Democrat. Racism, contrary to Political Correctness, is not exclusive to any particular party.

You totally missed my point. Of course, I do not "take and credit" for my parents marching in the civil rights movement, i used it as a point of reference to make you aware that I do have memories of that era because unlike you, I was physically there.

Furthermore, I already understand that racism is not specific to any political party. Good to see that you are getting it.

Your problem is your assumptions are based on false stereotypes. I got it when you were still wearing short pants.

My family is very diverse and was at one time outcast because of our Native American family members. But being part of that, be it NA, Korean, Hispanic, or Black, which all belong to my family tree now, it only opened my eyes to the truth. And the truth is so called minorities haven't moved on. They're still as prejudice as a majority of whites were 50 years ago. And people like Obama feed off of that. They use it to manipulate their base. They breed resentment intentionally. It's part if their party platform, right next to Jew bashing and attacking people with their guns and their religion.....

Lmao! I think you were wearing short pants much more recenty than i.

And what stereotypes are you speaking of? Whatever i have assumed about you is based soley
on what you state, I do not care what political party, race or religion you belong to.

For you to assume that "so called minorities" are prejudiced is a stereotype in itself.

People cannot be made resentful if they do not allow themselves to be, and they can not be manipulated unless they allow themselves to be. And above all, those who associate an individuals behavioral traits or morale with what political party they belong to has got to be the the most childish type of narrow minded judgmental nonsense I have ever heard of.

I have encountered bigotry in certain places over the years, yet it does not compel me to to make a blanket statement about the white population as you do about minorities.

It sounds like you have a persecution complex, and you blame the current president for it, which is astounding that an adult would do so.
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