Donald Sterling...liberal, who just received NAACP lifetime achievement award...LOL!

1865 was a long time ago bud. You should learn to live and let live because your stink seems to overwhelm theirs.....

You folks are the ones that bring this up, ad nauseam.

But getting you to call the confederacy, bad?


We didn't bring up the Confederacy. You did.

Jim Crow was after the Civil War idiot. So was the KKK.

Jim Crow, the KKK, the Confederacy, all products of the Democrat Party.

And then what happened , you forgot some history there cletus, the southern democrats, (the dixie-crats) who were marginalized ran to the republican party (now know as the white christian party) after they were refused seating at the democratic convention and ran to the party who embraced their racism. Now a big part of the republican party are slack jawed bible thumping racist christian white trash.. and now you know the rest of the story...

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He is still saying that man made global warming caused tsunamis. Cause a rise in co2 causes the oceans to "stir."

The LMSM Media monopoly got away with lying about the Democrat ugly past for generations, now the Dems are fucked.

They've LIED about EVERYTHING including: Their actual Civil Rights Record, their Alignment with Stalin during WWII, that McCarthy used his HUAC to start a "Red Scare", FDR Worst ever economic record eclipsing the Biblical 7 Lean years. Had FDR served only 2 terms he would have been the greatest economic Failure ever.

They lost their ability to lie about their record when their lost the media monopoly
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Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Lastly, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even argue this point.

Frankly, it is hilarious how some of the same people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.


It's a very naïve view of history and really doesn't bring everything into account.

The Democratic party is an offshoot of the Democratic-Republican party which was started by Jefferson. It was populated by folks that disagreed with Hamilton's Federalists. Many of the memes of the Modern conservative could be found in this party, such as opposition to "big" government and a focus on the "heartland". Republicans were an offshoot of the Whigs. They were the "Liberal" wing of that party and aligned themselves with the abolitionists.

The civil rights act entirely flipped the the way.
So I take it you are in favor of classifying the KKK and other racist organizations as terrorists?

Or making it illegal to fly the confederate flag in America? Just like say, flying the Nazi flag is in Germany?

Or tearing down all confederate monuments?

Or changing history books to roundly call folks like Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, traitors to America?

Right Mudwhistle?

I am in favor of all that.


I know you like to live in the past, but your version of it is totally ass-backwards.


The Civil War has been over for awhile......I think it's time you moved on....

Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Although it is your prerogative to do so, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even waste time arguing over topics like this.

Frankly, it is hilarious how people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment, argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.


Dude, unless you've lived in the South and talked to Democrat voters you don't know what you're talking about.

Here's a shock, the same people that you claim are Republicans vote Democrat because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their GrandDaddy voted Democrat. They're too set in their ways to change. Besides, they told me that the Repugs are for the rich, so even though they can't bring themselves to support Obama they still support Democrats, because all of that shit can't be true about them. It's just too bizarre to believe.
Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Lastly, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even argue this point.

Frankly, it is hilarious how some of the same people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.


It's a very naïve view of history and really doesn't bring everything into account.

The Democratic party is an offshoot of the Democratic-Republican party which was started by Jefferson. It was populated by folks that disagreed with Hamilton's Federalists. Many of the memes of the Modern conservative could be found in this party, such as opposition to "big" government and a focus on the "heartland". Republicans were an offshoot of the Whigs. They were the "Liberal" wing of that party and aligned themselves with the abolitionists.

The civil rights act entirely flipped the the way.

Yup, the plantation is just run differently. Now whites are the targets, not blacks.
The LMSM Media monopoly got away with lying about the Democrat ugly past for generations, now the Dems are fucked.

They've LIED about EVERYTHING including: Their actual Civil Rights Record, their Alignment with Stalin during WWII, that McCarthy used his HUAC to start a "Red Scare", FDR Worst ever economic record eclipsing the Biblical 7 Lean years. Had FDR served only 2 terms he would have been the greatest economic Failure ever.

They lost their ability to lie about their record when their lost the media monopoly

Too funny Now minorities will run in droves to the slack jawed white christian trash party, I am sure!!! :lol:
The LMSM Media monopoly got away with lying about the Democrat ugly past for generations, now the Dems are fucked.

They've LIED about EVERYTHING including: Their actual Civil Rights Record, their Alignment with Stalin during WWII, that McCarthy used his HUAC to start a "Red Scare", FDR Worst ever economic record eclipsing the Biblical 7 Lean years. Had FDR Severed only 2 terms he would have been the greatest economic Failure ever.

They lost their ability to lie about their record when their media monopoly

Yeah, they still cling to their notion of McCarthyism, even though the Venona papers and ex KGB agents revealed he was right about most of the things he was claiming in regards to the soviet infiltration.

Many....Jews in Hollywood and other places like NY. Who...were descendants of the Jews that emigrated to this country from Russia in the early 20th century displayed their absolute loyalty to Stalin and the communist ideals.

That leads to the Emma Goldmans who heavily influenced Roger Baldwin who founded the ACLU and flat out stated communism is their goal.

Then the treachery of the Rosenbergs who sold out the country when they sold the secrets of the atom bomb to Stalin.

Liberals in this country are disgusting. BTW, that is where the Charles Schumers, Dianne Feinsteins, Barbara Boxers and Rahm Emmanuels descend from.

Not to mention Katzenberg, Matzenberg, Weinstein, and spielbergs come from along with Frank Rich of the NY Times.

Yes, Mcarthy was vindicated, but the left wing assholes still cling to their lie.
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Since a moron like Sallow does not want to answer the question. Let me clue him in (I never really knew how stupid Sallow was) as to how the democrats were able to get blacks to vote democrat. Even though the democrats founded the KKK, blocked desgregation (Al Gore senior etc) and is the party of racists.

They always talk about the "southern strategy."

Here is the democrats strategy. It has worked too.


BTW, yesterday said the reason there were tsunamis is due to man made global warming. Yes, he said that.

Like I said. I knew he was stupid as all fuck, but holy shit.....are liberals fucking dumb.

Remember this doozy from a CNN liberal moron........

She asteroid coming close to earth may have possibly been caused by man made global warming (right wing republicans and oil companies.)

Yes, Sallow stating that tsunamis were caused by man made global warming may actually be dumber. I mean at least as dumb.

That is what we are communicating with mudwhistle.


I was discussing that with a friend of mine that works at the Woodhull Oceanographic Institution.

He helped with this web page.

We were talking about how global warming was turning the ocean into stew.

Seems that real live scientists think that too..

Global warming may bring tsunami and quakes: scientists | Reuters

That's not Alex Jones..but..

Name drop much?

Well, me and my Marine Biologist friend were discussing Global Warming the other day......

Who the fuck does that? Don't you have something better to do?

Bragging about traveling? Dude, I've done my share of traveling. I'm done with it. The only place I really liked was Germany. It was great. I'd rather live there than here. Problem is if I moved there I'd be poor, I'm not even sure they'd let me, unless I married a German national. But have fun in Australia acting like a tourist.


He's not a biologist nor is he a scientist. He's a multi media techie guy. But he rubs elbows with major scientists. You know..folks actually involved in this shit? And generally when I post something? I back it up with a real live link.

Bragging? Sure. Why not.

I liked Germany too. Octoberfest..rocked.

And I am not sure what you mean by "Acting like a tourist".

I ain't a native of Australia. Nor would I pretend to be.
The LMSM Media monopoly got away with lying about the Democrat ugly past for generations, now the Dems are fucked.

They've LIED about EVERYTHING including: Their actual Civil Rights Record, their Alignment with Stalin during WWII, that McCarthy used his HUAC to start a "Red Scare", FDR Worst ever economic record eclipsing the Biblical 7 Lean years. Had FDR served only 2 terms he would have been the greatest economic Failure ever.

They lost their ability to lie about their record when their lost the media monopoly

Too funny Now minorities will run in droves to the slack jawed white christian trash party, I am sure!!! :lol:

You are a joke. Full of cliches. Along with the rest of you left wing piles of brainwashed shit.
Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Lastly, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even argue this point.

Frankly, it is hilarious how some of the same people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.


It's a very naïve view of history and really doesn't bring everything into account.

The Democratic party is an offshoot of the Democratic-Republican party which was started by Jefferson. It was populated by folks that disagreed with Hamilton's Federalists. Many of the memes of the Modern conservative could be found in this party, such as opposition to "big" government and a focus on the "heartland". Republicans were an offshoot of the Whigs. They were the "Liberal" wing of that party and aligned themselves with the abolitionists.

The civil rights act entirely flipped the the way.

Yup, the plantation is just run differently. Now whites are the targets, not blacks.

So thats it!! white slavery huh? :lol: Your fear !!! Shitting your pants huh?

I was discussing that with a friend of mine that works at the Woodhull Oceanographic Institution.

He helped with this web page.

We were talking about how global warming was turning the ocean into stew.

Seems that real live scientists think that too..

Global warming may bring tsunami and quakes: scientists | Reuters

That's not Alex Jones..but..

Name drop much?

Well, me and my Marine Biologist friend were discussing Global Warming the other day......

Who the fuck does that? Don't you have something better to do?

Bragging about traveling? Dude, I've done my share of traveling. I'm done with it. The only place I really liked was Germany. It was great. I'd rather live there than here. Problem is if I moved there I'd be poor, I'm not even sure they'd let me, unless I married a German national. But have fun in Australia acting like a tourist.


He's not a biologist nor is he a scientist. He's a multi media techie guy. But he rubs elbows with major scientists. You know..folks actually involved in this shit? And generally when I post something? I back it up with a real live link.

Bragging? Sure. Why not.

I liked Germany too. Octoberfest..rocked.

And I am not sure what you mean by "Acting like a tourist".

I ain't a native of Australia. Nor would I pretend to be.

Acting like a tourist.....throwing another shrimp on the barbie.....

If I was single I'd go to Australia to meet women, but the men are for the most part pretty decent. Served with one in Somalia. Really nice guy, and their cooks know how to throw together a meal.

There's alot more to Germany than Octoberfest. They do things the right way. They take care of their people and each other. Notice they're the only European nation that isn't broke.
The LMSM Media monopoly got away with lying about the Democrat ugly past for generations, now the Dems are fucked.

They've LIED about EVERYTHING including: Their actual Civil Rights Record, their Alignment with Stalin during WWII, that McCarthy used his HUAC to start a "Red Scare", FDR Worst ever economic record eclipsing the Biblical 7 Lean years. Had FDR Severed only 2 terms he would have been the greatest economic Failure ever.

They lost their ability to lie about their record when their media monopoly

Yeah, they still cling to their notion of McCarthyism, even though the Venona papers and ex KGB agents revealed he was right about most of the things he was claiming in regards to the soviet infiltration.

Many....Jews in Hollywood and other places like NY. Who...were descendants of the Jews that emigrated to this country from Russia in the early 20th century displayed their absolute loyalty to Stalin and the communist ideals.

That leads to the Emma Goldmans who heavily influenced Roger Baldwin who founded the ACLU and flat out stated communism is their goal.

Then the treachery of the Rosenbergs who sold out the country when they sold the secrets of the atom bomb to Stalin.

Liberals in this country are disgusting. BTW, that is where the Charles Schumers, Dianne Feinsteins, Barbara Boxers and Rahm Emmanuels descend from.

Not to mention Katzenberg, Matzenberg, Weinstein, and spielbergs come from along with Frank Rich of the NY Times.

Yes, Mcarthy was vindicated, but the left wing assholes still cling to their lie.

That's it..let it out..

The Jews..

Gotta love it.

By the way, Stalin was once going to become a priest..until he became a commie.

Stalin studied to be a priest at a seminary (school for priests) in Tbilisi.[3]
Joseph Stalin - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The LMSM Media monopoly got away with lying about the Democrat ugly past for generations, now the Dems are fucked.

They've LIED about EVERYTHING including: Their actual Civil Rights Record, their Alignment with Stalin during WWII, that McCarthy used his HUAC to start a "Red Scare", FDR Worst ever economic record eclipsing the Biblical 7 Lean years. Had FDR Severed only 2 terms he would have been the greatest economic Failure ever.

They lost their ability to lie about their record when their media monopoly

Yeah, they still cling to their notion of McCarthyism, even though the Venona papers and ex KGB agents revealed he was right about most of the things he was claiming in regards to the soviet infiltration.

Many....Jews in Hollywood and other places like NY. Who...were descendants of the Jews that emigrated to this country from Russia in the early 20th century displayed their absolute loyalty to Stalin and the communist ideals.

That leads to the Emma Goldmans who heavily influenced Roger Baldwin who founded the ACLU and flat out stated communism is their goal.

Then the treachery of the Rosenbergs who sold out the country when they sold the secrets of the atom bomb to Stalin.

Liberals in this country are disgusting. BTW, that is where the Charles Schumers, Dianne Feinsteins, Barbara Boxers and Rahm Emmanuels descend from.

Not to mention Katzenberg, Matzenberg, Weinstein, and spielbergs come from along with Frank Rich of the NY Times.

Yes, Mcarthy was vindicated, but the left wing assholes still cling to their lie.


No, McCarthy was never vindicated. That's like saying I'm vindicated in calling someone's mother a serial killer because there are serial killers in America.
It's a very naïve view of history and really doesn't bring everything into account.

The Democratic party is an offshoot of the Democratic-Republican party which was started by Jefferson. It was populated by folks that disagreed with Hamilton's Federalists. Many of the memes of the Modern conservative could be found in this party, such as opposition to "big" government and a focus on the "heartland". Republicans were an offshoot of the Whigs. They were the "Liberal" wing of that party and aligned themselves with the abolitionists.

The civil rights act entirely flipped the the way.

Yup, the plantation is just run differently. Now whites are the targets, not blacks.

So thats it!! white slavery huh? :lol: Your fear !!! Shitting your pants huh?

You are so prone to hyperbole.

What I don't like is the fact that you fucken assholes start your race-baiting and the crackers start giving my wife the evil eye. She told me that whites around here haven't given her this much shit since the 60s.
The LMSM Media monopoly got away with lying about the Democrat ugly past for generations, now the Dems are fucked.

They've LIED about EVERYTHING including: Their actual Civil Rights Record, their Alignment with Stalin during WWII, that McCarthy used his HUAC to start a "Red Scare", FDR Worst ever economic record eclipsing the Biblical 7 Lean years. Had FDR Severed only 2 terms he would have been the greatest economic Failure ever.

They lost their ability to lie about their record when their media monopoly

Yeah, they still cling to their notion of McCarthyism, even though the Venona papers and ex KGB agents revealed he was right about most of the things he was claiming in regards to the soviet infiltration.

Many....Jews in Hollywood and other places like NY. Who...were descendants of the Jews that emigrated to this country from Russia in the early 20th century displayed their absolute loyalty to Stalin and the communist ideals.

That leads to the Emma Goldmans who heavily influenced Roger Baldwin who founded the ACLU and flat out stated communism is their goal.

Then the treachery of the Rosenbergs who sold out the country when they sold the secrets of the atom bomb to Stalin.

Liberals in this country are disgusting. BTW, that is where the Charles Schumers, Dianne Feinsteins, Barbara Boxers and Rahm Emmanuels descend from.

Not to mention Katzenberg, Matzenberg, Weinstein, and spielbergs come from along with Frank Rich of the NY Times.

Yes, Mcarthy was vindicated, but the left wing assholes still cling to their lie.

That's it..let it out..

The Jews..

Gotta love it.

By the way, Stalin was once going to become a priest..until he became a commie.

Stalin studied to be a priest at a seminary (school for priests) in Tbilisi.[3]
Joseph Stalin - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yup, he was a real fuckup, wasn't he......
Name drop much?

Well, me and my Marine Biologist friend were discussing Global Warming the other day......

Who the fuck does that? Don't you have something better to do?

Bragging about traveling? Dude, I've done my share of traveling. I'm done with it. The only place I really liked was Germany. It was great. I'd rather live there than here. Problem is if I moved there I'd be poor, I'm not even sure they'd let me, unless I married a German national. But have fun in Australia acting like a tourist.


He's not a biologist nor is he a scientist. He's a multi media techie guy. But he rubs elbows with major scientists. You know..folks actually involved in this shit? And generally when I post something? I back it up with a real live link.

Bragging? Sure. Why not.

I liked Germany too. Octoberfest..rocked.

And I am not sure what you mean by "Acting like a tourist".

I ain't a native of Australia. Nor would I pretend to be.

Acting like a tourist.....throwing another shrimp on the barbie.....

If I was single I'd go to Australia to meet women, but the men are for the most part pretty decent. Served with one in Somalia. Really nice guy, and their cooks know how to throw together a meal.

There's alot more to Germany than Octoberfest. They do things the right way. They take care of their people and each other. Notice they're the only European nation that isn't broke.

Well I am going with my Girlfriend to a wedding in Daylesford, and we are hitting Tasmania after that. That part of it is I was a big fan of Warner Brothers, I want to see a Tasmanian dev.

I've met a few Australians as well. They are great people.

Sort of surprised you like the German system. They have a lot of very Socialist programs.

They also have some pretty strong regulations on banking and the financial industry.

But I agree with you. Germany is a very solid country.
Yeah, they still cling to their notion of McCarthyism, even though the Venona papers and ex KGB agents revealed he was right about most of the things he was claiming in regards to the soviet infiltration.

Many....Jews in Hollywood and other places like NY. Who...were descendants of the Jews that emigrated to this country from Russia in the early 20th century displayed their absolute loyalty to Stalin and the communist ideals.

That leads to the Emma Goldmans who heavily influenced Roger Baldwin who founded the ACLU and flat out stated communism is their goal.

Then the treachery of the Rosenbergs who sold out the country when they sold the secrets of the atom bomb to Stalin.

Liberals in this country are disgusting. BTW, that is where the Charles Schumers, Dianne Feinsteins, Barbara Boxers and Rahm Emmanuels descend from.

Not to mention Katzenberg, Matzenberg, Weinstein, and spielbergs come from along with Frank Rich of the NY Times.

Yes, Mcarthy was vindicated, but the left wing assholes still cling to their lie.

That's it..let it out..

The Jews..

Gotta love it.

By the way, Stalin was once going to become a priest..until he became a commie.

Stalin studied to be a priest at a seminary (school for priests) in Tbilisi.[3]
Joseph Stalin - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yup, he was a real fuckup, wasn't he......

He was a butcher and a thug.

There's nothing about the guy I like.

He's not a biologist nor is he a scientist. He's a multi media techie guy. But he rubs elbows with major scientists. You know..folks actually involved in this shit? And generally when I post something? I back it up with a real live link.

Bragging? Sure. Why not.

I liked Germany too. Octoberfest..rocked.

And I am not sure what you mean by "Acting like a tourist".

I ain't a native of Australia. Nor would I pretend to be.

Acting like a tourist.....throwing another shrimp on the barbie.....

If I was single I'd go to Australia to meet women, but the men are for the most part pretty decent. Served with one in Somalia. Really nice guy, and their cooks know how to throw together a meal.

There's alot more to Germany than Octoberfest. They do things the right way. They take care of their people and each other. Notice they're the only European nation that isn't broke.

Well I am going with my Girlfriend to a wedding in Daylesford, and we are hitting Tasmania after that. That part of it is I was a big fan of Warner Brothers, I want to see a Tasmanian dev.

I've met a few Australians as well. They are great people.

Sort of surprised you like the German system. They have a lot of very Socialist programs.

They also have some pretty strong regulations on banking and the financial industry.

But I agree with you. Germany is a very solid country.

Nothing wrong with Socialism that is kept in check. Problem is it takes discipline to keep it from eating up the working class.

You must learn to not do too much. Address what is needed, not everything you want. And never do it to buy votes.
Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Lastly, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even argue this point.

Frankly, it is hilarious how some of the same people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.


It's a very naïve view of history and really doesn't bring everything into account.

The Democratic party is an offshoot of the Democratic-Republican party which was started by Jefferson. It was populated by folks that disagreed with Hamilton's Federalists. Many of the memes of the Modern conservative could be found in this party, such as opposition to "big" government and a focus on the "heartland". Republicans were an offshoot of the Whigs. They were the "Liberal" wing of that party and aligned themselves with the abolitionists.

The civil rights act entirely flipped the the way.

Yup, the plantation is just run differently. Now whites are the targets, not blacks.

There is no racial "plantation". And there are no racial "Targets" . This is a capitalistic society that is based on class first and everything else is secondary.

The small percentage of those who control the substantial wealth, do not see an appreciable difference between those who do not, except when there is an election and it is time once again to lie to the public and turn tricks for votes.

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