You Know What I heard on Fox News This Evening?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.
The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

Shouldn't somebody have already said that if it's on Faux News then it must be a lie?
I knew it wouldn't be long before a demonRat came in and shat on something good. it's so damn predictable. innit?
I'm a proud Alabamian by birth. Roll Tide.

The libs would rather the people were holding "Where's FEMA" signs.
I knew it wouldn't be long before a demonRat came in and shat on something good. it's so damn predictable. innit?

Is the subject of this thread Fox Noise or is it the story that ran on nearly every news channel?

It's great story, we need more stories of help between Americans rather than talking heads trying to divide America up into teams.
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The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

Real american's right there!

Thats what it means to be an help your neighbor because its the right and good thing to do.

And they government neither compelled nor bribed them to do it.

The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

Real american's right there!

Thats what it means to be an help your neighbor because its the right and good thing to do.

Amen to that. I don't ask a neighbor his political affiliation before I wind up the chain saw to get the tree off his house after a storm. It's all about helping your brother (or sister) when times are bad. It's the right thing to do.
The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

Real american's right there!

Thats what it means to be an help your neighbor because its the right and good thing to do.

And they government neither compelled nor bribed them to do it.


Having the government do it is SOOOOOOOOO not American or America. We just need the government to stay out of our way and get off our backs while we try to live our lives and care for each other. You can't legislate morality after all.

I thougth we tossed those shackles in the 1700's ;)

Kinda sad that people are trying to put them back on willingly. Ok enough
The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

Was watching NBC news the other night and they interviewed a black woman in Alabama that had lost everything. She said to tell the people of Joplin not to expect help from the government very soon, they were still waiting themselves. She went so far as saying that Obama didn't tell the truth!! Wow!
And now here's people that lost so much helping others in the same need! Awsome!!!!

Not looking good on "O" :)
I am grateful anyone is willing to help people in need.

I don't care where they are from.

The point seems to have gone way over the typical leftist head. Let me put it simply.. the people in need went to help the people in need. Need I say more?
I am grateful anyone is willing to help people in need.

I don't care where they are from.

The point seems to have gone way over the typical leftist head. Let me put it simply.. the people in need went to help the people in need. Need I say more?

Actually, you are the one that seems to have complicated the point by implying that being a good Samaritan was some sort of regional thing.

I am glad the people in need want to help the people in need.

I am glad the people with plenty want to help the people in need.

I am simply glad that anyone wants to help someone in need.

Why does it have to be more complicated than that?
I am grateful anyone is willing to help people in need.

I don't care where they are from.

The point seems to have gone way over the typical leftist head. Let me put it simply.. the people in need went to help the people in need. Need I say more?

you can't explain morality sometimes either.

But you can knock yourself out trying.

Seriously. You'd have a better chance of me accepting your version of morality if you were literally "knocked out" then if you were running your trap.
The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

Was watching NBC news the other night and they interviewed a black woman in Alabama that had lost everything. She said to tell the people of Joplin not to expect help from the government very soon, they were still waiting themselves. She went so far as saying that Obama didn't tell the truth!! Wow!
And now here's people that lost so much helping others in the same need! Awsome!!!!

Not looking good on "O" :)

There are two kinds of Americans after a disaster; Those that pick themselves up, and help themselves, and then go help their neighbors, and those that sit on their backsides, whine, and wait for the government to help both them and their neighbors. The first kind, will have recovered in six months; the second will still be waiting for the FEMA truck, and the government handouts, a year later.
The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

That's because governments in southern states won't help their citizens. It's why we need to keep Republican politicians from doing it to the United States. Look at Eric Canter. Look how much he wants to help the tragic victims in Joplin. A true Republican with the heart and soul of a conservative.
The heros from Tuscaloosa Alabama are showing up to help the people in Joplin Missouri. I love the South and the Southern people. The make me proud.

Was watching NBC news the other night and they interviewed a black woman in Alabama that had lost everything. She said to tell the people of Joplin not to expect help from the government very soon, they were still waiting themselves. She went so far as saying that Obama didn't tell the truth!! Wow!
And now here's people that lost so much helping others in the same need! Awsome!!!!

Not looking good on "O" :)

There are two kinds of Americans after a disaster; Those that pick themselves up, and help themselves, and then go help their neighbors, and those that sit on their backsides, whine, and wait for the government to help both them and their neighbors. The first kind, will have recovered in six months; the second will still be waiting for the FEMA truck, and the government handouts, a year later.

Yea, sitting out in the middle of a field with everything you ever owned blown away. Not even clean shorts. With kids.

Republicans, with their kind heart and wise knowledge, say, I'm not responsible for your lazy ass. I want my tax money to go to subsidies for oil companies.

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