Biden Tells Howard Stern He'll Debate Trump, Then Mumbles About Being "Arrested On A Porch With A Black Family"

Good thing for him, Dems lost their standards and do not care about liars anymore. Right? :lol:
Seriously though, this was their answer for trumps lies.
The American electorate has a collective IQ of 11.
More from the bankrupt GW Pundit?

See? The BDS threads just keep coming.
Negative.....They are just FJB threads.

There's a difference because after FJB is defeated most won't ever think of him again unless there's a question on who the worst POTUS in history is.

Me, I think Carter can go easy to his grave and James Buchanan can rest easy in his.
Satan is the Lord of Lies, and all Trump cultists are down on their knees servicing him.

And that's why you hate us. Servants of the dark lord hate those who serve the truth.
In a thread about his favorite pedophile lying, he cant quit obsessing over trump.
Dude needs help.
I do not fault Biden. I feel sorry for Biden. We are literally watching Biden die of Dementia. This is what happens while you die of Dementia, while the best doctors in the world pump you full of the most advanced memory/brain drugs in the world.

I honestly dont think Biden will be alive in 2 years. I bet Biden dies by this time of next year. Biden will be pulled off the ticket in October, SURPRISE
It is sick, it is sad. The Democrats prove they abuse the elderly, this is the proof.


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