You idiots supporting national minimum wage increase to $15/hour READ this!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Robots Made Fast-Food Workers Obsolete: Now They Are Coming After These 791,200 Jobs | Zero Hedge

One month ago, during the latest minimum wage protest by fast food workers, we presented the machine that would soon put most of them out of a job. We were referring to the nemesis of low-skilled burger flippers everywhere, the Momentum Machines burger maker.

The robot is shown below. It occupies 24 square feet, and is much smaller and efficient than most assembly-line fast-food operations. It provides "gourmet cooking methods never before used in a fast food restaurant" and will deposit the completed burger into a bag. It does all of this without a trace of attitude
Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 12.37.18 PM.png
I have history with a small town business from home and while I want to see something like minimum wage raised, something like this would absolutely kill the small business I know, and I'm sure many other small businesses. What do you do exactly? You want a healthy economy where people have a surplus of money to spend, to have some financial freedom. Raising minimum wage sounds like something that could help in that area. But a lot of small businesses can't afford something like this. Do we want a country where big corporate companies like Starbucks and Walmart thrive, but small coffee shops, and mom/pop retailers can't function?

I just don't know what the answer is. I'm not against a minimum wage raise, I think we just need to pause for a second and talk about negative consequences that could come from that
I have history with a small town business from home and while I want to see something like minimum wage raised, something like this would absolutely kill the small business I know, and I'm sure many other small businesses. What do you do exactly? You want a healthy economy where people have a surplus of money to spend, to have some financial freedom. Raising minimum wage sounds like something that could help in that area. But a lot of small businesses can't afford something like this. Do we want a country where big corporate companies like Starbucks and Walmart thrive, but small coffee shops, and mom/pop retailers can't function?

I just don't know what the answer is. I'm not against a minimum wage raise, I think we just need to pause for a second and talk about negative consequences that could come from that

Deal with FACTS though about "minimum wage" OK???

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:
50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012

So you want to put young people that have NO job skills that generally get these skills from minimum jobs NOT to get the valuable simple work experience of
A) Being at work regularly and B) being on time. Both of these are very fundamental requirements that are the minimum and by encouraging because of ignorance
of how many truly work at minimum wage YOU are encouraging the replacing of these young workers.
Please think about this effort of nationalized $15/hour minimum wage when Mississippi living standards are very different then New York. That's not considered.
I have history with a small town business from home and while I want to see something like minimum wage raised, something like this would absolutely kill the small business I know, and I'm sure many other small businesses. What do you do exactly? You want a healthy economy where people have a surplus of money to spend, to have some financial freedom. Raising minimum wage sounds like something that could help in that area. But a lot of small businesses can't afford something like this. Do we want a country where big corporate companies like Starbucks and Walmart thrive, but small coffee shops, and mom/pop retailers can't function?

I just don't know what the answer is. I'm not against a minimum wage raise, I think we just need to pause for a second and talk about negative consequences that could come from that

Deal with FACTS though about "minimum wage" OK???

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:
50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012

So you want to put young people that have NO job skills that generally get these skills from minimum jobs NOT to get the valuable simple work experience of
A) Being at work regularly and B) being on time. Both of these are very fundamental requirements that are the minimum and by encouraging because of ignorance
of how many truly work at minimum wage YOU are encouraging the replacing of these young workers.
Please think about this effort of nationalized $15/hour minimum wage when Mississippi living standards are very different then New York. That's not considered.
I glanced over this post twice and I'm not sure if you understood my post and I don't understand what you are asking me or what your view on the topic is. Your post feels more like you reaching for an opportunity to copy and paste talking points rather than reading what I said and then giving me a real message in response to it
I have history with a small town business from home and while I want to see something like minimum wage raised, something like this would absolutely kill the small business I know, and I'm sure many other small businesses. What do you do exactly? You want a healthy economy where people have a surplus of money to spend, to have some financial freedom. Raising minimum wage sounds like something that could help in that area. But a lot of small businesses can't afford something like this. Do we want a country where big corporate companies like Starbucks and Walmart thrive, but small coffee shops, and mom/pop retailers can't function?

I just don't know what the answer is. I'm not against a minimum wage raise, I think we just need to pause for a second and talk about negative consequences that could come from that

Deal with FACTS though about "minimum wage" OK???

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:
50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012

So you want to put young people that have NO job skills that generally get these skills from minimum jobs NOT to get the valuable simple work experience of
A) Being at work regularly and B) being on time. Both of these are very fundamental requirements that are the minimum and by encouraging because of ignorance
of how many truly work at minimum wage YOU are encouraging the replacing of these young workers.
Please think about this effort of nationalized $15/hour minimum wage when Mississippi living standards are very different then New York. That's not considered.
I glanced over this post twice and I'm not sure if you understood my post and I don't understand what you are asking me or what your view on the topic is. Your post feels more like you reaching for an opportunity to copy and paste talking points rather than reading what I said and then giving me a real message in response to it

And I'M AGAINST what you are in favor of! "I'm not against a minimum wage raise,"
Did you not read the facts as to WHY raising minimum wage will COST jobs as robots will replace!
That's the whole point of the thread. You don't seem to understand what it means when these kids will be replaced by robots. Where will they get fundamental
work experience? Trade schools which cost tuition, tax money and they aren't earning anything! NO. I think you are missing the point of the thread. Raising minimum wage will bring higher unemployment of the same people that need the jobs!
So why isn't every food business using these machines.
I don't buy the argument that the Minimum Wage is the reason these machines were developed.
I have history with a small town business from home and while I want to see something like minimum wage raised, something like this would absolutely kill the small business I know, and I'm sure many other small businesses. What do you do exactly? You want a healthy economy where people have a surplus of money to spend, to have some financial freedom. Raising minimum wage sounds like something that could help in that area. But a lot of small businesses can't afford something like this. Do we want a country where big corporate companies like Starbucks and Walmart thrive, but small coffee shops, and mom/pop retailers can't function?

I just don't know what the answer is. I'm not against a minimum wage raise, I think we just need to pause for a second and talk about negative consequences that could come from that

Deal with FACTS though about "minimum wage" OK???

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:
50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012

So you want to put young people that have NO job skills that generally get these skills from minimum jobs NOT to get the valuable simple work experience of
A) Being at work regularly and B) being on time. Both of these are very fundamental requirements that are the minimum and by encouraging because of ignorance
of how many truly work at minimum wage YOU are encouraging the replacing of these young workers.
Please think about this effort of nationalized $15/hour minimum wage when Mississippi living standards are very different then New York. That's not considered.
I glanced over this post twice and I'm not sure if you understood my post and I don't understand what you are asking me or what your view on the topic is. Your post feels more like you reaching for an opportunity to copy and paste talking points rather than reading what I said and then giving me a real message in response to it

And I'M AGAINST what you are in favor of! "I'm not against a minimum wage raise,"
Did you not read the facts as to WHY raising minimum wage will COST jobs as robots will replace!
That's the whole point of the thread. You don't seem to understand what it means when these kids will be replaced by robots. Where will they get fundamental
work experience? Trade schools which cost tuition, tax money and they aren't earning anything! NO. I think you are missing the point of the thread. Raising minimum wage will bring higher unemployment of the same people that need the jobs!
I think you read one part of my post
I have history with a small town business from home and while I want to see something like minimum wage raised, something like this would absolutely kill the small business I know, and I'm sure many other small businesses. What do you do exactly? You want a healthy economy where people have a surplus of money to spend, to have some financial freedom. Raising minimum wage sounds like something that could help in that area. But a lot of small businesses can't afford something like this. Do we want a country where big corporate companies like Starbucks and Walmart thrive, but small coffee shops, and mom/pop retailers can't function?

I just don't know what the answer is. I'm not against a minimum wage raise, I think we just need to pause for a second and talk about negative consequences that could come from that

Deal with FACTS though about "minimum wage" OK???

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:
50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012

So you want to put young people that have NO job skills that generally get these skills from minimum jobs NOT to get the valuable simple work experience of
A) Being at work regularly and B) being on time. Both of these are very fundamental requirements that are the minimum and by encouraging because of ignorance
of how many truly work at minimum wage YOU are encouraging the replacing of these young workers.
Please think about this effort of nationalized $15/hour minimum wage when Mississippi living standards are very different then New York. That's not considered.
I glanced over this post twice and I'm not sure if you understood my post and I don't understand what you are asking me or what your view on the topic is. Your post feels more like you reaching for an opportunity to copy and paste talking points rather than reading what I said and then giving me a real message in response to it

And I'M AGAINST what you are in favor of! "I'm not against a minimum wage raise,"
Did you not read the facts as to WHY raising minimum wage will COST jobs as robots will replace!
That's the whole point of the thread. You don't seem to understand what it means when these kids will be replaced by robots. Where will they get fundamental
work experience? Trade schools which cost tuition, tax money and they aren't earning anything! NO. I think you are missing the point of the thread. Raising minimum wage will bring higher unemployment of the same people that need the jobs!

the reality is that it just makes liberals feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good to talk about raising the minimum wage. Their small brains do not have the capacity to actually think it through.
minimum wage hike or no these robots will replace these jobs.

20-30 years from now fast food shops will be automated. stores will be automated. we're going to live in a reality where the robots build it, package it, load it, transport it, stock it, pick it from stock and deliver it to the end user. The item never gets touched by a human until the drone drops it on your driveway.

Same will happen with these fast food jobs. The robots will be cheaper than the humans over time, as this new technology becomes get less expensive over time.
So why isn't every food business using these machines.
I don't buy the argument that the Minimum Wage is the reason these machines were developed.

Then why were they developed if not to reduce the number of employees required? How about robotic welding on auto assembly lines? Would they have been developed if the UAW had not demanded wages and benefits that would have destroyed the industry?
minimum wage hike or no these robots will replace these jobs.

20-30 years from now fast food shops will be automated. stores will be automated. we're going to live in a reality where the robots build it, package it, load it, transport it, stock it, pick it from stock and deliver it to the end user. The item never gets touched by a human until the drone drops it on your driveway.

Same will happen with these fast food jobs. The robots will be cheaper than the humans over time, as this new technology becomes get less expensive over time.

then todays young people better get trained on how to design and build the robots. Human brains and hands will always be needed.
So why isn't every food business using these machines.
I don't buy the argument that the Minimum Wage is the reason these machines were developed.

Then why were they developed if not to reduce the number of employees required? How about robotic welding on auto assembly lines? Would they have been developed if the UAW had not demanded wages and benefits that would have destroyed the industry?
Cost Effectiveness, Accuracy and overall advancement of an outdated method of serving customers.
I expect vehicles to be driverless within 5 years.
minimum wage hike or no these robots will replace these jobs.

20-30 years from now fast food shops will be automated. stores will be automated. we're going to live in a reality where the robots build it, package it, load it, transport it, stock it, pick it from stock and deliver it to the end user. The item never gets touched by a human until the drone drops it on your driveway.

Same will happen with these fast food jobs. The robots will be cheaper than the humans over time, as this new technology becomes get less expensive over time.

then todays young people better get trained on how to design and build the robots. Human brains and hands will always be needed.

yep. no doubt about it in my my mind. we're seeing an advancement of automation into areas that had to this point remained untouched. really it's just a replay of industrial automation and I see no reason to think the results won't be the same.

so, yes, stay in school kids.
There is not a burger maker alive that is worth $15/hr. That notion is patently absurd in a free market were wages depend upon the value of the service and skills offered. $15/hr is $30K per year for someone working 40 hr. Per week. There are skilled admin staff who do not earn that. Yet you think that Tyrone Del Rosa, who smokes pot on break and spits on your food, is worth that?

Of course, that does not matter to proponents because their real concern is to move us away from a free market into a more regulated market similar, if not identical, to socialized European countries. The ideologues are blowing smoke up your dumb asses to get you excited with distractions, like more money, so they can take advantage of you, like a whore knifing you in the throat while she gives you a hand job so she can steal your wallet.

Employees compensation has always been the biggest component of business overhead. I think that the market for robots is there regardless of an increase of minimum wage. Though, such a ridiculous increase will further encourage the expeditious development of worker-replacing robots.
minimum wage hike or no these robots will replace these jobs.

20-30 years from now fast food shops will be automated. stores will be automated. we're going to live in a reality where the robots build it, package it, load it, transport it, stock it, pick it from stock and deliver it to the end user. The item never gets touched by a human until the drone drops it on your driveway.

Same will happen with these fast food jobs. The robots will be cheaper than the humans over time, as this new technology becomes get less expensive over time.

That's why instead of whining, maybe people need to figure way to get in on the action... robot tech maybe?
So why isn't every food business using these machines.
I don't buy the argument that the Minimum Wage is the reason these machines were developed.

Then why were they developed if not to reduce the number of employees required? How about robotic welding on auto assembly lines? Would they have been developed if the UAW had not demanded wages and benefits that would have destroyed the industry?
Cost Effectiveness, Accuracy and overall advancement of an outdated method of serving customers.
I expect vehicles to be driverless within 5 years.

OK, back to burger flippers. Is it better to have teens working for $10/hour or to have them on the street and burgers being flipped by robots?

That's the trade off, deal with it.
So why isn't every food business using these machines.
I don't buy the argument that the Minimum Wage is the reason these machines were developed.

I agree. These machines are coming regardless of minimum wage laws or Obamacare.

What people don't realize is it is low skill jobs now, but will be skilled jobs later.
So why isn't every food business using these machines.
I don't buy the argument that the Minimum Wage is the reason these machines were developed.

Then why were they developed if not to reduce the number of employees required? How about robotic welding on auto assembly lines? Would they have been developed if the UAW had not demanded wages and benefits that would have destroyed the industry?
Cost Effectiveness, Accuracy and overall advancement of an outdated method of serving customers.
I expect vehicles to be driverless within 5 years.

OK, back to burger flippers. Is it better to have teens working for $10/hour or to have them on the street and burgers being flipped by robots?

That's the trade off, deal with it.
Robots would replace workers at $5 an hour!

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