I hate to say this, but President Trump is wrong about the stimulus checks


Gold Member
May 28, 2020
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.
If we have extra money to funnel to terrorist in Pakistan, we have money to give Americans a few extra bucks.

We should be giving that money to American terrorists.
Here you have what Democrats think of Americans. Giving Americans their own money is funding terrorist. Democrats rather fund Pakistani terrorist then help Americans
If we have extra money to funnel to terrorist in Pakistan, we have money to give Americans a few extra bucks.

We should be giving that money to American terrorists.
Here you have what Democrats think of Americans. Giving Americans their own money is funding terrorist. Democrats rather fund Pakistani terrorist then help Americans

I do not believe democrats exist. There are republicans (who support President Trump) and then there are CCP communists. The real democrats died long ago. They were once great people who loved out stars and bars and produced great presidents like Jefferson Davis. Sadly the good democrats went away long ago because of that commie in a top hat.
Investment is more important to the economy than consumer spending. if you give money to the rich they likely will invest it. The poor and middle classes will spend it.
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.
Fuck the governments, open up your businesses, and if the police show up to shut you down, then stand firm, form a large group, but keep the business open. See if the police want to have some really bad things happen, just for trying to have people be free. Time to shut the progressives down, if they dont like it, start burying them...
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.

Like the 3 martini lunch. Its the greed at the top that are destroying the USA.
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.
'Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous'??...and what is wrong with spending it on rent, food and other bills??
I can understand helping folks that really need help because of loss income due to the pandemic. However, as was the case after the first stimulus, sending out money to those not fiscally affected will send our foreign trade deficit soaring. Why should we want to reward China?
If we have extra money to funnel to terrorist in Pakistan, we have money to give Americans a few extra bucks.

We should be giving that money to American terrorists.
Here you have what Democrats think of Americans. Giving Americans their own money is funding terrorist. Democrats rather fund Pakistani terrorist then help Americans

You recognize satire about as well as you distinguish between "singular" and "plural".
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.

If we want to stimulate the economy we should lower gasoline prices to around ten cents per gallon.
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.

You just don't get it.
Trump is pissed at Mitch McConnell for confirming Biden's win.
So he threw a wrench into the stimulus package just to fuck with him.
The rest of your post is bullshit, too.
"the greed of the poor"
Goddamn you're a prick.
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.

If we want to stimulate the economy we should lower gasoline prices to around ten cents per gallon.

Who is "we"?
You think Big Oil is going to go with that suggestion???
He's doing to spite Mitch McConnell

Trump doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself.
He's butthurt so bad over Barr, McConnell and even Pat Robertson saying the election was fair.
He's only talking to disgraced lying POS Mike Flynn, Rudy and that wacky bitch Sidney Powell who said that Hugo Chavez, who's been dead for several years now, was in on the fraud to elect Biden.
He's not talking to his staff, Mark Meadows, he hates everbody.
I'm starting to believe this karma shit is real.
Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on... rent... and other bills is ridiculous.

This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs

Seriously, look at what you just wrote.

You think people will foolishly spend the money on rent.

Yet, if they spend it on rent, it will be going to the landlords you say should get it. If the landlords are getting rent money, they don't have to evict anyone...
There shouldn't be any stimulus checks. The first $1,200 was a mistake and now the second $600 is just as huge of a mistake. Trump asking for $2,000 per person is insane. Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous. It's money down the drain and doesn't do anything to help the economy in ways that matter. This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs, and they are unable to find anyone else to move into the newly vacant properties. It should go to businesses so that they can hire more people and pass some of the funds down to the new employees. It should go to investors so that they can feel confident in investing and keeping the markets moving. It should not be going to the people who will just blow it on junk I don't approve of. I am fine if it went to people who are successful, because they are the ones who have proven they know how to handle money, and it's likely they will take such money to hire people to babysit their kids and to mow their lawns. Give it to the people who matter and who will use it correctly.

What we should be doing is passing laws that encourage more jobs. That means making it so everything is opened back up immediately. Businesses that do not open up should be seized and auctioned off. We also need an emergency act that allows employers to hire new employees at wages below minimum wage and get rid of laws that require overtime pay. Gutting all of the Obamacare laws that force companies to offer insurance will also help. Encouraging companies all around to cut pay and benefits together will ensure no socialist corporation like Costco can ruin it. Perhaps even making it illegal to offer such benefits for a certain period time is needed. The same can be done by setting maximum wages on lower skilled labor jobs. I don't understand why a bagger at Costco is making $15/hr. Those need to be set to a more reasonable wage of around $5/hr at the most. This should only apply to certain low skill jobs like store clerks, burger flippers, help desk, janitors, clerks, receptionist, etc.., of course. I'm not suggesting real jobs should have such limits. But these corporations are basically implemented their own form of socialism by paying these low-skilled employees so much.

The utopian visions of Costco CEOs and the greed of the poor is destroying our economy and it will make recovery from democrat COVID crisis during President Trump's second and third terms much more difficult. The more money they pay these people, the more they have to charge for the goods and services. It's redistributing the wealth from our pockets into the pockets of the fast food workers at taco bell. I don't want to see sour cream squirters owning cars, fancy smartphones, or able to pay rent. It's literal theft from the haves to the have-nots. At the very least these limits should be imposed until 2025 and the economy is back in order during Trump's third term.
'Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on junk like Xboxes, iPhones, playstations, rent, food, and other bills is ridiculous'??...and what is wrong with spending it on rent, food and other bills??

You have proof that this money has gone to buying toys?
You think paying rent and buying food is "simply blowing it"?
How fucked up are you, anyway?
Giving these checks to people who will simply blow it on... rent... and other bills is ridiculous.

This money should be going to landlords who are losing money because they had to evict tenants who lost their jobs

Seriously, look at what you just wrote.

You think people will foolishly spend the money on rent.

Yet, if they spend it on rent, it will be going to the landlords you say should get it. If the landlords are getting rent money, they don't have to evict anyone...

They simply have lost any semblance to logical thinking.
They are so far up Trump's ass that the lack of oxygen has cost them a functioning cerebral cortex.
Landlords are sitting on a PILE of evictions and they need the money, too.

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