Yet another question for supporters of the mandate.....


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

If anyone can please help answer this, I am struggling to understand. Please help!

I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?
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Because the dems could not get the votes without caving into the corporations' desires for profit, yet the GOP held back though the corporations are their natural allies and punished them for it in 2012.
Because the dems could not get the votes without caving into the corporations' desires for profit, yet the GOP held back though the corporations are their natural allies and punished them for it in 2012.

Dodge. next.
lobbyist finally got the pressure at the right time at the same place Wash. D.C.
If you think that many in the medical profession did not want this, and the insurance lobbyist, well then you need to find solace in some other manner..
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

If anyone can please help answer this, I am struggling to understand. Please help!

I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?

I neither support the mandate, which was invented by conservatives, nor the government coercing companies into what benefits they must provide to their employees.

Both practices are bogus.

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[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

If anyone can please help answer this, I am struggling to understand. Please help!

I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?

g5000 has weighed in, honorably. I doubt we'll get much else. Hypocrisy breeds cowardice.
.... crickets ....
Because it is self-defeating or as I put it in another thread ACA has created three or more differences of potential between the various states.

The ratio of non-exchange insurance companies versus exchange companies varies tremendously from state to state. The non-exchange companies do not get subsidy eligible customers and that will make a big difference at the margin. Which way is unknown but despite being required to conform to Obamacare standards the non-exchange companies should be able to compete on quality of care rather than price.

Reimbursement rates vary not just widely but wildly from state to state. This will strongly affect location and relocation decisions by healthcare providers.

Subsidy levels vary by state as well. This will likely increase existing Government services migration patterns thus shifting state expenses.

The broad/narrow/ultra-narrow network problem strikes me as an effect of the above but I could easily be in error.

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

If anyone can please help answer this, I am struggling to understand. Please help!

I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?

OK. Let's start with Government mandating religion. Blatant violation of the first amendment

Now, let's look at healthcare. Getting sick is bad. Everyone agrees with that. But who should pay? It would be nice if everyone picked up their own but a simple hospital stay will cost over $100K. Even Emily would have a hard time picking up that tab. So what do we do? Require everyone to have insurance and provide government assistance to those who can't afford it
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

If anyone can please help answer this, I am struggling to understand. Please help!

I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?

OK. Let's start with Government mandating religion. Blatant violation of the first amendment

Now, let's look at healthcare. Getting sick is bad. Everyone agrees with that. But who should pay? It would be nice if everyone picked up their own but a simple hospital stay will cost over $100K. Even Emily would have a hard time picking up that tab. So what do we do? Require everyone to have insurance and provide government assistance to those who can't afford it

Why not just refuse treatment for those who can't pay? There are hundreds of programs granting insurance coverage for those on the low end of the income scale so they are covered. Why do we insist on letting people skate?

That's the root of the problem, free treatment for those who can afford to buy their own policies.
I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?

Confiscation should be used as little as humanly possible. What we are teaching our children is insanity.
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

If anyone can please help answer this, I am struggling to understand. Please help!

OK. Let's start with Government mandating religion. Blatant violation of the first amendment

Now, let's look at healthcare. Getting sick is bad. Everyone agrees with that. But who should pay? It would be nice if everyone picked up their own but a simple hospital stay will cost over $100K. Even Emily would have a hard time picking up that tab. So what do we do? Require everyone to have insurance and provide government assistance to those who can't afford it

Why not just refuse treatment for those who can't pay? There are hundreds of programs granting insurance coverage for those on the low end of the income scale so they are covered. Why do we insist on letting people skate?

That's the root of the problem, free treatment for those who can afford to buy their own policies.

Let em it
OK. Let's start with Government mandating religion. Blatant violation of the first amendment

Now, let's look at healthcare. Getting sick is bad. Everyone agrees with that. But who should pay? It would be nice if everyone picked up their own but a simple hospital stay will cost over $100K. Even Emily would have a hard time picking up that tab. So what do we do? Require everyone to have insurance and provide government assistance to those who can't afford it

Why not just refuse treatment for those who can't pay? There are hundreds of programs granting insurance coverage for those on the low end of the income scale so they are covered. Why do we insist on letting people skate?

That's the root of the problem, free treatment for those who can afford to buy their own policies.

Let em it

No, help those who help themselves and leave the rest of us alone. There are enough programs out there (especially now) so that there is no excuse for anyone to be uninsured.
Why not just refuse treatment for those who can't pay? There are hundreds of programs granting insurance coverage for those on the low end of the income scale so they are covered. Why do we insist on letting people skate?

That's the root of the problem, free treatment for those who can afford to buy their own policies.

Let em it

No, help those who help themselves and leave the rest of us alone. There are enough programs out there (especially now) so that there is no excuse for anyone to be uninsured.

Most Americans do not need health insurance. Health Insurance is for sick people and most of us feel just fine
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

If anyone can please help answer this, I am struggling to understand. Please help!

I raised this issue in another thread, but didn't want to hijack it - so here we go....

For those of you who support the individual mandate (or, for that matter, the employer mandate), why is it OK for government to dictate that we all buy insurance, even telling us which companies we can buy it from and what kind of insurance we are required to purchase, yet not ok for them to dictate our religious practices?

I'm not asking for technical authorization. I realize the Court has signed off on the mandates and, according to our current system, they pass Constitutional muster. But how do you justify the state's authority to force us to do business with their corporate cronies? I'd hope you'd all be appalled at the idea of the state forcing us to join government authorized religions, and tithe to them monthly - yet you seem to be ok with the idea of them forcing us to join insurance plans and pay them, even if we don't want the services they offer. What gives?

OK. Let's start with Government mandating religion. Blatant violation of the first amendment.

Let's start by reading the instructions. I specifically said I wasn't looking for technical excuses. I understand that forcing us to join state-approved religions is specifically prohibited by the Constitution. And that, according to Robert's Court, forcing us to buy state-approved insurance isn't. I think that should change. In my opinion, we need something like the first amendment that protects our economic freedom in the same way our religious freedom is protected.

But what I'm trying to understand is how some of you can recognize that Congress forcing us to join state-approved religions would be wrong, yet have somehow convinced yourselves that forcing us to buy insurance from their corporate sponsors is fine.

It could be argued that religious association strengthens society, providing mutual support and a moral foundation often missing from those who skip it. I'm sure we could dig up evidence showing that children raised without a religious foundation are more likely to get into trouble and require public assistance. Indeed, many people believe these things and would, if not for the first amendment, be eager to force their idea of responsible social life on the rest of us via legislation. But we agree as a nation, that government shouldn't have that kind of power and I simply don't see any substantive difference, and no less abuse, in the insurance mandates.

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