Yes Thor is a woman: Republicans can now rage.

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019
Marvel announced the next Thor movie will be played by Natalie Portman wielding the Hammer. Republicans and Trump supporters, I know how much you scream about how women are keeping you down. You may commence with your rage.
Marvel announced the next Thor movie will be played by Natalie Portman wielding the Hammer. Republicans and Trump supporters, I know how much you scream about how women are keeping you down. You may commence with your rage.
Point missed completely.

When we have MLK portrayed by a white guy I think you'll understand.

Btw, arent you supposed to provide a link?
No reason for any outrage, it follows the story line found in the comics. It's not like the male Thor isn't going to be in the movie.

Natalie Portman Returns for ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ as Female Thor

Portman hit the stage at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday to great fanfare, standing beside returning director Taika Waititi and co-stars Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, where she was handed a Hasbro version the hero’s famous hammer...

The development shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise for those who read the comic books. Foster’s introduced to the series as an astrophysicist who becomes the object of Thor’s affections, but in a 2014 comic-book storyline, she’s deemed worthy to wield Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, and adopts the title of Thor, the Goddess of Thunder...

If anyone gets bent about this, they're looking for any reason whatsoever to get bent.
I will watch it as I find the movies entertaining. I won't even think about politics or Trump during the show because after all, its just a movie and Natalie Portman is hot despite being a loon.
Unlike the OP who obsesses about Trump 24/7 and feels a need to project what others are thinking.
Point missed completely.

When we have MLK portrayed by a white guy I think you'll understand.

Btw, arent you supposed to provide a link?
He never, ever does. Rules are for suckers.

Btw...James Bond is now a woman also. I now have two more reasons never to set foot inside a movie theater as long as I live.
Its was established in one movie that the power was within him and the hammer was a conduit for him to control that power.

Yeah, yeah it was in the comics but some of us like to keep it simple
Marvel announced the next Thor movie will be played by Natalie Portman wielding the Hammer. Republicans and Trump supporters, I know how much you scream about how women are keeping you down. You may commence with your rage.

It won't be will be fans of Thor, the ones who grew up with Thor in the comics and are tired of lazy left wing writers with no talent simply taking well established products, throwing in the latest P.C. subject group into the lead role, and calling it creativity.....
Marvel announced the next Thor movie will be played by Natalie Portman wielding the Hammer. Republicans and Trump supporters, I know how much you scream about how women are keeping you down. You may commence with your rage.
Point missed completely. When we have MLK portrayed by a white guy I think you'll understand.
We understand quite clearly. Reminds me of the outrage when there reports that the next Bond would be black. Of course, that wasn't about racism. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately the superhero market decided to destroy itself. No one has to rage. Just drop it. Just because Thor is a woman isn't going to drag people to the movies to "rage". After all, look at how Dr. Who turned into a failing franchise. One by one the movies based on a hero will get woke and fail. Liberals will gleefully welcome conservative "rage". More than anything liberals are resembling Gollum. The twisted thing burning in a lake of lava having won his precious.

That's why they say get woke go broke.
No reason for any outrage, it follows the story line found in the comics. It's not like the male Thor isn't going to be in the movie.

Natalie Portman Returns for ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ as Female Thor

Portman hit the stage at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday to great fanfare, standing beside returning director Taika Waititi and co-stars Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, where she was handed a Hasbro version the hero’s famous hammer...

The development shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise for those who read the comic books. Foster’s introduced to the series as an astrophysicist who becomes the object of Thor’s affections, but in a 2014 comic-book storyline, she’s deemed worthy to wield Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, and adopts the title of Thor, the Goddess of Thunder...

If anyone gets bent about this, they're looking for any reason whatsoever to get bent.
Point being this was not a popular storyline in the comic books. I doubt it will go over well on screen. Comic book fans hated female Thor.
Marvel announced the next Thor movie will be played by Natalie Portman wielding the Hammer. Republicans and Trump supporters, I know how much you scream about how women are keeping you down. You may commence with your rage.

It won't be will be fans of Thor, the ones who grew up with Thor in the comics and are tired of lazy left wing writers with no talent simply taking well established products, throwing in the latest P.C. subject group into the lead role, and calling it creativity.....

Exactly. That move nearly bankrupted Marvel and the comic industry as a whole in the late 90's into the early 2000's. Taking characters fans had grown up with and changing them (into blacks, women, making them gay just for ....reasons) led to a whole group of long time fans abandoning the product. Yet these geniuses couldn't figure out why things were tanking. Once they moved the characters back to their original roots, things turned around. The movie money likely helped too. Though with Stan Lee gone now, it remains to be seen what direction Marvel/Disney goes in.
The unmistakable signs of a society cannibalizing itself are movies that try old blockbusters with new woke casting
(i.e. Ghost Busters or Wild Wild West) that fall on their faces.
Last summer I saw on someone's home streaming device a Marvel movie where Valhalla (the Norse paradise)
had Asian and black guardians protecting it.

It's cheap pandering but if your younger audience is too stupid to know the difference why not?
Point missed completely.

When we have MLK portrayed by a white guy I think you'll understand.

Btw, arent you supposed to provide a link?
He never, ever does. Rules are for suckers.

Btw...James Bond is now a woman also. I now have two more reasons never to set foot inside a movie theater as long as I live.
About the only Marvel storylines I’m interested in at this point are the TV shows with established characters. Hawkeye,Scarlet Witch,Loki and Falcon/Winter Soldier. Maybe Guardians and Dr Strange. None of the new junk. The newest Spider-Man was kinda meh. And I have no faith that the new phase 4 stuff will be any better.
Marvel announced the next Thor movie will be played by Natalie Portman wielding the Hammer. Republicans and Trump supporters, I know how much you scream about how women are keeping you down. You may commence with your rage.

It won't be will be fans of Thor, the ones who grew up with Thor in the comics and are tired of lazy left wing writers with no talent simply taking well established products, throwing in the latest P.C. subject group into the lead role, and calling it creativity.....
Exactly ...especially since they have hundreds of original characters to choose from and they tokenize the ones the comic fans don’t like.
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Marvel announced the next Thor movie will be played by Natalie Portman wielding the Hammer. Republicans and Trump supporters, I know how much you scream about how women are keeping you down. You may commence with your rage.

That's not what the announcement was. They said she would be a female Thor. Not THE Thor.

To adequately discuss this everyone would have to know what happened in all the other movies.

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