Woman Confronts Scott Pruitt in Resturant

You're obviously referring to Nazi death camps, Adolph. That's the only reason to use the term "concentration camp." You know exactly what you're doing, Hitler

Um, no, Concentration camps are where you hold a lot of people you have deemed 'undesirable'. Hitler got the idea for concentration camps looking at American Indian reservations.

These are concentration camps. They aren't death camps, yet. The goal is to make sure it never gets that far. Shaming a few assholes in resturants is a great idea.

I want clean water and clean air too.

Can you come to Baltimore with your new girlfriend and explain that to the "Progressives" dumping sewage in our waterways?

Fucking moronic hypocrite.

Wow, you do get that sewage has to be treated before it's released back into the waterways, right? You know, by Government...

Oh, never mind. I forgot you were retarded.
You're obviously referring to Nazi death camps, Adolph. That's the only reason to use the term "concentration camp." You know exactly what you're doing, Hitler

Um, no, Concentration camps are where you hold a lot of people you have deemed 'undesirable'. Hitler got the idea for concentration camps looking at American Indian reservations.

These are concentration camps. They aren't death camps, yet. The goal is to make sure it never gets that far. Shaming a few assholes in resturants is a great idea

No, Adolph, it wasn't shaming, it was assault. She deserved to have her ass kicked. The only way to counter fascists is to fight back against you, Hitler
We've shunned you and your antics.

You would rather insult us and push us away.

No, we insult you because you are fucking stupid and keep making the same mistake.

Some Right Wing hack appeals to your racism, your homophobia, your misogyny. He then fucks up the economy and used every recession to take away your wealth and rights at work.

And then after a Democrat fixes it, you do it again.
No, Adolph, it wasn't shaming, it was assault. She deserved to have her ass kicked. The only way to counter fascists is to fight back against you, Hitler

By all means, have Scott Pruitt punch a woman holding a child. That would be amusing.

He'd need a lot more than two bodyguards after that.
Gotcha, so why wait for him actually do it to say he is like you and JoeBHitler? Blaming Trump for things he didn't do and didn't say is your typical Brown Shirt fascist strategy to shut up your opposition. You're sick of being questioned, time to shut us down. We won't go away on our own, so it's time to shut us up

Well, the idea is to stop him before he gasses anyone. Frankly, listening to the hate expressed towards immigrants here, it's not like he'd have a hard time finding people to operate the ovens.
And who gets to decide that? Oh, yeah! The EPA! And if you can't run your life in a mentally healthy way, it is better for us if you just quite living! Even if you did nothing wrong, but maybe 700 years from now, some future civilization with standards and technology and ideas that never existed in your day decide so, come back in time to your day and convict you of heinous crimes, right Joe? How would you like to be convicted of a crime centuries from now by standards and means not even available to you in your century? You know Joe, like even if you are a medical doctor doing the best you know how in the only ways available, known and acceptable in your day. How would you like that Joe if someone from, say, the 27th century came back and convicted you of a crime that didn't even exist in your day by their standards centuries from now for rampant stupidity and hypocrisy and decided you didn't deserve to even live? Some thought, huh, Joe? Especially because it was YOUR idea.

Wow, guy, that was the craziest thing I read this morning.

We know right now what is good and not good for the environment, and Trump is making it easier for the not good stuff to be done so a few rich people can make more money. Frankly, i don't worry that someone is going to send back Arnie-bot from the 27th century... I worry more that there will still be people alive in the 22nd century.
Um... okay, her head wasn't shaved
So it turns out that this head-shaved, tattoo-covered little "classy" girl is a freaking school teacher. It's no wonder the education system in America is pumping out ultra ignorant students. :eusa_doh:

View attachment 203079

Uh, Sidwell does not turn out ignorant students. It is highly selective and is often called the Harvard of Washington DC's private schools.
Well they certainly hire ignorant teachers.... :laugh:

I believe you are mistaken because Pruitt actually did what the smart lady suggested.
You're obviously referring to Nazi death camps, Adolph. That's the only reason to use the term "concentration camp." You know exactly what you're doing, Hitler

Um, no, Concentration camps are where you hold a lot of people you have deemed 'undesirable'. Hitler got the idea for concentration camps looking at American Indian reservations.

These are concentration camps. They aren't death camps, yet. The goal is to make sure it never gets that far. Shaming a few assholes in resturants is a great idea.

I want clean water and clean air too.

Can you come to Baltimore with your new girlfriend and explain that to the "Progressives" dumping sewage in our waterways?

Fucking moronic hypocrite.

Wow, you do get that sewage has to be treated before it's released back into the waterways, right? You know, by Government...

Oh, never mind. I forgot you were retarded.
Um... retard?

This sewage is untreated and it is common knowledge that it has happened on numerous occasions.
We've shunned you and your antics.

You would rather insult us and push us away.

No, we insult you because you are fucking stupid and keep making the same mistake.

Some Right Wing hack appeals to your racism, your homophobia, your misogyny. He then fucks up the economy and used every recession to take away your wealth and rights at work.

And then after a Democrat fixes it, you do it again.

I'm not a Republican.

What mistakes am I making?

Oh...that's right Mr Republican, you think someone who disagrees with your tactics is somehow a racist homophobe.

No one has taken my wealth nor my right to work.
No, Adolph, it wasn't shaming, it was assault. She deserved to have her ass kicked. The only way to counter fascists is to fight back against you, Hitler

By all means, have Scott Pruitt punch a woman holding a child. That would be amusing.

He'd need a lot more than two bodyguards after that.

Strawman. Those horrible reading skills again, Adolph. You want it translated to German so you can understand it, Hitler?

Gotcha, so why wait for him actually do it to say he is like you and JoeBHitler? Blaming Trump for things he didn't do and didn't say is your typical Brown Shirt fascist strategy to shut up your opposition. You're sick of being questioned, time to shut us down. We won't go away on our own, so it's time to shut us up

Well, the idea is to stop him before he gasses anyone. Frankly, listening to the hate expressed towards immigrants here, it's not like he'd have a hard time finding people to operate the ovens.

Yes, you're certainly protecting honest, hard working illegal aliens by protecting them from gas chambers, Hitler. It's so close to happening
We've shunned you and your antics.

You would rather insult us and push us away.

No, we insult you because you are fucking stupid and keep making the same mistake.

Some Right Wing hack appeals to your racism, your homophobia, your misogyny. He then fucks up the economy and used every recession to take away your wealth and rights at work.

And then after a Democrat fixes it, you do it again.

I'm not a Republican.

What mistakes am I making?

Oh...that's right Mr Republican, you think someone who disagrees with your tactics is somehow a racist homophobe.

No one has taken my wealth nor my right to work.

JoeBHitler's not a Republican either. He voted for W in 2000, then was so upset the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election that he quit the Republican party. Then he voted for W again in 2004. Then he quit the Republican party AGAIN in 2008 because Romney. After voting for Republicans all his life, he decided that the Democrats are right on every issue because Romney was a Mormon.

See? Makes perfect sense, right?

He explained it to me after saying he had two jobs that total $80K a year in income, then decided he had only one job and it paid ... you guessed it ... $80K a year in income. I learn so much from JoeBAdolph. In a few years, I bet he's going to say how he quit the Republican party again because of Trump
We've shunned you and your antics.

You would rather insult us and push us away.

No, we insult you because you are fucking stupid and keep making the same mistake.

Some Right Wing hack appeals to your racism, your homophobia, your misogyny. He then fucks up the economy and used every recession to take away your wealth and rights at work.

And then after a Democrat fixes it, you do it again.

I'm not a Republican.

What mistakes am I making?

Oh...that's right Mr Republican, you think someone who disagrees with your tactics is somehow a racist homophobe.

No one has taken my wealth nor my right to work.

JoeBHitler's not a Republican either. He voted for W in 2000, then was so upset the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election that he quit the Republican party. Then he voted for W again in 2004. Then he quit the Republican party AGAIN in 2008 because Romney. After voting for Republicans all his life, he decided that the Democrats are right on every issue because Romney was a Mormon.

See? Makes perfect sense, right?

He explained it to me after saying he had two jobs that total $80K a year in income, then decided he had only one job and it paid ... you guessed it ... $80K a year in income. I learn so much from JoeBAdolph
I've read his history.

The faux Republican insists I'm the racist, homophobic misogynist while being a Democrat till 2 years ago.

A change made after coming to USMB.

As stated. I'm done with their tactics.

We've shunned you and your antics.

You would rather insult us and push us away.

No, we insult you because you are fucking stupid and keep making the same mistake.

Some Right Wing hack appeals to your racism, your homophobia, your misogyny. He then fucks up the economy and used every recession to take away your wealth and rights at work.

And then after a Democrat fixes it, you do it again.

I'm not a Republican.

What mistakes am I making?

Oh...that's right Mr Republican, you think someone who disagrees with your tactics is somehow a racist homophobe.

No one has taken my wealth nor my right to work.

JoeBHitler's not a Republican either. He voted for W in 2000, then was so upset the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election that he quit the Republican party. Then he voted for W again in 2004. Then he quit the Republican party AGAIN in 2008 because Romney. After voting for Republicans all his life, he decided that the Democrats are right on every issue because Romney was a Mormon.

See? Makes perfect sense, right?

He explained it to me after saying he had two jobs that total $80K a year in income, then decided he had only one job and it paid ... you guessed it ... $80K a year in income. I learn so much from JoeBAdolph
I've read his history.

The faux Republican insists I'm the racist, homophobic misogynist while being a Democrat till 2 years ago.

A change made after coming to USMB.

As stated. I'm done with their tactics.


Congratulations on realizing that. I just wish the Republicans could be a better draw to people like you who give up on the Democrats. Unfortunately, they suck
If this was done to an Obama person, it would be shouted down as racism.

Only because most of your irrational dislike of Obama was based on racism and not policy.
It's hardly irrational dislike for his destructive actions.

Unemployment was horrible. The economy was in the tank. He weakened America nationally, he let WH lawyers control battle movements on the ground. He was extremely hostile to Israel, and was all chummy with Iran and his other terrorist buddies.

As a president he was probably the worst in history.
We know right now what is good and not good for the environment
Yes. Yes we do know. And we know that you lefties have lied about everything. And now, even the most radical on your side is not only admitting to those lies - they are openly calling for more lies.
According to an article on Slate, the myth of the monstrous garbage patch was made up to call attention to the problem of pollution and "save our Oceans."
But wait! It gets even better:
There Is No Island of Trash in the Pacific. But the cause of clean oceans needed a good story. Our warming planet could use another one.
They are openly calling for more lies to perpetuate the “Global Warming” scam!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Was the Myth We Needed to Save Our Oceans
JoeBHitler's not a Republican either. He voted for W in 2000, then was so upset the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election that he quit the Republican party. Then he voted for W again in 2004. Then he quit the Republican party AGAIN in 2008 because Romney. After voting for Republicans all his life, he decided that the Democrats are right on every issue because Romney was a Mormon.

See? Makes perfect sense, right?

Other than the half dozen things you got wrong.

Okay, the actual version.

I voted Republican from 1980 until 2008. I really didn't have a problem with SCOTUS deciding Gore v. Bush the way it did at the time.

Didn't really quit the GOP in 2008, because it didn't nominate Romney. Had some real problems with the GOP when it became clear that Bush had fucked up... well, just about everything. But I thought McCain was a good man and Obama really didn't have the experience to do the job.

I also was coming to two hard truths about the GOP. 1) It really didn't care about working people and 2) The religious crazies were really starting to take the party over.

When they did nominate Romney in 2012, I was pretty much done with them. Romney was a religious nut who made his fortune fucking over working folks.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

He explained it to me after saying he had two jobs that total $80K a year in income, then decided he had only one job and it paid ... you guessed it ... $80K a year in income. I learn so much from JoeBAdolph. In a few years, I bet he's going to say how he quit the Republican party again because of Trump

Um, no, explained that to you as well... I had a job that paid 55K and a side business that generated 25K. TheI realized I could make just as much money doing the side business full time if I raised my prices to what the market was and did it full time. Again, your poor reading comprehension skills are there.
It's hardly irrational dislike for his destructive actions.

Unemployment was horrible.

Because Bush Crashed the economy. It wsan't when Obama left.

The economy was in the tank

Again, because Bush crashed the economy. It wasn't when he left.

He weakened America nationally, he let WH lawyers control battle movements on the ground.

If you are talking about finally getting us out of Iraq, I again ask, "How do you ask someone to be the last person do die for a mistake".

He was extremely hostile to Israel, and was all chummy with Iran and his other terrorist buddies.

Um, sorry, man, Obama sucked up the Zionist Entity just as much as any other American President. He was a realist on Iran.

As a president he was probably the worst in history.

No, that would be Bush.
Yes. Yes we do know. And we know that you lefties have lied about everything. And now, even the most radical on your side is not only admitting to those lies - they are openly calling for more lies.

Here's the funny thing about Science, Poodle. Unlike Religion, it remains true if you believe it or not.

The world is getting warmer. Human beings are to blame. This is not even in dispute among Scientists.
JoeBHitler's not a Republican either. He voted for W in 2000, then was so upset the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election that he quit the Republican party. Then he voted for W again in 2004. Then he quit the Republican party AGAIN in 2008 because Romney. After voting for Republicans all his life, he decided that the Democrats are right on every issue because Romney was a Mormon.

See? Makes perfect sense, right?

Other than the half dozen things you got wrong.

Okay, the actual version.

I voted Republican from 1980 until 2008. I really didn't have a problem with SCOTUS deciding Gore v. Bush the way it did at the time.

Didn't really quit the GOP in 2008, because it didn't nominate Romney. Had some real problems with the GOP when it became clear that Bush had fucked up... well, just about everything. But I thought McCain was a good man and Obama really didn't have the experience to do the job.

I also was coming to two hard truths about the GOP. 1) It really didn't care about working people and 2) The religious crazies were really starting to take the party over.

When they did nominate Romney in 2012, I was pretty much done with them. Romney was a religious nut who made his fortune fucking over working folks.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

He explained it to me after saying he had two jobs that total $80K a year in income, then decided he had only one job and it paid ... you guessed it ... $80K a year in income. I learn so much from JoeBAdolph. In a few years, I bet he's going to say how he quit the Republican party again because of Trump

Um, no, explained that to you as well... I had a job that paid 55K and a side business that generated 25K. TheI realized I could make just as much money doing the side business full time if I raised my prices to what the market was and did it full time. Again, your poor reading comprehension skills are there.

You change stories more often than an elevator

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