Woman Confronts Scott Pruitt in Resturant

My hero as well!
See, this lady is the reason he needs a full time staff of 20 body guards - She looks very scary!!
14 separate federal investigations into the head swamp creature. Tipping point Bay-Bee! :D

Official: Pruitt 'inching forward to the tipping point' - CNNPolitics
No one should be harassed on their personal time.
Especially when you consider that Americans are permitted to petition their representatives. You don't have to resort to this bullshit when you can make an appointment. Or write a letter. Or send an email. Or tag them on social media. The options are near-endless.
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search feature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.

Talk about a nincompoop in search of a single cogent thought.
That's your side, not mine. For the entire time that the Ku Klux Klan existed in any meaningful form, it was associated and aligned with the Democratic party.

Times have changed quite a bit..............Spin away.........LOL

KKK's official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president -.

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white

Former KKK leader David Duke loved Trump's news ... - USA Today
Yeah...the left uses this tactic ALL the time. Just like when the Tea Party held rallies under Obama and Dumbocrats were CAUGHT showing up wearing "I hate n*ggers" t-shirts trying to frame the Tea Party.

Everyone one of those "endorsements" were because the KKK knows they are looked at as pieces of shit - so they promote the candidate they want to see go down.
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search feature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.

My reply to her would be: "don't you have some ironing or house cleaning to do".
I *guarantee* you that JoeyB is telling his dog and his one friend that this man who is threatening to kill Senator Rand Paul and his family is also his "hero". The fascists are out in full-force. Conservatives continue to illustrate tremendous restraint and respect for the law.

I feel bad that so many have had to take so much abuse (both mental and physical), but I'm proud to sit on the side that conducts themselves with class and civility.

Rand Paul receives more death threats as man threatens to chop up his family with an ax
ust like when the Tea Party held rallies under Obama and Dumbocrats were CAUGHT showing up wearing "I hate n*ggers" t-shirts trying to frame the Tea Party.

Paranoia much?????...............................LOL

Pruitt needs to be fired. He using the funds allocated for EPA for his own bank account. Get rid of him!
Pruitt needs to be fired. He using the funds allocated for EPA for his own bank account. Get rid of him!
If that's true - I agree with you 100%. But that still doesn't justify this woman's actions (who was whining about the environment and not about corruption). Do you have anything to back up that allegation?
I don't hit girls unless they are physically attacking me. Obviously you missed how I phrased it as most everything sails over your head. That's why I said, "she deserved to have her ass kicked."

You like to hit women who say stuff you don't like. Interesting.

Because this woman didn't hit the NOW RESIGNED IN DISCRACE Pruitt.

Here she verbally assaulted him and staged a Youtube lynching. You're happier when neighbors beat the crap out of Republicans and shoot them. But you'll take this. For now

Uh, guy, Pruitt is a crook who resigned today.

You guys lose.

You're going to have to remind me when I advocated murdering government officials like you do with Scalise and Paul. Oh yeah, I didn't

Well, what's the point of having guns to fights the gummit if you don't plan to actually shoot anyone? See the problem here. What are you going to do, wave your gun at them and hope they piss themselves?

You must have been pretty drunk for the 4th by the time you wrote this gem

Scalise likes to show up at Klan Rallies. His miserable life was saved when a gay black woman put hers on the line to protect him.

Not that he'll rethink his life. Your sort never does.
So Hitler, you keep telling me leftists aren't in favor of violence, now you show again that you are.

I've never said that... but it's okay, I know when youare losing an argument is when you start arguing with the voices in your head.

But with your blinders on, you don't see that who you vote for is the same. Democrats lie their way into office then don't do shit to limit corporations buying government. They don't want to stop it, they want to be bought

Yeah, guy, the thing is, my ambition is not "Hoping to get 5% of the vote so Dope Smoking Gary can get matching funds".
HOW THE HELL do YOU know who he listens too? Do you even for a second hear your own arrogance? Truth be told, the EPA ought to listen to BOTH the scientists and environmentalists AND the business community because he has to take into account BOTH in his calculations.

No, they really shouldn't. If you can't run your business in an enviromentally safe way, it's better for all of us if you go out of business. Soon.
Now that is the first accurate thing you've ever said on USMB. And if she had done this in his office after making an appointment - I would applaud her.

To walk up on his private time while he is eating with a friend and/or colleague just screams "piece of shit fascist progressive"

These people don't talk to the folks... that's the problem.

Oh, yeah, your boy RESIGNED today. Heh, heh, heh....
I don't hit girls unless they are physically attacking me. Obviously you missed how I phrased it as most everything sails over your head. That's why I said, "she deserved to have her ass kicked."

You like to hit women who say stuff you don't like. Interesting.

Because this woman didn't hit the NOW RESIGNED IN DISCRACE Pruitt.

Here she verbally assaulted him and staged a Youtube lynching. You're happier when neighbors beat the crap out of Republicans and shoot them. But you'll take this. For now

Uh, guy, Pruitt is a crook who resigned today.

You guys lose.

You're going to have to remind me when I advocated murdering government officials like you do with Scalise and Paul. Oh yeah, I didn't

Well, what's the point of having guns to fights the gummit if you don't plan to actually shoot anyone? See the problem here. What are you going to do, wave your gun at them and hope they piss themselves?

You must have been pretty drunk for the 4th by the time you wrote this gem

Scalise likes to show up at Klan Rallies. His miserable life was saved when a gay black woman put hers on the line to protect him.

Not that he'll rethink his life. Your sort never does.

Gotcha, Hitler. Someone who was in the army doesn't know the difference between fighting someone in an Army who is fighting you back and targeting an individual and shooting them on the street. Of course you don't, Adolph
Gotcha, Hitler. Someone who was in the army doesn't know the difference between fighting someone in an Army who is fighting you back and targeting an individual and shooting them on the street. Of course you don't, Adolph

Um, dummy, you guys aren't advocating an army. You are advocating that everyone has guns in case they has to fights them the gummit. (Except you turn a blind eye when the government does truly awful things like putting kids in concentration camps.)

What do you think fighting the government would actually look like?

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