will this cause an anti walmart boycott?

Go to Walgreens, Toys-r-us, Target, Abt, Home Depot, Lowes, Pet smart etc. Nothing is made in america anymore. This is a bigger problem than just Walmart!

Made in USA, Made in America, US, American-Made

madeinusa.com - understand the power of patriotic spending


Strollingbones I am going to give you a thumbs up for that. I just put in an order on the website!

I just put links to their sites on my web page SpidermanTUba in Exile Anyone who sells 100% American products gets to advertise for free on my website.
I think we've established there aren't any. It's just hate-mongering by the left...equating those who want increased border security with racists.
I think we've established there aren't any. It's just hate-mongering by the left...equating those who want increased border security with racists.

You guys are aware they aren't coming here because they like baseball and apple pie, right?

I mean - who do you think is giving these people jobs? Other illegals? Maybe in some cases, but mostly, its AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Do you think they would still come here if they couldn't get a job here?
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I found a cool store in downtown Seattle, tucked at the bottom of one of our more expensive malls (found it while wandering around waiting for a movie to start). It's ALL asian imports, mostly Japanese, the labels are even in the asian languages not English. (now I can keep my promise about Obamas taxes and buying only imports when possible, woot). Thing is, all the prices are less than half the same products from the US. They work just as well and sometimes better in some cases. The food is better by far. Wal-Mart isn't the biggest offender, never has been and never will be. The problem is our products are over priced crap in most cases, and even things we assemble here made with parts produced in other countries can't compete with the other products from other countries. Face it, if you want quality at an affordable cost you can't buy American made now, especially if you want options instead of only the "standard". Until our companies start making better products again this will not change, but it will get worse. As I have said, we have no work ethic in the US anymore.

That seems really unfair to me. Maybe it's different where you are but 99% of the people I know are hard working and do the best job they can. There are always going to be a few people that suck, but "no work ethic"? Really? So, who's work ethic are you calling into question, the hard working people that do what they're told, or the handful of business analysts that try to maximize profit by using out sourcing or cheaper materials?

I was generalizing, so I should have been a touch more specific, however, work ethic isn't just about the lower employees or laborers, businesses effect it a lot, consumers do as well by not demanding better quality.
I represent the majority, mani.


How many tens of millions of listeners does Rush have?

I think that pretty much establishes that the right isn't extremist, as the term extremism implies the views of a minority of people.

He could have a billion doesn't mean any of them agree with his lunacy. I used to watch FOX news all the time. In fact I used to listen to that hilly billy heroin head Rush. Its good to know the enemy.
You mean you guys aren't already boycotting Walmart?

Any town that needs a Wal Mart to come in to make jobs isn't self-sufficient.

Would you rather the town fail at the costs of citizens well being instead of seeing a business willing to take a chance on them go there?

If the citizens of the town are unwilling to make the investment themselves then maybe they don't deserve to have a place to buy useless crap.

How many tens of millions of listeners does Rush have?.

I don't know. How many?

Well, since Allie was too much of a chicken-shit to back up her own dubious claim, I did a little research myself. According to Rush's own inflated statistics, he reaches 20 million listeners per week. I say inflated because he's taking the 4 million he reaches each day and simply multiplies it by 5. As if it's a different 4 million douchebags each day! :cuckoo: But regardless, even if it was indeed 20 million there Allie-poo, that's exactly 2 "tens of millions" and roughly 6.7% of the US population. Now, I know you suck at math, but I assure you that 6.7% is not a majority.

Allie = pwned.

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