Will Jack Dorsey Be Arrested?

The bIg problem is our liberal media who rarely if ever covers the fact that Democrats are above the rule of law.

The press is supposed to be a watchdog of our unique society and therefore is guaranteed freedom by the First Amendment. Unfortunately it chooses to work as the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party. With Republicans and especially Trump “Deplorables“ the liberal media will attack like a junk yard dog. When Democrats are involved the liberal media will roll over and pee on its stomach.

The liberal press will lie about the facts, whitewash the facts or simply totally ignore the facts to protect Democrats. They are shameless scum who violate their right to be journalists and believe the end justifies the means. They believe the United States must be destroyed so a New World Order can take over the globe.
They’re not above the law. It’s just that the idiotic conservative media fabricates offenses to stoke the rate and hatred of their followers.

This is yet another example.

Why do you ignore the way the conservative media abuses you?
They’re not above the law. It’s just that the idiotic conservative media fabricates offenses to stoke the rate and hatred of their followers.

This is yet another example.

Why do you ignore the way the conservative media abuses you?
Hopefully the Republicans will have to cojones to launch hearings when they take over the House and the citizens of our nation will see the actual evidence of Democrats and their unpunished malfeasance on CSPAN. Of course your wonderful liberal media will ignore the hearings.
Hopefully the Republicans will have to cojones to launch hearings when they take over the House and the citizens of our nation will see the actual evidence of Democrats and their unpunished malfeasance on CSPAN. Of course your wonderful liberal media will ignore the hearings.

So, the Repubs version of the Jan 6th hearings.

Great idea, those were such a hit!
They’re not above the law. It’s just that the idiotic conservative media fabricates offenses to stoke the rate and hatred of their followers.

This is yet another example.

Why do you ignore the way the conservative media abuses you?

So we can expect a hundred Gestapo agents, helicopter gunships, Zodiac assault craft, and CNN descending on Dorsey's home? :doubt:

He lied to Congress - no denying that - so he should be treated the same as Roger Stone was, right?

Oh wait, he's a Reich member - not subject to the law....
So, the Repubs version of the Jan 6th hearings.

Great idea, those were such a hit!
The Democrats were trying to make the Jan 6th riot look like an insurrection. The concept was laughable as you don’t launch an insurrection without firearms. Lots and lots of firearms.

Everybody with any commonsense realized this. Plus the committee was totally Pelosi’s Kangaroo creation filled up of Trump hating Democrats and RINOs.

Everybody knew the Jan 6th committee was a total farce.

Yes, we do.

You lying doesn't alter that.

Dorsey directly lied to congress. Asked point blank if Twitter shadow banned conservative voices - he lied and said "no." We have documents FROM DORSEY, that show him ordering shadow banning and censoring of conservative messages.

He lied to congress.

Well he be treated the way Roger Stone was for the same crime?

Pout all you want, you are exposed.

Will Dorsey be prosecuted at all, or as a Reich member is he above the law that was used so harshly against Roger Stone?
Sorry I didn't see the evidence of Dorsey saying to ban people because they were conservatives....

He banned people who were spreading unfounded dangerous accusation which were either straight out lies or massive accusations against individuals without any evidence... That is not banning conservatives, that is a private company in acting policies to protect there platform.

If some one wants to promote something against COVID lockdowns, how the fuck do they know if they are conservative or not? Twitter was being supportive of Government policies and stopping people saying wreak less stuff on there platform.

This is utter bullshit that GOP can have Congressional investigation on it if they want but don't expect a prosecutor to go near it..
Twitter Files two dropped last night, and along with it the proof of the blacklists used by Twitter to silence conservative voices in order to influence elections, specifically the 2020 presidential election.

{Following the second installment of the "Twitter Files" that revealed the platform's efforts to suppress prominent conservatives, a resurfaced September 2018 clip of Dorsey's testimony to a congressional committee was asked point-blank whether Twitter "censors" its users. }

Dorsey lied under oath to Congress, we now know.

Conservative gadfly Roger Stone was accused of lying to Congress, and the FBI coordinated with CNN to create a media spectacular - with helicopter gun ships, nearly a hundred Gestapo commandos in full military body armor, armed with machine guns, Zodiac attack landing craft - all to arrest a 64 year old for a white collar process crime.

So will we see the same regarding Dorsey?

Same "crime." Will Garland execute a major military assault on Jack Dorsey's house? Or does Dorsey have the right politics, and is above the law?
Punishment for lying under oath is only applicable to republicans.
Sorry I didn't see the evidence of Dorsey saying to ban people because they were conservatives....

Who gives a fuck?
He banned people who were spreading unfounded dangerous accusation which were either straight out lies or massive accusations against individuals without any evidence... That is not banning conservatives, that is a private company in acting policies to protect there platform.

Nope, he had a blacklist of conservatives to silence.

If some one wants to promote something against COVID lockdowns, how the fuck do they know if they are conservative or not? Twitter was being supportive of Government policies and stopping people saying wreak less stuff on there platform.

This is utter bullshit that GOP can have Congressional investigation on it if they want but don't expect a prosecutor to go near it..

That you're a fucking liar is irrelevant.

You Nazi scum are exposed.

Fucking retard


Fucking retard

You're right to be scared - this is the biggest scandal in 200 years.

This exposes the deep corruption that has infected this nation.
Not showing dick pics on Twitter is the biggest scandal in 200 years?
Sorry I didn't see the evidence of Dorsey saying to ban people because they were conservatives....

He banned people who were spreading unfounded dangerous accusation which were either straight out lies or massive accusations against individuals without any evidence... That is not banning conservatives, that is a private company in acting policies to protect there platform.

If some one wants to promote something against COVID lockdowns, how the fuck do they know if they are conservative or not? Twitter was being supportive of Government policies and stopping people saying wreak less stuff on there platform.

This is utter bullshit that GOP can have Congressional investigation on it if they want but don't expect a prosecutor to go near it..
He did exactly s you said, but lied to Congress saying that Twitter did not do that!

If Garland refuses to prosecute, that will just be another count for his impeachment.
Here's the thing moron, shadow banning isn't illegal.
Well, now that we know that private mega corporations are working politically for the intent of swaying and influencing elections both by suppressing bad news about you or good news about the opponent, but in effect the creation and dissemination of MISinformation as a result in order to effect political outcome. Worse, it was being encouraged, fostered and aided apparently by the federal government intelligence agencies to effect political outcomes of their intent disenfranchising hundreds of millions of voter's rights. There is no more insidious danger to a nation than to have its free election system seditiously subverted by a hostile, foreign-controlled government pretending to be benign in order to effect national elections outcomes designed by invisible, remote third parties to install agents receptive to their control and direction--- we are talking pure manchurian candidate here.

What was illegal was Jack Dorsey lying to congress.
Not just the lying, but the apparent knowledge of so many things he withheld like above that it would seem he must have known, and so was both complicit with and responsible for.

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