Will Democrats ever learn to fight back?

The Unbearable Weakness of Democratic Being
by Cenk Uygur

A Rasmussen poll now has the Republican Party as more trusted on the health care issue than Democrats. That's insanity. The Republicans have killed all efforts at health care reform before, they're killing it as we speak and they almost exclusively represent the interests of the private insurance companies who want to continue to jack up our rates (private insurance premiums have gone up 119% in the last ten years). So, how are they winning? Because the Democrats brought a scalpel to a gun fight. The Republicans have attacked and attacked and attacked. Meanwhile, what has been the Democratic response? They're reaching out in a spirit of bipartisanship.

Why? Why do the Democrats continue to help the Republicans in killing this thing? It is the unbearable weakness of Democratic being. They cannot find it in their hearts to strongly argue for their own position. To be fair, in this case, the weakness is mainly Obama's. Frankly, it's pathetic.

Cenk Uygur: The Unbearable Weakness of Democratic Being
The Unbearable Weakness of Democratic Being
by Cenk Uygur

A Rasmussen poll now has the Republican Party as more trusted on the health care issue than Democrats. That's insanity. The Republicans have killed all efforts at health care reform before, they're killing it as we speak and they almost exclusively represent the interests of the private insurance companies who want to continue to jack up our rates (private insurance premiums have gone up 119% in the last ten years). So, how are they winning? Because the Democrats brought a scalpel to a gun fight. The Republicans have attacked and attacked and attacked. Meanwhile, what has been the Democratic response? They're reaching out in a spirit of bipartisanship.

Why? Why do the Democrats continue to help the Republicans in killing this thing? It is the unbearable weakness of Democratic being. They cannot find it in their hearts to strongly argue for their own position. To be fair, in this case, the weakness is mainly Obama's. Frankly, it's pathetic.

Cenk Uygur: The Unbearable Weakness of Democratic Being
It's the left.

Can't get the 'public option' through both houses. They trial ballooned 'dropping it', partially through the renaming of 'co-ops', but that was figured out quickly. Now the left won't pass without the public option. So...
The Unbearable Weakness of Democratic Being
by Cenk Uygur

A Rasmussen poll now has the Republican Party as more trusted on the health care issue than Democrats. That's insanity. The Republicans have killed all efforts at health care reform before, they're killing it as we speak and they almost exclusively represent the interests of the private insurance companies who want to continue to jack up our rates (private insurance premiums have gone up 119% in the last ten years). So, how are they winning? Because the Democrats brought a scalpel to a gun fight. The Republicans have attacked and attacked and attacked. Meanwhile, what has been the Democratic response? They're reaching out in a spirit of bipartisanship.

Why? Why do the Democrats continue to help the Republicans in killing this thing? It is the unbearable weakness of Democratic being. They cannot find it in their hearts to strongly argue for their own position. To be fair, in this case, the weakness is mainly Obama's. Frankly, it's pathetic.

Cenk Uygur: The Unbearable Weakness of Democratic Being
This should have been titled "The Unbearable Weakness of Blue Dog Democratic Being." Every other Democrat is fine with arguing strongly for it.
Defense not working for dems

The let-Congress-do-it approach meant that multiple bills would be written in committees on both sides of the Capitol, which gave the health insurance and drug company lobbyists a target-rich environment. They could nibble a little here, gnaw a little there, find the weak points and exploit them. Republicans could find opportunities for demagoguery - the proposal to have Medicare pay for end-of-life counseling, for example, which was twisted into euthanizing the elderly and infirm. Opponents could write a script for chaos at town hall meetings, designed to create the impression that Americans love their health care system just the way it is. Clearly, the White House feels itself on the defensive. But why? Consider the political landscape. Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress. No matter how disciplined Republicans are in opposing any reforms - even if Republican objections are accommodated - they don’t have the votes to kill a final bill. If conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats are successful in nixing a public health insurance option and watering down other reforms, progressive voters have a right to ask why they went to such trouble to elect Democratic majorities and a Democratic president. But the Senate still has the option of resorting to a parliamentary maneuver that would require only 51 votes, rendering most objections irrelevant. Historical trends indicate that it’s unlikely the Democrats will expand their majorities in 2010. Politically, therefore, there’s not likely to be a better moment for health reform than right now."

Defense not working for dems

The let-Congress-do-it approach meant that multiple bills would be written in committees on both sides of the Capitol, which gave the health insurance and drug company lobbyists a target-rich environment. They could nibble a little here, gnaw a little there, find the weak points and exploit them. Republicans could find opportunities for demagoguery - the proposal to have Medicare pay for end-of-life counseling, for example, which was twisted into euthanizing the elderly and infirm. Opponents could write a script for chaos at town hall meetings, designed to create the impression that Americans love their health care system just the way it is. Clearly, the White House feels itself on the defensive. But why? Consider the political landscape. Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress. No matter how disciplined Republicans are in opposing any reforms - even if Republican objections are accommodated - they don’t have the votes to kill a final bill. If conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats are successful in nixing a public health insurance option and watering down other reforms, progressive voters have a right to ask why they went to such trouble to elect Democratic majorities and a Democratic president. But the Senate still has the option of resorting to a parliamentary maneuver that would require only 51 votes, rendering most objections irrelevant. Historical trends indicate that it’s unlikely the Democrats will expand their majorities in 2010. Politically, therefore, there’s not likely to be a better moment for health reform than right now."

Wow! You're watching FOX News. Advice was to get Obama to put out his 'own' bill, not the HR or SR ideas. Won't happen, he likes scapegoats.
so Elmer the charges were dropped and you have (as usual) nothing. Besides they weren't there to disrupt voters..... they said with their own words that they were their to protect voters from the crazy gun toting right who no doubt might try the same thing that they are doing at townmeetings now.

Prove that they said what you claim they said Nancy!

They were dropped for now. But the charges will be refiled and they will lose.

EDITORIAL: Hack Panthers - Washington Times
Defense not working for dems

The let-Congress-do-it approach meant that multiple bills would be written in committees on both sides of the Capitol, which gave the health insurance and drug company lobbyists a target-rich environment. They could nibble a little here, gnaw a little there, find the weak points and exploit them. Republicans could find opportunities for demagoguery - the proposal to have Medicare pay for end-of-life counseling, for example, which was twisted into euthanizing the elderly and infirm. Opponents could write a script for chaos at town hall meetings, designed to create the impression that Americans love their health care system just the way it is. Clearly, the White House feels itself on the defensive. But why? Consider the political landscape. Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress. No matter how disciplined Republicans are in opposing any reforms - even if Republican objections are accommodated - they don’t have the votes to kill a final bill. If conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats are successful in nixing a public health insurance option and watering down other reforms, progressive voters have a right to ask why they went to such trouble to elect Democratic majorities and a Democratic president. But the Senate still has the option of resorting to a parliamentary maneuver that would require only 51 votes, rendering most objections irrelevant. Historical trends indicate that it’s unlikely the Democrats will expand their majorities in 2010. Politically, therefore, there’s not likely to be a better moment for health reform than right now."

Wow! You're watching FOX News. Advice was to get Obama to put out his 'own' bill, not the HR or SR ideas. Won't happen, he likes scapegoats.

of course I watch Fox News...it's a better laugh than Comedy Central. But I think you are wrong about the scapegoat thing.....He's just playing bipartisianship Mr.Niceguy and everybody knows how they finish.
Defense not working for dems

The let-Congress-do-it approach meant that multiple bills would be written in committees on both sides of the Capitol, which gave the health insurance and drug company lobbyists a target-rich environment. They could nibble a little here, gnaw a little there, find the weak points and exploit them. Republicans could find opportunities for demagoguery - the proposal to have Medicare pay for end-of-life counseling, for example, which was twisted into euthanizing the elderly and infirm. Opponents could write a script for chaos at town hall meetings, designed to create the impression that Americans love their health care system just the way it is. Clearly, the White House feels itself on the defensive. But why? Consider the political landscape. Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress. No matter how disciplined Republicans are in opposing any reforms - even if Republican objections are accommodated - they don’t have the votes to kill a final bill. If conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats are successful in nixing a public health insurance option and watering down other reforms, progressive voters have a right to ask why they went to such trouble to elect Democratic majorities and a Democratic president. But the Senate still has the option of resorting to a parliamentary maneuver that would require only 51 votes, rendering most objections irrelevant. Historical trends indicate that it’s unlikely the Democrats will expand their majorities in 2010. Politically, therefore, there’s not likely to be a better moment for health reform than right now."

Wow! You're watching FOX News. Advice was to get Obama to put out his 'own' bill, not the HR or SR ideas. Won't happen, he likes scapegoats.

of course I watch Fox News...it's a better laugh than Comedy Central. But I think you are wrong about the scapegoat thing.....He's just playing bipartisianship Mr.Niceguy and everybody knows how they finish.

Right, don't believe your lying eyes...
Minister Najee Muhammad, national field marshal for the New Black Panther Party, told a crowd Nov. 2 that the Black Panthers would send members to polling sites on Election Day, the Jackson Sun reported.

"We will not allow some racists and other angry whites, who are upset over an impending Barack Obama presidential victory, to intimidate blacks at the polls," he said. "Most certainly, we cannot allow these racist forces to slaughter our babies or commit other acts of violence against the black population, nor our black president."

does this ring a bell for you, Elmer?...... I hope so because you posted it.

P.S. - you have a crystal ball that can tell the future!....neato!
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If Obama would lead...

Obama's health care plan and his presidency are going down the toilet.
This is well, and right, and just as it should be. Obama is turning out to be a disastrous president, wholly unsuited for the times and our national and global challenges, and his job approval ratings reflect this. In Obama, we get all the corporate toadying of the last Democratic president, along with an even greater unwillingness than Clinton - and who would've thought that was possible - to name names, call out enemies, and throw a freakin' punch every other year or so. (We're also getting a continuation of the civil rights and civil liberties policies of Dick Cheney, as an extra added bonus, but that's another story.) What makes it even more astonishing this time around, however, is that we've seen this movie before, and we know how it ends. There is apparently absolutely no bottom - as the events of recent weeks have reconfirmed - to the pit of vicious lies, brutal tactics, and democracy-demolishing antics of which regresses will avail themselves in their practice of contemporary American politics. In addition to not being prepared for that, Obama is still seemingly unable to raise his voice a decibel or two against the very people who are helping him to destroy his own presidency. Indeed, he is negotiating 'bipartisan' (read: total capitulation) deals with them, even as they relentlessly trash him before a national audience.
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[SIZE=-1]"It's my fault for being such a douche[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] and refusing to fight like I promised."[/SIZE]

04 was a great year too......
[SIZE=+1]Dean Challenges Obama to Deliver Reform[/SIZE]
Howard Dean is emerging as a thorn in the side of a White House, regularly challenging Obama and Congress as he crisscrosses the country preaching his progressive vision for universal health care. Dean he sees his role as fighting for progressive values, asserting again and again that health-care reform without a government-run insurance option is hardly reform at all. "The worst thing that could happen is to pass a bill without a public option," said Dean. "We'd put 60 billion new dollars a year into the health insurance industry that is busy taking away your health insurance when you need it most, stopping you from getting health insurance, taking it away if you lose a job and not giving it back to you if you get it back." "We all voted for change we can believe in. If we don't get it, we'll get some more change in 2010,"
[SIZE=+1]GOP Criticism goes Unanswered[/SIZE]
There’s a meme circulating among some Democrats that Republican attacks on Obama’s terrorism policy in the wake of the thwarted Detroit bombing will just go away if they are ignored... Rep. Jane Harman, one of the few Democratic members of Congress willing to back Obama, was able to stand up for a low-key approach without sounding defensive. Most Dems, however, have been silent, and it seems like a deliberate strategy. As Karen Finney wrote, “Democrats are right not to engage the GOP in playing politics with the security of our country and our people." But, by not engaging on the substance or backing up Obama, Congressional Democrats are ceding the initiative on the national security debate to right-wing critics like King and Hoekstra. Successfully accusing the other side of playing politics rarely works on its own—you also need to explain why one way is right and the other way is wrong.

Why fight back, when you can surrender, instead?

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