Will Democrats ever learn to fight back?

Jay Canuck

by Crom you'll pay!
Jul 30, 2009
When will Democrats ever learn that giving in to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles. As every schoolyard victim knows all too well, when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back, continually upping the ante - until, finally, after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it been more starkly on display than in the last few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine, have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that their lies, as transparently foolish as they seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.

they don't learn. they r too nice.

they keep believing logic will work against fear, bigotry and ignorance.

it never works.

they need to fight fire with fire.
[SIZE=+1]Why Blue Dogs fight Obama [/SIZE]
Follow the money and you'll see

Link Excerpt:
The seven Blue Dog Democrats holding up health care reform legislation in the House Energy and Commerce Committee have received tens of thousands more dollars from insurance weasels than other Democrats on the committee, a new report finds. An analysis by the Public Campaign Action Fund finds a fairly strong correlation between private industry donations and opposition to health care reform. Lawmakers in both the House and Senate who voted against proposed legislation this congressional cycle, the report found, received roughly 65 percent more money from health and insurance interests than those who supported the bills. The back-stabbing Blue Dogs are Reps. Mike Ross (Ark.), Baron Hill (Ind.), Charlie Melancon (La.), Jim Matheson (Utah), John Barrow (Ga.), Bart Gordon (Tenn.) and Zach Space (Ohio).
Facts definitely have Liberal bias.

You don't always need to fight back against the Republicans. They can't stop lying. Eventually, the facts catch up and there they are, once again covered in mud.

Remember, Republicans are like pigs. They drag you down into the mud and roll around and get dirty, but the pig "likes" it.

Everything they have touched for the last eight years has turned to "mud". Whether it's the economy or made up war or the incompetence of Katrina.

They let Bin Laden go. They invaded the wrong country. They ruined the economy. Hey, they had BOTH HOUSES and the Presidency. If they wanted to fix health care, they would have. Instead, they turned it into "wealth care" and they don't want to see all that hard work go to waste.

Look at Texas. Now it's mandatory to teach Bible Studies in public schools. Look at that 8 day health clinic in LA. Republicans hate that kind of stuff. How many were there helping out? Instead, they were at town halls screaming "Don't touch my health care". When the ones screaming outside were asked if they had health care, many said "no". But if they did, they don't want the government to touch it. Go figure.

Somehow, the rich, elite Republicans have convinced those worse off to defend them. Even though they hurt their followers, they still get them to defend policies that would hurt them even more.

You know that the Republican base believe the Christians living in Iraq now have a better life. They don't even know that the Christian religion that had been there two thousand years is nearly wiped out by the very people we "liberated". The people that throw shoes at our president. Good one. Job well done.

I don't know what they were trying to do, but whatever it was, it worked.
This is typical liberal spin and bullshit.

Libs have been on the attack since the 2000 election. You now have the Senate, Congress, POTUS and the media and still you pussies can't stop whining.

My God you're embarrASSing.
they don't learn. they r too nice.

they keep believing logic will work against fear, bigotry and ignorance.

it never works.

they need to fight fire with fire.

I agree with you - fight like your ememy fights.
First the Dems need to purge those in their own party that work against the interests of the party ... the Republicans are a very united party.
Facts definitely have Liberal bias.

You don't always need to fight back against the Republicans. They can't stop lying. Eventually, the facts catch up and there they are, once again covered in mud.

Remember, Republicans are like pigs. They drag you down into the mud and roll around and get dirty, but the pig "likes" it.

Everything they have touched for the last eight years has turned to "mud". Whether it's the economy or made up war or the incompetence of Katrina.

They let Bin Laden go. They invaded the wrong country. They ruined the economy. Hey, they had BOTH HOUSES and the Presidency. If they wanted to fix health care, they would have. Instead, they turned it into "wealth care" and they don't want to see all that hard work go to waste.

Look at Texas. Now it's mandatory to teach Bible Studies in public schools. Look at that 8 day health clinic in LA. Republicans hate that kind of stuff. How many were there helping out? Instead, they were at town halls screaming "Don't touch my health care". When the ones screaming outside were asked if they had health care, many said "no". But if they did, they don't want the government to touch it. Go figure.

Somehow, the rich, elite Republicans have convinced those worse off to defend them. Even though they hurt their followers, they still get them to defend policies that would hurt them even more.

You know that the Republican base believe the Christians living in Iraq now have a better life. They don't even know that the Christian religion that had been there two thousand years is nearly wiped out by the very people we "liberated". The people that throw shoes at our president. Good one. Job well done.

I don't know what they were trying to do, but whatever it was, it worked.
This is the post of a champion.
"If this makes me a one-term president,
we're going to take it on because the
country is in need of us taking this on.'
-- Obama, on fixing health care, Link

don't bet on it....how many Democrats have got your back?

When will Democrats ever learn that giving in to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles. As every schoolyard victim knows all too well, when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back, continually upping the ante - until, finally, after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it been more starkly on display than in the last few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine, have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that their lies, as transparently foolish as they seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.


This is typical liberal spin and bullshit.

Libs have been on the attack since the 2000 election. You now have the Senate, Congress, POTUS and the media and still you pussies can't stop whining.

My God you're embarrASSing.

it is sad...they should be hiring bloggers like you to spew lies and hate.
When will Democrats ever learn that giving in to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles. As every schoolyard victim knows all too well, when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back, continually upping the ante - until, finally, after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it been more starkly on display than in the last few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine, have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that their lies, as transparently foolish as they seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.



And you wonder why nobody has any respect for you...
Will Democrats ever learn to fight back?

Probably not on a regular basis...it will always put them at a disadvantage with the right wing bullies and their ignorant cheerleaders...

BUT, they need to protect a free and open society...

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.
Karl Popper - The Open Society and Its Enemies

The so-called paradox of freedom is the argument that freedom in the sense of absence of any constraining control must lead to very great restraint, since it makes the bully free to enslave the meek. The idea is, in a slightly different form, and with very different tendency, clearly expressed in Plato.

Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.
[SIZE=+1]Democrats: Protests are 'phony'[/SIZE]
Link Excerpt:
Democratic leaders have dismissed protests that have disrupted town-hall meetings on healthcare As "staged" and "phony." Harry Reid (D-WET RAG) implied that Republicans are acting like babies by encouraging protests of healthcare reform. “We’ve all heard by now the response of Republicans to what we’re trying to do here on healthcare: yelling, kicking, screaming, interrupting meetings,” Reid told reporters on Thursday. "You’ve read about their AstroTurf campaign," Reid said, holding up a mat of plastic grass to demonstrate his point. "They want to convince people they’re grassroots, and they’re not. It’s as phony as this is as grass." He suggested that Rethugs are taking their cues from TV nutballs like Glenn Beck. "They’re taking their cues from talk-show hosts, Internet rumor-mongers and insurance rackets," said Reid. "We take our cues from the people in our states and the people in our counties that have concerns in this legislation."
Tuesday, Obama told Senate Democrats to fight back.

Democrats fight back...... when have they ever fought back?
if you are dem maybe you should start, instead of talking about standing up just do it. Write your congressman, organize a protest, let them know what you want.
When will Democrats ever learn that giving in to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles. As every schoolyard victim knows all too well, when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back, continually upping the ante - until, finally, after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it been more starkly on display than in the last few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine, have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that their lies, as transparently foolish as they seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.


As someone on another thread stated: Pot, meet kettle.
When will Democrats ever learn that giving in to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles. As every schoolyard victim knows all too well, when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back, continually upping the ante - until, finally, after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it been more starkly on display than in the last few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine, have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that their lies, as transparently foolish as they seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.


You mean this kind of bullying?


When will Democrats ever learn that giving in to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles. As every schoolyard victim knows all too well, when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back, continually upping the ante - until, finally, after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it been more starkly on display than in the last few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine, have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that their lies, as transparently foolish as they seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.


As someone on another thread stated: Pot, meet kettle.

meaning the Democrats have been bullies??? :eusa_eh:
When will Democrats ever learn that giving in to bullies never works - never - not in a million election cycles. As every schoolyard victim knows all too well, when you give in to a bully he or she will just keep coming back, continually upping the ante - until, finally, after much misery, the victim is left with no choice but to either accept the pain and humiliation indefinitely or to finally fight back.
Bullying, of course, has been the right wing's political weapon of choice for well over a decade, but rarely has it been more starkly on display than in the last few weeks. The town hall bullies, backed up by both corporate
special interests and the right wing noise machine, have been making quite a splash. Recent polling suggests that their lies, as transparently foolish as they seem to those of us on the left, may actually be carrying the day.


You mean this kind of bullying?



did someone get bullied or are you just scared of black men?

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