Why no revolution


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
houses in the big city used to sell for 40k, now they sell for 400k.
have wages gone up 1000 percent?
owning a home is no longer simply part of "the American Dream" , it's for an upper class.
even if you were able to afford the stupid 400k loan, the young aren't going to make the full term.
someone decided why wait 30 years to collect profits, they can jack up the price of the house and collect the big money for the 2 years the young person is employed.
the average job across the country lasts only 2 years now.
when Reagan and Vlocker told America we were going to become a service nation, with little manufacturing, they didn't tell us that the service jobs would become short and worthless.
now Obama passed Obamacare which gives the government and the health care industry a blank bill where they can fill in what ever amount they want and the average working schlob has to pay it.
young people will have to send a nice chunk of their paycheck to the worthless health insurance companies.
it's going to be a lot harder to build a business when you have to provide everyone insurance before you get your license (which will happen).
right now, the baby boomer generation thinks they're a financial wizard, buying a house for 40k and selling it for 400k.
I suppose their kids will buy the house for 400k and it will be worth 4000k, right? wrong.
the baby boomer generation might talk crap about Obama and obamacare, but the truth is, they love the idea of going into the hospital and sending the bill to tomorrow.
the baby boomer generation thinks all of their magic beans will be paid for, and they have fantasies that they will walk into the hospital and say "I need a kidney" and everyone is going to snap into action because everything is covered under obamacare.
it will be a harsh reality when the doctor tells them the death panel says no transplants for people over 35, and by the way, thanks for all the insurance money.
Te premise of the original post is that houses now cost $400,000----which is strictly a damn lie. For example, you can get all the houses you want in Democratic Detroit for $700 apiece.

You Socialists have nothing to offer but horseshit.
Bread and circuses. Only people with nothing left to lose revolt.

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