Why many Jews hate Polish people?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
While Poland accepted millions of Jewish refugees, granted them the first Jewish civil rights movement the Statute of Kalisz, Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, first to warn the World about the Holocaust with Jan Karski, first to document the Holocaust with Witold Pilecki, and had the highest number of Righteous among the Nations risk their lives against a Nazi German death penalty, to save Jews.

Yet, many Jews are downright nasty towards Poles.

Some examples below.

Why support Israel?

Poles Were Complicit in Holocaust: Outrage Over Obama “Gaffe” is Fraudulent, Ignorant

Polish Jews Protest Monument to Righteous Gentiles in Warsaw Ghetto

Stephen Fry provokes Polish fury over Auschwitz remark

Giles Coren Times article prompts Polish complaints to PCC

The Official Polish Joke Book by Larry Wilde

Eastern Europe’s Crisis of Shame by Jan T. Gross - Project Syndicate

Probably because they killed all the Russian Jew (whatever-they-were-called-leaders) and then the German Jews that fled Germany to get away from Hitler. Yeah, I think it goes back to right around then.
The Jews do the same against Hungarians too, even though Hungary was the most successful in minimizing the number of Jews interned.

I think the Jews don't care about anyone when there is money to be made with a political game.
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The Jews do the same against Hungarians too, even though Hungary was the most successful in minimizing the number of Jews interned.

I think the Jews don't care about anyone when there is money to be made with a political game.

Well, that might be true, perhaps.

Considering that Jews from everything I've seen typically treat Germans better than Poles.
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Probably because they killed all the Russian Jew (whatever-they-were-called-leaders) and then the German Jews that fled Germany to get away from Hitler. Yeah, I think it goes back to right around then.

Most Jews fought with Germans against Poles in the Greater Poland Uprising following WW1, which was a fight for Polish statehood of course.
There is a very deep history there as to why both sides are not fans of one another. Jews filled certain gaps that were forbidden by Christianity in medieval times.
In particular, the practice of usury or money lending for profit was forbidden.Poland was one such state which welcomed in Jews for that very purpose. They worked in close consort with Polish royalty, as they (royalty) and other Christians were forbidden to engage in the practice of usury.
When times were very bad, plagues, famine and war shortage the Jew was often put up as blame for his role as the middle man. Pogroms would ensue (over 600 I believe) and the Jews would be kicked out only to find a new home in the next kingdom where the rules were the same and they could prosper. Now, whether this was justified or not that stigma sticks with Jewish people to this day.
The parasitic Jew, portrayed as a rat or some other pest can find it's very root in their medieval practice.
However, in the Jews defense, they were precluded by law from engaging in many other more 'moral' activities outside of their enclaves.
Take from it what you will. I didn't live then and I know what exactly happened but they are some pretty interesting takes on it from many people of that era.
This is a very compact article which grabs many authors take on the matter of usury and Jews.
Dont poo poo the source..there are many informative citations.
Jews and Usury - Radio Islam
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There is a very deep history there as to why both sides are not fans of one another. Jews filled certain gaps that were forbidden by Christianity in medieval times.
In particular, the practice of usury or money lending for profit was forbidden.Poland was one such state which welcomed in Jews for that very purpose. They worked in close consort with Polish royalty, as they (royalty) and other Christians were forbidden to engage in the practice of usury.
When times were very bad, plagues, famine and war shortage the Jew was often put up as blame for his role as the middle man. Pogroms would ensue (over 600 I believe) and the Jews would be kicked out only to find a new home in the next kingdom where the rules were the same and they could prosper. Now, whether this was justified or not that stigma sticks with Jewish people to this day.
The parasitic Jew, portrayed as a rat or some other pest can find it's very root in their medieval practice.
However, in the Jews defense, they were precluded by law from engaging in many other more 'moral' activities outside of their enclaves.
Take from it what you will. I didn't live then and I know what exactly happened but they are some pretty interesting takes on it from many people of that era.
This is a very compact article which grabs many authors take on the matter of usury and Jews.
Dont poo poo the source..there are many informative citations.
Jews and Usury - Radio Islam

While Jews took part in Usury in Poland, I don't think that's why Jews were welcomed to Poland.

Considering they were welcomed in shortly after the Mongols had killed large segments of Polish society, I'd say that had more to do with it.
I think the idea was to help build up Poland's lost population with Jews, but the issue is they never assimilated.
There is a very deep history there as to why both sides are not fans of one another. Jews filled certain gaps that were forbidden by Christianity in medieval times.
In particular, the practice of usury or money lending for profit was forbidden.Poland was one such state which welcomed in Jews for that very purpose. They worked in close consort with Polish royalty, as they (royalty) and other Christians were forbidden to engage in the practice of usury.
When times were very bad, plagues, famine and war shortage the Jew was often put up as blame for his role as the middle man. Pogroms would ensue (over 600 I believe) and the Jews would be kicked out only to find a new home in the next kingdom where the rules were the same and they could prosper. Now, whether this was justified or not that stigma sticks with Jewish people to this day.
The parasitic Jew, portrayed as a rat or some other pest can find it's very root in their medieval practice.
However, in the Jews defense, they were precluded by law from engaging in many other more 'moral' activities outside of their enclaves.
Take from it what you will. I didn't live then and I know what exactly happened but they are some pretty interesting takes on it from many people of that era.
This is a very compact article which grabs many authors take on the matter of usury and Jews.
Dont poo poo the source..there are many informative citations.
Jews and Usury - Radio Islam

While Jews took part in Usury in Poland, I don't think that's why Jews were welcomed to Poland.

Considering they were welcomed in shortly after the Mongols had killed large segments of Polish society, I'd say that had more to do with it.
I think the idea was to help build up Poland's lost population with Jews, but the issue is they never assimilated.
I disagree. Firstly the Mongols raided Poland ~1240-1260 and though the King of Poland initially invited Jews into Poland in the 1360's, 100 years later, they did not begin to arrive en mass until re invited by King Sigismund in the 1560's, some 200 years later. This was greatly a result of pogroms in England (13th cent ), Portugal (14th) and finally Germany (15th...see the progression eastward?)
Secondly, Poland is a Catholic country. If you examine the history of the Catholic Church and the Jewish diaspora you will certainly find that they were hardly viewed as positive. Jews were merchants, lenders and fine craftsmen. They were certainly not the type of population one would invite in to grow a nation. IOW they were not the hardy settler who would work the land and act as common serfs.
Additionally, Poland's geographical position between Germany and Russia made it a rather important trade route and Poland's royalty hoped to gain from that and the church (hand fully extended) conveniently looked the other way. With the Jews and Medieval Europe, it was purely one of money and commerce.
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There is a very deep history there as to why both sides are not fans of one another. Jews filled certain gaps that were forbidden by Christianity in medieval times.
In particular, the practice of usury or money lending for profit was forbidden.Poland was one such state which welcomed in Jews for that very purpose. They worked in close consort with Polish royalty, as they (royalty) and other Christians were forbidden to engage in the practice of usury.
When times were very bad, plagues, famine and war shortage the Jew was often put up as blame for his role as the middle man. Pogroms would ensue (over 600 I believe) and the Jews would be kicked out only to find a new home in the next kingdom where the rules were the same and they could prosper. Now, whether this was justified or not that stigma sticks with Jewish people to this day.
The parasitic Jew, portrayed as a rat or some other pest can find it's very root in their medieval practice.
However, in the Jews defense, they were precluded by law from engaging in many other more 'moral' activities outside of their enclaves.
Take from it what you will. I didn't live then and I know what exactly happened but they are some pretty interesting takes on it from many people of that era.
This is a very compact article which grabs many authors take on the matter of usury and Jews.
Dont poo poo the source..there are many informative citations.
Jews and Usury - Radio Islam

While Jews took part in Usury in Poland, I don't think that's why Jews were welcomed to Poland.

Considering they were welcomed in shortly after the Mongols had killed large segments of Polish society, I'd say that had more to do with it.
I think the idea was to help build up Poland's lost population with Jews, but the issue is they never assimilated.
I disagree. Firstly the Mongols raided Poland ~1240-1260 and though the King of Poland initially invited Jews into Poland in the 1360's, 100 years later, they did not begin to arrive en mass until re invited by King Sigismund in the 1560's, some 200 years later. This was greatly a result of pogroms in England (13th cent ), Portugal (14th) and finally Germany (15th...see the progression eastward?)
Secondly, Poland is a Catholic country. If you examine the history of the Catholic Church and the Jewish diaspora you will certainly find that they were hardly viewed as positive. Jews were merchants, lenders and fine craftsmen. They were certainly not the type of population one would invite in to grow a nation. IOW they were not the hardy settler who would work the land and act as common serfs.
Additionally, Poland's geographical position between Germany and Russia made it a rather important trade route and Poland's royalty hoped to gain from that and the church (hand fully extended) conveniently looked the other way. With the Jews and Medieval Europe, it was purely one of money and commerce.

The Statute of Kalisz the first Jewish Civil Rights Movement was founded in 1264... about right for the Mongol invasion.

Statute of Kalisz - Wikipedia
Poland allowed in many groups to mass settle Poland following the Mongol invasions, not just Jews, but also Germans, Scots, Armenians, Tatars, and others.
And the super powers, Russia and Western Europe, used these settlers to ethnically fight against the original Polish population. The same went on in Hungary. Eventually it resulted in the breaking up of the kingdom of Hungary. It also resulted in the breaking up of Poland. How many people in the world would believe that eastern Poland was not always Ukraine/belarus/lithuania? None. The Jew write and control international sentiment too.
Poland allowed in many groups to mass settle Poland following the Mongol invasions, not just Jews, but also Germans, Scots, Armenians, Tatars, and others.
And the super powers, Russia and Western Europe, used these settlers to ethnically fight against the original Polish population. The same went on in Hungary. Eventually it resulted in the breaking up of the kingdom of Hungary. It also resulted in the breaking up of Poland. How many people in the world would believe that eastern Poland was not always Ukraine/belarus/lithuania? None. The Jew write and control international sentiment too.

The border disputes are pretty complex, Ruthenians are from Kievan Rus.
Poland allowed in many groups to mass settle Poland following the Mongol invasions, not just Jews, but also Germans, Scots, Armenians, Tatars, and others.
And the super powers, Russia and Western Europe, used these settlers to ethnically fight against the original Polish population. The same went on in Hungary. Eventually it resulted in the breaking up of the kingdom of Hungary. It also resulted in the breaking up of Poland. How many people in the world would believe that eastern Poland was not always Ukraine/belarus/lithuania? None. The Jew write and control international sentiment too.

The border disputes are pretty complex, Ruthenians are from Kievan Rus.

From what I heard, it was the original Ruthenians. A Hungarian king gave them that land as part of the kingdom of Hungary in the 11th century. Then they broke their right to it when they broke away from Hungary to first join Czechoslovakia then Russia. As a poetic justice, Soviet general secretary Khrushchev transferred them over to Soviet Ukraine around 1954, and the Ukrainian state deported them and diluted them with east Ukrainians, a different ethnic group.

Only a couple of villages are left of them and now they are called hutsuls, less than a few thousand men. So the inhabitants of Ruthenia today are not Ruthens but soviet migrants. Not a good case to claim that land.
Poland allowed in many groups to mass settle Poland following the Mongol invasions, not just Jews, but also Germans, Scots, Armenians, Tatars, and others.
And the super powers, Russia and Western Europe, used these settlers to ethnically fight against the original Polish population. The same went on in Hungary. Eventually it resulted in the breaking up of the kingdom of Hungary. It also resulted in the breaking up of Poland. How many people in the world would believe that eastern Poland was not always Ukraine/belarus/lithuania? None. The Jew write and control international sentiment too.

The border disputes are pretty complex, Ruthenians are from Kievan Rus.

From what I heard, it was the original Ruthenians. A Hungarian king gave them that land as part of the kingdom of Hungary in the 11th century. Then they broke their right to it when they broke away from Hungary to first join Czechoslovakia then Russia. As a poetic justice, Soviet general secretary Khrushchev transferred them over to Soviet Ukraine around 1954, and the Ukrainian state deported them and diluted them with east Ukrainians, a different ethnic group.

Only a couple of villages are left of them and now they are called hutsuls, less than a few thousand men. So the inhabitants of Ruthenia today are not Ruthens but soviet migrants. Not a good case to claim that land.

Ukrainian is too close to Kievan Rus to deny it.
Poland allowed in many groups to mass settle Poland following the Mongol invasions, not just Jews, but also Germans, Scots, Armenians, Tatars, and others.
And the super powers, Russia and Western Europe, used these settlers to ethnically fight against the original Polish population. The same went on in Hungary. Eventually it resulted in the breaking up of the kingdom of Hungary. It also resulted in the breaking up of Poland. How many people in the world would believe that eastern Poland was not always Ukraine/belarus/lithuania? None. The Jew write and control international sentiment too.

The border disputes are pretty complex, Ruthenians are from Kievan Rus.

From what I heard, it was the original Ruthenians. A Hungarian king gave them that land as part of the kingdom of Hungary in the 11th century. Then they broke their right to it when they broke away from Hungary to first join Czechoslovakia then Russia. As a poetic justice, Soviet general secretary Khrushchev transferred them over to Soviet Ukraine around 1954, and the Ukrainian state deported them and diluted them with east Ukrainians, a different ethnic group.

Only a couple of villages are left of them and now they are called hutsuls, less than a few thousand men. So the inhabitants of Ruthenia today are not Ruthens but soviet migrants. Not a good case to claim that land.

Ukrainian is too close to Kievan Rus to deny it.

Yes, but Ruthenia is different, because it was not created by Kievan Rus but by Hungary.

To re establish Ruthenia, if there was such a thing as fairness in international politics, Ruthenia should be created as an autonomous territory under Hungary. Then the original ruthenians should be re migrated back to it if they still exist. The current population should be migrated out unless they agree to Hungarian citizenship and language classes. But there is no such thing as fairness in international politics or sentiment, so this will never happen.

These would satisfy the original charter of creating Ruthenia in the 11th century, as well as its ethnic composition of a 1000 years with the exclusion of the Soviet barbarism.
I am trying to figure out if you are hopeless ignorant or plain retarded. Your stance that Jews had Polish people is false and only in your mental midget mind. Second, Poland is one of the most antisemitic countries outside of the Middle East.

So take your bullshit inquires and shove them up your ass!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am trying to figure out if you are hopeless ignorant or plain retarded. Your stance that Jews had Polish people is false and only in your mental midget mind. Second, Poland is one of the most antisemitic countries outside of the Middle East.

So take your bullshit inquires and shove them up your ass!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Whehehehehe! This is not my thread, but this post justifies the title 100 %. Hehehe.
Poland allowed in many groups to mass settle Poland following the Mongol invasions, not just Jews, but also Germans, Scots, Armenians, Tatars, and others.
And the super powers, Russia and Western Europe, used these settlers to ethnically fight against the original Polish population. The same went on in Hungary. Eventually it resulted in the breaking up of the kingdom of Hungary. It also resulted in the breaking up of Poland. How many people in the world would believe that eastern Poland was not always Ukraine/belarus/lithuania? None. The Jew write and control international sentiment too.

The border disputes are pretty complex, Ruthenians are from Kievan Rus.

From what I heard, it was the original Ruthenians. A Hungarian king gave them that land as part of the kingdom of Hungary in the 11th century. Then they broke their right to it when they broke away from Hungary to first join Czechoslovakia then Russia. As a poetic justice, Soviet general secretary Khrushchev transferred them over to Soviet Ukraine around 1954, and the Ukrainian state deported them and diluted them with east Ukrainians, a different ethnic group.

Only a couple of villages are left of them and now they are called hutsuls, less than a few thousand men. So the inhabitants of Ruthenia today are not Ruthens but soviet migrants. Not a good case to claim that land.

Ukrainian is too close to Kievan Rus to deny it.

Yes, but Ruthenia is different, because it was not created by Kievan Rus but by Hungary.

To re establish Ruthenia, if there was such a thing as fairness in international politics, Ruthenia should be created as an autonomous territory under Hungary. Then the original ruthenians should be re migrated back to it if they still exist. The current population should be migrated out unless they agree to Hungarian citizenship and language classes. But there is no such thing as fairness in international politics or sentiment, so this will never happen.

These would satisfy the original charter of creating Ruthenia in the 11th century, as well as its ethnic composition of a 1000 years with the exclusion of the Soviet barbarism.

From my understanding Ruthenia is just a Latin word for Rus.

Much of Ukraine was long populated by Turkic speakers, like Cumans, Khazars, Kipchaks, or Tatars.
I am trying to figure out if you are hopeless ignorant or plain retarded. Your stance that Jews had Polish people is false and only in your mental midget mind. Second, Poland is one of the most antisemitic countries outside of the Middle East.

So take your bullshit inquires and shove them up your ass!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So, pointing out many Poles are anti-Jewish isn't prejudiced, but pointing out that many Jew are anti-Polish is prejudiced.

Uh, huh got it. Hahaha. Hypocritical, no?
And the super powers, Russia and Western Europe, used these settlers to ethnically fight against the original Polish population. The same went on in Hungary. Eventually it resulted in the breaking up of the kingdom of Hungary. It also resulted in the breaking up of Poland. How many people in the world would believe that eastern Poland was not always Ukraine/belarus/lithuania? None. The Jew write and control international sentiment too.

The border disputes are pretty complex, Ruthenians are from Kievan Rus.

From what I heard, it was the original Ruthenians. A Hungarian king gave them that land as part of the kingdom of Hungary in the 11th century. Then they broke their right to it when they broke away from Hungary to first join Czechoslovakia then Russia. As a poetic justice, Soviet general secretary Khrushchev transferred them over to Soviet Ukraine around 1954, and the Ukrainian state deported them and diluted them with east Ukrainians, a different ethnic group.

Only a couple of villages are left of them and now they are called hutsuls, less than a few thousand men. So the inhabitants of Ruthenia today are not Ruthens but soviet migrants. Not a good case to claim that land.

Ukrainian is too close to Kievan Rus to deny it.

Yes, but Ruthenia is different, because it was not created by Kievan Rus but by Hungary.

To re establish Ruthenia, if there was such a thing as fairness in international politics, Ruthenia should be created as an autonomous territory under Hungary. Then the original ruthenians should be re migrated back to it if they still exist. The current population should be migrated out unless they agree to Hungarian citizenship and language classes. But there is no such thing as fairness in international politics or sentiment, so this will never happen.

These would satisfy the original charter of creating Ruthenia in the 11th century, as well as its ethnic composition of a 1000 years with the exclusion of the Soviet barbarism.

From my understanding Ruthenia is just a Latin word for Rus.

Much of Ukraine was long populated by Turkic speakers, like Cumans, Khazars, Kipchaks, or Tatars.

Yes, the kingdom of Hungary used Latin as its official language in the 11th century when it created Ruthenia. The exact name is not important though.

Legal history is what should determine policy. The Cumans had territorial autonomy in medieval Hungary and wallachia too, just like Ruthenia, all established by Hungary. Whichever ethnicity you are, you obtain your right to your land and to your ethnic identity from the kingdom that created you. Therefore, anyone who lives in the territory of Ruthenia derives his existence from Hungary and not from the Ukraine. Consequently, legally speaking, the Ukraine has no right to demand administrative privileges over Ruthenia.

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