Why Isn't House Judiciary Committee Chairman D-Nadler Threatening to Censure Secretary of The Senate Over Docs?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Secretary of the Senate has informed former Vice President Joe Biden that it has “no discretion to disclose” the existence of former aide Tara Reade’s complaint of sexual harassment against the then-senator in 1993. The office determined that any complaint filed against Biden could not be made public “based on the law’s strict confidentiality requirements (Section 313) and the Senate’s own direction that disclosure of Senate Records is not authorized if prohibited by law.”

So why isn't House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler holding an emergency House Judiciary Committee meeting to demand, as he did with US AG Barr, the Senate Secretary release the documents - despite the law saying it can't be done? Is Nadler going to hold a vote to Censure the Senate Secretary for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW, as he did with Barr?

"The Secretary of the Senate has informed former Vice President Joe Biden that it has “no discretion to disclose” the existence of former aide Tara Reade’s complaint of sexual harassment against the then-senator in 1993. The office determined that any complaint filed against Biden could not be made public “based on the law’s strict confidentiality requirements (Section 313) and the Senate’s own direction that disclosure of Senate Records is not authorized if prohibited by law.”

So why isn't House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler holding an emergency House Judiciary Committee meeting to demand, as he did with US AG Barr, the Senate Secretary release the documents - despite the law saying it can't be done? Is Nadler going to hold a vote to Censure the Senate Secretary for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW, as he did with Barr?

Doubt it. When Reade admitted, Friday that the record would not support her claim, it kind of let the air out of the question. Twenty-seven year old "she said/he said" after Senate campaigns, and a couple of Vice Presidential runs anyone?.., anyone?
Twenty-seven year old "she said/he said" after Senate campaigns, and a couple of Vice Presidential runs anyone?.., anyone?
Change a couple of details slightly and you ALMOST described Kavanaugh and Ford. The Democrats did not just attempt to keep Kavanaugh from getting the USSC Justice seat, they attempted to DESTROY him and his family, tried to make sure they crush his reputation, and destroy any chance he ever had of getting a job again.

But the thing is, there is more evidence to support Reade's accusation that there ever was to support Ford's.

The Dem's massive Double Standard still exists....
The LAW didn't mean a damn thing when Nadler was attempting to do anything legal or illegal to take down Trump...with the shoe on the other foot, here's Nadler's chance to prove he is an equal opportunity shit bag...
So why isn't House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler holding an emergency House Judiciary Committee meeting to demand, as he did with US AG Barr, the Senate Secretary release the documents - despite the law saying it can't be done?

Because he's a shameless fucking hack.

I'm here to help.
Twenty-seven year old "she said/he said" after Senate campaigns, and a couple of Vice Presidential runs anyone?.., anyone?
Change a couple of details slightly and you ALMOST described Kavanaugh and Ford. The Democrats did not just attempt to keep Kavanaugh from getting the USSC Justice seat, they attempted to DESTROY him and his family, tried to make sure they crush his reputation, and destroy any chance he ever had of getting a job again.

But the thing is, there is more evidence to support Reade's accusation that there ever was to support Ford's.

The Dem's massive Double Standard still exists....
Some may have a double standard. Some may not. Often seen what appears to be a lot of truth, at first glance, to the big brush attacks posted on this board, but rarely actually fills in the reality of how people you meet walking through Walmart or Lowes actually believe and speak their mind. The big brush is usually only good for rousing support of the faithful, but not accurate of the people the normal people on either side of center. In actuality, I have met several normal Democrats that do not approve the slipshod, bare knuckle attack on Kavanaugh. Doubt minds are changed with flat statements of rash generalization on a whole political party, that appears to make up more than 50% of registered voters. I am sure it make many on the opposing side feel better, though. Some people need justification and connection with their side.
This is such a ham-handed, amateurish, cover-up.....We've always known all the Rat party is good at is lying and cheating their suckers, but now we see they can't even pull that off anymore. I predict Trump will carry all 57 states.
This is very interesting.

Biden requested records of the complaint filed against him in the 90s.

His request is denied.

Senate Secretary Julie Adams, former staffer of Mitch McConnell denied Biden the right to look through his own Senate record to find that complaint.

His lawyer asked the following questions:

Is just the existence of any such records subject to the same prohibition on disclosure? Is there anyone, such as a complainant, to whom such records, if they exist, could be lawfully disclosed? Could the Senate release the procedures and related materials, including any standard forms or instructions, that the Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices followed in 1993 for the intake and processing of any complaint of this kind?”

These aren't the actions of a guilty man. If Biden had actually done what he is accused of he wouldn't want those records found. He certainly wouldn't have had his lawyer ask follow up questions that clearly show he's looking for another way to get those records and release them to the public.

Full disclosure. I don't like Joe Biden. I don't want to vote for him for president. I didn't vote for him in the primary. However, the actions now and in the coming months by republicans will disgust and outrage me so much, I will vote for him or anyone just to get trump out of our White House and his followers to crawl back under the rocks they came out from underneath.

Joe knows the senate rules and agreed to ways of operating...he knew the senate would block this because the senate is the swamp...open up Joe's records and they have to open up everyone's records upon request.....don't fall for this....
SO not able to clear his name Republicans will continue to use this for political merry making, & both party's will throw out what ever simple shiny piece of trash keeps our eye diverted from how they are running the country.

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