Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

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And to end this as Trump has....the video was a bad video to use. But he has actually said he was Kenyan other times besides that video. Including when giving his bio information to his literary agency. Possibly in his college admissions as well.

Feel better now, Syriusly?

Let me give you another scenario hopefully it will get to your brain. But stop drinking paint.
If both of your parents are from Mexico......... then you were born here. What do you call yourself? Your still a Mexican isn't it? Correct me if you I'm wrong.
And to end this as Trump has....the video was a bad video to use. But he has actually said he was Kenyan other times besides that video. Including when giving his bio information to his literary agency. Possibly in his college admissions as well.

Feel better now, Syriusly?

Let me give you another scenario hopefully it will get to your brain. But stop drinking paint.
If both of your parents are from Mexico......... then you were born here. What do you call yourself? Your still a Mexican isn't it? Correct me if you I'm wrong.
You're a moron. I'm not interested in anything you have to say.
Syriusly won't even watch it.....she's afraid of the truth. But that's exactly what he said, "I come from Kenya".

Offensively won't watch this- because she is afraid of the truth that her Birtherism is such that she is gullible is enough to believe anything on Youtube.

Just going to point out once again- Offensively posted a version of this video- because Offensively believed it was real.

Why did he believe it is real? A good question.

But more telling- even though this was pointed out to him- that the video is a spoof- he never admitted his error here- but instead went and started a whole new thread using that video also- and never admitted his error there.

Offensively may claim not to be a Birther- but damn he sure acts like a Birther- posting lies, speculation and innuendo.

I ignored you because you called me a 'she'. I'm not responding to that shit. You know I'm male.

LOL- you got your panties in a wad because I called you a she? Maybe if you started acting like a male.

(and yes I purposely called you a 'she' because you decided to start calling me 'she'- the difference between us is that I didn't have a little pissy fit when you did it)

No...I just ignored it. Wanted to see you spew some more about it before I conceded the video was a bad example.

And by 'bad example' you mean.........you were just as gullible as Trump and fell for a spoof video and started an entire thread because of a false video.....

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