Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.
No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Leftists have taken over education, the media, and the government.

Add to this the dangling carrot of, "Let's take from the rich and give to you!" dogma, and there you have it.

Not really hard to understand.

In Venezuela, they are eating out of garbage cans, yet socialism is as popular as ever.

That is the scary part. It's like drinking the cool aide and not even being able to die. They are now the walking dead.
they actually 'know' the government will fix what it broke, they just know it.
Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.
No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
b/c we have seen multiple countries go under in a big way to even want to discuss risking the entire world.

seriously, try to imagine what would happen to the world if we went down like Ven, Cuba or the 'former' USSR.
Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.
No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
b/c we have seen multiple countries go under in a big way to even want to discuss risking the entire world.

seriously, try to imagine what would happen to the world if we went down like Ven, Cuba or the 'former' USSR.
What I described is what is actually happening. That is the goal. If the Right keeps fighting ghosts like this, it will lose.

Screaming SOCIALISM or VENEZUELA or CUBA is no longer good enough. There is enough momentum now that the Right will actually have to start using reason and intelligence if they want to avoid what's probably coming.

Or not, that's up to you. But the momentum is building.
What we have had for the last few decades, and particularly recently, has not been working well. Why not look at other models?
Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.

No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......


The truth is anything tax paid and controlled by GubMit is socialist


Democratic Socialism is appealing because it offers a seemingly effortless path to power to the proletariat. It is simply a tool for the ruling/moneyed class to obtain more power over the laboring class while maintaining a position of privilege and power. The Nordic nations lauded by the Democratic Socialists are Free Market Capitalist economies. They are high tax low regulation welfare states. Everywhere socialism has been tried has failed to nurture a thriving prosperous population. The opposite is actually the result. Socialism results in poverty and deprivation while promising prosperity. The current situation in Venezuala is an example. There is an old Yiddish saying that summarizes socialism "Promise them the moon and give them a fishcake".
Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.

No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......


The truth is anything tax paid and controlled by GubMit is socialist



Using your flawed logic Genghis Khan was a socialist, Julius Ceasar was a Socialist, Napoleon was a socialist, George the Third was a Socialist and on and on ad infinitem. Your have no idea what your are talking about. Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution. Unless you have recently stepped through a portal from an alternate dystopian universe words have meaning.
Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.
Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

Don;t look now but your ignorance is showing. Freedom is possible. Unfortunately it is people like you
who sabotage the gaining of that freedom through willful ignorance, sloth, and apathy.
Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.
Neither are the police, fire department and health insurance industry, for that matter.
Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

The military can, has been and will be in the future a tool of oppression. As an example China at Tienanmen Square.
Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.
Neither are the police, fire department and health insurance industry, for that matter.

Definition meets Opinion....

Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.
No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
b/c we have seen multiple countries go under in a big way to even want to discuss risking the entire world.

seriously, try to imagine what would happen to the world if we went down like Ven, Cuba or the 'former' USSR.
Venezuela is a case of crime, corruption along with damage inflicted from other countries.
Cuba is doing ok. with good scores on education and healthcare, otherwise nothing spectacular.
USSR is a victim of bad Gorbachev policies. nothing to do with Marxism or socialism, but just policies inappropriate for the situation.

Yet, one of the most important collapse is Greece. caused by exploitation by our banks. but you can fault them for allowing themselves to be exploited.

But none of this comes close to the failed states in Africa. not even close.
Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
All successful developed first world nations are a hybrid of both capitalism and socialism.

The only question is where along the axis a country chooses to be, i.e., "more" socialism or "less" socialism.

Unfortunately, many have been trained to view this an an "all or nothing" proposition, which renders them useless (and counter-productive) in the conversation.
Or they just want less, rather than more.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Socialism, or the desire for its implementation here in the US of A, has always been here, simmering on an unseen back burner. The American progressive Left has embraced socialism since about 1789 in its pre-Marxist sadistic, atheist forms. Much more contemporarily, however, the radical American Left, specifically such movements as radical feminism, the sexual revolution, the cultural revolution, the postmodern revisionism of social history, and the abortion movement—have all decided to use socialism as a ladder to climb to dominance of our civilization. So in that light, socialism—and a communist utopia—have always been the true final destinations of the modern radical American Left.

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