CDZ Why is cable news dominated by all things Trump?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. For God's sakes is Donald Trump the only newsworthy subject in the world? I can think of 10 subjects off the top of my head that would require true investigative journalism and would be interesting for a change:

1. Where does our tax money go?
2. Why do we send so much foreign aid (money) to bad countries? Who decided this?
3. How are so many drugs entering our country? How much Fentanyl is China shipping into our country?
4. Why is there such disparity in drug costs?
5. What is the current state of all of our bridges? Are we close to another I-35 collapse?
6. Why is our government allowed to keep hiring more employees? Why has there never been a significant Federal government layoff?
7. Why is Pot still after 50 years still considered a Schedule 1 drug and Fentanyl considered a milder schedule 2 drug by the FDA?
8. Why isn't money competency taught in schools?
9. Why have college costs exploded in the last 20 years? What are the colleges spending the money on?
10. Why do we ignore the trashing of our oceans and spend all of our time debating how much humans are increasing global temperature?

You will notice not one of the topics mentioned a Democrat or a Republican. Our media in focusing exclusively on Presidential politics is doing us a great disservice and are certainly not doing their job.
Why is cable news dominated by all things Trump?

He drives the news cycle with his tweets and outbursts! Never before has a president so blatantly disregarded the dignity of the office he holds. Never before has a president been polled on, or gotten a majority response to the question 'Is he a racist?'.

We elected, for better or worse, a reality television game show host. What did you expect? Statesmanship?
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. For God's sakes is Donald Trump the only newsworthy subject in the world? I can think of 10 subjects off the top of my head that would require true investigative journalism and would be interesting for a change:

1. Where does our tax money go?
2. Why do we send so much foreign aid (money) to bad countries? Who decided this?
3. How are so many drugs entering our country? How much Fentanyl is China shipping into our country?
4. Why is there such disparity in drug costs?
5. What is the current state of all of our bridges? Are we close to another I-35 collapse?
6. Why is our government allowed to keep hiring more employees? Why has there never been a significant Federal government layoff?
7. Why is Pot still after 50 years still considered a Schedule 1 drug and Fentanyl considered a milder schedule 2 drug by the FDA?
8. Why isn't money competency taught in schools?
9. Why have college costs exploded in the last 20 years? What are the colleges spending the money on?
10. Why do we ignore the trashing of our oceans and spend all of our time debating how much humans are increasing global temperature?

You will notice not one of the topics mentioned a Democrat or a Republican. Our media in focusing exclusively on Presidential politics is doing us a great disservice and are certainly not doing their job.

And where does most of the heroin in the US come from? And from 1999 to 2016 .. opioid ODs went up 5 times. Its much more than Gun related deaths or Auto mobile related deaths.
Why is cable news dominated by all things Trump?

He drives the news cycle with his tweets and outbursts! Never before has a president so blatantly disregarded the dignity of the office he holds. Never before has a president been polled on, or gotten a majority response to the question 'Is he a racist?'.

We elected, for better or worse, a reality television game show host. What did you expect? Statesmanship?

BJ Bill Clinton set the standard for Democratic Party Presidential morality judgements.. rapist, sexual harasser, pedophile, compulsive liar etc.. Then there was Hillary... :lol:
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. For God's sakes is Donald Trump the only newsworthy subject in the world? I can think of 10 subjects off the top of my head that would require true investigative journalism and would be interesting for a change:

1. Where does our tax money go?
2. Why do we send so much foreign aid (money) to bad countries? Who decided this?
3. How are so many drugs entering our country? How much Fentanyl is China shipping into our country?
4. Why is there such disparity in drug costs?
5. What is the current state of all of our bridges? Are we close to another I-35 collapse?
6. Why is our government allowed to keep hiring more employees? Why has there never been a significant Federal government layoff?
7. Why is Pot still after 50 years still considered a Schedule 1 drug and Fentanyl considered a milder schedule 2 drug by the FDA?
8. Why isn't money competency taught in schools?
9. Why have college costs exploded in the last 20 years? What are the colleges spending the money on?
10. Why do we ignore the trashing of our oceans and spend all of our time debating how much humans are increasing global temperature?

You will notice not one of the topics mentioned a Democrat or a Republican. Our media in focusing exclusively on Presidential politics is doing us a great disservice and are certainly not doing their job.

Liberal Democrats, especially in fake media are natural born parasites..
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. For God's sakes is Donald Trump the only newsworthy subject in the world? I can think of 10 subjects off the top of my head that would require true investigative journalism and would be interesting for a change:

1. Where does our tax money go?
2. Why do we send so much foreign aid (money) to bad countries? Who decided this?
3. How are so many drugs entering our country? How much Fentanyl is China shipping into our country?
4. Why is there such disparity in drug costs?
5. What is the current state of all of our bridges? Are we close to another I-35 collapse?
6. Why is our government allowed to keep hiring more employees? Why has there never been a significant Federal government layoff?
7. Why is Pot still after 50 years still considered a Schedule 1 drug and Fentanyl considered a milder schedule 2 drug by the FDA?
8. Why isn't money competency taught in schools?
9. Why have college costs exploded in the last 20 years? What are the colleges spending the money on?
10. Why do we ignore the trashing of our oceans and spend all of our time debating how much humans are increasing global temperature?

You will notice not one of the topics mentioned a Democrat or a Republican. Our media in focusing exclusively on Presidential politics is doing us a great disservice and are certainly not doing their job.

So. News broadcasters need viewers, and they have learned that Trump stories gets viewers. It’s no more complicated than that.
Why is cable news dominated by all things Trump?

He drives the news cycle with his tweets and outbursts! Never before has a president so blatantly disregarded the dignity of the office he holds. Never before has a president been polled on, or gotten a majority response to the question 'Is he a racist?'.

We elected, for better or worse, a reality television game show host. What did you expect? Statesmanship?

BJ Bill Clinton set the standard for Democratic Party Presidential morality judgements.. rapist, sexual harasser, pedophile, compulsive liar etc.. Then there was Hillary... :lol:
So you hold Donald J. Trump as the paragon of moral virtue? Or are you selling moral relevance as a defense?
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. For God's sakes is Donald Trump the only newsworthy subject in the world? I can think of 10 subjects off the top of my head that would require true investigative journalism and would be interesting for a change:

1. Where does our tax money go?
2. Why do we send so much foreign aid (money) to bad countries? Who decided this?
3. How are so many drugs entering our country? How much Fentanyl is China shipping into our country?
4. Why is there such disparity in drug costs?
5. What is the current state of all of our bridges? Are we close to another I-35 collapse?
6. Why is our government allowed to keep hiring more employees? Why has there never been a significant Federal government layoff?
7. Why is Pot still after 50 years still considered a Schedule 1 drug and Fentanyl considered a milder schedule 2 drug by the FDA?
8. Why isn't money competency taught in schools?
9. Why have college costs exploded in the last 20 years? What are the colleges spending the money on?
10. Why do we ignore the trashing of our oceans and spend all of our time debating how much humans are increasing global temperature?

You will notice not one of the topics mentioned a Democrat or a Republican. Our media in focusing exclusively on Presidential politics is doing us a great disservice and are certainly not doing their job.

Because it sells, because it's entertaining and because it's what people want to watch and talk about.

Trump knows this.
Trump trolls the media in areas he wants to discuss. They go beserk and the issue is discussed. Whether you like it or not he's playing them like a fiddle.
It ain't that hard to understand, most of the MSM cable news outlets hate Trump and they'll run story after story if it makes him look bad, purely for political reasons. True or not, immaterial or not, they don't care. And of course you've also got Fox News, which is about the only right-wing leaning outlet that supports what he's doing as far as cable news is concerned. Mostly because what he's doing is working to everybody's benefit. Let's face it, Congress isn't doing much so Trump has pretty much taken the reins and driving the economic wagon so to speak.

And some of it is because Trump can't keep his big mouth shut; it's his persona, his upbringing that drives him to hit back when somebody takes a shot at him. It's who he is. Personally, I find that aspect of his character to be unfortunate. So he provides loads of material for the left-wingers to go after him on, and there we are: a verbal, childish food fight between the POTUS and the Press.
Why is cable news dominated by all things Trump?

He drives the news cycle with his tweets and outbursts! Never before has a president so blatantly disregarded the dignity of the office he holds. Never before has a president been polled on, or gotten a majority response to the question 'Is he a racist?'.

We elected, for better or worse, a reality television game show host. What did you expect? Statesmanship?

BJ Bill Clinton set the standard for Democratic Party Presidential morality judgements.. rapist, sexual harasser, pedophile, compulsive liar etc.. Then there was Hillary... :lol:
So you hold Donald J. Trump as the paragon of moral virtue? Or are you selling moral relevance as a defense?

A "Paragon of moral virtue" hardly but when I consider his irrational opposition and their blatant hypocrisies ... I figure they need a reminder.. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Why is cable news dominated by all things Trump?

He drives the news cycle with his tweets and outbursts! Never before has a president so blatantly disregarded the dignity of the office he holds. Never before has a president been polled on, or gotten a majority response to the question 'Is he a racist?'.

We elected, for better or worse, a reality television game show host. What did you expect? Statesmanship?

BJ Bill Clinton set the standard for Democratic Party Presidential morality judgements.. rapist, sexual harasser, pedophile, compulsive liar etc.. Then there was Hillary... :lol:
So you hold Donald J. Trump as the paragon of moral virtue? Or are you selling moral relevance as a defense?

A "Paragon of moral virtue" hardly but when I consider his unbalanced opposition and their blatant hypocrisies ... I figure they need a reminder.. :abgg2q.jpg:
ere's a news flash! Neither Bill nor Hillary are on ballots this November or two years from now. Claiming the moral high ground with Trump as your Sherpa can be a rough climb.
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

Don't fool yourself....

The only reason it is Trump, Trump, Trump.... in the media,

IS BECAUSE that is precisely what Trump wants and orchestrates.... he's directing the news topics.... no one else....

And it is for his purpose, to direct attention from all the other things...

He seems to think being President of the USA is his little crazy reality TV show that he gets to direct....

so to misdirect the public to what he wants and away from his abuse of power....

and it's working.... just as he has planned....
Why is cable news dominated by all things Trump?

He drives the news cycle with his tweets and outbursts! Never before has a president so blatantly disregarded the dignity of the office he holds. Never before has a president been polled on, or gotten a majority response to the question 'Is he a racist?'.

We elected, for better or worse, a reality television game show host. What did you expect? Statesmanship?

BJ Bill Clinton set the standard for Democratic Party Presidential morality judgements.. rapist, sexual harasser, pedophile, compulsive liar etc.. Then there was Hillary... :lol:
So you hold Donald J. Trump as the paragon of moral virtue? Or are you selling moral relevance as a defense?

A "Paragon of moral virtue" hardly but when I consider his unbalanced opposition and their blatant hypocrisies ... I figure they need a reminder.. :abgg2q.jpg:
ere's a news flash! Neither Bill nor Hillary are on ballots this November or two years from now. Claiming the moral high ground with Trump as your Sherpa can be a rough climb.

Eh, Hillary's still your best bet and you probably won't have a choice anyway..:lol:

We all know Trump had a history and that fake news liberals have no moral standing to judge from.. :wink_2:
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It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. For God's sakes is Donald Trump the only newsworthy subject in the world? I can think of 10 subjects off the top of my head that would require true investigative journalism and would be interesting for a change:

1. Where does our tax money go?
2. Why do we send so much foreign aid (money) to bad countries? Who decided this?
3. How are so many drugs entering our country? How much Fentanyl is China shipping into our country?
4. Why is there such disparity in drug costs?
5. What is the current state of all of our bridges? Are we close to another I-35 collapse?
6. Why is our government allowed to keep hiring more employees? Why has there never been a significant Federal government layoff?
7. Why is Pot still after 50 years still considered a Schedule 1 drug and Fentanyl considered a milder schedule 2 drug by the FDA?
8. Why isn't money competency taught in schools?
9. Why have college costs exploded in the last 20 years? What are the colleges spending the money on?
10. Why do we ignore the trashing of our oceans and spend all of our time debating how much humans are increasing global temperature?

You will notice not one of the topics mentioned a Democrat or a Republican. Our media in focusing exclusively on Presidential politics is doing us a great disservice and are certainly not doing their job.

I believe it's a medical condition called TDS, but that is merely a guess. More likely is the media is out to destroy this presidency. They were all in the pocket of the shrilary, and now that she lost they are trying their darndest to derail everything that trump is doing because he is upending decades of progressive propaganda, and work designed to bring the US down.
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

Don't fool yourself....

The only reason it is Trump, Trump, Trump.... in the media,

IS BECAUSE that is precisely what Trump wants and orchestrates.... he's directing the news topics.... no one else....

And it is for his purpose, to direct attention from all the other things...

He seems to think being President of the USA is his little crazy reality TV show that he gets to direct....

so to misdirect the public to what he wants and away from his abuse of power....

and it's working.... just as he has planned....

.. just when I was getting all agreeable and stuff..

download (9).jpg
It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. For God's sakes is Donald Trump the only newsworthy subject in the world? I can think of 10 subjects off the top of my head that would require true investigative journalism and would be interesting for a change:

1. Where does our tax money go?
2. Why do we send so much foreign aid (money) to bad countries? Who decided this?
3. How are so many drugs entering our country? How much Fentanyl is China shipping into our country?
4. Why is there such disparity in drug costs?
5. What is the current state of all of our bridges? Are we close to another I-35 collapse?
6. Why is our government allowed to keep hiring more employees? Why has there never been a significant Federal government layoff?
7. Why is Pot still after 50 years still considered a Schedule 1 drug and Fentanyl considered a milder schedule 2 drug by the FDA?
8. Why isn't money competency taught in schools?
9. Why have college costs exploded in the last 20 years? What are the colleges spending the money on?
10. Why do we ignore the trashing of our oceans and spend all of our time debating how much humans are increasing global temperature?

You will notice not one of the topics mentioned a Democrat or a Republican. Our media in focusing exclusively on Presidential politics is doing us a great disservice and are certainly not doing their job.

Simple. Two reasons.

1) Trump is INCREDIBLY divisive. Trumpbots adore him like the ignorant masses at a Nuremberg rally. And much of the rest of the country are rolling their eyes/shaking their heads in disbelief at him (and - to a lesser extent - his Trumpbot minions).

2) Most people who watch cable news are friggin' dinosaurs...they are OLD. And usually not too bright (with exceptions).
Here’s the Median Age of the Typical Cable News Viewer
And old, mid-low IQ people usually don't care much about the future...why would they? And they usually don't much care about stories that mostly effect the young/middle aged. Plus old people tend to have more faith in government than younger people do.
Anyone with a decent IQ and/or some common sense knows that the last place you should go for news is the television (or even TV news channels on the net). They are profit driven and skewed toward their demographic. In this case...not terribly bright, old people.
When I watch cable news (which is rarely), it seems like they are talking to 12-14 year old's. They obviously realize their prime viewers are old with mid/low IQ's and they have to talk to them accordingly.

Bottom line - if you are getting all/most of your news from cable news are (probably) virtually clueless about the world.

Unfortunately, you probably think you know the world REALLY well. That is called arrogance leading to ignorance.
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It is beyond ridiculous. All day every day it's all about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

Don't fool yourself....

The only reason it is Trump, Trump, Trump.... in the media,

IS BECAUSE that is precisely what Trump wants and orchestrates.... he's directing the news topics.... no one else....

And it is for his purpose, to direct attention from all the other things...

He seems to think being President of the USA is his little crazy reality TV show that he gets to direct....

so to misdirect the public to what he wants and away from his abuse of power....

and it's working.... just as he has planned....

.. just when I was getting all agreeable and stuff..

View attachment 210617
seriously though....

Trump IS DIRECTING this reality show....

He is not stupid as many on my side think....

He measures every word, before he tweets it, and knows the reaction he will get from the audience....

And most of the time, he is right....and they do precisely what he thinks....
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