Why is Black Affirmative Action in South Africa not Racism?


Apr 22, 2007
Black South Africans make up 80% of the population, with 10% White, the rest mixed and others. The Black South Africans are firmly in charge of the government. Nevertheless, South Africa instituted a pograms of affirmative action for blacks! :confused:

Affirmative Action is supposed to be for oppressed minorities and not for the majority sec who are in power! Was does the majority in power need special protection from discrimination? Do Whites in America, UK, Italy, France or Greece need affirmative action?

Simon Wood meets the people who lost most when Mandela won in South Africa | World news | The Observer
The South African Government’s Affirmative Action employment legislation, which reserves 80% of new jobs for black people and favours companies owned by black people
Yes this makes sense! The blacks who are the majority and have all the political power receive a minimum 80% of the government jobs and black companies get favorable treatment! :eek: Imagine if America instituted affirmative Action for whites, making a minimum 80% of the government jobs for Whites, gave favoured White business, including tax benefits and grants, while giving the minority blacks no job guarantees! There would be justifiable black riots in the street and condemnation across the globe! To the contrary when Africans do it to their minorities its AOK!:confused:

Cop: You whites must f*** off: News24: SouthAfrica: News
"It's time you whites packed your bags and fucked off."

With these words a black police inspector from Tembisa on the East Rand allegedly scolded the victims of an armed robbery and hijacking attempt in Kempton Park on Monday night.

This officer, whose name is known to Beeld, apparently refused to arrest a black suspect on the scene.

He also refused to open a case after Nic Lubbe, 51, from Kempton Park West, his daughter, Antoenet Cronjé, and her two sons, Morné, 11, and Kyle, 3, were assailed by robbers on Monday night.

'White dogs'

There have been increasing incidents of racism against white South Africans since 1994. In particular the actions of racist police personnel towards white victims has attracted media attention. Several white South Africans who have been held in overcrowded cells because of minor offenses have also taken legal action against the South African police. In some cases, legal action has been taken against The Minister of Safety and Security as some have been raped and assaulted by other suspects (often rape and murder suspects) held in the same cell
Apartheid is back in South Africa except its the Whites getting discriminated against, but the world turns a blind eye!

Report on Farm Attacks
There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to 2,000 farmers have been murdered in tens of thousands farm attacks in South Africa, many brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats
White South African Farmers are being raped, tortured, murdered and brutalized with the Black run government and police force doing nothing about it!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6oFEZiCg1U]YouTube - South Africa: Racism Against White People (Vodacom)[/ame]

gosh, i WONDER what you motivation for posting this was.


Who the fuck says affirmative action isn't racist? Better yet, maybe you should observe a similar policy meant to promote the MAJORITY POPULATION that you'd rather pretend doesn't count.


gosh, i WONDER what you motivation for posting this was.


Who the fuck says affirmative action isn't racist? Better yet, maybe you should observe a similar policy meant to promote the MAJORITY POPULATION that you'd rather pretend doesn't count.


Affirmative Action in America CLEARLY had its just purpose! An oppressed minority getting preferential treatment is much different than the Majority population (by a large amount) getting preferential treatment!

gosh, i WONDER what you motivation for posting this was.


Who the fuck says affirmative action isn't racist? Better yet, maybe you should observe a similar policy meant to promote the MAJORITY POPULATION that you'd rather pretend doesn't count.


Affirmative Action in America CLEARLY had its just purpose! An oppressed minority getting preferential treatment is much different than the Majority population (by a large amount) getting preferential treatment!

that is a matter of opinion. laughably, you'd assume as much as long as you think it polishes the turd of your zionism. Hell, if you thought sacrificed babies would support your zionism you'd have reminded everyone of Abraham and Isaac by now.

so, let me get this strait: minority populations qualify for preferential treatment as long as it somehow validates your zionist purge of muslims from israel?

got it.


gosh, i WONDER what you motivation for posting this was.


Who the fuck says affirmative action isn't racist? Better yet, maybe you should observe a similar policy meant to promote the MAJORITY POPULATION that you'd rather pretend doesn't count.


Affirmative Action in America CLEARLY had its just purpose! An oppressed minority getting preferential treatment is much different than the Majority population (by a large amount) getting preferential treatment!

that is a matter of opinion. laughably, you'd assume as much as long as you think it polishes the turd of your zionism. Hell, if you thought sacrificed babies would support your zionism you'd have reminded everyone of Abraham and Isaac by now.

so, let me get this strait: minority populations qualify for preferential treatment as long as it somehow validates your zionist purge of muslims from israel?

got it.


Once again this is not about Israel and has nothing to do with Israel, you cock sucker!
For years the white minority jailed black leaders, or outright killed them. Blacks were allowed to work as housekeepers and "help", but were regulated to living in shanties. Everytime the whites wanted more land, they just bull dozed poor blacks houses and took the land.

Many entertainers refused to perform in South Africa. For instance, Ray Charles. He performed in places blacks weren't allowed.

Certainly it has been rough for the whites, but the blacks who took over did show restraint.

As far as education goes, it's very difficult to just "educate a population" and bring to a much higher level overnight. Study takes skills. You can't keep a group of people in ignorance or as slaves or chattel for generations and then whine, "See how dumb they are" because they don't meet your expectations fast enough?"

Besides, we have Affirmative Action here. George Bush was a below average student jumped over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard because of his father's "connections". He either ran or was on the board of three companies that went bankrupt.
John McCain graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 cadets from the Naval Academy. He got in because of his father, an admiral, pulling strings and it was his father that kept him in. Look how much it cost. 5 crashed jets and an aircraft carrier demolished.
How come someone gets in strictly because they have money and "know" someone? That is white people's Affirmative Action. Because they are rich it's OK?
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Affirmative Action in America CLEARLY had its just purpose! An oppressed minority getting preferential treatment is much different than the Majority population (by a large amount) getting preferential treatment!

that is a matter of opinion. laughably, you'd assume as much as long as you think it polishes the turd of your zionism. Hell, if you thought sacrificed babies would support your zionism you'd have reminded everyone of Abraham and Isaac by now.

so, let me get this strait: minority populations qualify for preferential treatment as long as it somehow validates your zionist purge of muslims from israel?

got it.


Once again this is not about Israel and has nothing to do with Israel, you cock sucker!


sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!
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And not worth my time! :cuckoo:

that is a matter of opinion. laughably, you'd assume as much as long as you think it polishes the turd of your zionism. Hell, if you thought sacrificed babies would support your zionism you'd have reminded everyone of Abraham and Isaac by now.

so, let me get this strait: minority populations qualify for preferential treatment as long as it somehow validates your zionist purge of muslims from israel?

got it.


Once again this is not about Israel and has nothing to do with Israel, you cock sucker!


sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!
that is a matter of opinion. laughably, you'd assume as much as long as you think it polishes the turd of your zionism. Hell, if you thought sacrificed babies would support your zionism you'd have reminded everyone of Abraham and Isaac by now.

so, let me get this strait: minority populations qualify for preferential treatment as long as it somehow validates your zionist purge of muslims from israel?

got it.


Once again this is not about Israel and has nothing to do with Israel, you cock sucker!


sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!

Nelson Mandella was a communist. I remember watching his first speech when he came out of "seclusion" or as some call it, "solitary confinement". He had been kept so isolated he didn't even know that the Soviet Union had fallen. He was pro communist because they offered a better solution than Apartied. Who could blame him? Anyway, his first foray onto the public stage left everyone confused. He then "retired" for a short time until he came up to speed and learned what was going on in the world. He also discovered his wife was "less than popular" due to shenanigons she was involved in.

You know who could do the same thing? Sarah Palin. She had no idea what the Bush Doctrine is. Couldn't name in countries any North America. Didn't know why we are in Iraq. Believes that Christians are living freely now in Iraq, instead of murdered and/or chased out of the country. And believes the constitution in Iraq has made life easier for everyone. Maybe she isn't able to learn. Funny how Republcians compliain about affirmative action, but don't even go to schools themselves. Dumb.
Once again this is not about Israel and has nothing to do with Israel, you cock sucker!


sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!

Nelson Mandella was a communist. I remember watching his first speech when he came out of "seclusion" or as some call it, "solitary confinement". He had been kept so isolated he didn't even know that the Soviet Union had fallen. He was pro communist because they offered a better solution than Apartied. Who could blame him? Anyway, his first foray onto the public stage left everyone confused. He then "retired" for a short time until he came up to speed and learned what was going on in the world. He also discovered his wife was "less than popular" due to shenanigons she was involved in.

You know who could do the same thing? Sarah Palin. She had no idea what the Bush Doctrine is. Couldn't name in countries any North America. Didn't know why we are in Iraq. Believes that Christians are living freely now in Iraq, instead of murdered and/or chased out of the country. And believes the constitution in Iraq has made life easier for everyone. Maybe she isn't able to learn. Funny how Republcians compliain about affirmative action, but don't even go to schools themselves. Dumb.

:offtopic: Wow Amazing Super Awesome! Now :gives:

Nothing is the thread had ANYTHING to do with Palin, Bush, Iraq or even Mandella! It has to deal with the utter backward unfairness of Black Affirmative Action in South Africa where Blacks make up 80%+ of the population!
And not worth my time! :cuckoo:

Once again this is not about Israel and has nothing to do with Israel, you cock sucker!


sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!

zionist translation = "Damn, Shogun! You got me! I thought i was being sneaky but, clearly, I'm just a racist fuck who is looking for any reason to validate jewish racism!"

noted, ghook.
Once again this is not about Israel and has nothing to do with Israel, you cock sucker!


sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!

Nelson Mandella was a communist. I remember watching his first speech when he came out of "seclusion" or as some call it, "solitary confinement". He had been kept so isolated he didn't even know that the Soviet Union had fallen. He was pro communist because they offered a better solution than Apartied. Who could blame him? Anyway, his first foray onto the public stage left everyone confused. He then "retired" for a short time until he came up to speed and learned what was going on in the world. He also discovered his wife was "less than popular" due to shenanigons she was involved in.

You know who could do the same thing? Sarah Palin. She had no idea what the Bush Doctrine is. Couldn't name in countries any North America. Didn't know why we are in Iraq. Believes that Christians are living freely now in Iraq, instead of murdered and/or chased out of the country. And believes the constitution in Iraq has made life easier for everyone. Maybe she isn't able to learn. Funny how Republcians compliain about affirmative action, but don't even go to schools themselves. Dumb.

Did you know that Ghook thinks Nelson Mandela is a terrorist for bombing and killing innocents while his RACE was being ground under the bootheel of whites? Who can blame Nelson, you ask? Why, GHOOK CAN!

sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!

Nelson Mandella was a communist. I remember watching his first speech when he came out of "seclusion" or as some call it, "solitary confinement". He had been kept so isolated he didn't even know that the Soviet Union had fallen. He was pro communist because they offered a better solution than Apartied. Who could blame him? Anyway, his first foray onto the public stage left everyone confused. He then "retired" for a short time until he came up to speed and learned what was going on in the world. He also discovered his wife was "less than popular" due to shenanigons she was involved in.

You know who could do the same thing? Sarah Palin. She had no idea what the Bush Doctrine is. Couldn't name in countries any North America. Didn't know why we are in Iraq. Believes that Christians are living freely now in Iraq, instead of murdered and/or chased out of the country. And believes the constitution in Iraq has made life easier for everyone. Maybe she isn't able to learn. Funny how Republcians compliain about affirmative action, but don't even go to schools themselves. Dumb.

:offtopic: Wow Amazing Super Awesome! Now :gives:

Nothing is the thread had ANYTHING to do with Palin, Bush, Iraq or even Mandella! It has to deal with the utter backward unfairness of Black Affirmative Action in South Africa where Blacks make up 80%+ of the population!

zionist translation = "In other words, Arabs outnumber jews 10 to 1 in Israel and THIS is why former minorities who dominate majority populations should not bow to the concept of ethnic equality! if whites in South Africa regret letting indegenous blacks enjoy equality just THINK what a poor jew will have to deal with if he's not accepted as the master race in israel!?!"


For years the white minority jailed black leaders, or outright killed them. Blacks were allowed to work as housekeepers and "help", but were regulated to living in shanties. Everytime the whites wanted more land, they just bull dozed poor blacks houses and took the land.
And two wrongs make a right? What bull shit!

So since there was apartheid the white state sponsored discrimination against them! Should the Germans be pushed into ovens and gas chambers because of the Holocaust?

Many entertainers refused to perform in South Africa. For instance, Ray Charles. He performed in places blacks weren't allowed.

Certainly it has been rough for the whites, but the blacks who took over did show restraint.
What is your point with this one!

As far as education goes, it's very difficult to just "educate a population" and bring to a much higher level overnight. Study takes skills. You can't keep a group of people in ignorance or as slaves or chattel for generations and then whine, "See how dumb they are" because they don't meet your expectations fast enough?"
Educate? The state is promoting and allowing discrimination of a minority! Maybe the government needs a little education!

Besides, we have Affirmative Action here.

George Bush was a below average student jumped over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard because of his father's "connections". He either ran or was on the board of three companies that went bankrupt.
John McCain graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 cadets from the Naval Academy. He got in because of his father, an admiral, pulling strings and it was his father that kept him in. Look how much it cost. 5 crashed jets and an aircraft carrier demolished.
How come someone gets in strictly because they have money and "know" someone? That is white people's Affirmative Action. Because they are rich it's OK?
Ya dense moron, get over it. Bush is no longer the President and McCain LOST! You are the reason most people think liberals are brain-dead lazy morons!
For years the white minority jailed black leaders, or outright killed them. Blacks were allowed to work as housekeepers and "help", but were regulated to living in shanties. Everytime the whites wanted more land, they just bull dozed poor blacks houses and took the land.
And two wrongs make a right? What bull shit!

So since there was apartheid the white state sponsored discrimination against them! Should the Germans be pushed into ovens and gas chambers because of the Holocaust?

Many entertainers refused to perform in South Africa. For instance, Ray Charles. He performed in places blacks weren't allowed.

Certainly it has been rough for the whites, but the blacks who took over did show restraint.
What is your point with this one!

Educate? The state is promoting and allowing discrimination of a minority! Maybe the government needs a little education!

Besides, we have Affirmative Action here.

George Bush was a below average student jumped over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard because of his father's "connections". He either ran or was on the board of three companies that went bankrupt.
John McCain graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 cadets from the Naval Academy. He got in because of his father, an admiral, pulling strings and it was his father that kept him in. Look how much it cost. 5 crashed jets and an aircraft carrier demolished.
How come someone gets in strictly because they have money and "know" someone? That is white people's Affirmative Action. Because they are rich it's OK?
Ya dense moron, get over it. Bush is no longer the President and McCain LOST! You are the reason most people think liberals are brain-dead lazy morons!

You prove my point rather nicely, thank you.

Oops, you dropped your hood.
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sure it doesn't! SUUUUURE! Lord knows that you didn't want to set up some kind of crazy equivalence about the poor plight of post-apartheid whites as if such validated ethnic segregation on par with what you'd like to see in zion.

yea, dude. You are not much of a ninja.

remember, buddy... Nelson Mandella was a terrorist under YOUR definition!

Nelson Mandella was a communist. I remember watching his first speech when he came out of "seclusion" or as some call it, "solitary confinement". He had been kept so isolated he didn't even know that the Soviet Union had fallen. He was pro communist because they offered a better solution than Apartied. Who could blame him? Anyway, his first foray onto the public stage left everyone confused. He then "retired" for a short time until he came up to speed and learned what was going on in the world. He also discovered his wife was "less than popular" due to shenanigons she was involved in.

You know who could do the same thing? Sarah Palin. She had no idea what the Bush Doctrine is. Couldn't name in countries any North America. Didn't know why we are in Iraq. Believes that Christians are living freely now in Iraq, instead of murdered and/or chased out of the country. And believes the constitution in Iraq has made life easier for everyone. Maybe she isn't able to learn. Funny how Republcians compliain about affirmative action, but don't even go to schools themselves. Dumb.

:offtopic: Wow Amazing Super Awesome! Now :gives:

Nothing is the thread had ANYTHING to do with Palin, Bush, Iraq or even Mandella! It has to deal with the utter backward unfairness of Black Affirmative Action in South Africa where Blacks make up 80%+ of the population!

My ealier post commented on that. Then other posts brought up Nelson Mandella.

Try to keep up.
most of you don't have a clue about how much racism still exist in south African. i've worked with and been around a lot of white south africans. and i can tell you the prejudice they have for blacks and mixed races is still wrong. some of their ideas and mentalities remind of stuff that white believed back in the 1950's. people forget what black went through during the apartheid. some of it was worse than what blacks went through during the segregation era in the US. it hasn't even been 20 years yet since the apartheid fell in SA.

and just because there blacks in the government doesn't mean blacks still don't face discrimination.
Nelson Mandella was a communist. I remember watching his first speech when he came out of "seclusion" or as some call it, "solitary confinement". He had been kept so isolated he didn't even know that the Soviet Union had fallen. He was pro communist because they offered a better solution than Apartied. Who could blame him? Anyway, his first foray onto the public stage left everyone confused. He then "retired" for a short time until he came up to speed and learned what was going on in the world. He also discovered his wife was "less than popular" due to shenanigons she was involved in.

i guess MLK was a communist too?
Nelson Mandela was a communist. I remember watching his first speech when he came out of "seclusion" or as some call it, "solitary confinement". He had been kept so isolated he didn't even know that the Soviet Union had fallen. He was pro communist because they offered a better solution than Apartheid. Who could blame him? Anyway, his first foray onto the public stage left everyone confused. He then "retired" for a short time until he came up to speed and learned what was going on in the world. He also discovered his wife was "less than popular" due to shenanigons she was involved in.

i guess MLK was a communist too?

I never heard of MLK being a communist. I can't believe he ever was. However Nelson Mandela, before he was incarcerated and placed in solitary, was a self proclaimed communist. That is just history. Even Lucille Ball was a registered communist. Doesn't mean they shared Stalin's philosophy.

It's the Republicans that made communism this "evil" thing. The philosophy is not exactly terrible, but the people that implemented it are for sure. But then again, look at the Christians in this country. They talk about a "final solution" for the gays, and carry "Obama = Hitler" sings. It shows that the philosophy is not necessarily bad, but the people who believe they are carrying it out are totally indoctrinated. It's called "doing evil in the name of good".

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