Why Does The Left Hate Israel?


I don't see "The Left" (as a political platform) hating Israel. That being said, it seems the left views Israel as counter productive to Socialism and they're still pretty angry at losing socialist Israel.

The left supported Israel and its creation when Israel was to be a Socialist commune with kibbutz life. They supported Israel while it was a Socialist commune with kibbutz life.

When Israel turned to Capitalism to be able to afford to protect itself and gain the support of the US, well the left turned away from Israel as they considered it an enemy of Socialism. They believe in Socialism more than Capitalism. This is what I see.

Jewish leftists often say that they believe in Socialism more than Tribalism.


Today’s CAMERA conference focuses on an insidious leftist agenda.

January 18, 2016

Matthew Vadum


Having infiltrated segments of the Christian community, the anti-Israel Left is becoming increasingly aggressive in its well-funded efforts to undermine support for Israel among Evangelical Protestants.
"Christian anti-Zionism is the new form of Christian anti-Semitism," Tricia Miller told FrontPage in an interview last week. "There is an unsuspecting evangelical audience that is being subjected to this."
Miller, senior research analyst at the Boston, Mass.-based nonprofit Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. Miller will join other speakers at CAMERA's daylong conference today titled "The Assault on Christian Support for Israel," that begins this morning in West Hollywood, Los Angeles.

Other speakers at the CAMERA conference today include CAMERA executive director Andrea Levin; Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, director of interfaith affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center; Randal Neal, western regional coordinator for Christians United for Israel; and Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations. David Suissa, president of TRIBE Media Corp., will deliver the keynote address.

Founded in 1982, CAMERA describes itself as a media-monitoring, research and membership organization devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East.
The Left's anti-Israel agitation efforts in the form of the BDS (boycott, divest, and sanction) movement, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has described as a campaign to destroy Israel, have long met with considerable success.

Just last week those who control pension funds at the (mainline-Protestant) United Methodist Church blacklisted five Israeli banks for so-called human rights reasons. "It appeared to be the first time that a pension fund of a large American church had taken such a step regarding the Israeli banks, which help finance settlement construction in what most of the world considers illegally occupied Palestinian territories," the New York Times reports.

The political campaign to delegitimize Israel is helped by a fallacious narrative that identifies Jesus of Nazareth as a Palestinian rather than a Jew, says CAMERA's Miller, who earned a Ph.D. in the Hebrew Bible from Claremont Graduate University, and is author of the recent book,Jews and Anti-Judaism in Esther and the Church. Having Jesus as a Palestinian unravels the foundations of the Christian faith, which grew out of Judaism, she notes.

This kind of revisionist thinking that rewrites the history of Jesus is already on display in American culture. President Obama's Jew-hating former pastor, Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, has claimed that "Jesus was a Palestinian," that Palestinians were the "original people" in the area, and that Israel is an "apartheid state."

Such sentiments are also popular on college campuses across the nation.

And they may become mainstream in an evangelical church near you, thanks to the efforts of anti-Zionist activists.

"Progressives" Turning Evangelicals Against Israel

You're a fucking idiot. The question should be why the right wants perpetual war in the Middle East? Why does the Republican Party support this Armageddon policy? Why do most Israelis and Jews around the world, support a two state solution?

How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.

How many times? Sure, they've been brought to the table, and the Likud position has always been give us more land. When did the right wing in Israel ever propose a solution that both sides could live with?

To claim that Likud represents Jews is a joke. It's like saying that George W Bush or Mitt Romney represents Christians. Most Jews know this. It's the Armageddon right wing Christians that don't seem to be honest. It's their aim to have a perpetual war, until Jesus returns, and convinces Jews that shrimp salad is the real path to salvation.

"But the Likud position was"....

Ands what was before the Likud? Ehud Olmert was one of the most strechy Israeli leaders of the last years. Leave his corruption aside, he offered the PA so many offers for peace, it was viewed by some as total madness.
How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.

How many times? Sure, they've been brought to the table, and the Likud position has always been give us more land. When did the right wing in Israel ever propose a solution that both sides could live with?

To claim that Likud represents Jews is a joke. It's like saying that George W Bush or Mitt Romney represents Christians. Most Jews know this. It's the Armageddon right wing Christians that don't seem to be honest. It's their aim to have a perpetual war, until Jesus returns, and convinces Jews that shrimp salad is the real path to salvation.

What would you have added to the 2000 proposal?

Israel's Acceptance of the Two State Solution

In 1967, after defending itself against another war of annihilation, the Israeli government accepted UN Resolution 242 and voted unanimously to return the vast majority of territories it had captured (the Sinai Desert, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank) in exchange for peace. The Arab response was unequivocal: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it”.

In 2000, Israel made a series of two-state proposals which (contrary to popular myth) eventually included almost all of the West Bank (plus additional territory from Israel proper), the entire Gaza strip, Palestinian control over East Jerusalem, and a $30 billion solution for the Palestinian refugees. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat not only refused – he made no counter-offer, abandoned negotiations, and immediately began planning the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Arafat was heavily criticized for this, both by the American mediators and by fellow Arabs and Palestinians.

Those Arab countries that eventually came to accept Israel’s existence – Egypt (1979, despite widespread Arab opposition) and Jordan (1994) – signed peace treaties which have been mutually honored to this day.

Why weren't the '67 boundaries, which the Palestinians said they could live with, ever put on the table? Why were the Likud pretending they were looking for a solution, and allowing new settlements be built in the West Bank?

If anyone is anti-Israel, it's the phony Armageddon Christian, cultist wingnuts. It's their sickening belief that a perpetual war in Israel will bring about the return of the Messiah.

When did anyone with a modern and relevant opinion on the Palestinian side ever agreed to the 67 borders?
Why do Jews join the Democratic Party?

Because Republicans show how stupid they are by starting threads like this.
Why do Jews join the Democratic Party?

Because Republicans show how stupid they are by starting threads like this.
^ that

necro PoliticalSpice thread bumps never end well. I still remember the day that the Likud party PM- Bibi came to the US w/o following proper diplomatic protocol DURING HIS REELECTION CAMPAIGN :puke: (as crass as it comes) and the repubs welcomed him :suck: w/open arms :eusa_doh:
welcomed a foreign visitor violating protocol as well

notice anything unusual about this pic? Thats right, the President of the Senate is not there because Bibi and the Repubs breached protocol to :suck: a foreigner

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