Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

You need to read your own links, dude.

You need to learn to read period, "dude". The opening sentence of the MSNBC post:

"BAGHDAD, Iraq — A roadside bomb thought to contain deadly sarin nerve agent exploded near a U.S. military convoy, the U.S. military said Monday. It was believed to be the first confirmed discovery of any of the banned weapons that the United States cited in making its case for the Iraq war."

Two former weapons inspectors — Hans Blix and David Kay — said the shell was likely a stray weapon that had been scavenged by militants and did not signify that Iraq had large stockpiles of such weapons.

Oh... oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that Iraq needed "large" stockpiles of the WMD's to justify our actions. First it was, "well they need to have WMD's to justify what we did". When I prove their were in fact WMD's, now suddenly you move the goalposts and the new narrative becomes "well they didn't have LARGE stockpiles".

You think it was okay for us to break a long standing US tradition of not being a first strike country, and invading Iraq over ONE roadside bomb? Really?

You better go back and check what Bush was actually claiming. He was not claiming one roadside bomb, dipshit.

Finally, as I stated before, you really need to learn how to read "dude" because author Chuck Pfarrer stated THOUSANDS of WMD's. Let me guess - time to move the goalposts once again and claim that "thousands" does not qualify as "a large stockpile"? :lmao:

Show us those thousands, dipshit. Show us the thousands that were used. Should be a piece of cake since there were thousands used.
Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

It is a FACT that large caches of WMD's were in fact located in Iraq.



Next we'll be hearing that when Bush and others sold the war on threats of a 'mushroom cloud',

he was really talking about real mushrooms that grow out of the ground.

That's the last desperate effort of idiot liberals (you guys are so predictable - it's hilarious).

There was NEVER a claim that it was NUKES. They said OVER, and OVER, and OVER - WMD's. In fact, the famous picture of Collin Powell before the UN was of him holding a vile of a biological weapon - NOT of him hold a nuke.

I love when you guys lose an argument - you can't admit you're wrong, so you just make wild and false claims to move the goalposts.

There was never claim that the smoking gun might be a mushroom cloud?

Is that your position?

They never used the above to justify pre-emptive war?

Are you sure?

They never made any claims about aluminum tubes for centrifuges?

They never made any claims about yellowcake?

Are you certain?
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“His regime has large, unaccounted-for stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons -- including VX, sarin, cyclosarin and mustard gas; anthrax, botulism, and possibly smallpox -- and he has an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons.”

Donald Rumsfeld, January 2003.

Not one roadside bomb. LARGE unaccounted-for STOCKPILES.
Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Truth needs no defenders. But ignorance must be challenged.

There were no nuclear weapons, not biological weapons and nothing but some standard non-lethal chemical antipersonnel wepons to be found.

Nothing they found was of the WMD class, lad.


You radicals just can't admit when you were wrong (and especially when it means Bush was right) :lol:

Sorry, it's illegal to move the goalposts. Chemical weapons are WMD's and thousands of chemical weapons were not only found, but they were actually also used.

You lose, stupid...

Still waiting for the evidence that thousands of chemical weapons were used.
Responding to Rottweiler:

You are citing a tainted source...Although Pfarerr's book was an interesting read, it was discredited by the Seals and most other people...A few weapons in a cache are not Weapons of Mass Destruction. I am not a Democrat, but I am a liberal....

Really? Please do all of USMB a favor and cite links to back up your claim here.

(For the record - you might want to do your homework a little better next time. Chuck Pfarrer is a former Navy Seal himself..... ooops!)

It's SEAL, not Seal.

Did Pfarerr find those WMDs himself?

No. He left the service over a decade before the war. He left in 1989, idiot. He only served eight years. He's a Hollywood screenwriter now. He has quite an imagination.
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Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Truth needs no defenders. But ignorance must be challenged.

There were no nuclear weapons, not biological weapons and nothing but some standard non-lethal chemical antipersonnel wepons to be found.

Nothing they found was of the WMD class, lad.


You radicals just can't admit when you were wrong (and especially when it means Bush was right) :lol:

Sorry, it's illegal to move the goalposts. Chemical weapons are WMD's and thousands of chemical weapons were not only found, but they were actually also used.

You lose, stupid...

No, we win because President George W. Bush conceded in December of 2005 that there were no WMD's.
Author Chuck Pfarrer is taking flack over his account of the Osama bin Laden raid in his new revisionist history, SEAL Target Geronimo. But that’s overshadowed another big problem with the book: Pfarrer’s claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction are absolutely bananas.

To read SEAL Target Geronimo is to get sucked into a vortex of WMD insanity. Pfarrer says that Saddam Hussein had dangerous, active chemical, biological and nuclear programs up until the day of his downfall. Worse, those weapons made it into the hands of Osama himself. Why didn’t you know about it? Because craven politicians and the lying media hid the truth about what U.S. military weapons experts uncovered.

Well, sorry, Charlie. I was one of those military experts in Iraq. I learned the full, underwhelming truth about Saddam’s programs because I was there to help the Iraqis settle the issue once and for all. And SEAL Target Geronimo‘s claims are the literary equivalent of a smoking gun that could have been a mushroom cloud — a paranoid, evidence-free fantasy, fueled by ignorance.

Start with all that Iraqi WMD that U.S. forces found. Pfarrer gasps over an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit’s 2003 discovery of an artillery shell filled with the nerve agent sarin, part of an early homemade bomb. To Pfarrer, that bomb would have “spread a mortal, invisible cloud over a dozen city blocks” where “death would have come quickly for ten thousand Iraqi civilians living near the airport and three thousand coalition troops stationed at nearby Camp Victory.” If two of those sarin-laced bombs went off in a crowded football stadium, it would have caused more casualties than “those suffered by the United States during the entire Vietnam War.” His emphasis.

Absolutely none of this is plausible. You’re talking about a piece of steel that needs to survive being fired out of an artillery piece, and then burst apart by explosives in order to disseminate the chemicals inside. Much of the chemical material is destroyed in the process. And it would take a lot of sarin to achieve any deadly effect. Saddam’s vicious gassing of the Kurds at Halabja in March 1988, for example, was a coordinated military campaign lasting for two days. During that time, the Iraqis murdered up to 5,000 people — nowhere near Pfarrer’s stadium scenario. An actual chemical artillery round might — might — kill dozens. Not thousands.

Yes, it’s true: U.S. troops found the remnants of chemical munitions in Iraq. But Pfarrer makes a conspiratorial mountain out of that molehill. Most amazingly, Pfarrer invents a scenario whereby these chemical rounds made their way to Osama’s Abbottabad hideout.

Don't Believe the WMD Hype in 'SEAL Target Geronimo' | Danger Room | Wired.com
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. “At another location, we found barrels of chemical material that was intended for use as biochemical weapons. Everyone talks about there being no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but they seem to be referring to completed nuclear bombs, not the many deadly chemical weapons or precursors that Saddam had stockpiled.”
from the book American Sniper
. “At another location, we found barrels of chemical material that was intended for use as biochemical weapons. Everyone talks about there being no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but they seem to be referring to completed nuclear bombs, not the many deadly chemical weapons or precursors that Saddam had stockpiled.”
from the book American Sniper

Read the next two paragraphs after that part in the book. Kyle does not say large stockpiles were found. He makes an assumption that there had to be tons of the stuff...somewhere.
The thing I always wonder about is how much Saddam was able to hide before we actually invaded. We'd given so much warning before we came in, that he surely had time to move and bury tons of material. Where it went, where it will turn up, what it will poison--I think those are pretty good questions that have never been answered.

From the same book. I did not get the impression he is a chemical weapons expert, and so he may have been assuming the chemicals he found were for weapons. He does not say what they found was confirmed as chemical weapon precursors by an expert.

And when he says "at another location", he is not saying they had found chemicals at a previous location. They found the dead bodies of American fighting men at the previous location.
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. “At another location, we found barrels of chemical material that was intended for use as biochemical weapons. Everyone talks about there being no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but they seem to be referring to completed nuclear bombs, not the many deadly chemical weapons or precursors that Saddam had stockpiled.”
from the book American Sniper

Read the next two paragraphs after that part in the book. Kyle does not say large stockpiles were found. He makes an assumption that there had to be tons of the stuff...somewhere.

It says what it says.
No one has any evidence of any WMDs of the "large stockpiles" needed to justify an invasion and full on war which lasted for years.

Simple fact.

If a couple barrels of chemicals and a homemade bomb are the standard you really want to set, then we better invade Canada, just to be safe.
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The majority of the chemical and biological weapons WERE destroyed by Saddam, and what was left was crappe.

But arguing that just plays into the Pub propaganda doubletalk. What really scared people was the total BS about Nukes. They were as close having a bomb as Niger is. Stupidest war EVER, and Alqaeda's best recruiting tool, AND wasted an early Afghan victory.
The weapons the Bush administration claimed Saddam was actively producing were never found. Nor was any evidence found that the regime had pursued manufacturing of WMD of any kind since the end of the first gulf war.

You're an embarrassment to yourself and Rottweilers everywhere.

The Bush Administration claimed WMD's - nothing more, nothing less. And WMD's were found (you inability to accept reality because said reality is in direct conflict with your ideology and the false reality you created yourself, does not make that reality any less real)... :lmao:

They were claiming he was.....oh for fuck sake, let Dick explain it to ya.....

(Good thing they were never taped..........oh wait.......)

We know he's reconstituted these programs since the Gulf War. We know he's trying once again to produce nuclear weapons and we know that he has a long-standing relationship with various terrorist groups, including the al-Qaeda organization.

•"Well, I think I've just given it, Tim, in terms of the combination of his development and use of chemical weapons, his development of biological weapons, his pursuit of nuclear weapons."

[QUESTION:And even though the International Atomic Energy Agency said he does not have a nuclear program, we disagree?]

But we do know with absolute certainty that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapons."

What he wants is time and more time to husband his resources, to invest in his ongoing chemical and biological weapons programs, and to gain possession of nuclear arms

Or Donald

"Well, we know that Saddam Hussein has chemical and biological weapons. And we know he has an active program for the development of nuclear weapons.

They have given up tens of billions of dollars in oil revenues under the sanctions program so that they could in fact keep those weapons of mass destruction programs going.

He's amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of biological weapons, including Anthrax, botulism, toxins and possibly Smallpox."

•"He's amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX, Sarin and mustard gas."

•"His regime has an active program to acquire nuclear weapons."

And of course my favorite from Donnie....

We know where they [weapons of mass destruction] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."

Want more?:

Bush Administration Quotes on Iraq - US - Iraq War - ProCon.org
The facts are that we know Iraq had WMD because we sold them to him. It is a fact that Saddam Hessein claimed he had them. It is a fact that Saddam Hessein refused to let weapons inspectors verify that he did not have them.
You think it was okay for us to break a long standing US tradition of not being a first strike country, and invading Iraq over ONE roadside bomb? Really?

First of all, we did not "invade" Iraq. Stop using that term just because you're a libertarian coward afraid of a fight. Germany invaded Poland - they marched in and took over the country.

We, on the other hand, conducted military operations to oust a vicious dictator who controlled WMD's. Once said dictator was removed, we immediately turned the county over to the Iraqi people. Only a "dipshit" would refer to that as an "invasion".

You better go back and check what Bush was actually claiming. He was not claiming one roadside bomb, dipshit.

He claimed WMD's - nothing less, nothing more. And that's exactly what was found in Iraq. It's not Bush's you choose to be ignorant about the world, your own government, and your own military. As I documented above - there were THOUSANDS of WMD's found and dozens of cases were they were used.

Show us those thousands, dipshit. Show us the thousands that were used. Should be a piece of cake since there were thousands used.

I can't show you information you make up because you're pissed off that I've made you my bitch on USMB. Sorry. As good as I am, even I can't do that.

Furthermore, I don't need to. Bush never said actions against Saddam Hussein were necessary because he "used" WMD's - he said actions were necessary because he "had" WMD's (which has now been proven as fact). Sorry cupcake, you lose again (your pride and anger are just killing you - perhaps if you would calm down and not be such a dick, you could read what is actually written and not make such an ass out of yourself - just a suggestion "dipshit").

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