The Endgame for the Destruction of the United States


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May 22, 2012
The Endgame for the Destruction of the United States​

By Daren Jonescu
February 21, 2013

See also Part One: Total Destruction of the U.S.: An Interview with Larry Grathwohl and Part Two: American Education: Rotting the Country from the Inside

In Part 1 of this interview with former FBI operative Larry Grathwohl, we addressed the goals and methods of the Weatherman organization and debunked recent attempts to dismiss their words and activities as "youthful folly" or "typical of those days." In Part 2, we discussed the continuity of purpose connecting the murderous radicalism of the Weather Underground leadership with the progressive education and social justice advocacy of the "mature," "respectable" Ayers, Dohrn, Machtinger, Boudin, and others.

Here in the final installment, I ask Grathwohl about the alarming cognitive dissonance of today's Middle America in the throes of the "fundamental transformation" promised by Barack Obama, facilitated by the progressive education and legal establishments, and put into practice by federal agency appointees, colleges of education, union leaders, and bureaucrats with established leftist pedigrees.

As an example of this dissonance, consider an American colleague of mine here in Korea: a friendly, down-to-earth, educated family man in his early thirties, and a teacher by profession. On the eve of the 2012 election, I asked him whether it bothered him that Barack Obama had been so strongly endorsed by the Communist Party. He said he had never heard of that. When I explained that the Party's official endorsement cited Obama's signature policy initiatives as the surest means to achieving socialism in America, and that CPUSA leaders were actively campaigning for Obama in swing states, my colleague fell silent for a moment, and then said, matter-of-factly, "It doesn't really bother me; I guess it might bother me if Obama were endorsing the Communist Party, but if they're endorsing him, it doesn't matter."

I leave you with that thought, by way of introduction to Part 3 of my conversation with Larry Grathwohl.

DJ: The Communist Party USA has officially endorsed and vocally supported President Obama, and his administration has included several people with well-known Marxist or Maoist views and affiliations. And yet most people, including many so-called conservatives, shy away from this entire subject area, and they practically run for the hills when anyone mentions Bill Ayers, re-education camps, or communism in connection with current political events.

Why do you think there is such discomfort among Americans, including supposed conservatives, when confronted with this issue?

LG: To answer this question in a word, I would say "political correctness."


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