Why do white people get so mad when

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.
The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.

I got no problem with the crimes of my ancestors except for the fact they always got caught and we never made any fucking money from the crimes.

Shit, if you are going to be a white decendant of the dishonest and criminal at least be a Rockerfeller.

If you are going to be black and dishonest be a Jackson. Jessie or father of the Five.
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The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.

What misdeeds are you referring to?

And just how exactly have I benefited?

Should we hold you accountable for the crimes of your ancestors?
The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.

That's not just true of whites, but virtually every race and culture.
The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.

Firstly, you would have to establish the link between each individual white person and some crime that their direct ancestor had commited and demonstrate how they personally had benefited from said crime.

Otherwise, it is just racist. Are you a racist?
CG, you will find that Charlie is very racist. He doesn't hesitate to offer his opinion but rarely defends his position. Basically he's your typical everyday run of the mill black man with a victim mentality where everything is "whiteys" fault.
CG, you will find that Charlie is very racist. He doesn't hesitate to offer his opinion but rarely defends his position. Basically he's your typical everyday run of the mill black man with a victim mentality where everything is "whiteys" fault.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll add him to the list.
The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.

Seems obvious to me that many here aren't ashamed of anything their ancestors did.

Nor do I think they should be, for that matter.

Not one of us, regardless of our race or color or family background, isn't descended from people who owed slaves, Charlie.

Slavery was the human condition for most of mankinds history.

We are all descedents of both slave owners and slaves.
The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.

Do they? It certainly isn't something that I have come across. When 200 year old grudges are raised, most people yawn, fart or scratch their arse and carry on reading the newspaper.

Incidentally, do you ever post anything other than whinges about white people? And why, with such an un-christian attitude do you use the symbol of Christ as your avatar? I suspect you are nothing more than a bitter and twisted bigot who wishes he had been born white.
The misdeeds of their ancestors and the subsequent benefits they now reap from them are brought up? Apparently its all good and well for whites to take racial pride in all the so called inventions made by their white ancestors but when presented with the crimes of these same ancestors the white man is very sensitive and obsessed with being reviled for those acts.

What misdeeds are you referring to?

And just how exactly have I benefited?

Should we hold you accountable for the crimes of your ancestors?

You know exactly what those misdeeds are and the cost and negative impact they've had on peoples of color in America. Those misdeeds set in motion the social order thats in America today, not black failure and laziness and white achievement and industriousness. Whites today are not responsible for the crimes and misdeed of their ancestors but they are responsible for ending and dismantling the system that their ancestors put into action through their misdeeds.
My ancestors didn't even get here until after the 1900's so you can either kiss my white ass or suck my white dick (I like to give people a choice)
My white ancestors came to America after the Civil War and the blacks were freed.

They never owned any slaves.

How am I guilty of this crime?

Dude, go back and read what the Bass just posted, its the responsibility of modern whites to dismantle the racist system created by created by their white ancestors, doing everything to uphold that status quo is partaking of some of the same evil deeds.
My ancestors didn't even get here until after the 1900's so you can either kiss my white ass or suck my white dick (I like to give people a choice)

Did your white ancestors partake of and uphold Jim Crow laws? Did your white ancestors go around the world dehumanizing every nonwhite race? The Bass isn't speaking just about America you idiot.
My ancestors didn't even get here until after the 1900's so you can either kiss my white ass or suck my white dick (I like to give people a choice)

Did your white ancestors partake of and uphold Jim Crow laws? Did your white ancestors go around the world dehumanizing every nonwhite race? The Bass isn't speaking just about America you idiot.

If you find whites so objectionable, there is a simple solution. Fuck off to a predominently black country. I'll kick in to pay for your passage if you're too poor from being oppressed by we evil whites.
My ancestors didn't even get here until after the 1900's so you can either kiss my white ass or suck my white dick (I like to give people a choice)

Did your white ancestors partake of and uphold Jim Crow laws? Did your white ancestors go around the world dehumanizing every nonwhite race? The Bass isn't speaking just about America you idiot.

Yes, you really hammered me on my white guilt.

My ancestors were royalty in Italy and participated in the First Crusades. I feel so guilty for that -- NOT!
My ancestors didn't even get here until after the 1900's so you can either kiss my white ass or suck my white dick (I like to give people a choice)

Did your white ancestors partake of and uphold Jim Crow laws? Did your white ancestors go around the world dehumanizing every nonwhite race? The Bass isn't speaking just about America you idiot.

If you find whites so objectionable, there is a simple solution. Fuck off to a predominently black country. I'll kick in to pay for your passage if you're too poor from being oppressed by we evil whites.

Why can't today's whites do a better job at dismantling the oppressive system their ancestors created instead of trying to uphold it as much as possible for themselves? This of course doesn't apply to all whites as far as taking advantage, but it applies to alot of whites. The question jackass, was why do whites act exactly just like how you're reacting when certain points are brought up, can you retard brain properly process that question without getting emotional?
My ancestors didn't even get here until after the 1900's so you can either kiss my white ass or suck my white dick (I like to give people a choice)

Did your white ancestors partake of and uphold Jim Crow laws? Did your white ancestors go around the world dehumanizing every nonwhite race? The Bass isn't speaking just about America you idiot.

Yes, you really hammered me on my white guilt.

My ancestors were royalty in Italy and participated in the First Crusades. I feel so guilty for that -- NOT!

Like their rape and destruction of Ethiopia due to their utter frustration at not being able to conquer her almost 40 years prior to WWII?
Did your white ancestors partake of and uphold Jim Crow laws? Did your white ancestors go around the world dehumanizing every nonwhite race? The Bass isn't speaking just about America you idiot.

Yes, you really hammered me on my white guilt.

My ancestors were royalty in Italy and participated in the First Crusades. I feel so guilty for that -- NOT!

Like their rape and destruction of Ethiopia due to their utter frustration at not being able to conquer her almost 40 years prior to WWII?

Ethiopia never had it so good. Just deal with it

Charlie Bass is a real black guy the same way I'm a leprechaun
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Interesting how you so noticeably avoided responding to my post Mr Bass. Of course, silence does equate to acceptance, so we can take it as read that you are:

Do they? It certainly isn't something that I have come across. When 200 year old grudges are raised, most people yawn, fart or scratch their arse and carry on reading the newspaper.

Incidentally, do you ever post anything other than whinges about white people? And why, with such an un-christian attitude do you use the symbol of Christ as your avatar? I suspect you are nothing more than a bitter and twisted bigot who wishes he had been born white.

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