Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Shut the fuck up.

You won't go because you know communism is a fucked up system.

Here we are freer than Venezuela, so you can still find supermarkets full of foodstuffs.
I won't move because this is my country, not yours.

The host belongs to the leaches, eh?
As far as I'm concerned, you are the leaches.

When you take our money, it's because we are leaches? You don't grasp how the leach thing works, do you?
You are leeching off of the society we built, and unfairly so.

By paying high tax rates and providing people jobs I am leaching off society? How do you figure that?
Its really got you upset, doesn't it?
It's, annoying. And it makes you look even more stupid.

How stupid on a scale of 1 to grammar and spell checking the internet?
So proper English usage doesn't matter to you? Got it.

To give you the serious answer, I don't make a lot of grammar mistakes. I write for a living, I'm a business guy. I make almost none when I write for real. I write so much I write in most grammar correctly the first time. When I'm writing for work I read it and spot them right away. But internet posts? I write the posts and click unless I want to go back and read what I said. If I do, I would always spot them. But when I don't, some get by. I make an effort, but I don't worry about the occasional mistake. You've read so many of my posts and you're so anal about grammar that you should already know that. This is like the second time you did that. Then I kept doing it to annoy you.

The only time I point out grammar mistakes are when people call someone stupid and they have obvious grammar mistakes in their post. Anytime I call someone stupid, I do read the post before I click...for that reason.
Your rationalization is noted. How about respecting the language no matter where it is used? What a concept, eh?

What about respecting the people who fund our government and provide jobs?
I grew up hearing stories from my grandmother of life under Stalin. I grew up hearing dad tell me about the Holodomor and the disappearances. Throughout school we learned all about their antics wherever they ruled, from the Bolsheviks' bank robberies to the oppression and paranoia of the USSR years to the various tinpot dictators who used it to gain power for themselves. I read about John Birch (the man, not the society that appropriated his name) and Joe McCarthy. I read about the Rosenbaums and Jim Jones. The more I learn about it, its doctrines, and its history, the more convinced I am that it's one of those few ideologies that could truly be called dangerous in their own right.

And yet people still defend it. Even today, after the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall are dust and tatters. After the KGB infiltration of Western liberalism and academia is public knowledge. After the grudging vindication of McCarthy. After people are free to talk about what they lived through without the certain knowledge that the state saw and heard all. We still, still have people insisting that "it wasn't really all that bad" and "we should just give it a chance" and "well capitalism is still worse because it's evil".

Do people just not realize what they're supporting? Do they honestly believe the things they're saying? I don't get it. I never have. It's like reading Qur'an and calling it a message of peace.

Oh there will always be people who defend evil... . Such is part and parcel of human nature.

The hard part is identifying those people and removing them from the population, before they infect sufficient numbers that require the culture to go to war to eradicate them.

Sadly, in the US we're now a full 50 years beyond any means to avoid war.

Had our parents or grandparents listened to Joe McCarthy and others warning of such, we COULD have avoided war, but its far too late now.

And we're probably looking at in and around the 2017-18... before we're in full open season on the Ideological Left. During which evil will reign... with madness being the rule of every day, until the last of them are burned, incinerated and the air is clear of their stench. THEN... the survivors can begin to rebuild and rumors will abound among the children that people once tolerated men marrying men and stole property from the person who created it, to give it to another, because the person getting it felt that was the only way to be 'fair'.... and they'll laugh in nervous thought that people could have ever been so stupid.
Most posters at USMB love for taxpayers and producers to

1- feed them

2- insure them

3- clothe them

4- educate them

5- quench their thirst

7- invade every country on the face of mother earth


If you actually believe the crap you wrote, it's clear why people still support something as evil and unsustainable as communism.

No, most don't want nanny government to do everything for them. Your post is further indication that the left really does want to lure people into dependency in order to bring down capitalism. I see they have you firmly behind them. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that others want to run to gubmint for all their needs. I think most still know they can do better for themselves than government ever can.
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)

There's no such thing as "free healthcare," and that includes the military.

Sure there is. I never paid for healthcare in the Navy. Maybe you paid my bill, but it was free for ME. :)

You still paid taxes in the navy....so you did pay for your navy healthcare......
It's, annoying. And it makes you look even more stupid.

How stupid on a scale of 1 to grammar and spell checking the internet?
So proper English usage doesn't matter to you? Got it.

To give you the serious answer, I don't make a lot of grammar mistakes. I write for a living, I'm a business guy. I make almost none when I write for real. I write so much I write in most grammar correctly the first time. When I'm writing for work I read it and spot them right away. But internet posts? I write the posts and click unless I want to go back and read what I said. If I do, I would always spot them. But when I don't, some get by. I make an effort, but I don't worry about the occasional mistake. You've read so many of my posts and you're so anal about grammar that you should already know that. This is like the second time you did that. Then I kept doing it to annoy you.

The only time I point out grammar mistakes are when people call someone stupid and they have obvious grammar mistakes in their post. Anytime I call someone stupid, I do read the post before I click...for that reason.
Your rationalization is noted. How about respecting the language no matter where it is used? What a concept, eh?

What about respecting the people who fund our government and provide jobs?
I do, if that's what they do, but for the most part they aren't paying their way. They very often don't watn to pay for what makes that kind of commerce possible.
How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Was it a communist system or one that called itself communist? Has any nation actually practiced Marx, if not why not?

They didn't know they were practicing 'Marxism' but yes, this country tried it. Both the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies started out with Marxist systems--everybody would share and share alike in the available tools, would place all produce in a common storehouse, and each would take what he needed. They damn near all starved to death.

It was only when each person was assigned his own plot of land to farm and was allowed to keep and use or barter what he produced that the colonies began to prosper.
Utopias don't work, and an Adam Smith version of capitalism is based on a town where if you make poor decisions your kids don't eat and if you piss everyone off neither do you. That brings clarity to the mind.

I don't recall anything in any of his writings that what Adam Smith proposed was utopia. What Adam Smith proposed was liberty to look to one's own self interests, and by doing so you will invariably be of benefit to others who are also looking to their own self interests.

"No society can be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable."--Adam Smith

"To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections constitute the perfection of human nature."--Adam Smith

Smith not only wrote that, but he lived it by his own life and example. A wealthy man in his day, he gave away most of what he had to the less fortunate. But like all who understood the core principles of what we call classical liberalism, he also understood that the greatest gift we can give to the poor is opportunity and incentive to become unpoor. And that is not accomplished via government charity.
How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Was it a communist system or one that called itself communist? Has any nation actually practiced Marx, if not why not?

In all likelyhood, only Marx himself practised Marxism. :) As with our own "democracy" we only say it's a democracy. In point of fact we're a Federal Republic. Not any kind of democracy. But then I don't think anyone is any more. Think large-scale democracies would be incredibly impractical - can't grind everything to a halt for votes on every little thing.

Actually Marx practiced at being a charity case....Engels, the rich guy...supported Marx financially......hence the very real jealousy at the heart of communit doctrine...
How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Was it a communist system or one that called itself communist? Has any nation actually practiced Marx, if not why not?

They didn't know they were practicing 'Marxism' but yes, this country tried it. Both the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies started out with Marxist systems--everybody would share and share alike in the available tools, would place all produce in a common storehouse, and each would take what he needed. They damn near all starved to death.

It was only when each person was assigned his own plot of land to farm and was allowed to keep and use or barter what he produced that the colonies began to prosper.
Utopias don't work, and an Adam Smith version of capitalism is based on a town where if you make poor decisions your kids don't eat and if you piss everyone off neither do you. That brings clarity to the mind.

I don't recall anything in any of his writings that what Adam Smith proposed was utopia. What Adam Smith proposed was liberty to look to one's own self interests, and by doing so you will invariably be of benefit to others who are also looking to their own self interests.

"No society can be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable."--Adam Smith

"To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections constitute the perfection of human nature."--Adam Smith

Smith not only wrote that, but he lived it by his own life and example. A wealthy man in his day, he gave away most of what he had to the less fortunate. But like all who understood the core principles of what we call classical liberalism, he also understood that the greatest gift we can give to the poor is opportunity and incentive to become unpoor. And that is not accomplished via government charity.

Foxfyre...really like your posts....
How stupid on a scale of 1 to grammar and spell checking the internet?
So proper English usage doesn't matter to you? Got it.

To give you the serious answer, I don't make a lot of grammar mistakes. I write for a living, I'm a business guy. I make almost none when I write for real. I write so much I write in most grammar correctly the first time. When I'm writing for work I read it and spot them right away. But internet posts? I write the posts and click unless I want to go back and read what I said. If I do, I would always spot them. But when I don't, some get by. I make an effort, but I don't worry about the occasional mistake. You've read so many of my posts and you're so anal about grammar that you should already know that. This is like the second time you did that. Then I kept doing it to annoy you.

The only time I point out grammar mistakes are when people call someone stupid and they have obvious grammar mistakes in their post. Anytime I call someone stupid, I do read the post before I click...for that reason.
Your rationalization is noted. How about respecting the language no matter where it is used? What a concept, eh?

What about respecting the people who fund our government and provide jobs?
I do, if that's what they do, but for the most part they aren't paying their way. They very often don't watn to pay for what makes that kind of commerce possible.

When 1% pay 40% of taxes and 5% pay 60%, how do you figure that?
Most posters at USMB love for taxpayers and producers to

1- feed them

2- insure them

3- clothe them

4- educate them

5- quench their thirst

7- invade every country on the face of mother earth


If you actually believe the crap you wrote, it's clear why people still support something as evil and unsustainable as communism.

No, most don't want nanny government to do everything for them. Your post is further indication that the left really does want to lure people into dependency in order to bring down capitalism. I see they have you firmly behind them. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that others want to run to gubmint for all their needs. I think most still know they can do better for themselves than government ever can.


Explain then why the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW)'s budget is 5 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion Dollars
Communism is the moral ideal, if only they can find the right "formula"....lol

The right formula has to be murdering more than 100 million people.....I mean...they actually murdered 100 million people and it still didn't work......so...what...maybe 150 million people need to be murdered to get it right...200... 300? you commie empathizers...how many do you think need to be murdered for communism to work?
Since no nation has practiced communism and communism has failed in so many small attempts in such as New Harmony Indiana the primary use of communism has been as a political scare word. Attach the word communism to any endeavor or person and it immediately scares the hell out of some. Probably its greatest use or misuse was America going to war with colonies that no longer wished to be a colony, the domino thing. Communism has also been a boon to some American politicians creating a wave of fear for election purposes. In the end I find it hard to believe we are that fearful a people.
It kind of disturbs me how many self-described "liberals" here have indicated sympathies towards one of the single most oppressive and murderous ideologies the world has ever seen. It confuses me how they managed that trick after shouting down a National Socialist. You people literally support a belief system that's led to far more deaths, both by starvation and outright murder, than Nazism - as bad as it was in its own right - ever did. -.-

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