Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)
In fact, it does not. But I doubt you'd understand that.
I grew up hearing stories from my grandmother of life under Stalin. I grew up hearing dad tell me about the Holodomor and the disappearances. Throughout school we learned all about their antics wherever they ruled, from the Bolsheviks' bank robberies to the oppression and paranoia of the USSR years to the various tinpot dictators who used it to gain power for themselves. I read about John Birch (the man, not the society that appropriated his name) and Joe McCarthy. I read about the Rosenbaums and Jim Jones. The more I learn about it, its doctrines, and its history, the more convinced I am that it's one of those few ideologies that could truly be called dangerous in their own right.

And yet people still defend it. Even today, after the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall are dust and tatters. After the KGB infiltration of Western liberalism and academia is public knowledge. After the grudging vindication of McCarthy. After people are free to talk about what they lived through without the certain knowledge that the state saw and heard all. We still, still have people insisting that "it wasn't really all that bad" and "we should just give it a chance" and "well capitalism is still worse because it's evil".

Do people just not realize what they're supporting? Do they honestly believe the things they're saying? I don't get it. I never have. It's like reading Qur'an and calling it a message of peace.

They think they'll be the rulers. That and they're stupid. Reeally, really stupid.
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)
In fact, it does not. But I doubt you'd understand that.

Says an ignorant person.

All class distinctions are eliminated in Communism.
Class distinctions can become pronounced due to capitalist society in Democracies.

In theory, all members of the state are considered equal in Communism.
In theory, all citizens have an equal say and so are treated equally. However often allows for the tyranny of the majority over the minority in Democracies.

Communism vs Democracy - Difference and Comparison Diffen
How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)
In fact, it does not. But I doubt you'd understand that.

Says an ignorant person.

All class distinctions are eliminated in Communism.
Class distinctions can become pronounced due to capitalist society in Democracies.

In theory, all members of the state are considered equal in Communism.
In theory, all citizens have an equal say and so are treated equally. However often allows for the tyranny of the majority over the minority in Democracies.

Communism vs Democracy - Difference and Comparison Diffen
You're too stupid to even know that the medical benefits given to service people is part of their salary. It is no different than any other employer who offers to pay for healthcare to get better talent. The fact that the service person is asked to give up some liberty is compensated by the employer offering this massive perk.

Now, go be ignorant somewhere else.
How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Was it a communist system or one that called itself communist? Has any nation actually practiced Marx, if not why not?
How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Was it a communist system or one that called itself communist? Has any nation actually practiced Marx, if not why not?

In all likelyhood, only Marx himself practised Marxism. :) As with our own "democracy" we only say it's a democracy. In point of fact we're a Federal Republic. Not any kind of democracy. But then I don't think anyone is any more. Think large-scale democracies would be incredibly impractical - can't grind everything to a halt for votes on every little thing.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.


Yo Vern, Venezuela is looking for a communist tyrant who can manage the economy well and fill up the supermarket shelves


Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.


Yo Vern, Venezuela is looking for a communist tyrant who can manage the economy well and fill up the supermarket shelves


Communism done correctly doesn't suffer that issue since the people know what they want and need, and they are responsible for making it happen.
How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Was it a communist system or one that called itself communist? Has any nation actually practiced Marx, if not why not?

They didn't know they were practicing 'Marxism' but yes, this country tried it. Both the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies started out with Marxist systems--everybody would share and share alike in the available tools, would place all produce in a common storehouse, and each would take what he needed. They damn near all starved to death.

It was only when each person was assigned his own plot of land to farm and was allowed to keep and use or barter what he produced that the colonies began to prosper.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.


Yo Vern, Venezuela is looking for a communist tyrant who can manage the economy well and fill up the supermarket shelves


Communism done correctly doesn't suffer that issue since the people know what they want and need, and they are responsible for making it happen.

Go teach them how to do it.

I am certain you are going to do a good job, so just buy a one way ticket.

How many people posting here have actually lived under a communist system?
Was it a communist system or one that called itself communist? Has any nation actually practiced Marx, if not why not?

They didn't know they were practicing 'Marxism' but yes, this country tried it. Both the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies started out with Marxist systems--everybody would share and share alike in the available tools, would place all produce in a common storehouse, and each would take what he needed. They damn near all starved to death.

It was only when each person was assigned his own plot of land to farm and was allowed to keep and use or barter what he produced that the colonies began to prosper.
Utopias don't work, and an Adam Smith version of capitalism is based on a town where if you make poor decisions your kids don't eat and if you piss everyone off neither do you. That brings clarity to the mind.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.


Yo Vern, Venezuela is looking for a communist tyrant who can manage the economy well and fill up the supermarket shelves


Communism done correctly doesn't suffer that issue since the people know what they want and need, and they are responsible for making it happen.

Go teach them how to do it.

I am certain you are going to do a good job, so just buy a one way ticket.
Unlike you I believe in clearing my own house instead of trying to run the world for my benefit.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.
So... Do you support trying to "do it well"?
If that's what the people want, since that's what makes it work. It's a bottom-up thing, not a top-down.

Once again you are fine with tyranny of the majority. Well, unless the courts object, then it's the tyranny of the courts.
Your ilk seems to be fine with "tyranny of the majority" when it comes to gay marriage, religion, civil rights, etc. Unless the courts rule otherwise. Then they are just politicians in robes.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.
So... Do you support trying to "do it well"?
If that's what the people want, since that's what makes it work. It's a bottom-up thing, not a top-down.

Once again you are fine with tyranny of the majority. Well, unless the courts object, then it's the tyranny of the courts.
Your ilk seems to be fine with "tyranny of the majority" when it comes to gay marriage, religion, civil rights, etc. Unless the courts rule otherwise. Then they are just politicians in robes.

gay marriage - I'm against all government marriage and I think government should treat all it's citizens the same, married or single, gay or straight

religion - I am pro-choice and think prostitution, drugs, gambling and other victimless crime laws should be eliminated

civil rights, etc - Again, government should treat all it's citizens the same, not sure what you mean.

You're not having good day, are you Brillo?
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.


Yo Vern, Venezuela is looking for a communist tyrant who can manage the economy well and fill up the supermarket shelves


Communism done correctly doesn't suffer that issue since the people know what they want and need, and they are responsible for making it happen.

Go teach them how to do it.

I am certain you are going to do a good job, so just buy a one way ticket.
Unlike you I believe in clearing my own house instead of trying to run the world for my benefit.

Shut the fuck up.

You won't go because you know communism is a fucked up system.

Here we are freer than Venezuela, so you can still find supermarkets full of foodstuffs.

Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.
I'm pretty sure that capitalists take capitalism and use it for their own end... That's kind of the whole point.
Jews use capitalism for their own ends which is gaining control over ALL monetary institutions and controlling ALL nations,.

Were Jews behind the Kennedy assassination too? I always suspected that. It's it odd that no Jews were killed on 9/11? I don't think the hijackers were Muslims, I bet they were Jews. That's why the last plane crashed in Pennsylvania, to cover that up.
I believe it was a mixture of Jews and the CIA and he was killed because he was going to take on the Fed Banks
JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild 8217 s Federal Reserve List of US Presidents Murdered by the Rothschild Banking Cartel Humans Are Free

I believe Mossad and CIA /Bush Admin were behind 9/11 yes.
News headlines Meet the real 9 11 terrorists

Yes I believe the plane was crashed in Pa AFTER the passengers broke into the cockpit and discovered it was NOT Muslims that had hijacked the plane but Mossad Agents.

Did the Jews put the hair dye stain in the carpet in my daughter's bedroom as well? Did they cause global warming?
No. That must have been Obama.

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