Why do Republicans cripple their children with homeschooling?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Phyllis Schlafly - Conservapedia

Homeschooling always makes me think of Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis is considered by many to be the mother of the conservative movement. I once saw a hilarious interview by her where she said she did all the right things.
She homeschooled her kids to insulate them from the nastiness of modern society. She married a strong man and great father figure and she bowed down to him as the master of the the house. They disciplined their children. And in spite of doing everything absolutely the right way, one of her sons turned out gay. She said she just couldn't understand how this could happen.

This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.

Home-schooled children do terrible in math.

The Homeschool Math Gap: The Data

In many cases, homeschooled teens are expected to teach themselves algebra or calculus out of a textbook without the aid of any kind of teacher or adult help—something most children likely cannot do successfully.

Just The Facts: The Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling

Can homeschooling make or break a child’s future?

Adults who were homeschooled often reference extreme social awkwardness as an obstacle they experienced upon entering college or the workforce. Others, whose teaching was steeped in religious ideology, note astonishment and even anger towards their parents because they were shielded from scientific learning and had no knowledge of subjects like evolution, the big bang theory or even the existence of dinosaurs.


Wow, imagine not even knowing that dinosaurs were real or going to a college science class and knowing nothing of evolution.

I've seen a lot of fake statistics. But common sense will tell you that coming from an ultra conservative background, you obviously won't do well in math and science.

I'm not even sure what kind of jobs conservatives who have home-schooled their children think those kids are qualified for. Remember 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

I can see conservatives setting their kids up for a failed life. They don't know math or science and they haven't been socialized.
the super vision of a teacher


Who supervised YOUR education?

Homeschooling is mainly done by the religious right who incorporate the bible in all facets of education; science, math, history, etc. You will not find these people in college, unless they have had remedial classes and even then, they don't last.

Homeschooling is mainly done by the religious right who incorporate the bible in all facets of education; science, math, history, etc. You will not find these people in college, unless they have had remedial classes and even then, they don't last.


Homeschooling is mainly done by the religious right who incorporate the bible in all facets of education; science, math, history, etc. You will not find these people in college, unless they have had remedial classes and even then, they don't last.

Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus VR, was home-educated.
The parents who refuse to send their children to school are setting their kids up for failure. They want to rush their kids in "marriage" so their kids will all have four kids before they are even 25, with no way to support them. I can't imagine what it is like to grow up in a cult family and then end up in the real world with no means of coping. It's the girls who suffer the most, and it is the parents of these girls who are responsible.
Well deanrd
In this case, it ended up proving that public schooling and social influence
doesn't cause homosexuality. At least this case was good for something!

Also you leave out that a lot of the liberals on the left who
are against coercion and corporal punishment also choose to home school.

In Texas there was a homeschool organization leader coming from that liberal position
against spanking who said a lot of the parents and support were coming from the right.
And another activist who had worked out an entire curriculum on sex education had drawn sources from both rightwing and leftwing leaning parents who agreed they'd rather be in charge. So whether or not they agreed on motives and agenda, they still worked together
to ensure rights of people to homeschooling as an equal choice.
Well Dumnard that thug daddy Ball just announced he was pulling his youngest out of public school to home school him! Maybe shop lifting is a home school class in the ghetto!
This thread is amusing, considering that many public school kids can't even point out Europe on a map or answer basic questions about history, government, etc. The US ranks behind other advanced nations academically, but I'm sure American public school kids can tell you all about what's going on with the Kardashians or Justin Bieber.

Meanwhile, homeschool students are scoring higher than the national average, but *gasp* we can’t have that because many of them are not being taught the things that “liberals” or atheists believe!!! Many of them have a different worldview, and according to some here that is a terrible thing. Let’s get those kids away from their evil homeschooling parents and put them back in publik skools immediately! *roll eyes*
This thread is amusing, considering that many public school kids can't even point out Europe on a map or answer basic questions about history, government, etc. The US ranks behind other advanced nations academically, but I'm sure American public school kids can tell you all about what's going on with the Kardashians or Justin Bieber.

Meanwhile, homeschool students are scoring higher than the national average, but *gasp* we can’t have that because many of them are not being taught the things that “liberals” or atheists believe!!! Many of them have a different worldview, and according to some here that is a terrible thing. Let’s get those kids away from their evil homeschooling parents and put them back in publik skools immediately! *roll eyes*
Homeschooling really burns the liberals asses. They cannot stand the fact that they have no access to these kids; and therefore can't indoctrinate them into the liberal group think. These parents, and their children are an outright threat to everything the left believes in.
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Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus VR, was home-educated.

One person. Woopie ding. I can google up names of people who say they were home-schooled and went to college but that's not my point.

The point is ... you can no more make all inclusive statements about homeschooling than you can about public schooling. The efficacy of schooling depends on many factors. The intelligence of the child. The quality of the instruction. As well as the home and social life of the family.

Home schooling is no more a ticket to failure in life than is attending any other kind of education.
That's because without links to support your claim; you really don't have a point. Just an unfounded opinion...
True enough. Usually I preface my remarks saying "IMHO", "As I see it...", In my opinion. etc. For factual remarks I almost always post a source. In this case, I did not mention it was just my opinion, an anecdotal opinion based on my experience, but still, an outsourced opinion nonetheless. The poster "assumed" it was factual but did not ask that question. He "assumed." Everyone is so fired up in a hurry to argue, they lack the ability to discern whether it's even worth arguing about.

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