Why do progressive liberals fear Glenn Beck?

I'm not a liberal, I am old school conservative. But I will tell you why I am afraid of pathological demagogues like Glenn Beck. The reason I "fear" Glenn Beck is because a lot of people drink his piss. They swallow yards of his cock. He is dumbing down the Right. He is turning people who would otherwise be conservatives into totalitarian, unthinking, parroting, credulous cut-and-paste bots marching in lockstep off the cliff into an ocean of insanity.

He is helping to utterly and completely destroy the cause of conservatism.

So there you go.
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I'm not a liberal, I am old school conservative. But I will tell you why I am afraid of pathological demagogues like Glenn Beck. The reason I "fear" Glenn Beck is because a lot of people drink his piss. They swallow yards of his cock. He is dumbing down the Right. He is turning people who would otherwise be conservatives into totalitarian, unthinking, parroting, credulous cut-and-paste bots marching in lockstep off the cliff into an ocean of insanity.

He is helping to utterly and completely destroy the cause of conservatism.

So there you go.

True dat. Although to be complete, he's an opportunist following in the depraved mud tracks of his predecessors like Lush Rimjob and Joe McCarthy. Unfortunately these three are perceptive enough to see the gullibility in their audience, and unscrupulous enough to exploit it --- all of course for their own personal gain.

And then buffoons like American_Jizzhat come along to work for them. For free. :rolleyes:
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White Godly men can not be libertarians ...

The period in the middle meant that it was the end of one thought and the beginning of another. I said that I don't know how he's libertarian because I don't hear him say anything libertarian. I also said he's a target of the left because he's white, male and religious.

Between those thoughts was a period.

Bullshit! You got caught being a liberal bigot

TheNutass runs over his own teammate. :lmao:

That seems to happen a lot. Kaz, you are correct .... he's an idiot.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg2LYkI4v6A]Glenn Beck - Why The Left Will Fail - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FBeLMcXCcY]GLENN BECK,Nancy Pelosi SAID There is nothing left to cut in the budget - YouTube[/ame]

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When the left pile on to somebody or something in American Politics it's usually hate or fear...

And when the Right piles on Hillary three years before the next election, what is that?

its called educating the voting public. No one is piling on her because she is female, unlike the left attacks on Palin, Bachman, Coulter, Kelley, etc.

Hillary has accomplished nothing in her 60+ years, NOTHING. The public deserves to know the truth about her.
When the left pile on to somebody or something in American Politics it's usually hate or fear...

And when the Right piles on Hillary three years before the next election, what is that?

its called educating the voting public. No one is piling on her because she is female, unlike the left attacks on Palin, Bachman, Coulter, Kelley, etc.

Hillary has accomplished nothing in her 60+ years, NOTHING. The public deserves to know the truth about her.

Americans have good reason to fear Hillary. But the rubes on the Right like you will blow it and make it all about Benghazi instead.
And when the Right piles on Hillary three years before the next election, what is that?

its called educating the voting public. No one is piling on her because she is female, unlike the left attacks on Palin, Bachman, Coulter, Kelley, etc.

Hillary has accomplished nothing in her 60+ years, NOTHING. The public deserves to know the truth about her.

Americans have good reason to fear Hillary. But the rubes on the Right like you will blow it and make it all about Benghazi instead.

don't think so. there is so much material to use against her. I can't wait for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent in the black church "ah ain't no ways tarred"

Benghazi should be pointed out as a failure of leadership, but there is plenty more on her.
I'm not a liberal, I am old school conservative. But I will tell you why I am afraid of pathological demagogues like Glenn Beck. The reason I "fear" Glenn Beck is because a lot of people drink his piss. They swallow yards of his cock. He is dumbing down the Right. He is turning people who would otherwise be conservatives into totalitarian, unthinking, parroting, credulous cut-and-paste bots marching in lockstep off the cliff into an ocean of insanity.

He is helping to utterly and completely destroy the cause of conservatism.

So there you go.

True dat. Although to be complete, he's an opportunist following in the depraved mud tracks of his predecessors like Lush Rimjob and Joe McCarthy. Unfortunately these three are perceptive enough to see the gullibility in their audience, and unscrupulous enough to exploit it --- all of course for their own personal gain.

And then buffoons like American_Jizzhat come along to work for them. For free. :rolleyes:

Eventually goons like Beck and Limbaugh and Palin start offending more and more people, including those who drink their piss. It always happens. They inevitably expose themselves by going too far.

Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin have called the Pope a Marxist, so now their admiring rubes who happen to be Catholic have to decide whether to continue to drink their piss and seek "evidence" to confirm their masters' biases, or finally wake up and realize they are completely full of shit.

"If BeckRushSarah say someone is a Marxist, well then by golly, they are a Marxist!"
I'm not a liberal, I am old school conservative. But I will tell you why I am afraid of pathological demagogues like Glenn Beck. The reason I "fear" Glenn Beck is because a lot of people drink his piss. They swallow yards of his cock. He is dumbing down the Right. He is turning people who would otherwise be conservatives into totalitarian, unthinking, parroting, credulous cut-and-paste bots marching in lockstep off the cliff into an ocean of insanity.

He is helping to utterly and completely destroy the cause of conservatism.

So there you go.

True dat. Although to be complete, he's an opportunist following in the depraved mud tracks of his predecessors like Lush Rimjob and Joe McCarthy. Unfortunately these three are perceptive enough to see the gullibility in their audience, and unscrupulous enough to exploit it --- all of course for their own personal gain.

And then buffoons like American_Jizzhat come along to work for them. For free. :rolleyes:

Eventually goons like Beck and Limbaugh and Palin start offending more and more people, including those who drink their piss. It always happens. They inevitably expose themselves by going too far.

Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin have called the Pope a Marxist, so now their admiring rubes who happen to be Catholic have to decide whether to continue to drink their piss and seek "evidence" to confirm their masters' biases, or finally wake up and realize they are completely full of shit.

"If BeckRushSarah say someone is a Marxist, well then by golly, they are a Marxist!"

provide proof of the stuff you put in quotes--------or admit that you made it up.
its called educating the voting public. No one is piling on her because she is female, unlike the left attacks on Palin, Bachman, Coulter, Kelley, etc.

Hillary has accomplished nothing in her 60+ years, NOTHING. The public deserves to know the truth about her.

Americans have good reason to fear Hillary. But the rubes on the Right like you will blow it and make it all about Benghazi instead.

don't think so. there is so much material to use against her. I can't wait for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent in the black church "ah ain't no ways tarred"

Of course you can't wait for something like that. Because you are intellectually bankrupt and can only look forward to the "We're not Hillary" approach to winning (which will fail as miserably as the "We're not Obama" strategy did) instead of putting your own ideas on the table and giving reasons why the GOP is the better way.

You only know how to attack. Every topic ever posted on this forum by someone on the Right (besides ones started by me) is an attack. Never a topic that puts a solution on the table.

So, yeah. You look forward to ones that make fun of Hillary. No platform. Just empty suits with flag pins who want power back so they can go back to being the ones blowing taxpayer money by the trillions. That's all the GOP is now.
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When the left pile on to somebody or something in American Politics it's usually hate or fear...

And when the Right piles on Hillary three years before the next election, what is that?

its called educating the voting public. No one is piling on her because she is female, unlike the left attacks on Palin, Bachman, Coulter, Kelley, etc.

Hillary has accomplished nothing in her 60+ years, NOTHING. The public deserves to know the truth about her.

"Nothing" of course means a law degree and career including teaching, two terms in the Senate, Secretary of State and President of the Wellesley Young Republicans.

Put that up against Palin, Bachmann (spell her name right), Coulter and -- (who the fuck is) "Kelley" combined, and do the math. "Nothing".
I'm not a liberal, I am old school conservative. But I will tell you why I am afraid of pathological demagogues like Glenn Beck. The reason I "fear" Glenn Beck is because a lot of people drink his piss. They swallow yards of his cock. He is dumbing down the Right. He is turning people who would otherwise be conservatives into totalitarian, unthinking, parroting, credulous cut-and-paste bots marching in lockstep off the cliff into an ocean of insanity.

He is helping to utterly and completely destroy the cause of conservatism.

So there you go.

True dat. Although to be complete, he's an opportunist following in the depraved mud tracks of his predecessors like Lush Rimjob and Joe McCarthy. Unfortunately these three are perceptive enough to see the gullibility in their audience, and unscrupulous enough to exploit it --- all of course for their own personal gain.

And then buffoons like American_Jizzhat come along to work for them. For free. :rolleyes:

Eventually goons like Beck and Limbaugh and Palin start offending more and more people, including those who drink their piss. It always happens. They inevitably expose themselves by going too far.

Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin have called the Pope a Marxist, so now their admiring rubes who happen to be Catholic have to decide whether to continue to drink their piss and seek "evidence" to confirm their masters' biases, or finally wake up and realize they are completely full of shit.

"If BeckRushSarah say someone is a Marxist, well then by golly, they are a Marxist!"

I bet the Pope is Muslim. And I've never seen his birth certificate.

This week on Glenn Half-Beck.
And when the Right piles on Hillary three years before the next election, what is that?

its called educating the voting public. No one is piling on her because she is female, unlike the left attacks on Palin, Bachman, Coulter, Kelley, etc.

Hillary has accomplished nothing in her 60+ years, NOTHING. The public deserves to know the truth about her.

"Nothing" of course means a law degree and career including teaching, two terms in the Senate, Secretary of State and President of the Wellesley Young Republicans.

Put that up against Palin, Bachmann (spell her name right), Coulter and -- (who the fuck is) "Kelley" combined, and do the math. "Nothing".

great, law degree--millions have one. rose law firm, whitewater cover up
teaching----teaching,what a rare accomplishment
senator---did NOTHING, passed nothing
secstate---accomplished nothing, benghazi was an accomplishment?

Palin---successful governor, talks funny, but shes not running.
Bachmann---multi term rep, a little weird, but shes not running.

Meghan Kelley, the latest smart fox babe who is winning the ratings race with the libs.
its called educating the voting public. No one is piling on her because she is female, unlike the left attacks on Palin, Bachman, Coulter, Kelley, etc.

Hillary has accomplished nothing in her 60+ years, NOTHING. The public deserves to know the truth about her.

"Nothing" of course means a law degree and career including teaching, two terms in the Senate, Secretary of State and President of the Wellesley Young Republicans.

Put that up against Palin, Bachmann (spell her name right), Coulter and -- (who the fuck is) "Kelley" combined, and do the math. "Nothing".

great, law degree--millions have one. rose law firm, whitewater cover up
teaching----teaching,what a rare accomplishment
senator---did NOTHING, passed nothing
secstate---accomplished nothing, benghazi was an accomplishment?

That's fascinating, drama queen. I loved your performance in



Palin---successful governor, talks funny, but shes not running.
Bachmann---multi term rep, a little weird, but shes not running.

Meghan Kelley, the latest smart fox babe who is winning the ratings race with the libs.

"Successful" She QUIT.
"A little"?
Coulter -- MIA
Kelley -- seriously, you're conflating a talking had news bimbo and her ratings with public service?
You don't have the foggiest idea what 'ratings' means, do you?

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I'm not a liberal, I am old school conservative. But I will tell you why I am afraid of pathological demagogues like Glenn Beck. The reason I "fear" Glenn Beck is because a lot of people drink his piss. They swallow yards of his cock. He is dumbing down the Right. He is turning people who would otherwise be conservatives into totalitarian, unthinking, parroting, credulous cut-and-paste bots marching in lockstep off the cliff into an ocean of insanity.

He is helping to utterly and completely destroy the cause of conservatism.

So there you go.

Come on out of the cellar old boy! The truth doesn't hurt. It will actually make you smarter.

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