Why Did Hillary lose?


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
I still haven't figured out why Hillary lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? or was it wikileaks ? or was it Podesta ? or Comey ? or was it a sexual predator husband ? or was a staff's husband Wiener immoral pictures ? was it subpoena violation? or was it the corrupt foundation ? or was it the congressional lies ? or was it the Benghazi bungle ? or was it pay for play ? or was it travel gate scandal ? or was it whitewater scandal ? or the Cattle Gate scandal ? Or the Trooper Gate scandal ? Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apt bought with foundation money ? Or Comey's investigation ? Or her husbands interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ? Or was it stealing debate questions ? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails ? The secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder ? Was it calling half the USA deplorable ? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders ? Was it the Vince Foster murder ? The Jennifer Flowers assault ? The Jennifer Flowers settlement ? The Paula Jones law suit ? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ? The lie about taking on sniper fire ? The impeachment ? The 6 billion $ she "lost" when in charge of the state dept ? The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ? Or was it because she is a hateful & lying?
Gee, I just cant quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.
I still haven't figured out why Hillary lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? or was it wikileaks ? or was it Podesta ? or Comey ? or was it a sexual predator husband ? or was a staff's husband Wiener immoral pictures ? was it subpoena violation? or was it the corrupt foundation ? or was it the congressional lies ? or was it the Benghazi bungle ? or was it pay for play ? or was it travel gate scandal ? or was it whitewater scandal ? or the Cattle Gate scandal ? Or the Trooper Gate scandal ? Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apt bought with foundation money ? Or Comey's investigation ? Or her husbands interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ? Or was it stealing debate questions ? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails ? The secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder ? Was it calling half the USA deplorable ? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders ? Was it the Vince Foster murder ? The Jennifer Flowers assault ? The Jennifer Flowers settlement ? The Paula Jones law suit ? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ? The lie about taking on sniper fire ? The impeachment ? The 6 billion $ she "lost" when in charge of the state dept ? The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ? Or was it because she is a hateful & lying?
Gee, I just cant quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.
Russia and Comey’s borderline treasonous letter. There you go, trash.
The tone of her voice turned off millions as she made excuses during the campaign, yeah calling half of America deplorable didnt help and then Trump simply outworked her on the campaign trail in those borderline states.
People are smarter and better informed than democrats and their minions in the MSM give them credit for being. What did Hillary have to offer? She called in sick after the debacle of Benghazi and paved the way for Russia to gain uranium sites. We know now that the Clinton campaign collaborated with foreign agents, placed a spy in the Trump campaign, illegally spied on Trump, falsified information in the FISA court and Hillary accepted a quarter of a million dollars each for a series of 20 minute mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers. Information is slowly surfacing that the "Clinton Foundation" was nothing but a money laundering scheme selling influence in the Obama administration through Hillary. When you consider Hillary's personality and fainting spells, what's to like?
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All I know is unlike that pathetic stupid ass witch who bonked her stupid head on that glass ceiling, Gina Haspel just rammed right through it and shattered the shit out of it.

All to the grinding tightened jaws of the pathetic hypocritical virtue signaling left.
The tone of her voice turned off millions as she made excuses during the campaign, yeah calling half of America deplorable didnt help and then Trump simply outworked her on the campaign trail in those borderline states.
She believed her traitorous media and the fake polls. Which were all designed to give Trump voters an excuse to stay home. A very popular tactic with the left. That is what they did in 2000, when the left wing media kept on calling Florida for Gore, that was designed to keep the panhandle voters at home, who were in a different timezone and were mainly Bush voters.

They do this all of the time, and this time is backfired on them.
All I know is unlike that pathetic stupid ass witch who bonked her stupid head on that glass ceiling, Gina Haspel just rammed right through it and shattered the shit out of it.

All to the grinding tightened jaws of the pathetic hypocritical virtue signaling left.

Some say she just lost her Mojo when she bumped her head , others believe it was more simple than that

All I know is unlike that pathetic stupid ass witch who bonked her stupid head on that glass ceiling, Gina Haspel just rammed right through it and shattered the shit out of it.

All to the grinding tightened jaws of the pathetic hypocritical virtue signaling left.
all Hillary had to do was open her mouth in those 3 debates she lost to Trump, and that was the end of it.
I don't care why.

I'm just happy hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


I could do this all fucking day....

I still haven't figured out why Hillary lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? or was it wikileaks ? or was it Podesta ? or Comey ? or was it a sexual predator husband ? or was a staff's husband Wiener immoral pictures ? was it subpoena violation? or was it the corrupt foundation ? or was it the congressional lies ? or was it the Benghazi bungle ? or was it pay for play ? or was it travel gate scandal ? or was it whitewater scandal ? or the Cattle Gate scandal ? Or the Trooper Gate scandal ? Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apt bought with foundation money ? Or Comey's investigation ? Or her husbands interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ? Or was it stealing debate questions ? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails ? The secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder ? Was it calling half the USA deplorable ? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders ? Was it the Vince Foster murder ? The Jennifer Flowers assault ? The Jennifer Flowers settlement ? The Paula Jones law suit ? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ? The lie about taking on sniper fire ? The impeachment ? The 6 billion $ she "lost" when in charge of the state dept ? The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ? Or was it because she is a hateful & lying?
Gee, I just cant quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.
nice thought

a little hep for you though...

line breaks and paragraphs are your friends on a message board...
Drunk, Dumb-Ass, Dishonest, Depraved.

The turning point in Hillary Clinton's life of lies and hypocrisy---the event which almost put her into the White House, as President--was that she was such a dumb-ass that she failed the D. C. Bar Exam.

Just before that, she had refused to marry Bill Clinton because she could never condescend to live in Arkansas. But, when she failed the Bar exam, she realized she would, after all, need to ride a man's coat-tails through life.

So, she married the Pussy-Lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius, and who afterwards got her every job she ever had, all of which she fucked up...but they were sufficient to make her believe America was a Banana Republic like Argentina, and that she was just like Evita Peron---meaning that just because her husband was President, she got to be President too.

Had she not married the Pussy-Lovin Southern Boy, she might, on her own, have risen to Night Court Judge in some sequestered borough of a rotting Democratic run city like Chicago---that is if she didn't get dis-barred first.

She has been one of Satan favorite slaves, and he has allowed her to fill up the full measure of her inequities on this plane---and it is about time for him to call her home.
I don't care why.

I'm just happy hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


hitlary lost....


I could do this all fucking day....

well when 300 Million people found out that she did number 2 on the debate stage,,that cost her 30 Million votes
Her main campaign talking point can't be "my opponent is a misogynist pig" when she's married to one. Oh, and she forgot to talk to the fly over states.
Are we talking about why she lost from a political or moral standpoint? Politically, she lost because of faulty polls in the upper Midwest which led her to believe she didn't need to spend money and buy ballots there. Morally, she lost because she was the most corrupt major party nominee for President in the history of our country.
1. Poor candidate, not terribly likeable, too many stayed home
2. Too many people on the hardcore Left who repulse too many Americans
3. Hyper-excited base for the opponent

I would also add a piss poor campaign that was based on the overall concept that the job was her's and the campaign itself was just a pro-forma requirement, a box to be checked off.

But the real underlying reason to me was that Hillary's year was 2008, not 2016, and Obama came and took the rug from underneath her.
From Valarie ,,Imagine if you will

ValerieGold Member


Why would Trump trash the FBI and our other intelligence agencies?

Let’s Revisit All Those Times Trump Surrogates Said You Can’t Elect Someone Under FBI Investigation
I’m old enough to remember when such things were disqualifying.

Let's Revisit All Those Times Trump Surrogates Said You Can't Elect Someone Under FBI Investigation

Below is a sampling of some of the many, many Republicans who expressed their "horror" and "outrage" at the prospect of having a president under FBI investigation. If these people were truly so concerned about having a president who is investigated by the FBI, maybe they should think twice about whether Trump is fit to remain in office.

12 Times Republicans Slammed A President Hillary Clinton Under FBI Investigation

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

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