Why are the newly uninsured not signing up for ObamaCare?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
So ObamaCare was supposed to liberate people from their "Crappy" policies.

Why have the 5MM who have been canceled because of it not signed up for it?
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Frank, Frank, Frank.

The roll out was awful, and both GOP and Dems are committed to fixing it.

396,000 who were not on Medicaid who should have been, they have been found and are being enrolled.

The 60 million who did not have accessible and affordable quality care will now have it in the future.

The old system did not work.

This one will work.

Be happy.
Frank, Frank, Frank.

The roll out was awful, and both GOP and Dems are committed to fixing it.

396,000 who were not on Medicaid who should have been, they have been found and are being enrolled.

The 60 million who did not have accessible and affordable quality care will now have it in the future.

The old system did not work.

This one will work.

Be happy.

Jake, Jake, Jake

5 Million people got cancelled.

Why haven't they signed up?
Obamacare is the reason these folks lost their health plans.

That's equivalent to asking someone who just got fired to return back to their old company.
Obamacare is the reason these folks lost their health plans.

That's equivalent to asking someone who just got fired to return back to their old company.

A company that WILL NOT protect your private information, can't roll out a website, has openly LIED about its product, can harass you with the worlds most aggressive collection agency and has OUTLAWED licensed brokers to be hired. Relying instead on former door to door activists with 10 days of training to be your "navigator"..

Wanna get on the boat???

BTW:: If that site isn't fully tested and can leak information as it has been shown to do.. THAT COMPANY OUGHT TO HAVE PANTS sued off of it for leaving it up this past month and encouraging folks to visit it with $$$$MILLs in advertising...
So ObamaCare was supposed to liberate people from their "Crappy" policies.

Why have the 5MM who have been canceled because of it not signed up for it?

They can't afford the cough-cough "Affordable Health care Act". Which is why only 27,000 have signed up for "pay for it yourself" Obamacare on the exchanges--while 500,000 signed up for Medicade--something they get for free.

The states that elected to do their own Obamacare exchanges are working fine. Here is my state exchange and you can see there's really nothing in there that is affordable. In fact, it's horrifying. Remember that promise "that I can save a family of 4" $2500.00 per year in premiums? NOT TRUE. Premiums have doubled or tripled to what these people were paying for their now canceled insurance.

Additionally, many analysts have predicted what has come to be known as "rate shock" - the realization of many who go to get insurance on the exchanges that they'll be paying a lot more now than they used to.
Here Comes Obamacare "Sticker Shock" - Kevin Glass

Take a look for yourself
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

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The lefties appear to be pinning their hopes for Obamacare on getting the website fixed. While it will be great when that thing is operational, a few problems remain, the first of which is the number of people who lost their coverage after Obama promised they would not.

Then, when the website is more operational, there will be many stories (amplified nice and loud by the GOP) of people paying more (where is that $2500 savings I was promised, Mr President? Was that another lie?), of people paying the same but having their deductibles explode, of doctors not on the plan (which is already happening) and then the employer mandate fiasco that is down the road.

In other words, the apologists won't be off the hook once the website is working.

I wonder how long these folks will be able to get away with saying "You were lied to? Tough shit".

I guess we'll see, huh?

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It's good to see that right of center to left of center reasonable Americans in Congress are working to get this right.
Frank, Frank, Frank.

The roll out was awful, and both GOP and Dems are committed to fixing it.

396,000 who were not on Medicaid who should have been, they have been found and are being enrolled.

The 60 million who did not have accessible and affordable quality care will now have it in the future.

The old system did not work.

This one will work.

Be happy.

The people on medicaid are a net drain on the system, Obamacare needs to force people who can afford health care but do not want a full plan to sign up, or the math does not work out.

You need young, healthy people who dont use health care to sign up for it, and to sign up for alot of crap they dont need, and pay for things they dont use.

and also, accessable????? LOLOLOLOLOL.
Frank, Frank, Frank.

The roll out was awful, and both GOP and Dems are committed to fixing it.

396,000 who were not on Medicaid who should have been, they have been found and are being enrolled.

The 60 million who did not have accessible and affordable quality care will now have it in the future.

The old system did not work.

This one will work.

Be happy.

The people on medicaid are a net drain on the system, Obamacare needs to force people who can afford health care but do not want a full plan to sign up, or the math does not work out.

You need young, healthy people who dont use health care to sign up for it, and to sign up for alot of crap they dont need, and pay for things they dont use.

and also, accessable????? LOLOLOLOLOL.

good luck with that
Not only are the premiums an issue, but I went to a broker today and looked thru plans..

Some of the "plans" being offered on the exchanges are literally Bankruptcy Attractors for the working poor. While the DEMS holler about how they're helping me out of my "crappy, insufficient, insurance policy" ---- they are attempting to TRAP low end consumers into 50/50 policies.. Policies with HUGE deductibles and that only pay 50% of costs after that high deductible.

NOBODY buying bronze policies could survive a broken limb or an appendectomy with crappy insurance like that.. There's ANOTHER OBAMACARE LIE.. That they are improving the QUALITY of the insurance for everybody.. No brokers to guide dysfunctional poor leftist consumers.. Being driven into sub-par plans with only unlicensed "navigators" who are NOT supposed to be giving advice on CHOOSING a plan.

It's beyond immoral.... So much for consumer protection when the GOVT opens the store eh??
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Not only are the premiums an issue, but I went to a broker today and looked thru plans..

Some of the "plans" being offered on the exchanges are literally Bankruptcy Attractors for the working poor. While the DEMS holler about how they're helping me out of my "crappy, insufficient, insurance policy" ---- they are attempting to TRAP low end consumers into 50/50 policies.. Policies with HUGE deductibles and that only pay 50% of costs after that high deductible.

NOBODY buying bronze policies could survive a broken limb or an appendectomy with crappy insurance like that.. There's ANOTHER OBAMACARE LIE.. That they are improving the QUALITY of the insurance for everybody.. No brokers to guide dysfunctional poor leftist consumers.. Being driven into sub-par plans with only unlicensed "navigators" who are NOT supposed to be giving advice on CHOOSING a plan.

It's beyond immoral.... So much for consumer protection when the GOVT opens the store eh??

Yep, and if someone isn't damn sure they understand their policy they're screwed. They'll think they're "covered" and end up with a massive bill.

And it gets worse. The hospitals and providers will get stiffed too. Yes, hospitals and providers are "rich" and "evil" and all, but they'll only be able to stand so much of this bullshit before they either go under or stop accepting the plans, just as demand for their services is exploding.

The apologists think they're in the clear when the site is operational. That's just the beginning of this disaster. There is no fucking way they put this plan together not knowing the mess they were going to cause. Either the conspiracy theorists are correct and this is just an excuse for single payer, or this is the single worst example of incompetency this country has ever seen.

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Well? The plans were supposed to save $2,500 and be better plans

Why are people not signing up?
Signing up for obamacare is the same as accepting a proposal from a nigerian prince.
Anyone giving out thier pesonal informaton on healthcare.gov is asking for a lot of trouble. The website is a hackers dream.

A respected security expert will warn Congress on Tuesday that the Obama administration's healthcare website has security flaws that put user data at a "critical risk," despite recent government assurances the data are safe.

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So ObamaCare was supposed to liberate people from their "Crappy" policies.

Why have the 5MM who have been canceled because of it not signed up for it?

Because they're looking at double to triple the monthly premiums on the Obamacare exchanges, as compared to what they were paying for their now cancelled policies--AND THEY'RE P.I.S.S.E.D.

This from liberal Diane Feinstein of California

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog


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