Why are schools and churches targeted by gun violence?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Not all, but it seems about every other shooting happens in a school or church.


Also, the first school shooting in Colorado, the kids went around asking people who believed in God and if they said they did they were shot.

Again, why?
As all of these shooters are cowards who look for the most vulnerable of targets in society to attack. It really angers me, and unfortunately it's a broader symptom of society. Cowardice is rewarded and celebrated by many even if passively, instead of honourable principles.
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
One of these day, the Christian terrorists who strike fear in the hearts of the little snowflake lefties are gonna start retaliating.

I just know it.
Not all, but it seems about every other shooting happens in a school or church.


Also, the first school shooting in Colorado, the kids went around asking people who believed in God and if they said they did they were shot.

Again, why?
The devil is alive and well!

What I stated in a post around the time of Hurricane Harvey,
has not left me with egg on my face, eating crow.

What I stated in posts months ago, hasn't either

Let those with eyes, see and with ears, hear
Discern the times, recognize the signs, realize the seasons

For faith comes by hearing,
and hearing, through the Word of Christ

Romans 10:17

The Lord is not slack, concerning His promises
as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us,
not willing that any should perish,
but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

God's Word will not return to Him void

What He has said, so shall He do
What He has planned, so shall He bring about

We have been dwelling in, 'the beginning of sorrows'
for some time now and the next phase is rapidly approaching

Nothing is going to change for the better,
it's going to get worse...much worse
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour
As all of these shooters are cowards who look for the most vulnerable of targets in society to attack. It really angers me, and unfortunately it's a broader symptom of society. Cowardice is rewarded and celebrated by many even if passively, instead of honourable principles.

I don't think they even realize why they do what they do.

I think that the powers that control them do know though.
Not all, but it seems about every other shooting happens in a school or church.


Also, the first school shooting in Colorado, the kids went around asking people who believed in God and if they said they did they were shot.

Again, why?

Just as bank robbers "go where the money is" people like this are drawn to situations where they think they will have overmatch potential and a minimum time frame to "accomplish" their goals before the authorities respond.
It was brought to my recollection this morning about an evil person back when I first met Rod. The guy had came and sat where we were sitting. My throat closed up and it felt like I couldn't breath. I told Rod I need to get out of here I can't breath. He kept saying wait a minute and finally I just said no and got up and left. When he came outside he asked "what's wrong with you? Why were you so rude?" I told him that guy is evil. Rod didn't believe me and I left and went home. A day later he called to let me know the guy shot his wife through a window in front of there children and told me how sorry he was and promised to never do that again to me. People easily loose their spiritual senses to know when evil is present in this world as they are taught to believe in worldly precepts.

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