Who will watch the not so Super Bowl?

and what you have are steeply falling Super Bowl tickets. In fact, will they even sell out?

I'm curious why you even want to try and pass this off as reality. Is your world so lost from reality you think the Superbowl hadn't sold out? It sold out within seconds of tickets being available.

And the secondary market is blowing up too.

Super Bowl Ticket Prices Aren't Falling and Fans Are Confused

How disconnected with reality are you to type things like that? I mean sure, I can say "well since the Superbowl is being played on planet Mars this year, Elon Musk will be the only one in attendance, and the NFL is going to use it's space program to build a team on Saturn next". But it's not in any way based in reality.

Just sad.
The Super Bowl will be on where I will be ... But if I watch any of it that will be the result of the television being between me and the toilet.

I'm going for the fried fish, adult beverages and good company of friends.
I think maybe one of the many people that will be there actually cares about the NFL anymore.
We just used the Super Bowl as a good excuse to get together and eat good food.

It's quite possible the channel may change to a Lifetime movie at some point ... :dunno:


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