Who the hell is Amy Klobuchar and why the hell is she running for President?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Five things to know about Amy Klobuchar, from her start in politics to her staff treatment controversy

There was a day and age when it meant something to run for President.

It meant you had accomplished big things in your life, and the only thing bigger you could do was run for President.

But this latest crop of Democrats running for President, with the single exception of Joe Biden, are not even close to being Presidential material.

Take for instance a woman I've never even heard of until they talked about her on FOX today: Amy Klobuchar.

Amy who? You might ask, and that's what I'm asking.

Who the hell is she?

What the hell has she accomplished?

What makes her think she even has a prayer of getting the Democratic nomination?

What makes her think she has a chance of taking on and defeating Donald Trump?

She's just a nobody from nowhere.
Klobuchar is a highly educated attorney, a former county prosecutor for the most populace county in the state of Minnesota, a woman highly regarded by many Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, a US Senator, a mother, a lay person in her church, etc.

And WHO the fuck are you? Some two bit crack whore doing time in state prison, fucking a Barbie Doll & a G I Joe, at the same time?
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.
No she didn't lol. All she talked about was SOCIAL BULLSHIT.

Keep the economy rolling? gloBULL warming.

Criminal justice reform? Economic justice


Typical moonbat bullshit
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.
No she didn't lol. All she talked about was SOCIAL BULLSHIT.

Keep the economy rolling? gloBULL warming.

Criminal justice reform? Economic justice


Typical moonbat bullshit

I never said I agreed with anything she laid out. :)
Klobuchar is a highly educated attorney, a former county prosecutor for the most populace county in the state of Minnesota, a woman highly regarded by many Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, a US Senator, a mother, a lay person in her church, etc.

And WHO the fuck are you? Some two bit crack whore doing time in state prison, fucking a Barbie Doll & a G I Joe, at the same time?
She is an egotistical spoiled biatch that treats her own staff like crap. With a sneer that horror films are based on. There are no moderate Dems running. They lie. She is Prog through and through. There is no more fooling. Whether she wins or loses we know the score.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????


I'm not sure I asked for your input, but you are free to give it.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.
Anyway, any Democrat complaining that Trump is an immoral person must then explain why they supported the Clintons.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.

You seem to be confusing 'pretty butt sore' with modern day political reality but then that is your problem; not mine.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.
Why is it always about butt sex with CRCs? :dunno:
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.

You seem to be confusing 'pretty butt sore' with modern day political reality but then that is your problem; not mine.
Trump is a sinner, as are we all.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.
Anyway, any Democrat complaining that Trump is an immoral person must then explain why they supported the Clintons.

You reply to your own post, a sure sign of dumbassery, and you proceed to produce a Clinton 'whataboutism' of epic proportions, and derail your own thread with bullshit.

You have certainly convinced me you passed at least third grade; maybe second grade.

Now I know why Trump is stuck up in your colon at least three, maybe four feet.

Congrats dickhead.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.

You seem to be confusing 'pretty butt sore' with modern day political reality but then that is your problem; not mine.
Trump is a sinner, as are we all.
donnie sure has taught us a lot about what CRCs really care about in the "sin" department.
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.
Why is it always about butt sex with CRCs? :dunno:

Curious, whats with that hashtag in your avatar? #HasNoClothes?

And you want to throw around even more sexual innuendo?
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????
You sound pretty butt sore. Here's a jar of Vaseline, it will make you feel better.

I will pass but you can prolly use that jar of Vaseline the next time you play with your rod & your staff
In all fairness, she sounded good in the town hall. Credit where credit's due.

Even still. You need more than good oratory skill and polite demeanor to win an election.

Of course, you are correct. In the modern day national political arena one requires the below.

(1) be the biggest asshole that shits on all your opponents more than any other candidate
(2) be sure to be a serial liar
(3) be sure to be a serial adulterer
(4) be sure to get captured on video & on audio telling the world how much you like to degrade the opposite sex by grabbing their crotch
(5) be sure to have multiple bankruptcies that cover a few billion dollars, put thousands of folks out of work, leave contractors & students on the hook for bad debts, and basically fuck over whom ever you care to
(6) pay off porn stars, hookers, and crack whores to 'keep quite' about stuff you don't want your church going buddies to find out about, even when Jebus already knows

Yeah; I don't think Klobuchar has any of that baggage but fuck, if it will help her WIN, why fucking not???????????


I'm not sure I asked for your input, but you are free to give it.

It's a discussion forum; cheers
The Clintons started out poor but got rich through corruption, bribes and outright theft. They lie every time they speak, and they've even had people killed.

Trump is a choir boy compared to the Clintons.

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