Who Still Cares About Or Believes What Trump Says?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Seriously, other than his most diehard fans does anyone really care about what trump has to say? Does anyone still believe he can be trusted to be honest and tell the truth about anything? Does anyone other than the hardcore followers and trump cult still view him as having even a minimum of intellectual ability?
Seriously, other than his most diehard fans does anyone really care about what trump has to say? Does anyone still believe he can be trusted to be honest and tell the truth about anything? Does anyone other than the hardcore followers and trump cult still view him as having even a minimum of intellectual ability?
Trump seems to be saying exactly what most of America is saying.
Seriously, other than his most diehard fans does anyone really care about what trump has to say? Does anyone still believe he can be trusted to be honest and tell the truth about anything? Does anyone other than the hardcore followers and trump cult still view him as having even a minimum of intellectual ability?

I care that he beat the Hag & Co.
Nobody was more die hard than Hussein fans. If you said anything bad about Obama you could have been thrown in jail but today H'wood celebs get away with threatening President Trump's life. The media quickly forgot about a guy named James Hodgkinson who tried to murder every republican on a baseball team just a couple of months ago. No president in history has been disrespected by the angry incoherent losing party more than Trump. Look what they did to the guy who made the obscure you tube video that nobody saw. I think he is still doing time because it was convenient to blame Benghazi on him. Hussein's people put Dinesh D'Souza in jail on a trumped up (pardon the pun) charge because he spoke out against the Hussein regime.
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Seriously, other than his most diehard fans does anyone really care about what trump has to say? Does anyone still believe he can be trusted to be honest and tell the truth about anything? Does anyone other than the hardcore followers and trump cult still view him as having even a minimum of intellectual ability?
If you don't care what he says, you should get prepared for what will happen to you.
You know who cares what the President says...

He does ...


And that is NEVER gonna stop being hilarious.
Seriously, other than his most diehard fans does anyone really care about what trump has to say? Does anyone still believe he can be trusted to be honest and tell the truth about anything? Does anyone other than the hardcore followers and trump cult still view him as having even a minimum of intellectual ability?
Trump seems to be saying exactly what most of America is saying.
Trump puts his finger on the exact bump that itches Americans. That's how he got, and remains, so popular.

Liberal social activists are destroying their own institutions. Whether its universities with declining enrollment or empty sports stadiums, it's the same story.
Seriously, other than his most diehard fans does anyone really care about what trump has to say? Does anyone still believe he can be trusted to be honest and tell the truth about anything? Does anyone other than the hardcore followers and trump cult still view him as having even a minimum of intellectual ability?
Trump seems to be saying exactly what most of America is saying.
Trump puts his finger on the exact bump that itches Americans. That's how he got, and remains, so popular.

Liberal social activists are destroying their own institutions. Whether its universities with declining enrollment or empty sports stadiums, it's the same story.
And they will keep doing it because they are stupid. Rock hard dehydrated stupid. Quasar stupid.
I think he's hit a nerve with the NFL.

And just wait until the folks read that those players in London kneeled for the
National Anthem and STOOD for "God Save the Queen."

Talk about striking a nerve. The perception has always been that Blacks are not
the brightest folks on the block. It is refreshing to see them feed that stereotype.
Not that this will surprise any of our leftist nitwits but by next week at this time, most of the NFL teams will tell their coaches to either stop this shit or look for a new gig. Trump has ESP, not ESPN.
Predictable responses from the cult, but no real challenges to the premise of the OP. Few but the cult believe trump or care about the trash talk that comes out of his mouth. 60% disapproval rating.

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