Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Interview with Pamla Olson, Author of Fast Times in Palestine

And once again you pass of islamonazi pallywood productions as facts and reality. Ask someone else about the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians and they will tell you they are the most surly, violent and intractable group on this planet.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... is this lame-ass sorry excuse for a thread still going?
Who are the Pal'istanians?

Hitler Youth wannabes.

Palestinian scout instructor praised murderer of 3: Follow his path - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian scout instructor glorified murderer of 3
at course named after murderer Baha Alyan,
held by the Palestinian Scout Association:

“Baha remains among us, he remains in our hearts,
and emphasizes to you that 250,000 scouts and guides
in the Palestinian Scout Association are Baha!
And if Allah wills it, they are following Baha’s path”

“Symbolic funerals” held for the murderer
by two commissions
of the Palestinian Scout Association

Who are the Pal'istanians?

Lawrence Solomon: The UN’s refugee welfare racket

Lawrence Solomon: The UN’s refugee welfare racket

In UNRWA’s books, a refugee can be just about anyone who wants to be one

In the West, it’s known as welfare fraud. In the Palestinian Territories, it’s called refugee relief. In both places, the fraud can become a way of life, seen as an entitlement that children and then grandchildren adopt. Only in the Palestinian Territories, though, does the welfare agency see its goal as putting more people on welfare and keeping them there, the better to keep “the Palestinian refugee crisis” alive.

That welfare agency is called the United Nations Relief and Aid Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or UNRWA as it’s commonly known. UNRWA doesn’t focus its efforts on resettling Palestinian refugees in foreign countries that would welcome them, as might be expected of a refugee agency, or even on resettling them in their own homeland when possible.
Post 9/11, we understand that Moslems came back to finish the attack they largely failed at in 1993.

Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Knives, Car Used in Attacks as Violence Against Israelis Flares

Violence against Israelis flared in the West Bank and Jerusalem on Friday with attacks involving knives and a car-ramming.

Multiple attacks on a single day have become less common in recent months, making the three on Friday unusual. In the first assault, a Jordanian man tried to stab police officers at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said in a text message. The attacker was shot and killed, he said.

Hours later, Palestinian assailants rammed a vehicle into a bus stop at a junction near the Kiryat Arba settlement in the West Bank, wounding three Israeli civilians, the military said.

Soldiers fired at the vehicle, killing one of the attackers and wounding the other, it said in a statement. A knife was found in the vehicle, it said.

In late afternoon, a Palestinian man armed with a knife stabbed an Israeli soldier, and was shot to death by troops at the scene, the military said.

Lovely, lovely folks those Death Cult Pal'istanians.
Actually, it's the Arabs-Moslems (and the rabid Jew haters), who seek to stifle free speech.

Actually, it's the Arabs-Moslems (and the rabid Jew haters), who seek to stifle free speech.

And 100% protected freedom of speech.

Nice piece of deflection though, bringing up all these issues that have nothing to do with Palestine.
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