Who are the Nazi's of the today?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I have considered this every time I read something where another is claiming, "Their Nazi's".

Who would you say is actually has a Nazi mentality?

I have my own thoughts on this but, I'd like to hear from both sides who they think act like Nazi's and why you think that?
you see anyone murdering 11 million people?

if not, the answer is no one.

This. And the number of times that Hitler and his elk are invoked to make a political statement is a disgusting insult to those who died.
you see anyone murdering 11 million people?

if not, the answer is no one.
I'm looking into that. If murder is committed in a manner unseen by the world would that suffice for your definition?
you see anyone murdering 11 million people?

if not, the answer is no one.

This. And the number of times that Hitler and his elk are invoked to make a political statement is a disgusting insult to those who died.
I disagree with you.

It is a vital part of history for everyone to reflect on and look at the propaganda that was used while the world stood by and millions were destroyed or maimed in the quest for a supposedly superior race of people.

To me when I see people say things like this it invokes thoughts of people that followed and assisted Hitler's quest to conquer humanity.
Spay or neuter the three year old.
I disagree with you.

It is a vital part of history for everyone to reflect on and look at the propaganda that was used while the world stood by and millions were destroyed or maimed in the quest for a supposedly superior race of people.

Sure, it is a vital part of history to look back and reflect. However, to compare every bullshit politician statement that is likely twisted into something else cheapens the death of 11 million people and the scores of others who died fighting for freedom.
you see anyone murdering 11 million people?

if not, the answer is no one.

This. And the number of times that Hitler and his elk are invoked to make a political statement is a disgusting insult to those who died.
I disagree with you.

It is a vital part of history for everyone to reflect on and look at the propaganda that was used while the world stood by and millions were destroyed or maimed in the quest for a supposedly superior race of people.

To me when I see people say things like this it invokes thoughts of people that followed and assisted Hitler's quest to conquer humanity.
Spay or neuter the three year old.

First of all, Douger's quote looks like a poor attempt at humor, not an expression of opinion.

Every comparison between a current leader or faction and "Hitler" or "Nazis" is always fueled by hyperbole - in fact, a piece of "propaganda" itself. And just like almost all propaganda, it's at least partially true. Obama is just like Hitler - in the sense that he speaks well. Bush is just like Hitler - in the sense that he worked to consolidate power in his administration. Except neither killed 11 million people.

And it's pretty bad taste, don't you think? To piss on the memories of all the dead (including members of my family) for a cheap political point?
I found today's Nazi's;

American Nazi Party

from the site:

Who we are
Racial Greetings White Brothers and Sisters!

The American Nazi Party is a Political-Educational Association, dedicated to the 14 WORDS. We are committed to bringing American National Socialism, first created and embodied by our late Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, out of the past Phase One activities which at the time served their purpose well, and into the 21st Century.

Although National Socialism encompasses many various issues of concern to Aryan Americans, including a healthy environment, children's welfare, and freedom of belief without fear of System persecution...the two main tenants of National Socialism embodies the Struggle for Aryan Racial survival, and Social Justice for White Working Class people throughout our land.

As Aryan Revolutionaries, we recognize the fact that behaving in the manner of past activities, little progress has been achieved for our Cause. That is why we have taken a new direction. In the American Nazi Party, you will find no uniforms or ranks, we do not engage in publicly exposing our Comrades to undo publicity through pointless and dangerous Rallies or Marches. We instead stress Small Cell, and Individual Activism as the path for which to build our Movement, as securely and in a responsible manner as possible.

We are looking for Men and Women, who are willing to sacrifice for the Good of the Folk, not people who are looking for aggrandizement, titillation, or simply causing undirected and useless mayhem. This is not a game or a gang.

It is a very serious Struggle that we are involved in for the very existence of our White Nation of people. Those who are simply intent on pranks or causing trouble should perhaps look elsewhere for stimulation.

If you are interested in learning more about the American Nazi Party, we suggest writing to our National Headquarters and requesting an Info Pack.

Please enclose a $5 donation to cover costs. This information will be relayed to you as quickly as possible.

Each of us must decide just how far we will let the situation in America deteriorate, before we decide to take action to correct it. If you have had enough, and are willing to join the ranks of your ancestors who forged this land from a wilderness teeming with savages, and to keep it from returning to that state, we urge you to become involved. For your children's sake, if not for your own. For White WORKER Power!

Rocky J. Suhayda - Chairman, American Nazi Party
[email protected]

Download Adolf Hitler's masterpiece Mein Kampf HERE.

There you have them, Nazi's!
you see anyone murdering 11 million people?

if not, the answer is no one.
Is that your criteria for what defines a nazi?

OK, so what defines a Nazi?

One must be a supporter of a dictatorship or be a dictator.
One must invade other countries for no other reason than conquest.
One must gather the members of a minority into concentration camps and eventually kill them.
One must control the population with propaganda, internal surveillance, and by turning neighbor against neighbor.

That would describe NO-ONE in American government, ever.
Throwing "Nazi" around like any other garden variety insult doesn't just piss on the memories of the dead, it also makes us forget what the face of pure evil looks like. It's important we remember these people not as some cheapened political theater but as exactly what they were - evil, greedy, twisted and murderous beyond description. Not just your garden variety asshole politician. NEVER AGAIN.
Throwing "Nazi" around like any other garden variety insult doesn't just piss on the memories of the dead, it also makes us forget what the face of pure evil looks like. It's important we remember these people not as some cheapened political theater but as exactly what they were - evil, greedy, twisted and murderous beyond description. Not just your garden variety asshole politician. NEVER AGAIN.


I'd recommend The Twilight Zone Episode "Deaths-Head revisited" for anyone who hasn't seen it. Rod Serling could always write a chilling but effective story.

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