White America Has Lost Its Mind

I still want an answer: How am I racist for suggesting that Southerners get riled and oversensitive when someone makes fun of their Southernness? For suggesting that racism still exists in a place where it has historically existed, and that the South is in denial?

All this talk of Black people being oversensitive, but when I use an example that involves a group of White people, I get attacked post after post and accused of being a racist for even suggesting it. Why are Black people the focal point of this notion of oversensitivity to criticism? Isn't just as bad that when push comes to shove a lot of White people will cry "racism?"

I don't think you are racist for saying that about southerners. I think you are completely ignorant.
I still want an answer: How am I racist for suggesting that Southerners get riled and oversensitive when someone makes fun of their Southernness? For suggesting that racism still exists in a place where it has historically existed, and that the South is in denial?

All this talk of Black people being oversensitive, but when I use an example that involves a group of White people, I get attacked post after post and accused of being a racist for even suggesting it. Why are Black people the focal point of this notion of oversensitivity to criticism? Isn't just as bad that when push comes to shove a lot of White people will cry "racism?"

I don't think you are racist for saying that about southerners. I think you are completely ignorant.

I will use your hypothesis whenever any ignoramus makes a claim that blacks are over-sensitive about racism, because you have proven my point. Instead of arguing why I am wrong, you just attack with an ad hominem. If you think I am mistaken, you should state why with a valid argument.
I still want an answer: How am I racist for suggesting that Southerners get riled and oversensitive when someone makes fun of their Southernness? For suggesting that racism still exists in a place where it has historically existed, and that the South is in denial?

All this talk of Black people being oversensitive, but when I use an example that involves a group of White people, I get attacked post after post and accused of being a racist for even suggesting it. Why are Black people the focal point of this notion of oversensitivity to criticism? Isn't just as bad that when push comes to shove a lot of White people will cry "racism?"

I don't think you are racist for saying that about southerners. I think you are completely ignorant.

I will use your hypothesis whenever any ignoramus makes a claim that blacks are over-sensitive about racism, because you have proven my point. Instead of arguing why I am wrong, you just attack with an ad hominem. If you think I am mistaken, you should state why with a valid argument.

Says who? You? Guess what? I am a grown up. I can decide for myself what I will or will not post. :)
I can't help it if you are ignorant...your problem..not mine sugah.
I don't think you are racist for saying that about southerners. I think you are completely ignorant.

I will use your hypothesis whenever any ignoramus makes a claim that blacks are over-sensitive about racism, because you have proven my point. Instead of arguing why I am wrong, you just attack with an ad hominem. If you think I am mistaken, you should state why with a valid argument.

Says who? You? Guess what? I am a grown up. I can decide for myself what I will or will not post. :)
I can't help it if you are ignorant...your problem..not mine sugah.

That is not a response. That is a deflection. More to the point, it proves my point with your predictable reaction to the South being criticized.:lol:
I will use your hypothesis whenever any ignoramus makes a claim that blacks are over-sensitive about racism, because you have proven my point. Instead of arguing why I am wrong, you just attack with an ad hominem. If you think I am mistaken, you should state why with a valid argument.

Says who? You? Guess what? I am a grown up. I can decide for myself what I will or will not post. :)
I can't help it if you are ignorant...your problem..not mine sugah.

That is not a response. That is a deflection. More to the point, it proves my point with your predictable reaction to the South being criticized.:lol:

Newp. It proves your predictability. You know you are wrong. You know you have no clue what you are talking about, but just won't own up.
The bolded is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have read in a long time. I know for a FACT the right criticized Bush. I am on the right...and know hundreds online alone which are, and we ALL criticized him. Sheesh Rin.

Sheesh, Kat!!! :lol: I really have to say that I firmly believe what I said. I think Bush got away with a lot. For some reason, the right does not take their own to task. It's like every single thing Obama does is criticized. Bush could have stolen every piece of Halloween candy from the trick or treaters in Crawford, and some excuse would have been made. That is really what I have observed.

With all due respect Rin, you happen to be wrong. There are people on this very forum that I have talked with even privately, that have taken Bush to task MANY times.
The right as a general rule are conservative. We ALL know Bush was/is not. I promise you I have absolutely no reason to lie, and I am telling you ''we'' had plenty to say about Bush.
I don't know any person on the right that I have read or spoken to about Bush, that was not very disappointed in him.
He was criticized by the right for his spending.
He was criticized by the right over his doing nothing about our borders.
I could go on..

I don't think I would compare you to the people I am talking about. You appear to be very reasonable, while others on this site do not. Another exception is Lumpy. In any case, I thank you for being so honest, and especially, for being cordial.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Actually, nor do I. Bass isn't racist. He rocks the racial boat - that is not racism. That is about making people confront race. That's not a bad thing and we should not be afraid of it. In my opinion, Charlie has seen the ugly face of racism up front and personal and that impact on how he views the world. I haven't, and that impacts on my view. Unless you have walked in the shoes of a minority, I doubt that any of us can truly understand it. However, we can work to understand it, and ensure that we - and the generations that come after us - are better people.

That is why I dislike the Democrats attitude to race - because they constantly use race as a weapon against opponents. That is disgraceful, in my opinion. Treating minorities as a 'pet project' is disgraceful. We should work to get past this whole concept of 'minorities' and 'black communities' or any other dividing ideology and see people as Americans.

Thanks for the first paragraph!

Second paragraph, that will never happen, as long as people have eyes they will divide ppl into groups i.e. black, white, fat, skinny, tall, short etc. It's nice to think that world will ever exist but you have to know that it will not. No one ever says that identifying Italians from the Scots is divisive...Or the Irish from the Jews is divisive. The only time the word divisive comes up is when talking about blacks and whites.

I never hear anyone use them as an example of divisiveness...Why?
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Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Maybe because I'm not a racist and you're just oversensitive to any discussions on race that involve saying whites are wrong.

You are one of the biggest racists on this board. With almost every issue you talk about is about whats wrong with "whites."

You're obsessed with race and then somehow think you are better than other people obsessed with race. Race doesn't matter a hill of beans. Get over it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Actually, nor do I. Bass isn't racist. He rocks the racial boat - that is not racism. That is about making people confront race. That's not a bad thing and we should not be afraid of it. In my opinion, Charlie has seen the ugly face of racism up front and personal and that impact on how he views the world. I haven't, and that impacts on my view. Unless you have walked in the shoes of a minority, I doubt that any of us can truly understand it. However, we can work to understand it, and ensure that we - and the generations that come after us - are better people.

That is why I dislike the Democrats attitude to race - because they constantly use race as a weapon against opponents. That is disgraceful, in my opinion. Treating minorities as a 'pet project' is disgraceful. We should work to get past this whole concept of 'minorities' and 'black communities' or any other dividing ideology and see people as Americans.

Thanks for the first paragraph!

Second paragraph, that will never happen, as long as people have eyes they will divide ppl into groups i.e. black, white, fat, skinny, tall, short etc. It's nice to think that world will ever exist but you have to know that it will not. No one ever says that identifying Italians from the Scots is divisive...Or the Irish from the Jews is divisive. The only time the word divisive comes up is when talking about blacks and whites.

I never hear anyone use them as an example of divisiveness...Why?

pssst...California Girl....deja vu all over again?
Sheesh, Kat!!! :lol: I really have to say that I firmly believe what I said. I think Bush got away with a lot. For some reason, the right does not take their own to task. It's like every single thing Obama does is criticized. Bush could have stolen every piece of Halloween candy from the trick or treaters in Crawford, and some excuse would have been made. That is really what I have observed.

With all due respect Rin, you happen to be wrong. There are people on this very forum that I have talked with even privately, that have taken Bush to task MANY times.
The right as a general rule are conservative. We ALL know Bush was/is not. I promise you I have absolutely no reason to lie, and I am telling you ''we'' had plenty to say about Bush.
I don't know any person on the right that I have read or spoken to about Bush, that was not very disappointed in him.
He was criticized by the right for his spending.
He was criticized by the right over his doing nothing about our borders.
I could go on..

I don't think I would compare you to the people I am talking about. You appear to be very reasonable, while others on this site do not. Another exception is Lumpy. In any case, I thank you for being so honest, and especially, for being cordial.

Sh*t. I just typed out a detailed commentary on this and it vanished into thin air and I couldn't recapture it. So here goes again.

Kat is right about most of the folks on the right being disappointed with President Bush who did some good things but did other things ineffectively or wrongly. We hated his Senior Prescription Bill. We were angry when he sided with the environmental wackos re global warming. We were pretty well split on One Child Left Behind, frustrated with his incompetent prosecution of the war, frustrated with his inability to rein in a spendthrift GOP majority in Congress. We were angry with his failure to push serious immigration reform that did not include amnesty for illegals already here (which in my opinion is why it never got off the ground at all.)

When (the rhetorical) we hang out with like minded folks and listen/read mostly those who are also like minded, our perspecitive can be severely skewed to one point of view rendering us incapable of seeing or appreciating any other as having any merit whatsoever.

I think that is true of political figures, parties, or ideologies.

And I think it is true of racism. Those who refuse to even look at, much less consider and or discuss any other point of view than what they have been conditioned to believe are generally going to hold some strong prejudices and are going to get at least some of it wrong.

My own work, neighborhood, church, family, and social circles are so racially, poliitically, ecumenically, and socioeconomically diverse, that I get all sides. Makes my head swim sometimes, but I think it is a healthy thing.

So bottom line, racial prejudices and disparities still exist, but there are any number of explanations and reasons for that and any number of opinions on what will correct that. The discussion about race should include them all, and just accusing or drawing incorrect assumptions or blaming people only aggravates the problems.

Also I believe there are people who do not want us to have the discussion at all, and who actively seek to ensure that the injustices and disparities continue. And I think they do this because they do it to increase their own influence, power, prestige, and personal fortunes. And I think that is evil.
With all due respect Rin, you happen to be wrong. There are people on this very forum that I have talked with even privately, that have taken Bush to task MANY times.
The right as a general rule are conservative. We ALL know Bush was/is not. I promise you I have absolutely no reason to lie, and I am telling you ''we'' had plenty to say about Bush.
I don't know any person on the right that I have read or spoken to about Bush, that was not very disappointed in him.
He was criticized by the right for his spending.
He was criticized by the right over his doing nothing about our borders.
I could go on..

I don't think I would compare you to the people I am talking about. You appear to be very reasonable, while others on this site do not. Another exception is Lumpy. In any case, I thank you for being so honest, and especially, for being cordial.

Sh*t. I just typed out a detailed commentary on this and it vanished into thin air and I couldn't recapture it. So here goes again.

Kat is right about most of the folks on the right being disappointed with President Bush who did some good things but did other things ineffectively or wrongly. We hated his Senior Prescription Bill. We were angry when he sided with the environmental wackos re global warming. We were pretty well split on One Child Left Behind, frustrated with his incompetent prosecution of the war, frustrated with his inability to rein in a spendthrift GOP majority in Congress. We were angry with his failure to push serious immigration reform that did not include amnesty for illegals already here (which in my opinion is why it never got off the ground at all.)

When (the rhetorical) we hang out with like minded folks and listen/read mostly those who are also like minded, our perspecitive can be severely skewed to one point of view rendering us incapable of seeing or appreciating any other as having any merit whatsoever.

I think that is true of political figures, parties, or ideologies.

And I think it is true of racism. Those who refuse to even look at, much less consider and or discuss any other point of view than what they have been conditioned to believe are generally going to hold some strong prejudices and are going to get at least some of it wrong.

My own work, neighborhood, church, family, and social circles are so racially, poliitically, ecumenically, and socioeconomically diverse, that I get all sides. Makes my head swim sometimes, but I think it is a healthy thing.

So bottom line, racial prejudices and disparities still exist, but there are any number of explanations and reasons for that and any number of opinions on what will correct that. The discussion about race should include them all, and just accusing or drawing incorrect assumptions or blaming people only aggravates the problems.

Also I believe there are people who do not want us to have the discussion at all, and who actively seek to ensure that the injustices and disparities continue. And I think they do this because they do it to increase their own influence, power, prestige, and personal fortunes. And I think that is evil.

I agree completely. But I have to say that I don't have the slightest idea how to change it. I've only tried to live my life in a good way and treat all people with dignity and respect. I have fallen short more than once, but I think it's the best way we can try to change things.

In any case, we don't have control over anybody's actions but our own. If our neighbor does not feel the same, I really don't know what can be done. I know it's going to take someone a lot smarter than I am.
I agree completely. But I have to say that I don't have the slightest idea how to change it. I've only tried to live my life in a good way and treat all people with dignity and respect. I have fallen short more than once, but I think it's the best way we can try to change things.

In any case, we don't have control over anybody's actions but our own. If our neighbor does not feel the same, I really don't know what can be done. I know it's going to take someone a lot smarter than I am.

We do not have any control over our neighbor's attitudes, I agree. I disagree that we have no control over the sociopolitical and socioeconomic policies that result in injustices and perpetuate disparities that would not otherwise exist. If we do not have the conversation and than convert the truths we learn to public policy, we will likely continue to lose whole generations of kids, doom more societies to chronic unemployment and substandard education and living, and people will continue to enhance their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes by perpetuating that. Or they will continue to do it out of ignorance.

I say what we have done for the last fifty years has not worked, has not helped, and is making it worse. I want to have the conversation so we can stop doing what doesn't work, doesn't help, and makes it worse.
I don't think I would compare you to the people I am talking about. You appear to be very reasonable, while others on this site do not. Another exception is Lumpy. In any case, I thank you for being so honest, and especially, for being cordial.

Sh*t. I just typed out a detailed commentary on this and it vanished into thin air and I couldn't recapture it. So here goes again.

Kat is right about most of the folks on the right being disappointed with President Bush who did some good things but did other things ineffectively or wrongly. We hated his Senior Prescription Bill. We were angry when he sided with the environmental wackos re global warming. We were pretty well split on One Child Left Behind, frustrated with his incompetent prosecution of the war, frustrated with his inability to rein in a spendthrift GOP majority in Congress. We were angry with his failure to push serious immigration reform that did not include amnesty for illegals already here (which in my opinion is why it never got off the ground at all.)

When (the rhetorical) we hang out with like minded folks and listen/read mostly those who are also like minded, our perspecitive can be severely skewed to one point of view rendering us incapable of seeing or appreciating any other as having any merit whatsoever.

I think that is true of political figures, parties, or ideologies.

And I think it is true of racism. Those who refuse to even look at, much less consider and or discuss any other point of view than what they have been conditioned to believe are generally going to hold some strong prejudices and are going to get at least some of it wrong.

My own work, neighborhood, church, family, and social circles are so racially, poliitically, ecumenically, and socioeconomically diverse, that I get all sides. Makes my head swim sometimes, but I think it is a healthy thing.

So bottom line, racial prejudices and disparities still exist, but there are any number of explanations and reasons for that and any number of opinions on what will correct that. The discussion about race should include them all, and just accusing or drawing incorrect assumptions or blaming people only aggravates the problems.

Also I believe there are people who do not want us to have the discussion at all, and who actively seek to ensure that the injustices and disparities continue. And I think they do this because they do it to increase their own influence, power, prestige, and personal fortunes. And I think that is evil.

I agree completely. But I have to say that I don't have the slightest idea how to change it. I've only tried to live my life in a good way and treat all people with dignity and respect. I have fallen short more than once, but I think it's the best way we can try to change things.

In any case, we don't have control over anybody's actions but our own. If our neighbor does not feel the same, I really don't know what can be done. I know it's going to take someone a lot smarter than I am.

You're a nasty mouthed bitch. You treat 'all people with dignity and respect'? Oh, really? Remind me again.... what was it you said about my deceased fiance? Was that respectful? Was your other comment - the crack about me still being in mourning? Was that respectful? Like fuck it was, you fat assed lying bitch. You're a joke. :lol::lol:

And, for your second paragraph.... a fucking brick is smarter than you.
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Maybe because I'm not a racist and you're just oversensitive to any discussions on race that involve saying whites are wrong.

You are one of the biggest racists on this board. With almost every issue you talk about is about whats wrong with "whites."

You're obsessed with race and then somehow think you are better than other people obsessed with race. Race doesn't matter a hill of beans. Get over it.

calling me racist ad-naseum isn't going to make it true jackass.
Maybe because I'm not a racist and you're just oversensitive to any discussions on race that involve saying whites are wrong.

You are one of the biggest racists on this board. With almost every issue you talk about is about whats wrong with "whites."

You're obsessed with race and then somehow think you are better than other people obsessed with race. Race doesn't matter a hill of beans. Get over it.

calling me racist ad-naseum isn't going to make it true jackass.

No. However, you constantly starting threads on race does.
Sh*t. I just typed out a detailed commentary on this and it vanished into thin air and I couldn't recapture it. So here goes again.

Kat is right about most of the folks on the right being disappointed with President Bush who did some good things but did other things ineffectively or wrongly. We hated his Senior Prescription Bill. We were angry when he sided with the environmental wackos re global warming. We were pretty well split on One Child Left Behind, frustrated with his incompetent prosecution of the war, frustrated with his inability to rein in a spendthrift GOP majority in Congress. We were angry with his failure to push serious immigration reform that did not include amnesty for illegals already here (which in my opinion is why it never got off the ground at all.)

When (the rhetorical) we hang out with like minded folks and listen/read mostly those who are also like minded, our perspecitive can be severely skewed to one point of view rendering us incapable of seeing or appreciating any other as having any merit whatsoever.

I think that is true of political figures, parties, or ideologies.

And I think it is true of racism. Those who refuse to even look at, much less consider and or discuss any other point of view than what they have been conditioned to believe are generally going to hold some strong prejudices and are going to get at least some of it wrong.

My own work, neighborhood, church, family, and social circles are so racially, poliitically, ecumenically, and socioeconomically diverse, that I get all sides. Makes my head swim sometimes, but I think it is a healthy thing.

So bottom line, racial prejudices and disparities still exist, but there are any number of explanations and reasons for that and any number of opinions on what will correct that. The discussion about race should include them all, and just accusing or drawing incorrect assumptions or blaming people only aggravates the problems.

Also I believe there are people who do not want us to have the discussion at all, and who actively seek to ensure that the injustices and disparities continue. And I think they do this because they do it to increase their own influence, power, prestige, and personal fortunes. And I think that is evil.

I agree completely. But I have to say that I don't have the slightest idea how to change it. I've only tried to live my life in a good way and treat all people with dignity and respect. I have fallen short more than once, but I think it's the best way we can try to change things.

In any case, we don't have control over anybody's actions but our own. If our neighbor does not feel the same, I really don't know what can be done. I know it's going to take someone a lot smarter than I am.

You're a nasty mouthed bitch. You treat 'all people with dignity and respect'? Oh, really? Remind me again.... what was it you said about my deceased fiance? Was that respectful? Was your other comment - the crack about me still being in mourning? Was that respectful? Like fuck it was, you fat assed lying bitch. You're a joke. :lol::lol:

And, for your second paragraph.... a fucking brick is smarter than you.

There is really something wrong with you. You really need help.
I agree completely. But I have to say that I don't have the slightest idea how to change it. I've only tried to live my life in a good way and treat all people with dignity and respect. I have fallen short more than once, but I think it's the best way we can try to change things.

In any case, we don't have control over anybody's actions but our own. If our neighbor does not feel the same, I really don't know what can be done. I know it's going to take someone a lot smarter than I am.

You're a nasty mouthed bitch. You treat 'all people with dignity and respect'? Oh, really? Remind me again.... what was it you said about my deceased fiance? Was that respectful? Was your other comment - the crack about me still being in mourning? Was that respectful? Like fuck it was, you fat assed lying bitch. You're a joke. :lol::lol:

And, for your second paragraph.... a fucking brick is smarter than you.

There is really something wrong with you. You really need help.

Sweet of you to care. Worry about your own messed up mentality, fatso.
You are one of the biggest racists on this board. With almost every issue you talk about is about whats wrong with "whites."

You're obsessed with race and then somehow think you are better than other people obsessed with race. Race doesn't matter a hill of beans. Get over it.

calling me racist ad-naseum isn't going to make it true jackass.

No. However, you constantly starting threads on race does.

Discussing race makes one a racist???? Interesting gyration, I give you an 9.5 for level of difficulty. Too bad you fell on your ass on the landing, so you only get a 2 for execution.
I'll ask again, Why are blacks the only race expected to "just be american"? No one says that identifying yourself as Irish is divise or Jewish Organizations are racist. But for some strange reason blacks are wrong....

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