White America Has Lost Its Mind

I would state the obvious, that I articulated what I meant in plain English, but I imagine that is a tough concept for you to follow.:cuckoo:


I'm Afraid that YOU DON'T...and are stuck in some 1940's, 1950's, 1960's 70's timewarp...and SHOW your fucking idiocy.

Ozmar uses what I call 'excessive generalization' :)

I have friends I spend as little time with as possible because they are soooooo thin skinned that you can't say much of anything in a colorful way or poke good natured fun at all without them taking offense. It is pretty joyless and wearying to be around them.

There is a HUGE difference, however, between malicious stereoyping such as "all rednecks are racist" when it is intended as it is stated. That is as offensive to me as saying that "all black people like watermelon."

But, when it is said as teasing to illustrate the stereotype: "Well all rednecks are racist, doncha know" or "all black people like watermelon doncha know", I think no normal person would take any kind of offense at that. My own family is so multi racial and so religiously ecumenical and so politically diverse that we couldn't tell any jokes at all if anybody was thin skinned.

And as long as there are those who look for any word, inflection, nuance, illustration, or nuance to use as an excuse to scream RACIST!!!!!!, racism will remain very much alive and well in this country because there are people who are very interested in making sure that it does.

I think the OP was the kind of thing that does exactly that.

This Board tells me I am not allowed to REP you right now...Just as well...You have it anyway.

OZMAR is just being stupid and stereo typical...without a clue.

Good Post.

The only ones that make stupid generalizations are you fools. :cuckoo:

Florida isn't really the south, so I don't see why you're bitching.

But judging by your reactions, I rest my case you thin-skinned nitwits.

Since when? You are a fucking idiot.

Thin skinned how? Showing what a fucking Rascist piece of SHIT you are?
You have no clue...and operate in the Rascist Democrat/Statist mold.

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Thanks Ozmar. Since you seem to be out of ammunition other than personal insults and ad hominem, I'll happily take that as the evidence that my (and Mr T's) argument won the day. When you can't dispute the argument but attack the person making it, I figure I won. :)

Do have a great evening.

You began with the ad hominem, and I returned the favor. The fact that you would take such offense at any suggestion of sensitivity on the part of southerners proves I am correct. If it wasn't a big deal, you wouldn't have overreacted.:lol:
Are you kidding? Rednecks and Southerners take some of the biggest offense at stereotypes. They like to stereotype and laugh amongst themselves, but God forbid an outsider make fun of them. And then in the South, if a black makes fun of a white, the white person gets really up in arms like "how dare that uppity n*gger say that to me!"

There is a double standard. Southerners also hate and take huge offense to being made fun of by Yankees. Rednecks take offense to being made fun of by outsiders. There's a lot more to this dynamic than you readily admit.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I am a southerner..and all you say there would definitely be a lie.
Oh. And I am married to a Yankee....one that lives in the south with me..and loves it here.
Now I know you're not being truthful.:eusa_whistle:

You know nothing. And I don't lie. No reason to.

I'm Afraid that YOU DON'T...and are stuck in some 1940's, 1950's, 1960's 70's timewarp...and SHOW your fucking idiocy.

This Board tells me I am not allowed to REP you right now...Just as well...You have it anyway.

OZMAR is just being stupid and stereo typical...without a clue.

Good Post.

The only ones that make stupid generalizations are you fools. :cuckoo:

Florida isn't really the south, so I don't see why you're bitching.

But judging by your reactions, I rest my case you thin-skinned nitwits.

Since when? You are a fucking idiot.

Thin skinned how? Showing what a fucking Rascist piece of SHIT you are?
You have no clue...and operate in the Rascist Democrat/Statist mold.

Ad hominem. Southerners do not constitute a race, and I am not racist for simply stating that there are racists in the south. Enough with your ad hominem circular reasoning. Idiot. :lol::eusa_whistle:
Hmmm. Well I dunno Kat. It doesn't go quiiiiiiite as far south as Texas does. So I guess in his mind that makes it Yankeeland despite all those southern states that butt up against it. :)

Hmmm. Well I dunno Kat. It doesn't go quiiiiiiite as far south as Texas does. So I guess in his mind that makes it Yankeeland despite all those southern states that butt up against it. :)


LOL. Anybody have the patience to explain the definition of ad hominem to Ozmar? Naw. It's late. I've got a great movie to watch to put me to sleep.

Good night everybody.
Ad hominem- to the man. You shout out that I'm a racist, hoping to derail the original argument, which is that southerners can be every bit as oversensitive as the blacks you disparage. Judging by the reactions in this thread, I am correct.

As southerners do not constitute a race, I am not racist.
I don't this shit with Foxfyre, she thinks black people are keeping racism alive by talking about it and that the battle has already been won, she must not be a black person. She doesn't understand black people not a bit.
I just want to know how stating that Southerner's can be prejudiced, and are very sensitive when criticized by others about their Southernness is a racist statement. Furthermore, in a place like the South with its racial history, and many older folks who are still alive and were adamantly against integration and civil rights, how is it racist or disingenuous to state that there are still a lot of people in the South that will get very snappy at the idea of the Uppity Negro?

It's not like some magic wand erased all those old feelings.
And as long as there are those who look for any word, inflection, nuance, illustration, or imagery to use as an excuse to scream RACIST!!!!!!, racism will remain very much alive and well in this country because there are people who are very interested in making sure that it does

I think the OP was the kind of thing that does exactly that.


After only 19 pages, you've already concluded this?

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Cali spinster you don't need to be called racist as a group, yall make it painfully obvious when you open your ditzy piehole.

On the day you can actually provide evidence of racism from me, I'll listen. Until then, you are just another fucking moron who uses race because you ain't got game.

See, I wasn't the only one to know what you are.
Cali spinster you don't need to be called racist as a group, yall make it painfully obvious when you open your ditzy piehole.

On the day you can actually provide evidence of racism from me, I'll listen. Until then, you are just another fucking moron who uses race because you ain't got game.

See, I wasn't the only one to know what you are.

Yea, the borg operate as one. You're a fucking little moron, so is tailspin. Please do stick together - nice for you to have some company. You guys can wipe each other's drool.

FYI: Tailspin calls our military 'baby killers'. Yep, you two should get on great.
What's really silly is an expectation that a racial group, who've had the experience that African-Americans have had for almost 500 years in this country, are being thin skinned about racism, either real or perceived. The article shows the the idiotic statements of Ingram, and some expectation that all of a sudden blacks should just get over it. The idiocy of the use of the term "******" being OK, because some blacks use it, is further ignorance to understand the difference between a coping mechanism and a denigration of someone to being less than fully human.

Do people really believe that blacks today receive equal justice under the law? Equal opportunity in getting jobs and promotions? Economic parity, based on merit? How many times have you heard a white person claim that the only reason someone got a job was because they're black, instead of their skill. How can people have things both ways. The bullshit boogieman of affirmative action has become one of those subtle forms of bigotry.

Do people really not believe that things as subtle as having a slight Ebonics accent won't effect some apartment manger decide to tell someone that an apartment has already been rented, or some HR manager tell someone to just send a resume instead of coming in for an interview.

There was some solid research done at UofMD a few years back that demonstrated that a person having a black sounding name was less than three times as likely to be given an interview, when all other things were taken into consideration were made equal on a submitted resume. Study suggests bias against 'black' names on resumes | HR Magazine | Find Articles at BNET

So don't give me that bullshit that writing an article titled "White America Has Lost Its Mind" is in anyway equivalent to the racism, thankfully softer, that African-Americans have to live through every day. The people who need to lighten up aren't African-Americans, who coped in this article using humor, but white Americans.
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Yep. And it is manifested every time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

the NAACP is a black org that helps blacks. That isn't whiteys help. And govt help isn't whiteys help either. Unless govt is just white folks.
Yep. And it is manifested every time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

the NAACP is a black org that helps blacks. That isn't whiteys help. And govt help isn't whiteys help either. Unless govt is just white folks.

The NAACP helps America. It helps us come further to our stated ideals. For this they're often ridiculed by whites as being "racist." Go figure.
I don't this shit with Foxfyre, she thinks black people are keeping racism alive by talking about it and that the battle has already been won, she must not be a black person. She doesn't understand black people not a bit.

She believes in a world that will not ever exist. Ppl will always be catorgorized as long as we have eyes. Catagorizing ethnicity is racist in her eyes. Funny because that would mean saying one is fat and another is skinny isn't sizeist...or is it? Or tall from short isn't being a heightist...or is it?

She dreams of an impossible world and until all humans don't see skin color the world is wrong. It's an impossible goal but hey, we all can dream can't we?
LMAO at this gem:

Schlessinger almost immediately went to, "A lot of blacks voted for Obama simply 'cause he was half-black."

She told the caller not to "NAACP" her by taking her out of context.

She said "******" is fine to say because "black guys use it all the time."

She then wrote the caller off as having a "chip on [her] shoulder" and declared, "We've got a black man as president, and we have more complaining about racism than ever."

She told the caller that if "you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor" (i.e., you even question that your husband's white friends say "******" to you in your house), "don't marry out of your race."

The caller, Schlessinger thought, was suffering from "hypersensitivity—which is being bred by black activists." Her discomfort with the word "******," Schlessinger said, was just another "attempt to demonize whites hating blacks."

The reaction from white America, who clearly had not remembered to take their thorazine that morning, was overwhelming: Who, if not Laura Schlessinger, should say "******" with impunity?

Schlessinger announced on Larry King Live, however, that in order to "regain" her First Amendment rights of free speech, she would be canceling her show.

Constitutional experts are still trying to parse that one.

Yes, many white people have totally lost their minds.

Yes, many white people have totally lost their minds, and YOU are here to prove it!
I don't this shit with Foxfyre, she thinks black people are keeping racism alive by talking about it and that the battle has already been won, she must not be a black person. She doesn't understand black people not a bit.

She believes in a world that will not ever exist. Ppl will always be catorgorized as long as we have eyes. Catagorizing ethnicity is racist in her eyes. Funny because that would mean saying one is fat and another is skinny isn't sizeist...or is it? Or tall from short isn't being a heightist...or is it?

She dreams of an impossible world and until all humans don't see skin color the world is wrong. It's an impossible goal but hey, we all can dream can't we?

Just so you know, it is absolutely fucking moronic to talk about what another individual 'believes' or 'dreams'.

And, your last paragraph makes absolutely no fucking sense. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Just sayin'.
On the day you can actually provide evidence of racism from me, I'll listen. Until then, you are just another fucking moron who uses race because you ain't got game.

See, I wasn't the only one to know what you are.

Yea, the borg operate as one. You're a fucking little moron, so is tailspin. Please do stick together - nice for you to have some company. You guys can wipe each other's drool.

FYI: Tailspin calls our military 'baby killers'. Yep, you two should get on great.

Why can't you just shut up for one time in your life and admit you're wrong instead of making it your obsession to keep coming after me? I tried making with your stupid retarded ass but you had to keep it going and I can do this all day with you, you will not win.

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