When The Parents Go To Jail

Oh the Press is making Trump putting kids in cages their big new issue.
They did the same sort of smear tactic against Bush with hurricane Katrina.
My daughter at her Father's Day breakfast for me said how upset she was about kids being taken from their parents by Trump immigration policies. "Dad, how would you feel if I was taken away from you when we were only escaping persecution from a country?"

That's exactly how NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, el al of similar libtardness are reporting this "crisis" 24/7. I told her to quit watching liberal news outlets only and watch some Fox News for perspective and Truth.
Their "families" huhh... I like the point made by DarkFury about what happens to U or I when we go to jail leaving kids in the hands of the state.

Except his point is wrong. You don’t lose your kids for jaywalking.

No one said anything about jaywalking that I can see, certainly not DarkFury so why are you making that point? Let's just assume it's a crime warranting the arrest of a US citizen and move on with the discussion.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
If your child was separated from you by a kidnapper would you be thrilled when she was returned to him?

Agree...the Trump Administration is acting in the role of a kidnspper using the child as a means to extort the mother into giving up her rights and self deporting.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
If your child was separated from you by a kidnapper would you be thrilled when she was returned to him?

Agree...the Trump Administration is acting in the role of a kidnspper using the child as a means to extort the mother into giving up her rights and self deporting.

Prove he's the mother.

I know all about this. I know dozens of people who have made the trip or sent their children. I know of many who died, and personally knew 2 who were killed.

Tell me how it goes, again.
Oh the Press is making Trump putting kids in cages their big new issue.
They did the same sort of smear tactic against Bush with hurricane Katrina.
My daughter at her Father's Day breakfast for me said how upset she was about kids being taken from their parents by Trump immigration policies. "Dad, how would you feel if I was taken away from you when we were only escaping persecution from a country?"

That's exactly how NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, el al of similar libtardness are reporting this "crisis" 24/7. I told her to quit watching liberal news outlets only and watch some Fox News for perspective and Truth.
Their "families" huhh... I like the point made by DarkFury about what happens to U or I when we go to jail leaving kids in the hands of the state.

Except his point is wrong. You don’t lose your kids for jaywalking.

No one said anything about jaywalking that I can see, certainly not DarkFury so why are you making that point? Let's just assume it's a crime warranting the arrest of a US citizen and move on with the discussion.

Illegal entry into the US is a misdeamenor comparable to jay walking or trespassing. You can make a choice as to whether to prosecute criminally or civilly. It is in line with many minor crimes where parents would be put under electronic restrictions. There children are most certainly not removed 100% of the time.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
If your child was separated from you by a kidnapper would you be thrilled when she was returned to him?

Agree...the Trump Administration is acting in the role of a kidnspper using the child as a means to extort the mother into giving up her rights and self deporting.
WOW... that is a fantastical leap U are making, flying in the face of established law enforcement protocol stemming back to the Roman Empire or before...Certainly in the American colonies from well before 1776.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. It IS THE POINT. Have you not been reading the statements made by Kelly, Sessions and Trump? 100 % seperation is a policy designed to act as a deterrent, not a by product
This latest load of liberal crapola is liberals INSISTING the children of ILLEGALS be released to their parents. But THEIR parents ARE IN JAIL. So who do you release them to liberals? The nearest American CITIZEN relative? They ALREADY do that. The nearest ILLEGAL relative? Can't do that. Orphanage? Possible but you idiots complain.

When a AMERICAN CITIZEN goes to prison nobody stands up and says "You can't because they have kids"... When a AMERICAN CITIZEN goes to prison and has kids if there is NO LEGAL family the kids go into state care. In this case those kids should be shipped BACK to Mexico for Mexican state care.

Now I myself am sorry those kids are in those makeshift orphanages. But the ILLEGAL action of their parents put them there. Not me Not Trump THEY DID. IF you get caught in a drug bust WITH your child YOU go to jail and THEY go to juvie until a FAMILY MEMBER picks them up. We SHOULD be busing those kids BACK to Meico DAILY because that IS where family IS and where THEIR government IS.

^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
Try saying something original and of intelligent importance.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. It IS THE POINT. Have you not been reading the statements made by Kelly, Sessions and Trump? 100 % seperation is a policy designed to act as a deterrent, not a by product
It is a deterrent. If the coyotes don't deliver they don't get paid.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
If your child was separated from you by a kidnapper would you be thrilled when she was returned to him?

Agree...the Trump Administration is acting in the role of a kidnspper using the child as a means to extort the mother into giving up her rights and self deporting.
WOW... that is a fantastical leap U are making, flying in the face of established law enforcement protocol stemming back to the Roman Empire or before...Certainly in the American colonies from well before 1776.
Actually no....they are using reunification with the children as a means of pressuring the mothers to quickly give up their claims to asylum and self deport in hopes of reunification.
Oh the Press is making Trump putting kids in cages their big new issue.
They did the same sort of smear tactic against Bush with hurricane Katrina.
My daughter at her Father's Day breakfast for me said how upset she was about kids being taken from their parents by Trump immigration policies. "Dad, how would you feel if I was taken away from you when we were only escaping persecution from a country?"

That's exactly how NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, el al of similar libtardness are reporting this "crisis" 24/7. I told her to quit watching liberal news outlets only and watch some Fox News for perspective and Truth.
Their "families" huhh... I like the point made by DarkFury about what happens to U or I when we go to jail leaving kids in the hands of the state.

Except his point is wrong. You don’t lose your kids for jaywalking.

No one said anything about jaywalking that I can see, certainly not DarkFury so why are you making that point? Let's just assume it's a crime warranting the arrest of a US citizen and move on with the discussion.

Illegal entry into the US is a misdeamenor comparable to jay walking or trespassing. You can make a choice as to whether to prosecute criminally or civilly. It is in line with many minor crimes where parents would be put under electronic restrictions. There children are most certainly not removed 100% of the time.

Hold on there, Illegals entering the US do not have the full gamut of Constitutional protections under the law!
The problem is that pbo administration practiced a "protocol" during their reign of power called "catch and release"... New POTUS comes along and starts enforcing the real laws that were passed in 1996 by the Clinton Admin...

This as lead to hard feelings... Tuff shit...

Catch and release is the unofficial name of a protocol that has been followed by immigration enforcement agencies in the United States (specifically, by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection), under which people caught in unlawful immigration status are released while they wait for a hearing with an ...
Catch and release (U.S. immigration policy) - Wikipedia

On September 30, 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act into law. Before the law was passed in Congress, two sets of immigration bills had been considered in each house of Congress. One was dedicated to controlling illegal immigration, the second to managing legal immigration.
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility ...
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. It IS THE POINT. Have you not been reading the statements made by Kelly, Sessions and Trump? 100 % seperation is a policy designed to act as a deterrent, not a by product
It is a deterrent. If the coyotes don't deliver they don't get paid.
Child abuse is unacceptable as a deterrent.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
If your child was separated from you by a kidnapper would you be thrilled when she was returned to him?

Agree...the Trump Administration is acting in the role of a kidnspper using the child as a means to extort the mother into giving up her rights and self deporting.
WOW... that is a fantastical leap U are making, flying in the face of established law enforcement protocol stemming back to the Roman Empire or before...Certainly in the American colonies from well before 1776.
Actually no....they are using reunification with the children as a means of pressuring the mothers to quickly give up their claims to asylum and self deport in hopes of reunification.
The legal way to apply for asylum is to send in form I-589.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. It IS THE POINT. Have you not been reading the statements made by Kelly, Sessions and Trump? 100 % seperation is a policy designed to act as a deterrent, not a by product
It is a deterrent. If the coyotes don't deliver they don't get paid.
Child abuse is unacceptable as a deterrent.
Agree the parents should be locked away in their home countries.

With their children, of course.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
If your child was separated from you by a kidnapper would you be thrilled when she was returned to him?

Agree...the Trump Administration is acting in the role of a kidnspper using the child as a means to extort the mother into giving up her rights and self deporting.
WOW... that is a fantastical leap U are making, flying in the face of established law enforcement protocol stemming back to the Roman Empire or before...Certainly in the American colonies from well before 1776.
Actually no....they are using reunification with the children as a means of pressuring the mothers to quickly give up their claims to asylum and self deport in hopes of reunification.
That is your opinion and perhaps accusations made by avowed open border proponents. It is subjective speculation unless you can present incontrovertible evidence such as a video or recording for objective corroboration.
My daughter at her Father's Day breakfast for me said how upset she was about kids being taken from their parents by Trump immigration policies. "Dad, how would you feel if I was taken away from you when we were only escaping persecution from a country?"

That's exactly how NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, el al of similar libtardness are reporting this "crisis" 24/7. I told her to quit watching liberal news outlets only and watch some Fox News for perspective and Truth.
Their "families" huhh... I like the point made by DarkFury about what happens to U or I when we go to jail leaving kids in the hands of the state.

Except his point is wrong. You don’t lose your kids for jaywalking.

No one said anything about jaywalking that I can see, certainly not DarkFury so why are you making that point? Let's just assume it's a crime warranting the arrest of a US citizen and move on with the discussion.

Illegal entry into the US is a misdeamenor comparable to jay walking or trespassing. You can make a choice as to whether to prosecute criminally or civilly. It is in line with many minor crimes where parents would be put under electronic restrictions. There children are most certainly not removed 100% of the time.

Hold on there, Illegals entering the US do not have the full gamut of Constitutional protections under the law!

Never said they did. However under federal law they have a right to claim asylum and a right to a hearing.

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