When does the Durham report come out?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Wow, was that another Trumpian ruse or what?

Moving on.........what about the curious case of Anthony Tata?

Actually, not that curious. At least not for this prez. If any other prez had manipulated the system to allow Tata to reach his current position it would be a huge scandal reverberating around DC for days.

How did Tata get to where he is? Tata endeared himself to President Flim Flam using a tried-and-true method: praising Trump on Faux News and bashing his political opponents.

First, his nomination to the #3 job in the Defense Dept. was blocked by........wait for it......the (R) Sen. Inhofe of OK because of racist, Islamophobic things Tata had said. Inhofe cancelled Tata's confirmation hearing 20 minutes before it began because it was clear he would not be confirmed. So Trump had DoD Sec. Esper (who has been fired) name Tata to a temporary senior position in the Pentagon, sidestepping Congress.
Trump Puts Pentagon in Political Crossfire With Tata Appointment

Now, Tata along with some other hacks have been installed in high level positions in the Pentagon. Among them is Kash Patel. As a senior aide to Devin Nunes, Patel crafted a dubious memo, denounced by the FBI, to discredit the origins of the investigation into the Trump team’s contacts with Russia.

Also, there's Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a former NSC aide to the convicted Mike Flynn. Cohen-Watnick was one of the NSC aides who reportedly helped Nunes invent a scandal over the “unmasking” of Trump officials whose communications were swept up in U.S. surveillance of foreign targets.
Infamous MAGA Figures Rush Into Purged Pentagon

What's it all about? There is concern the goal is to get access to classified info on Russia to allow Trump's new minions to create a false narrative to discredit Biden with after the monumental "Obamagate" flop. Something the Grifter-in-Chief has railed against Billy the Bagman for not producing. It may also be that the Golfer-in-Chief is still on a quest to show he was not the beneficiary of Putin's 2016 meddling.
A furious behind-the-scenes battle to counter Trump’s threat to national security

"An intense battle over this issue has raged within the administration in the days before and after the Nov. 3 presidential election. Trump and his allies want the information public because they believe it would rebut claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin supported Trump in 2016. That may sound like ancient history, but for Trump it remains ground zero — the moment when his political problems began.

CIA Director Gina Haspel last month argued strongly at a White House meeting against disclosing the information, because she believed that doing so would violate her pledge to protect sources and methods, a senior congressional source said."


Jeeeeeeeeez, what a mess. It's exactly the kind of shitshow that's become so commonplace it is the norm. I just hope we have not lost our capacity to see how abnormal, and dangerous, these things are.
Durham Report was supposed to bring down Biden

What happened?
What in God's holy name are you blabbering about?
Have you already forgotten about how Billy the Bagman's lackey was going to bring down Biden and Obama and Comey with the Durham report?

Like the whole FISA/spying investigation, it will be quietly wrapped and you won't hear boo about it.
It was settled when the IG said there was no spying. Only to be rekindled when Billy the Bagman, the Trump loyalist hack, disagreed..........based on zero evidence.
The cover up will continue until people forget about everything. Our government is irreversably corrupt.
You may have unwittingly explained why the Durham report may never see the light of day. Because................it would have been exposed for the political document it was. But, if they don't release it, morons like you can forever ruminate with conspiracy theories about what was in it.
Durham Report was supposed to bring down Biden

What happened?
Only fools thought that.
Tell me, when have government officials
Investigated other government officials and brought serious charges, jail time resulting?
They will always lie and cover for each other.
Is this shocking to you?
Durham Report was supposed to bring down Biden

What happened?
Only fools thought that.
Tell me, when have government officials
Investigated other government officials and brought serious charges, jail time resulting?
They will always lie and cover for each other.
Is this shocking to you?

Its like my pipe dream for smaller government. YEA RIGHT. Like the fucking government would make themselves less powerful. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
I was laboring under no illusion that the report was going to bring anyone down.

The ruling class almost always gets away with crimes that would put a nobody asshole like you behind bars for ten life sentences.
More like you believe propaganda when it suits your ideology, like a good little sheep - but when actual career investigators dig-in to see if there's any illegal there-there, they don't find any and instead of being an adult, you rationalize and drool out "deep state...deep state" like a retard :thup:
Like the whole FISA/spying investigation, it will be quietly wrapped and you won't hear boo about it.
It was settled when the IG said there was no spying. Only to be rekindled when Billy the Bagman, the Trump loyalist hack, disagreed..........based on zero evidence.
so warrants weren’t issued to spy on the trump campaign? These warrants and spying didn’t continue into his presidency?

“There was no spying”...That’s not what the IG said.
He said there were “omissions” and misleading things presented to the fisa court. He said there were breaches of protocol, etc.
But of course, he pulled the “but I can’t see any political motivation for wrong doing, so no biggie”.
It’s very similar to the defense of Hillary, which was “yes there has been crimes committed (30k or so, but whatever), but she didn’t mean to so its
Durham Report was supposed to bring down Biden

What happened?
Only fools thought that.
Tell me, when have government officials
Investigated other government officials and brought serious charges, jail time resulting?
They will always lie and cover for each other.
Is this shocking to you?

Its like my pipe dream for smaller government. YEA RIGHT. Like the fucking government would make themselves less powerful. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
Yup. Like my pipe dream about term limits.
Durham Report was supposed to bring down Biden

What happened?
Only fools thought that.
Tell me, when have government officials
Investigated other government officials and brought serious charges, jail time resulting?
They will always lie and cover for each other.
Is this shocking to you?

Its like my pipe dream for smaller government. YEA RIGHT. Like the fucking government would make themselves less powerful. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
Yup. Like my pipe dream about term limits.

can you imagine congress voting term limits on themselves? :auiqs.jpg:

95% of congress doesnt give a fuck about the usa, only to enrich themselves.
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I was laboring under no illusion that the report was going to bring anyone down.

The ruling class almost always gets away with crimes that would put a nobody asshole like you behind bars for ten life sentences.
More like you believe propaganda when it suits your ideology, like a good little sheep - but when actual career investigators dig-in to see if there's any illegal there-there, they don't find any and instead of being an adult, you rationalize and drool out "deep state...deep state" like a retard :thup:
Really? So investigators “finding anything” or not bringing charges means things are/were in the up and up? There is no “you cover my ass and I’ll cover yours” that goes on in the government?
Do me a favor and answer these....
1. when Hillary was “under investigation” for mishandling secret government documents, she wasn’t questioned under oath or recorded. It was basically an informal questioning that lasted an hour and that’s it. Would you or I or anybody else be treated like that?
2. When evidence was needed, the FBI kindly asked Hillary to give it to them. They then allowed her lawyers to go through the emails and send whatever they felt was pertinent. Basically “hey, please send us whatever evidence you feel we can use against you. Your choice”. Would you or I or anybody else be allowed this courtesy?
3. When hardware was subpoenaed, she destroyed the requested devices. Wiping some, and completely smashing and destroying others. Nothing was done about it. Could you or I or anyone outside of government do this?
3. when Hillary committed literally tens of thousands of felonies (each of those emails was it’s own felony), obstructed justice by defying warrants, destroying subpoenaed evidence,and it couldn’t be swept up any longer, the fbi came out and said she committed these crimes. But then took the unprecedented steps of taking over the prosecuting agencies job and saying “nah, she didn’t mean to commit any crimes. And besides, nobody would prosecute her. Case closed”. Would any such thing be done for you, me, or anybody else?

This is just 1 glaring example that is recent and well known. We can do lots more. Now you mean to tell me there is no insider baseball? No hood old boys club? No circling the wagons by the upper echelons of government to protect themselves and their interests? FYI, all those things I just listed go by another name... the “deep state”.

This isn’t a partisan issue. They are on both sides of the isle, and they are fucking us all.
I was laboring under no illusion that the report was going to bring anyone down.

The ruling class almost always gets away with crimes that would put a nobody asshole like you behind bars for ten life sentences.
More like you believe propaganda when it suits your ideology, like a good little sheep - but when actual career investigators dig-in to see if there's any illegal there-there, they don't find any and instead of being an adult, you rationalize and drool out "deep state...deep state" like a retard :thup:
Really? So investigators “finding anything” or not bringing charges means things are/were in the up and up? There is no “you cover my ass and I’ll cover yours” that goes on in the government?
Do me a favor and answer these....
1. when Hillary was “under investigation” for mishandling secret government documents, she wasn’t questioned under oath or recorded. It was basically an informal questioning that lasted an hour and that’s it. Would you or I or anybody else be treated like that?
2. When evidence was needed, the FBI kindly asked Hillary to give it to them. They then allowed her lawyers to go through the emails and send whatever they felt was pertinent. Basically “hey, please send us whatever evidence you feel we can use against you. Your choice”. Would you or I or anybody else be allowed this courtesy?
3. When hardware was subpoenaed, she destroyed the requested devices. Wiping some, and completely smashing and destroying others. Nothing was done about it. Could you or I or anyone outside of government do this?
3. when Hillary committed literally tens of thousands of felonies (each of those emails was it’s own felony), obstructed justice by defying warrants, destroying subpoenaed evidence,and it couldn’t be swept up any longer, the fbi came out and said she committed these crimes. But then took the unprecedented steps of taking over the prosecuting agencies job and saying “nah, she didn’t mean to commit any crimes. And besides, nobody would prosecute her. Case closed”. Would any such thing be done for you, me, or anybody else?

This is just 1 glaring example that is recent and well known. We can do lots more. Now you mean to tell me there is no insider baseball? No hood old boys club? No circling the wagons by the upper echelons of government to protect themselves and their interests? FYI, all those things I just listed go by another name... the “deep state”.

This isn’t a partisan issue. They are on both sides of the isle, and they are fucking us all.
I'm not so deep up to my ass in this partisan shell game as to read through psychobabble, supposition and butt hurt. Sorry.
I was laboring under no illusion that the report was going to bring anyone down.

The ruling class almost always gets away with crimes that would put a nobody asshole like you behind bars for ten life sentences.
More like you believe propaganda when it suits your ideology, like a good little sheep - but when actual career investigators dig-in to see if there's any illegal there-there, they don't find any and instead of being an adult, you rationalize and drool out "deep state...deep state" like a retard :thup:
Really? So investigators “finding anything” or not bringing charges means things are/were in the up and up? There is no “you cover my ass and I’ll cover yours” that goes on in the government?
Do me a favor and answer these....
1. when Hillary was “under investigation” for mishandling secret government documents, she wasn’t questioned under oath or recorded. It was basically an informal questioning that lasted an hour and that’s it. Would you or I or anybody else be treated like that?
2. When evidence was needed, the FBI kindly asked Hillary to give it to them. They then allowed her lawyers to go through the emails and send whatever they felt was pertinent. Basically “hey, please send us whatever evidence you feel we can use against you. Your choice”. Would you or I or anybody else be allowed this courtesy?
3. When hardware was subpoenaed, she destroyed the requested devices. Wiping some, and completely smashing and destroying others. Nothing was done about it. Could you or I or anyone outside of government do this?
3. when Hillary committed literally tens of thousands of felonies (each of those emails was it’s own felony), obstructed justice by defying warrants, destroying subpoenaed evidence,and it couldn’t be swept up any longer, the fbi came out and said she committed these crimes. But then took the unprecedented steps of taking over the prosecuting agencies job and saying “nah, she didn’t mean to commit any crimes. And besides, nobody would prosecute her. Case closed”. Would any such thing be done for you, me, or anybody else?

This is just 1 glaring example that is recent and well known. We can do lots more. Now you mean to tell me there is no insider baseball? No hood old boys club? No circling the wagons by the upper echelons of government to protect themselves and their interests? FYI, all those things I just listed go by another name... the “deep state”.

This isn’t a partisan issue. They are on both sides of the isle, and they are fucking us all.
It's always (D)ifferent when the players for their team are outright criminals.
I was laboring under no illusion that the report was going to bring anyone down.

The ruling class almost always gets away with crimes that would put a nobody asshole like you behind bars for ten life sentences.
More like you believe propaganda when it suits your ideology, like a good little sheep - but when actual career investigators dig-in to see if there's any illegal there-there, they don't find any and instead of being an adult, you rationalize and drool out "deep state...deep state" like a retard :thup:
Really? So investigators “finding anything” or not bringing charges means things are/were in the up and up? There is no “you cover my ass and I’ll cover yours” that goes on in the government?
Do me a favor and answer these....
1. when Hillary was “under investigation” for mishandling secret government documents, she wasn’t questioned under oath or recorded. It was basically an informal questioning that lasted an hour and that’s it. Would you or I or anybody else be treated like that?
2. When evidence was needed, the FBI kindly asked Hillary to give it to them. They then allowed her lawyers to go through the emails and send whatever they felt was pertinent. Basically “hey, please send us whatever evidence you feel we can use against you. Your choice”. Would you or I or anybody else be allowed this courtesy?
3. When hardware was subpoenaed, she destroyed the requested devices. Wiping some, and completely smashing and destroying others. Nothing was done about it. Could you or I or anyone outside of government do this?
3. when Hillary committed literally tens of thousands of felonies (each of those emails was it’s own felony), obstructed justice by defying warrants, destroying subpoenaed evidence,and it couldn’t be swept up any longer, the fbi came out and said she committed these crimes. But then took the unprecedented steps of taking over the prosecuting agencies job and saying “nah, she didn’t mean to commit any crimes. And besides, nobody would prosecute her. Case closed”. Would any such thing be done for you, me, or anybody else?

This is just 1 glaring example that is recent and well known. We can do lots more. Now you mean to tell me there is no insider baseball? No hood old boys club? No circling the wagons by the upper echelons of government to protect themselves and their interests? FYI, all those things I just listed go by another name... the “deep state”.

This isn’t a partisan issue. They are on both sides of the isle, and they are fucking us all.
I'm not so deep up to my ass in this partisan shell game as to read through psychobabble, supposition and butt hurt. Sorry.
That’s your response? Are you kidding? There wasn’t any psychobabble. There was zero supposition.
there was no partisan shell game. I just laid out for you a perfect example of what we are talking about. It wasn’t a partisan issue, the FBI fucking SAID she broke the law. They had evidence, we had evidence, and she even admitted what she did... and they let her off!! It completely refuted you bullshit argument.
You couldn’t answer those questions or address anything I said because it refutes your position.
Why don’t you just say that you have your beliefs and your sticking to them? At least that would be honest. Instead you post some bulls bit demonstrating you have zero intellectual honesty or integrity.

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