What's wrong with Michelle Obama ....

Hmmm, no one even bothered responding to this. Interesting.

Why do folks object to her pet project? Because government gains more control over our choices.

Michelle Obama on Deciding What Kids Eat

So the government decides that parents can't be the sole deciders in what their kids eat . . and they use taxpayer money - to the tune of $4.5 billion over 10 years (and we all know that uncle always comes in on budget :rolleyes:) - to fund their decision. And you guys want to know why people object to her 'pet project'. :eusa_hand:

You'd rather reserve the Government's right to serve kids SHIT with our tax dollars and call it lunch!?

You forgot to highlight the rest of that statement:

I think that parents have a right to expect that their efforts at home won’t be undone each day in the school cafeteria or in the vending machine in the hallway. I think that our parents have a right to expect that their kids will be served fresh, healthy food that meets high nutritional standards

I'd rather have the parents provide for their kid themselves rather than be tied to hand-outs from the government. Wouldn't you? Why isn't money being spent on educating parents on nutrition, rather than on even more subsidizing thus making even more people dependent upon uncle? That's the point. A helping hand is fine; a lifetime of dependency on government? Not so much. I'd rather have more people be self-dependent rather than more people be government-dependent.

"Parents have a right to expect that their efforts at home won't be undone".. . . the rest of the that thought is: "so we, the government, will take that into our hands rather than leave it up to the parents to say, pack their kids lunch rather than depending upon the schools to feed their kids".

Vending machines? So the poor parents have enough money to give to their poor kids to spend on crap from vending machines? :rolleyes: God forbid a parent say no.

We're talking about school lunch and what it should consist of, not government handouts. There is nothing wrong with reinforcing a healthy diet when our tax dollars are already in a position to decide what school LUNCH consists of. And there's nothing wrong with encouraging students to learn about healthy eating habits either...geesh it's basic health!

Sounds like you'd rather not have school lunch at all..?
Beats me, I've certainly wondered the same.

When I compared it to President Kennedy's Physical Fitness Awards, I got told that was different - but nobody had any reason why.

That wasn't on this board.

I agree.


People have really jumped the shark in thinking it's some sort of over-reaching Government control massive expenditure just to make BASIC HEALTH part of the PUBLIC SCHOOL curriculum...

Beats me, I've certainly wondered the same.

When I compared it to President Kennedy's Physical Fitness Awards, I got told that was different - but nobody had any reason why.

That wasn't on this board.

I agree.


People have really jumped the shark in thinking it's some sort of over-reaching Government control massive expenditure just to make BASIC HEALTH part of the PUBLIC SCHOOL curriculum...


Are they going to have cooking classes and eating contests? Cool... i wonder what kid of patch that would look like! :lol:

Alright on the serious side of that now....

Healthy cooking classes would be something that, in my opinion, would be a good idea. Simply regulating what foods are available and what ingredients are in them is not "learning" anything. It is not a lifestyle change.
The government is largely responsible for the majority of lardo's. This is largely due to the food stamp program. If kids eat nothing but hot pockets and cokes and sit on there fat ass's playing X-box all day because there single Ma does not know how or (most likely) is unwilling to proper;y feed the kids then the government needs to get involved. At least where food stamps are concerned. As for the first lady speaking up about it, its not having any real impact as our kids are still headed to a heart attack at 20.

Oh, look. Both my eyeballs just landed in the same socket from all the rollage. Because of COURSE only welfare queens' kids are doing the hot pocket, coke and xBox routine. In fact, I NEVER hear kids in WoW who are doing that, and their parents are paying $15/mth so they can be in the game.

What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

There is nothing wrong with it. I commend her for doing something positive in an otherwise disappointing administration.

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Red Lobster etc. and you will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.
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Tobacco was settled in the 90's. And the genetics thing is BS. You can be fat and healthy. Notice the 300 lbs linemen on foot ball. The hormones and antibiotics is a good point, but the thing it people are eating shit like hot pockets and Doritos, and nothing green. They also dont move. If they eat that crap, its there fault. Educate the kids, and put recess back in school and fatness among kids will go down. Get them to eat some greens, and we stop a health epidemic in the future.

When you say Tobacco was settled, you mean they stopped marketting to kids and stopped spiking their products? Or they just agreed to pay a big bribe to government that their customers ended up paying for?

Those 300 lb linemen are not healthy, they're just young. Back when I was younger (sigh), a 300 lb lineman like "Refrigerator" Perry was a freakish thing to see. Now they all are like that. What are they going to be when they are 40 and 50?

The rest, you seem to be agreeing with the first lady, so I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly...

Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. I do agree that this country's kids are stupid and fat. I do think that where federal dollars are spent feeding people that the government should control what if being fed to those people. I dont think tax payers or insurance companies should have to cover any condition that stems from peoples vices, like excessive eating, smoking, or heavy drinking and other such stupidity.

I beg to differ.

washingtonpost.com: Internal R.J. Reynolds Documents Detail Cigarette Marketing Aimed at Children

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, the nation's second-largest cigarette company, sought for decades to reverse the declining sales of its brands by developing aggressive marketing proposals to reach adolescents as young as 14 years old, according to internal company documents released yesterday.

The papers, which span from 1973 to 1990, include confidential marketing surveys, communications to the RJR board of directors, reports by outside advertising firms, long-term planning documents and other internal memos, all of which deal with the youth smoking market.

The 81 documents contrast sharply with the company's repeated public declarations that it does not target young people, collectively sketching a picture of a company that seemed decades ago to determine that its financial future depended on recruiting a new generation of smokers.

Many of the documents outline RJR's thinking that led up to the 1988 launch of its controversial Joe Camel cartoon advertising campaign. The campaign, criticized by federal officials and public health activists who said it appealed to children, was voluntarily ended last year by the company.
There is nothing wrong with it. I commend her for doing something positive in an otherwise disappointing administration.

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Rd Lobster etc. and yu will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

Everything in moderation.....

Now don't get me wrong...i agree with you about to much salt in chain restaurant foods.

However it is not bad for you to have a salt hit like that once in a while..... the problem comes when you eat out often.
There is nothing wrong with it. I commend her for doing something positive in an otherwise disappointing administration.

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Rd Lobster etc. and yu will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

My salt allowance is 2,000mg/day.

A teaspoon of salt contains roughly 2,400 mg of sodium.

Salt: The Forgotten Killer

I was fluid overloaded by 20 liters and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have lived another week had they not gotten it off. My skin now looks like those people who have gastric bypass and lose mega pounds. The salt was the hardest to kick. Even with my allowance/day the craving for the first two weeks was horrible. I bought a jar of Claussen Saurkraut, kept it in the refrigerator, and every night to keep from losing my mind, I downed 1 forkfull of it. Now the craving is gone. I use other seasonings, and have come to enjoy them. But I'm sure that my love of salt goes back to the fact that my mother didn't have anything but salt and bacon fat to cook with. Thankfully, she didn't like lard.
Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. .

Guy, if you are going to make claims like this, you don't have crediblity. The Tobacco companies ADMITTED they were marketting to children. They were using cartoon characters, like Joe Camel, for crying out loud.
If you need a liver transplant because you are a drunk you should have to pay for it.

If you need chemo because you got lung cancer from cigarets you should have to pay for it.

If you have diabetes because you sit on your ass all day eating doughnuts and playing X-box you should have to pay for it. That does not sound like universal health care to me, more like being responsible for your bad decisions, because in any of the cases above it would be that persons own damn fault.

It strikes me that you want to put all the consequences on one side.

Take your smoker. Doesnt' the tobacco company that lied to him about how dangerous they were, spiked the nicotine level to make it more addictive, and marketted the product to him when he was 13 hold just as much responsibility?

Now, I don't smoke. But every smoker I've ever talked to, I've asked them when they started smoking, and every last one of them told me when they were about 13. Why do you think that is?

Never met anyone who started smoking at 21 when they were capable of making an informed choice.

No one put a gun in there ear and made them smoke. The fact that you turn green and cough is evidence enough that smoking is not good for you. I could be wrong, But I have childhood memories of health warning on packs of cigaret packs back in 82 ? Any way, to bad. medical issues related to smoking thees days are 100% the fault of smokers. That was hashed out in the 90's. Health issues related to fatness is 100% the fault of the fatsos. Oh, I was 20 when I started, quit on my last birthday.

And once more with feeling *Everybody sing!* "Your experience is not the universal experience."

Was it hard to quit? Was that your first time? Had you almost given up the believe that you could quit, and stay quit?

I smoked 2.5-3 packs a day between the ages of 18-22. That's mostly because I could smoke anywhere, and did. I quit when I realized what smoking could do to my baby. That involved four days of pure hell.

My sister started smoking at 13. She quit and quit and quit and quit and quit and quit and finally, she quit. It's been maybe five years now. The last time was for three years. So obviously, two people in the same family had vastly different experiences, therefore. It's not logical for you to say "If I can do it, anybody can."
When you say Tobacco was settled, you mean they stopped marketting to kids and stopped spiking their products? Or they just agreed to pay a big bribe to government that their customers ended up paying for?

Those 300 lb linemen are not healthy, they're just young. Back when I was younger (sigh), a 300 lb lineman like "Refrigerator" Perry was a freakish thing to see. Now they all are like that. What are they going to be when they are 40 and 50?

The rest, you seem to be agreeing with the first lady, so I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly...

Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. I do agree that this country's kids are stupid and fat. I do think that where federal dollars are spent feeding people that the government should control what if being fed to those people. I dont think tax payers or insurance companies should have to cover any condition that stems from peoples vices, like excessive eating, smoking, or heavy drinking and other such stupidity.

I beg to differ.

washingtonpost.com: Internal R.J. Reynolds Documents Detail Cigarette Marketing Aimed at Children

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, the nation's second-largest cigarette company, sought for decades to reverse the declining sales of its brands by developing aggressive marketing proposals to reach adolescents as young as 14 years old, according to internal company documents released yesterday.

The papers, which span from 1973 to 1990, include confidential marketing surveys, communications to the RJR board of directors, reports by outside advertising firms, long-term planning documents and other internal memos, all of which deal with the youth smoking market.

The 81 documents contrast sharply with the company's repeated public declarations that it does not target young people, collectively sketching a picture of a company that seemed decades ago to determine that its financial future depended on recruiting a new generation of smokers.

Many of the documents outline RJR's thinking that led up to the 1988 launch of its controversial Joe Camel cartoon advertising campaign. The campaign, criticized by federal officials and public health activists who said it appealed to children, was voluntarily ended last year by the company.

Bottom line......

marketing or not.... who controls what youngsters eat?

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Rd Lobster etc. and yu will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

Everything in moderation.....

Now don't get me wrong...i agree with you about to much salt in chain restaurant foods.

However it is not bad for you to have a salt hit like that once in a while..... the problem comes when you eat out often.

That depends on one's health status. I can't have that hit even once in a while. As it is I'm on 200 mg of Lasix/day.

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Rd Lobster etc. and yu will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

Everything in moderation.....

Now don't get me wrong...i agree with you about to much salt in chain restaurant foods.

However it is not bad for you to have a salt hit like that once in a while..... the problem comes when you eat out often.

On the other hand, no sane person on the planet is going to eat an entire blooming onion all on their lonesome, and follow it with an entree.
What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

Michelle isnt a reason for concern. I am glad she has taken a role in reducing childhood obesity.

But that is where we part company. Picking on McDonalds doesnt get it done.


County health boards banning transfats. :fu:

Repubs wont let us control our own bodies while we control theirs. :dunno:

You are actually correct here. For all the negative press that McD's gets they actually have one of the best menus out there. Their salt content for the most part is much less then any of the mainstream restaurants.
The government is largely responsible for the majority of lardo's. This is largely due to the food stamp program. If kids eat nothing but hot pockets and cokes and sit on there fat ass's playing X-box all day because there single Ma does not know how or (most likely) is unwilling to proper;y feed the kids then the government needs to get involved. At least where food stamps are concerned. As for the first lady speaking up about it, its not having any real impact as our kids are still headed to a heart attack at 20.

Oh, look. Both my eyeballs just landed in the same socket from all the rollage. Because of COURSE only welfare queens' kids are doing the hot pocket, coke and xBox routine. In fact, I NEVER hear kids in WoW who are doing that, and their parents are paying $15/mth so they can be in the game.


Let's face it

Kids today are fat and lazy. They would rather play a video game where you ride a bike than actually ride a bike. I live next to a schools athletic field and I almost never see kids playing there on their own. No pickup baseball, football or soccer games
I never see kids walking somewhere or riding their bikes somewhere. If it is more than a block or two......mommy picks them up or drops them off

Michelle Obama is making a good start but she is not going far enough. Kids need to get off their asses and get outside
Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. I do agree that this country's kids are stupid and fat. I do think that where federal dollars are spent feeding people that the government should control what if being fed to those people. I dont think tax payers or insurance companies should have to cover any condition that stems from peoples vices, like excessive eating, smoking, or heavy drinking and other such stupidity.

I beg to differ.

washingtonpost.com: Internal R.J. Reynolds Documents Detail Cigarette Marketing Aimed at Children

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, the nation's second-largest cigarette company, sought for decades to reverse the declining sales of its brands by developing aggressive marketing proposals to reach adolescents as young as 14 years old, according to internal company documents released yesterday.

The papers, which span from 1973 to 1990, include confidential marketing surveys, communications to the RJR board of directors, reports by outside advertising firms, long-term planning documents and other internal memos, all of which deal with the youth smoking market.

The 81 documents contrast sharply with the company's repeated public declarations that it does not target young people, collectively sketching a picture of a company that seemed decades ago to determine that its financial future depended on recruiting a new generation of smokers.

Many of the documents outline RJR's thinking that led up to the 1988 launch of its controversial Joe Camel cartoon advertising campaign. The campaign, criticized by federal officials and public health activists who said it appealed to children, was voluntarily ended last year by the company.

Bottom line......

marketing or not.... who controls what youngsters eat?

Do kids eat cigarettes? Gosh! I never knew. :lol:
Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Rd Lobster etc. and yu will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

Everything in moderation.....

Now don't get me wrong...i agree with you about to much salt in chain restaurant foods.

However it is not bad for you to have a salt hit like that once in a while..... the problem comes when you eat out often.

That depends on one's health status. I can't have that hit even once in a while. As it is I'm on 200 mg of Lasix/day.

true true.... i should have put the rider on someone with health issues. :)
Beats me, I've certainly wondered the same.

When I compared it to President Kennedy's Physical Fitness Awards, I got told that was different - but nobody had any reason why.

That wasn't on this board.

I agree.


People have really jumped the shark in thinking it's some sort of over-reaching Government control massive expenditure just to make BASIC HEALTH part of the PUBLIC SCHOOL curriculum...


Are they going to have cooking classes and eating contests? Cool... i wonder what kid of patch that would look like! :lol:

Alright on the serious side of that now....

Healthy cooking classes would be something that, in my opinion, would be a good idea. Simply regulating what foods are available and what ingredients are in them is not "learning" anything. It is not a lifestyle change.

Do they still do home economics in school ?

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Rd Lobster etc. and yu will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

Everything in moderation.....

Now don't get me wrong...i agree with you about to much salt in chain restaurant foods.

However it is not bad for you to have a salt hit like that once in a while..... the problem comes when you eat out often.

Most people eat out most of the time these days. We used to eat out 5 nights of the week and 4 of the days. Now I eat one lunch out every two weeks and dinners out are limited to once a week. It SUCKS! I love to eat out and enjoy good food (not that we can't cook)but because of the ridiculous salt content I am limited to steak (darn!) in almost any venue we go to as that is the one meal that is salted the least.
I agree.


People have really jumped the shark in thinking it's some sort of over-reaching Government control massive expenditure just to make BASIC HEALTH part of the PUBLIC SCHOOL curriculum...


Are they going to have cooking classes and eating contests? Cool... i wonder what kid of patch that would look like! :lol:

Alright on the serious side of that now....

Healthy cooking classes would be something that, in my opinion, would be a good idea. Simply regulating what foods are available and what ingredients are in them is not "learning" anything. It is not a lifestyle change.

Do they still do home economics in school ?

Home economics should be something all high school kids are required to take every.... every day. Who knows, they may learn how to cook and clean for themselves and how to budget their lives with the money they have. :dunno:

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