Whats the Minimum Wage??


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Well....ummmmm...whatever it is, its too HIGH

Michael Steele's minimum-wage blunder - The Week

In a discussion about the constitutionality of a federal minimum-wage policy on MSNBC's "The Last Word," Steele was asked to specify the amount, and laughed, saying it isn't "relevant" to the unemployed whether the minimum wage is $7 or $10. Host Lawrence O'Donnell said, "It's okay to say you don't know," eliciting more laughter from Steele.
The reaction: Michael Steele has put his foot in it before, says Evan McMorris-Santoro at Talking Points Memo, but "confessing ignorance about the federal minimum wage in the midst of a campaign where Republicans are shouting 'Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!' from every rooftop" is as bad as it gets. GOP leaders who want ordinary Americans to think you care, jot this down — the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.
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Whatever the minimum wage is.......we can't afford it

Businesses need a slave labor base
Whatever the minimum wage is.......we can't afford it

Businesses need a slave labor base

And they are getting it from our southern border.

Yes they are...that is why nothing will ever be done about it

I couldn't agree more. It is not a coincidence that the more the government does the more corruption occurs. Take away the federal governments power and you take away the ability of corporations and special interests to rig the game.
A minimum wage is the single most stupid thing you can do to a free market.

A free market is the single most stupid thing you can do to a civilization.

I read this 3 times, took a drink of water rubbed my eyes and read it twice more.

And it's confirmed.

This is not just the dumbest thing I have ever heard, it's the dumbest thing ever heard.:clap2:
I couldn't agree more. It is not a coincidence that the more the government does the more corruption occurs. Take away the federal governments power and you take away the ability of corporations and special interests to rig the game.

Government needs to be there to protect the people, enforce laws and provide services. Are you suggesting that the government should just not do anything at all?
I read this 3 times, took a drink of water rubbed my eyes and read it twice more.

And it's confirmed.

This is not just the dumbest thing I have ever heard, it's the dumbest thing ever heard.

It's absolutely true, so that must mean you're the dumb one. (psst. you could never have truly free markets in a democracy... the proletariat would storm the bastille again). Think about it.
Fan of robber barons, oligarchies, dictators and monarchs?

All of which are a the result of government intervention. The robber barons got that way by purchasing congress to grant them special favors. In a free market monopolies don't last, that takes government intervention.
And they are getting it from our southern border.

Yes they are...that is why nothing will ever be done about it

I couldn't agree more. It is not a coincidence that the more the government does the more corruption occurs. Take away the federal governments power and you take away the ability of corporations and special interests to rig the game.

Too much money is made off of illegal labor to do more than give it lip service every election cycle
And they are getting it from our southern border.

Yes they are...that is why nothing will ever be done about it

I couldn't agree more. It is not a coincidence that the more the government does the more corruption occurs. Take away the federal governments power and you take away the ability of corporations and special interests to rig the game.

Because we all know that corporations are completely trustworthy, right?

I don't understand you guys. You have absolute, undying faith in the free market and corporation, even after it's proven time and again that NO ONE is trustworthy.

There needs to be checks and balances going in every direction.
Holy shit. The pendulum swing in this argument is so extreme its about to go full fucking circle...

Minimum wage is communism!

The free market is anarchy!!!!

I couldn't agree more. It is not a coincidence that the more the government does the more corruption occurs. Take away the federal governments power and you take away the ability of corporations and special interests to rig the game.

Government needs to be there to protect the people, enforce laws and provide services. Are you suggesting that the government should just not do anything at all?

Of course some government is needed but controlling even a small government takes a strict adherence to a constitution, something we lost long ago. What we now have is corporations and special interest buying special treatment from the government at an ever increasing rate. The only solutions we keep hearing are to grant the government more and more power.
I read this 3 times, took a drink of water rubbed my eyes and read it twice more.

And it's confirmed.

This is not just the dumbest thing I have ever heard, it's the dumbest thing ever heard.

It's absolutely true,:eusa_drool: so that must mean you're the dumb one. :eusa_drool:(psst. you could never have truly free markets in a democracy... the proletariat:eusa_drool: would storm the bastille again:eusa_drool:). Think about it.

I did and you're insane. :cuckoo:

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