Zone1 What was Mohammud's Dispute With The Jews Around Him ?

Is everybody forgetting that the child bride, the killing of family members who change religion, the honor killings --- are all religous.

It has been 12 years but I NEVER forgot
Nada al-Ahdal, an 11-year-old Yemeni girl, who escaped an early, arranged marriage, is raising awareness about children and forced marriage.

She is still around and fighting all this nonsense

I forgot nothing---Yemen was and is a VERY ISLAMIC COUNTRY----even today.
My hubby was born there----but was rescued at about age 2----long long ago.
His mother was married at about age 12---but that was to save her from the
dhimmi orphan law-----She had a very happy marriage and ten surviving children.
Sometimes those marriages work-----but lots of time they don't
BS ^^^^^^ islamic reality revisionism. Let me know when muslims world wide
start condemning the events of October 7----especially the IMAMS as a subject for
the weekly KHUTBAH JUMAAT-------I will try to be patient. I am SO reminded of the
islamo-nazi propaganda I read as a child----not only was ADOLF --REALLY A JEW---but
the whole story about (holocaust was not in use back then) the concentration camps
and gassings and mass killings etc etc was a ZIONIST PLOT (back then "zionist" was
already a dirty word) Even the DIARY OF ANNE FRANK was reviled----When the movie
came to our one movie house RIGHT AFTER it was made (because one of the actors
grew up in that town) the locals MADE A STINK

Hitler was a Jew????

Funny thing. The diary of Anne Frank was well accepted in Saudi Arabia and in Charleston, SC.
I know what life expectancy means. Lots of people died before old age.

The marriage age goes up in response to prosperity and education.
Yes----NOW, such is the trend. Not in the good old days
Hitler was a Jew????

Funny thing. The diary of Anne Frank was well accepted in Saudi Arabia and in Charleston, SC.
when? I read the book as a child like, Late 1950s The movie came to my town
in 1959----the town had not been UNRESTRICTED FOR LONG---in fact it was still
"restricted" against those that today are called "people of color". My mother
was so annoyed that she used to say----WHEN I SELL THIS HOUSE IT IS GONG TO A
COLORED PERSON-----there were no black people back then, or AFRO AMERICANS,
Hitler was a Jew????

Funny thing. The diary of Anne Frank was well accepted in Saudi Arabia and in Charleston, SC.
according to the islamo nazi propaganda he was a jew----something like his
grandmother had been raped by a jew. ----the stuff was written mostly in
Syria and Egypt by escaped nazi war criminals. Of course you deny its existence---
I assumed everyone with a brain would do so-----but then I heard it quoted CHAPTER
AND VERSE by muslim docs from South east Asia. The few saudis in that category---
were a lot brighter about all sorts of things. No wonder Osama ran away. He preferred
his Yemeni background.
according to the islamo nazi propaganda he was a jew----something like his
grandmother had been raped by a jew. ----the stuff was written mostly in
Syria and Egypt by escaped nazi war criminals. Of course you deny its existence---
I assumed everyone with a brain would do so-----but then I heard it quoted CHAPTER
AND VERSE by muslim docs from South east Asia. The few saudis in that category---
were a lot brighter about all sorts of things. No wonder Osama ran away. He preferred
his Yemeni background.
well---keep laughing, Surada---Long ago, a surgeon I knew well----PAKISTANI.
He leaned over my should and noticed a calendar with artistic drawings and picked
it up. I said---"oh that comes from Israel as a fund raising thing for hospitals
for orphans and crippled chilldren" He threw it down and said---"THEY ARE BUYING
RIFLES TO KILL ARABS" nope---orphans and crippled children ---and he kinda scowled
at my stupidity. Fast forward several decades. My very own hubby spent time in that
hospital for crippled children because of the serious illness he contracted in the
SHARIAH SHIT HOLE of his birth. Since he was---as he self described---a bit better
equipped than lots of the other kids---He was recruited to stuff the calendars into
envelopes. YUP it was for that very hospital and a local orphanage. YOU are a victim
of islamo nazi propaganda.
well---keep laughing, Surada---Long ago, a surgeon I knew well----PAKISTANI.
He leaned over my should and noticed a calendar with artistic drawings and picked
it up. I said---"oh that comes from Israel as a fund raising thing for hospitals
for orphans and crippled chilldren" He threw it down and said---"THEY ARE BUYING
RIFLES TO KILL ARABS" nope---orphans and crippled children ---and he kinda scowled
at my stupidity. Fast forward several decades. My very own hubby spent time in that
hospital for crippled children because of the serious illness he contracted in the
SHARIAH SHIT HOLE of his birth. Since he was---as he self described---a bit better
equipped than lots of the other kids---He was recruited to stuff the calendars into
envelopes. YUP it was for that very hospital and a local orphanage. YOU are a victim
of islamo nazi propaganda.

I don't know any Nazis..much less islamo nazis.
What was Mohammud's Dispute With The Jews Around Him ?

’ Mohammad claims that Islamic Torah and Gospels were already there with him at his time - Mohammad claims that Islamic Torah and Gospels were there with him confirming his very exact message. ‘’

Yet we see the Muslims of his day running around frantically, in a frenzied reverence just to go about scratching and etching upon stones, bark, wood, and animal skins, just to etch and scrawl something down that was already written in the Torah and Gospels.

All they had to do was go to a village or a city just a few miles away and make a copy and translate the scriptures. Yet, Islam goes through this entire process - of "" Re - Processing "" all of this information through another spiritual entity called " Gee - briel “ an angel “ and Mohammud is making the claim that all of this information was already written down and with them in the very same exact land where they lived. in Torah and Gospels -

as an already existing written book and an existing faith that was vindicating Islam

MOAHMMAUD HAD THE TORAH AND GOSPELS WITH HIM - all around him in the very land where he lived

and yet, his followers go around scrawling and scratching and etching on leaves, bark, wood and sticks, and rocks and skins, something that was already supposed to be in the same area where they lived. In The Torah and Gospels. How is this something revelatory or prophetic as "" revelations, "" to repeat stories and passages of a book that already supposedly already exists and is well known and spread to hundreds of thousands or people - just a few miles away from Mohammud's very doorstep ?

Surah 94: “ So, (O prophet,) EVEN IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT about what We have sent down to you, ASK THOSE WHO READ THE BOOK (revealed) before you. Surely, truth has come to you from your Lord, so NEVER BE AMONG THOSE who are suspicious.”

Here, the Quran is commanding people to believe in the Torah and Gospels and take these books as God's word and as truth, and to not be among those - who are suspicious…..

Yet, all the Muslims had to do was simply take a short journey and walk to a nearby city or ask among the passing caravans for a copy of the scriptures, yet they don’t do that….

instead they use Mohammad to contact some unknown, unseen spiritual identity - to tell them what a book says that already exists all around them - just a few miles from their doorstep.

Mohammad claims to be going about reciting the Torah and Gospels and throughout his whole life, Muslims are depicted as to clinging to every single last word
Mohammud is repeatedly continually demanding ! - - LOOK - CHECK - look CONFIRM - in the Torah and Gospels - this is my very message - my message is the same exact message that is also confirmed in the Torah and Gospels. -


- he is not even claiming or demonstrating to be prophesying and foretelling and revealing something that is unknown and showing people something that is unknown and needs to be revealed
...... Mohammud's claim and very words in the Quran continually repeat the same message saying that " my very Islamic message - my message, is the same exact message that is also confirmed in the Torah and Gospels. "

Is this process truly confirming something as prophecy and revelation and truth by taking the contents from one book that is available for everyone and then translating and copying them into another language. ?

In conclusion - - I ask Muslims one single question

what was it about the faith and belief system of the Jews where Mohammud lived that was in disobedience and against the core teachings of the Quran ?

I submit that there is not a single piece of any evidence that demonstrates that the Jews where Mohammud lived were in conflict nor disagreement with the core teachings of the Quran. in fact the Jews did not reject Mohammud’s core basic message about God’s laws, the jews did not disagree with Mohammud about the oneness of God =

the jews did not disagree with anything regarding the moral code of God and his laws about idols and sin and the commandments of God.

so - what was Mohammud’s big problem with the jews ?

what was Mohammud upset with the jews about concerning their faith ?

the jews around Mohammud believed that God was one single God - the jews did not worship idols and other God’ s – in fact the jews around Mohammud - they rejected that jesus was the son of God, the jews accepted every single last commandment that Mohammud concluded about basic critical laws of God

Mohammud mentions nothing about moral or law disagreements that he had with the jews,

the jews around Mohammud - are not shown to have disagreed with Mohammuds moral code - every single commandment and every single critical core and basic law and ordinance of God that Mohammud eventually decided - the jews obeyed and believed.

Yet - Mohammud - demands that the jews are the worst creatures that have ever existed on the planet.

Can Muslims can produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran - or - a single example - where that the jews around Mohammud failed to accept the laws of God or failed to believe and accept in the moral code of every single last thing in the quran.

Can Muslims produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran

the Jews did not disagree with Mohammed upon basic principles regarding idols, adultery, murder, theft, the trinity, Sabbath, the oneness of God, the moral obligations of a faith.

in Fact - The Jews held to even a much stricter law and teaching about not divorcing your wife for no just cause or reason

the jews accepted every single last core and basic commandment that Mohammud concluded about basic critical laws of God -
Mohammud mentions nothing about moral or law disagreements that he had with the jews. The jews around Mohammud - are not shown to have disagreed with Mohammuds moral code - every single commandment and every single critical core and basic law and ordinance of God that Mohammud eventually decided - the jews obeyed and believed.

Yet, Mohammud - demands that the jews are the worst creatures that have ever existed on the planet.

Can Muslims can produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran - or - a single example - where that the jews around Mohammud failed to accept the laws of God within the Quran or failed to believe and accept in
the core principles of moral code of every single last thing in the quran.

Can Muslims produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran ?

the Jews did not disagree with Mohammed upon basic principles regarding idols, adultery, murder, theft, the trinity, Sabbath, the oneness of God, the moral obligations of a faith

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did
not buy and sell slaves and participate in the slave trade ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did
not capture women and enslave them and and have sexual intercourse with these slaves without a condition of mutual love and and full agreement of marriage ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews because - the Jews did
not practice temporary short term " MUTTAH " marriages just for a few hours or days of sexual gratification ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did
not teach that divorce for any reason was justified in the eyes of God ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did
not beat their wives when their wives disobeyed their husbands sexual demands and ?

Quran 4:34) for those women on whose part ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, (and last) beat them. Then, if they obey you, seek not a way against them.

Can Muslims produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the core teachings and core principles of the quran - - to the degree that would castigate the jews as the worst creatures that have ever existed on the planet.

the Jews did not disagree with Mohammed upon basic principles regarding idols, adultery, murder, theft, the trinity, Sabbath, the oneness of God, the moral obligations of ones faith

but yet Mohammud demands that the Jews are considered the most horrible and worst of all creatures upon the earth.

This may answer your question.

Judaism was already well established in Medina two centuries before Muhammad's birth. Although influential, the Jews did not rule the oasis.

Rather, they were clients of two large Arab tribes there, the Khazraj and the Aws Allah, who protected them in return for feudal loyalty.

Medina's Jews were expert jewelers, and weapons and armor makers. There were many Jewish clans-some records indicate more than twenty, of which three were prominent-the Banu Nadir, the Banu Qaynuqa, and the Banu Qurayza.

Various traditions uphold different views, and it is unclear whether Medina's Jewish clans were Arabized Jews or Arabs who practiced Jewish monotheism. Certainly they were Arabic speakers with Arab names.

They followed the fundamental precepts of the Torah, though scholars question their familiarity with the Talmud and Jewish scholarship, and there is a suggestion in the Qur'an that they may have embraced unorthodox beliefs, such as considering the Prophet Ezra the son of God.

There were rabbis among the Jews of Medina, who appear in Muslim sources soon after Muhammad proclaimed himself a prophet. At that time the quizzical Meccans, knowing little about monotheism, are said to have consulted the Medinan rabbis, in an attempt to put Muhammad to the test.

The rabbis posed three theological questions for the Meccans to ask Muhammad, asserting that they would know, by his answers, whether or not he spoke the truth. According to later reports, Muhammad replied to the rabbis' satisfaction, but the Meccans remained unconvinced.

There is simply no record in Islamic Tradition concerning a consorted effort to attack and kill or harm the Muslims

the Muslims are depicted attacking the Jewish tribes for their refusal to align with him and join up with him and make an alliance with the conquest and goals of Mohammud.

Bukhari, Vol. 1,

#427 [ - Muhammad had been poisoned years earlier by a Jewish woman whose husband was killed by the Muslims

there simply is no record of any Jewish militants attacking nor making war upon muslims

this is a false narrative with no evidence.
the Jews did not disagree with Mohammed upon basic principles regarding idols, adultery, murder, theft, the trinity, Sabbath, the oneness of God, the moral obligations of a faith

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews -
because the Jews did not buy and sell slaves and participate in the slave trade ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews -
because the Jews did not capture women and enslave them and and have sexual intercourse with these slaves - without a condition of mutual love and and full agreement of marriage ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews because -
the Jews did not practice temporary short term " MUTTAH " marriages just for a few hours or days of sexual gratification ? - prostitution /

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because
the Jews did not teach that divorce for any reason was justified in the eyes of God ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because
the Jews did not beat their wives when their wives disobeyed their husbands sexual demands ?

yes, the Quran is very different from the Bible - for example - -- - is this something that Muslims should hold against the Jews - - because the Jews believe that Marriage is a lifetime commitment ?

these types of differences
are the only differences between Islam and Judaism - for example Jews Believe God is a Spirit - Muslims do not -

but yet Mohammud demands that the Jews are considered the most horrible and worst of all creatures upon the earth.
There is simply no record in Islamic Tradition concerning a consorted effort to attack and kill or harm the Muslims

the Muslims are depicted attacking the Jewish tribes for their refusal to align with him and join up with him and make an alliance with the conquest and goals of Mohammud.

Bukhari, Vol. 1,

#427 [ - Muhammad had been poisoned years earlier by a Jewish woman whose husband was killed by the Muslims

there simply is no record of any Jewish militants attacking nor making war upon muslims

this is a false narrative with no evidence.
the poisoning story is very IFFY too----he ate some lamb and got a tummy ache so they blamed the Jewess
ooh sure, the entire narrative of Islam is very iffy

unfortunately - the Pope and his children do believe Islam to be very important

important enough that the Pope believes that Muslims have a right to Jerusalem and a right to dispute with the Jews over holy land.

the Muslims are the one religious group that the Crusaders have always allowed to regain control of Jerusalem - the Roman Catholic Church has repeatedly handed Jerusalem back to the Muslims and promoted Islamic presence in Jerusalem

while restricting the idea of Jews returning to their homeland - meaning - the very small percentage of Jews already living in Israel were allowed to return after the Crusaders had left - but the Vatican fought against a worldwide effort for scattered Jews to re- poppulate
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